Protecting Our Tax Dollars & Working for a Better Classroom.

A Vote for Taxpayers. A Vote for Our Future.

Lakeland Joint School District #272

School Board Trustee Zone 2

Ramona Grissom, Lakeland Joint School District Trustee, Zone 2 | 2019-2023, 2023-2027

Thank You


Dear Volunteers, Community, and Family,

Thank you for your unwavering dedication, hard work, and support during our reelection campaign. Thanks to each of you, we achieved a resounding success, and I couldn't be prouder of the clean campaign we ran and what we accomplished together.

To the volunteers, your commitment to knocking on doors, making phone calls, organizing events, and sharing our message was the driving force behind our victory. Your enthusiasm and passion were inspiring, and I am grateful for your selfless efforts.

To the community who believed in our vision, cast their votes, and prayed for our success, your trust and support were pivotal in achieving this win. I promise to honor that trust by working to serve the district's parents, students, staff, and community.

A special thank you to the organizations who endorsed our campaign or offered a venue for us to be heard.

Lastly, I express my heartfelt gratitude to my family for their unwavering love and support throughout this campaign and my service these last four years.

This victory is not mine alone; it belongs to all of us. Together, we set a course for positive forward momentum in our school district. I will represent you with the same dedication and passion that brought us this far. Thank you again for your support, and I am truly blessed to have such a community by my side.

In Truth and Honesty,


LJSD Trustee, Zone 2

Protecting our tax dollars, working for a better classroom! 

Committed to Education  |  Accountable to Taxpayers  

Protecting Parental Rights | Community Pride

Why Am I Qualified?

The Unprecedented Global Pandemic Proved My Qualifications 

In the face of challenges posed by the pandemic,

 I played a crucial role in keeping our schools open and ensuring that our teachers and staff remained employed.

 My qualifications were put to the test, and I am proud to say that together, we emerged stronger and better from the experience.

 With your support and vote, I can continue working for a better classroom and protecting your tax dollars.

Vote Now!

Education, Family, and Community 

My commitment to education means supporting open schools, allowing parents to make the best decisions for their children, and a curriculum adoption cycle to ensure students receive the most well-rounded education possible.

I believe in putting the needs of our community first while being responsible with taxpayer dollars.

Final Thoughts ...

Wise Use of Tax Dollars

I will remain steadfast in using tax dollars wisely while striving to create an optimal learning environment for students and teachers. 

The Best Education 

I’m here for our community, working to ensure parents' rights are respected while giving students the best education possible. 

Hello, and Thanks for visiting!

 I'm working on updating the site. The personal message below is from my 2019 campaign. 

 Reading the message below you'll see I have kept the focus and accomplished much of what I hoped to do, but we aren't done yet. The pandemic commandeered almost three years of a four-year term so I look forward to the following four years. That's why I am seeking another term to complete the job I was hired to do. 

With your support and vote on November 7th, we'll forge forward, working with you for more transparency and collaboration, making more strides than in the last four years. 

Dear Lakeland Joint School District Community:

My name is Ramona, and I'm running to be your Lakeland Joint School District Trustee for Zone 2. I'm running because I believe our schools’ infrastructure can be better. I'm running because I believe we can improve our current school system. I believe there is a need to raise the morale of the current Lakeland District staff

I'm running because I know we can do better for our children, better for our teachers and better with the taxpayer funds. I’m running because I believe voters should have options when voting for the Trustee position. 

I believe it takes personal sacrifice to deliver the best solution possible to our kids. I think outside of the box, make decisions based on verifiable facts and believe not every issue requires a YES vote, I can vote no! We can elevate our students by bringing together teachers, parents, staff, and the community. We can create a school system that works for everyone. 

I'm running because I believe we can put our students first and respect the voice of the voter. As a 25-year resident and taxpayer, I believe we can better represent our community.

That's why I'm running, and I would be honored to have your support and vote on November 5th.



Continuity of the Board

Legal Status, Operation, Organization and Classification

The Board of Trustees of the Lakeland Joint School District #272 is the governmental entity established by the State of Idaho to plan and direct all aspects of the District’s operations to the end that students shall have ample opportunity to achieve their individual and collective learning needs and to provide a thorough system of education. 

The District in its corporate capacity may sue and be sued and may acquire, hold, and convey real and personal property necessary to its establishment, extension and existence. 

The District shall have authority to issue negotiable coupon bonds and incur such other debt, in the amounts and manner, as prescribed by law. 

The policies of the Board define the organization of the Board and the manner of conducting its official business. The Board’s operating policies are those that the Board adopts from time to time to facilitate the performance of its responsibilities. 

The legal name of this District is Lakeland Joint School District No. 272, Kootenai County, State of Idaho. 

The District is classified as: A joint school district. In order to achieve its primary goal of providing each child with the necessary skills and attitudes to become effective citizens, the Board shall exercise the full authority granted to it by the laws of the state of Idaho. 

Its legal powers, duties and responsibilities are derived from the Idaho Constitution and state statutes and rules. 

Sources such as the school laws of Idaho, and the rules and regulations of the state board of education delineate the legal powers, duties and responsibilities of the Board.

The board shall concern itself primarily with broad questions of policy rather than with administrative details. The application of policies is an administrative task to be performed by the superintendent and district staff and who shall be held responsible for the effective administration and supervision of the entire school system. 

"I will help set the vision and advance policy which partners with the community in leading Lakeland Joint School District into the future by forging a consensus between all stakeholders. " 

~ Ramona

Duties of Individual Trustees

The authority of individual trustees is limited to participating in actions taken by the Board as a whole when legally in session. 

Idaho Statutes Title 33 Education 

Legal Reference: I.C. § 33-301 School districts bodies corporate I.C. § 33-511 Maintenance of schools I.C. § 33-512 Governance of schools I.C. § 33-1612 Thorough system of public schools I.C. § 33-302 Classification of school districts. I.C. § 33-305 Naming and numbering school districts. I.C. § 33-506 Organization and government of board of trustees. 

Lakeland Joint School District School Board Policies

Idaho Const. art. IX - Education and School Lands