Advanced Embedded Systems

Here are a few codes and systems developed for study in the Advanced Embedded Systems course.

Attachment 01(lab_template): Design of a Ultrasonic range finder using the ATMEL AVR ATmega128 microcontroller and the SRF10, communicating via the Two Wire Interface. The code uses polling for acquiring readings from the SRF10, thereby keeping the processor busy. Incase you are in need of a code that uses interrupts and frees the microcontroller from computation, click on this link

Attachment 02: Design of a Multi-tasking real time system using the Renesas M16C/62P QSK kit and the MICRO C OS II (uC/OS-II). Functions: Glow RED LED every1 second, glow GREEN LED every 10 seconds, read temperature every 5 seconds and update the display.