Q & A

The League of Women Voters of Idaho - Kootenai County:  Vote411.org  Q & A

What particular issues motivate you to run for trustee on the board of education?

I was motivated to increase transparency and accountability while encouraging the community and parents to take a more active role in the education of our future. Our district's facilities didn't provide an inspiring learning environment and were in disrepair. I know we can do better for our children, better for our teachers, and better with taxpayer funds.

Share your ideas of how to maintain funding with reduced student enrollment, levy uncertainties, and inadequate state funding.

As we move past the three-year pandemic, it's crucial for us to focus on the long-term goals of the Lakeland Joint School District. To achieve this, we need to collaborate with our community and implement strategies that will serve the district for the next ten to twenty-five years. To ensure quality education, we'll review the budget and cut non-essential expenses while identifying cost-saving measures. We'll explore grant opportunities and consider partnering with local businesses and fundraising campaigns to secure unexplored funding sources. Ultimately, by educating our community and gaining their trust and commitment, we can work together to achieve our vision of becoming the top K-12 education provider in Idaho.

Describe your priorities in supporting traditional public education, charter school models, and private education?

As a School District Trustee I take and oath to uphold the U.S. Constitution and the Idaho Constitution, I hold both at the highest regard. As such, the Idaho Constitution is very explicit in its instruction for the Legislature "to establish and maintain a general, uniform and thorough system of public, free common schools." and as a Trustee Idaho Code § 33-512(2) states the Trustee is to "To adopt and carry on and to provide for the financing of a total educational program for the district.", therefore my first priority is to public education because "the stability of a republican form of government depending mainly upon the intelligence of the people,..."

As a school board trustee will you be an advocate for public education available to all?

Absolutely. A well-educated citizenry is a requirement to continue advancements in our community and country. As stated in the above answer, I am obligated to such by the Idaho Constitution and Idaho Code as an elected official.

What should be the role of the school district in student mental health? Student nutrition?

MENTAL HEALTH: Depending on the student's specific needs & district policies, the student's rights and services can vary, and so will the district's role. ADA(Americans with Disabilities Act) & Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 provide essential protections for students with mental health needs. Parents or guardians can work with the school's special education team to discuss accommodations & services available to their student in school and the community. NUTRITION: School districts must comply with federal and state regulations related to student nutrition. This includes the guidelines set by the National School Lunch Program & the School Breakfast available through the USDA & working with Idaho SDE Child Nutrition Program.

What responsibility does the school board have to create equitable opportunities for all students?

School boards should strive for impartiality when adopting any policy or procedure. The objective is to provide a thorough, free, and accessible education to all Idaho students to achieve excellence in education independent of a student's circumstance or social and cultural construct. We have a multifaceted responsibility to create equitable opportunities for all students. This includes developing policies and actively working to eliminate disparities in resources, access, and outcomes to ensure that every student has the chance to succeed in their education.

All above responses come directly from the candidates and are unedited by LWV. The League does not support or oppose any candidates or parties.

Kootenai County Republican Central Committee Rating and Vetting Program

Citizens to Elect Qualified Experienced Candidates

Residence - Number of year residing in Kootenai County?29, almost 30 years.

Office you are seeking:  * Trustee, Zone 2, Lakeland Joint School District #272

Copy and paste links to your campaign website and/or social media accounts

www.voteramona.com, https://www.facebook.com/VoteForRamona

Have you opened a campaign account for fundraising?Yes

What community groups or organizations are you affiliated with? *

After being elected to the Lakeland Joint School Board, I resigned, found replacements for my positions, or didn't seek reelection. I am a member of the Lakeland Education Foundation. I was the first in the history of the Lakeland Education Foundation to become a Platinum Sponsor ($1000.00) two years in a row. I also brought in other Platinum Sponsors for the annual golf tournament. I give 100% of my "extra" time to the board. To serve effectively and meet the expectations as outlined in the Idaho Code, there isn't time to participate in other groups or organizations and stay connected to my family.

Please list any other endorsements you have received or are seeking *

I have not sought any endorsements. The endorsements are from groups approaching me and wanting to provide an endorsement or business owners and parents asking if I would participate in certain questionnaires to receive an endorsement. Basically, the same approach as CEQEC

Why do you want to run for this office?  *

I want to continue the implementation of community committees, parental involvement, and restoring our facilities to a better state. My first term as a Trustee was dictated by the pandemic, at least the first three years. The election overshadows this fourth year. There's also the need to complete the Long-Range Plan, Strategic Plan, and the curriculum implementation for all grade levels and subjects that the district moved away from and I sought to reestablish.

