
Answering Questions

2019 and 2023

Why are you running for the Lakeland School Board?

I believe the voters deserve a choice and new perspective. I am there to represent the taxpayer and to make sure that the funds contributed by the property owners are applied prudently and distributed for maximum impact while striving for continuous improvement in our school system. A fresh set of eyes and a representative from outside of the system is an enhancement to the school board, the superintendent, the Lakeland Staff and the students.

Are there any specific issues you want to address? 

I have more questions about broader issues than I am concerned about specific ones. Questions about the school board budget, the district's interaction with state funding, and federal funding. I've seen and read contradictory graphs, charts, and articles regarding the percentage of the budget received from each entity. It seems if there were a federal program with funding, the school districts would create a program to be a recipient of the funds. 

If the 1% federal funding represented on some of Lakeland's budget charts are accurate, one must ask themselves if the federal mandates with the 1% funding are excessive.  The mandates limit the ability to fund more critical immediate needs. The enormous amount of time spent on the required paperwork handicaps our staff and prevents them from performing at their peak. Our teachers and staff are passionate about their careers. The mandates are cause for low morale across the district. 

How long have you lived in the Lakeland School District? 

My immediate family and I moved to Athol 29 years ago but our family moved here in the mid 1970's. Our four children engaged in dual enrollment throughout the Lakeland Joint School District, attended Athol Elementary, Lakeland Jr. High, and our son graduated from Timberlake Jr./Sr. High. Our children have attended North Idaho College and the University of Idaho. 

Where are you originally from? I'm from a very rural desert town population 1,500. I attended elementary school and rode the bus nearly 30 miles to Junior High and High School; those were long days. It's also where I met my husband of  35 years.

What do you bring to the table?

I am an independent thinker and am open to considering other points of view.  I am a team player and know how to motivate and inspire others to achieve good things. I think outside of the box, gather all sides of an issue and then form my opinion. Popular or not I'll vote based on the facts.  I'm always asking:

I am fiscally responsible and pro tax reform, I know those are cliche terms, but my awards from the NRCC are the proof. Many times I've been thanked for speaking up on important issues or helping others do so when they didn't know how or where to begin.  A critical mind, experience in schooling, running a successful business, and a heart for our area children are only a few things I bring to the table. 

I need to know what’s different about you from the incumbent?

Good question. The obvious is I'm female. :-)  I am not an insider. I have never been employed by the school district or taught for the school district. The current trustee is very involved in the system from coaching to instruction, which affects his view and is reflected in his vote. You can read the meeting minutes online by clicking this link, 

Have you ever ran/served before?  

I've served on boards and many volunteer positions. I've operated behind the scenes of other's political races but I've never run. 

I would like to hear more (and some specifics) about HOW you are going to protect our tax dollars in a system ripe with waste and fraud. 

Thanks for reaching out. Through audit, prudence, and fiscal responsibility. I am one of five voices, but I will do my best and not be the rubber stamp as my opponent has been. I, like most of my neighbors, didn't appreciate the Bond/Levy issue so many are talking about, and no one was challenging our Zone 2 Trustee. I decided to DO rather than complain. Change is not impossible, just uncomfortable and a lot of hard work. I'd love to speak with you in more detail about these topics. Call or email: (208) 278-6818, I'd appreciate your support and vote in Tuesday, Nov. 7th.