Why are you the right person to represent our community? *

I am the right person to represent my zone because I genuinely desire to improve education, serve the community, and positively impact students' lives when before local education was a hot topic. I have a strong community connection, and I understand the duties of a trustee and the requirements of a school district as outlined in the Idaho Statute, Idaho Administrative Procedures Act (IDAPA), and by the State Department of Education and the State Board of Education. For the past three and half years, I've passionately and eagerly dedicated thousands of hours to my community in this position. I have sought to strengthen the governance foundation, implement community committees, welcome public comment at all board meetings, and worked to keep our schools open and safe during the pandemic. My current voting record and work through a global pandemic prove I have listened to the community, parents, and students and worked to implement their requests and meet their needs as best as possible.

What are the three biggest issues you want to address as an elected official? *

1. District Growth and Projections - includes teacher pay, facility maintenance, and new facilities. 2. Transparent, easy to understand, and open communication with our community. 3. Curriculum rotation and consistency in the district.

For these issues, how do you plan to address these once elected, be as specific as possible. *

1. I've already started working on this by asking to reimplement The Long-Rage Planning Committee, building a Strategic Plan, and updating the Continuous Improvement Plan to address the issues identified by the committees I've advocated for. This effort is a board and community collaboration to draft the best possible solution our community is comfortable with. We have to have a lot of conversations around the issues we're addressing and ensure we include everyone in our community in this conversation. We have to be able to recruit and retain great staff, which means we have to provide a living wage and offer a great environment to work in every day. I was the first person to advocate for teachers to receive the APE funds the state was providing to the district. Because of my advocating for teachers, Lakeland became the only district in the area, and maybe the state, to give the APE funds the teacher earned directly to the teacher. This was part of the Interest Based Bargaining (IBB) I participated in. I will always advocate for great teachers to be paid accordingly. 

2. Too often in business or industry, communication never leaves the "four walls" for more perspective. With the growth of our community in the last decade, we needed to improve communication channels so everyone could hear our message. Our website is underutilized for communication between the district and the community. We can display more information in an easy-to-read format for anyone to access at their convenience. Prior policies didn't allow community input at a board meeting if the item was on the agenda, so I advocated to remove the barrier. We added the ability for groups to address the board with presentations, which wasn't allowed, and now anyone can comment on anything at any board meeting. I've worked to include the community in the policy update and review process by asking for feedback, comments, or questions. I read every comment provided by students, staff, and the community. When I was elected, I quickly learned that communication with the community was not open or, in some instances, not allowed. We must have difficult and great conversations to move forward and provide the best free and thorough education possible. I have advocated since day one for community forums with the board. No set agenda - maybe a couple of topics - and let's have a conversation. Great ideas come from collaboration. 

3. Comprehensive Curriculum Plan and Rotation - A comprehensive curriculum plan will reclaim lost teaching time and provide better alignment between schools in the district, a better learning environment, and improved test scores. When our students change from one school to another in the district, they should seamlessly integrate, and that will happen if every grade band is teaching the same concept simultaneously. That is only possible with a comprehensive curriculum plan. I want the teachers to have a personal copy of the manuals with the scope and sequence, the lesson listing which standard is met, etc. Reduce teacher's time for lesson planning and ensure they meet the standards. We shouldn't have teachers trying to locate the only copy of a teacher's manual in the district or waiting to teach a topic because another teacher in a different district school needs the manual this week.

What leadership experience do you have relevant to this office? *

My four-year term proves my leadership skills and ability to ask hard questions and make the right decisions for educating our students. Serving on the Lakeland Joint School District board demands a unique set of leadership skills tailored to the challenges and characteristics of our community. Essential skills include understanding the different dynamics in our communities, community engagement, advocacy for various education opportunities like CTE or aeronautics, effective budget management, innovative problem-solving, and collaboration with local organizations, businesses, and community members. Leaders must also possess strong communication abilities, a grasp of local, state, and federal education policies, tech literacy, a long-term vision for the district, crisis management skills, and resilience in the face of challenges. I have the leadership qualities to effectively address our students' and communities' specific needs and aspirations, ensuring equitable access to quality education in these areas.

Is there anything that would come up in a background check that you would like to disclose? *

No. I had a speeding ticket about 25 years ago. I've passed FBI and other government background checks for various positions I've held or organizations I've worked with.

The Kootenai Journal

​-If elected, what role do you believe you would have in pushing back on federal or state level overreach? 

I am committed to doing what is best for our community, taxpayers, and students. I have demonstrated this commitment through my recent vote against accepting federal funding that could have potentially required mandatory vaccinations for all. I firmly believe in the importance of bodily autonomy and the right to conscientious objections. It is crucial that we maintain the power to govern our own conscience without government interference, in order to preserve our freedom as individuals. However, after receiving assurance from multiple legal sources, the district ultimately decided to accept the funding, as it was not subject to any mandates.

​-What role would your faith play in your decision making as an elected official?

My faith is the foundation for my commitment to serving the community and providing our students with the best education possible. As an elected representative, I take my responsibility seriously, knowing that these children are entrusted to my care by their parents and guardians. I strive to be transparent and accountable, representing the people with honesty and integrity.

While I am only one vote among five, I am steadfast in my belief that all things work together for good to those who love God and are called according to his purpose. I am confident that even in the face of adversity, our efforts will ultimately lead to positive outcomes for our students and the community as a whole.

-What is the most important thing you bring to the table as a candidate?

As a current school board trustee and candidate for reelection, my experience is my strongest asset. Having served in this role, I possess an in-depth understanding of our district's challenges and the skills required to make informed decisions. Throughout my term, I have been entrusted with sensitive information from students, parents, and current and former employees. I have demonstrated unwavering determination and perseverance in advocating for those who may not feel comfortable being the face of the issues in the district. These experiences have allowed me to build a proven voting record that speaks for itself.

My past accomplishments and proven record of working collaboratively with other board members, parents, teachers, and administrators to address important issues and implement positive changes have earned me the trust and respect of the community. My passion for providing students with the best possible education and my willingness to listen to feedback and concerns from all stakeholders make me a valuable asset to the school board. My commitment to our community and proven track record of success make me the ideal candidate to continue serving as the LJsD Zone 2 trustee. With my experience and leadership, I will ensure that our district continues to thrive and provide the best possible education for its students.

​-How long have you been a part of the Kootenai County community?

In 2024, it will be 30 years since my family and I became an integral part of our community. Over the years, we have raised four children and now have four grandchildren who have grown up in Athol. I am proud to call Athol my home, and I love being a part of this community.


​-What experiences or wisdom do you believe makes you more prepared for this position than your opponent?

I am proud to have served as a school board trustee for the last four years, especially during these unprecedented times of a global pandemic. Despite the challenges, I have been committed to ensuring that our students' education remains uninterrupted. As a trustee, I have advocated for and voted in favor of in-person classes five days a week while guaranteeing job security for our dedicated staff.

I want to make it clear that my decisions are not influenced by my employment as a teacher or any affiliations with education unions. Instead, I make decisions solely guided by my role as a taxpayer, a member of the community, and an elected representative of the people. I take pride in serving the community with impartiality and ensuring that our students receive the best education possible, regardless of any challenges we may face.

​-What, if any, is a policy you believe would be worth raising taxes to implement?

Since I took office in 2019, our district has grown exponentially. One of the trustee zones has an additional 1,​000 voters added to the voter rolls. In the near future, the district will be forced to build one or two new schools. However, as it stands now, the state does not offer any funding for facilities. It is completely up to the community to pass a Bond and take on the tax burden. Regardless of one's view of public education, we all have a vested interest in it. These students are our future. They are our doctors, small business owners, teachers, and future politicians. Everything they do in their lives, now and in the future, will affect us. Therefore, we must invest in them and our future. Education is the key to making a better world.

​-Is there anything else voters should know about you?

As a candidate for reelection as LJSD trustee for zone 2, it's important for voters to know I have had the privilege of serving my community for the past four years, including throughout the pandemic where I worked hard to keep schools open. I am proud to say that I am a devoted wife having been married for 35 years and am blessed with four children and four grandchildren. When I'm not busy with my work as a trustee, I enjoy motorcycle riding, growing various plants, and indulging in my passion for classical music, quiet time and poetry. Throughout my life, I have served my community in various capacities, from church leadership to working as an economic development officer for Athol's Community Review in partnership with Idaho Rural Partnership.  

​-Where can voters learn more about you?

​Ramona Grissom is running for the position of Lakeland Joint School District Trustee in Zone 2. If you want to support her campaign, you can find -more information at VoteRAMONA.com. You can also get in touch with her at P.O. Box 135 in Athol, Idaho, or by phone at (208) 278-6818. Her email address is ramona@voteramona.com and you can follow her on Facebook at @VoteForRAMONA.