
Rakesh Manjappa

B1-13, Optical Tomography Lab, Department of Physics

Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore, Karnataka, India-560012

Phone :(91) 80-2293-3343, Mobile: (91) 9611188058,



• Doctor of Philosophy, Physics CGPA: 5.8/8

Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore, August 2011- pursuing

Advisor: Prof. Rajan Kanhirodan

Concentration: Optical Tomography, Polarized light Imaging, Dosimetry

• Bachelor of Technology, Engineering Physics CGPA: 7.017/10

Indian Institute of Technology Delhi, New Delhi, August 2007- July 2011

Laser induced size and shape variation of Gold Nanoparticles

Final year project Advisor: Prof. Ravikant Soni

Concentration: Optics, Semiconductor Physics,


• Biomedical Optics; Optical Tomographic Imaging

• Gel Dosimetry; EPID Dose calculation

• Ray Tracing; Monte Carlo methods

• Polarized light imaging; Nanobiophotonics


1. Rakesh Manjappa, Sharath M Shankaranarayana, Rajesh Kumar, Ram Mohan Vasu, and Rajan Kanhirodan,

“Fully 3D refraction correction dosimetry system”

Physics in Medicine and Biology, 61(4) 1722-1737, (2016)

2. Rakesh Manjappa, Sharath M Shankaranarayana, Rajesh Kumar, Rajan Kanhirodan,

“Effect of refractive index mismatch in optical CT imaging of polymer gel dosimeters”

Medical Physics, 42(2) 750-759, 2015

3. [Jaya Prakash*, Calvin B. Shaw*], Rakesh Manjappa, Rajan Kanhirodan, and Phaneendra K. Yalavarthy,

“Sparse Recovery Methods Hold Promise for Diffuse Optical Tomographic Image Reconstruction”

IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Quantum Electronics (Issue on biophotonics) 20(2), 6800609 (2014).

[*Equal Contribution]


1. Rakesh Manjappa, Sharath M Shankaranarayana, Rajesh Kumar, Ram Mohan Vasu, and Rajan Kanhirodan,

“Correction of refraction distortion due to boundary mismatch in optical tomography of gel dosimeters”

Biomedical Optics, (2016) Abstract Accepted

2. Rakesh Manjappa, Rajan Kanhirodan

“Ray tracing based path-length calculations for polarized light tomographic imaging”,

In SPIE Optical Engineering+ Applications, pp. 96130N-96130N. International Society for Optics and Photonics, 2015.

3. Rakesh Manjappa, Chinmaya Devaraj, Sharath N S, Rajat Hebbar, Sharath Shankaranarayana, Rajan Kanhirodan,

“Polarized light Monte Carlo modeling for multiparticle distribution of scatterers“

PHOTONICS, S5A. 2 (2014)

4. Rakesh Manjappa, Sharath M Shankaranarayana, Rajan Kanhirodan,

“Polarized light Monte Carlo simulations of Depolarization contrast from Gold Nanoparticles”

Biomedical Optics, BS3A. 51 (2014)

Other Presentations

1. Rakesh Manjappa and Rajan Kanhirodan

"Size and shape dependence of nanoparticle contrast agents in photoacoustic imaging"

International Symposium on Photonics Applications and Nanomaterials ISPAN 2015, Tiruvnanthapuram, India.

(Poster Presentation), P67, 29th October 2016,

2. Rakesh Manjappa, Sharath Makki S, Rajesh Kumar, Ram Mohan Vasu, and Rajan Kanhirodan

"Ray tracing based refraction correction in Optical tomography of polymer gel dosimeters"

Inhouse symposium 2015, Dept. of Physics, IISc Bangalore, India. (Oral Presentation), T16,

27th November 2015,

3. Rakesh Manjappa and Rajan Kanhirodan

"Size and shape dependence of nanoparticle contrast agents in photoacoustic imaging"

International Symposium on Photonics Applications and Nanomaterials ISPAN 2015, Tiruvnanthapuram, India.

(Poster Presentation), P67, 29th October 2015,

4. Rakesh M, Sharath M S, and Rajan K,

"Refraction effects in Optical CT of scattering gel dosimeters",

Inhouse symposium 2014, Dept. of Physics, IISc Bangalore, India. (Poster Presentation), P30,

21st November 2014,

5. Rakesh M, Sharath M S, and Rajan K,

"Effects of Refraction and Scattering in Optical CT of Gel Dosimeters ,"

Indo-Dutch Conference 2014, IISc Bangalore, India. (Poster Presentation), P05,

1st September 2014.

6. Rakesh M and Rajan K,

"Polarized light Optical Projection Tomography,"

National Fluorescence Workshop 2013, IISc Bangalore, India. (Poster Presentation), P38 B-34,

25th November 2013.


7. Rakesh M, Sharath M S, and Rajan K,

"Optical tomography in scattering gel dosimeters",

Inhouse symposium 2013, Dept. of Physics, IISc Bangalore, India. (Poster Presentation), P18,

16th November 2013


• Bachelor Thesis Project, Indian Institute of Technology Delhi

Laser Induced Size and Shape variation of Gold Nanoparticles

Recieved “Outstanding” Grade for the Project (Aug 2010- May 2011)


• Course Project (Topics in Medical Imaging), IISc

Sparse MR Image Reconstruction with variational penalties (Jan-May 2013)

• Course Project (Design Laboratory), IIT Delhi

Design of Ion Energy Analyzer (Aug-Dec 2010)

• Intern Project, Solar Energy Center, Gurgaon

Modeling Solar Irradiance from pyrannometer data (May-July 2010)

• Intern Project, Center for Applied Research in Electronics, IIT Delhi

Magneto Optical Kerr Effect (Dec 2008)


• International Centre for Theoretical Sciences, TIFR-CAM Bangalore

Advanced Instructional School on Theoretical and Numerical Aspects of Inverse Problems 16-28 June 2014

• MIT Media Lab Rethinking Diagnostics Team, IIT Bombay

ReDx MIT India Health Tech Workshop, Redifining Health Diagnostics, 26-31 January 2014

• Biologically Inspired Computation Workshop, IISc Bangalore

One Day Workshop on Genetic Algorithms and Biologically Inspired Computation, 20-21 December 2013

• Fluorescene Correlation Spectroscopy Meeting (FCS2013), IISc Bangalore

Confocal Microscope Assembly Workshop, 22-23 November 2013

• Bayes by the Bay Workshop, IMSc Chennai

Workshop on Bayesian Analysis and Inference in Computation, 20-21 January 2013

• Finite Element Workshop, TIFR-CAM Bangalore

Advanced Instructional School on Finite Element modeling, 20-21 June 2013


• Languages & Software: C, Latex, MATLAB, LABVIEW.

• Operating Systems: Linux, MS Windows.

• Software Packages: NIRFAST, TOAST, OSCaR and K-wave.


• Teaching Instructor: Analog, Digital and Microprocessor Electronics (UE 102) Assistance in tutorials and laboratory experiments. (January-May 2015)

• Teaching Instructor: General Physics Laboratory (PH 211) Assistance in laboratory during experiments, conducting viva, grading.

Compiled instructional manuals and handouts. (August-December 2013)

• Mentored projects of student interns during the summer fellowship programs (May-July 2014)

• Reviewer: served as reviewer in Biomedical Optics Express, Optics Express, Optics Letters, Applied Optics, Current Science, JOSAA, and IEEE Photonics Journal

• Member, Technical Progam Committee : served as reviewer in IEEE SENSORS-2015, and IWICP-2015


• Recipient of Fellowship from the Ministry of Human Resources and Development (MHRD),

Government of India, for Ph.D. program at Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore, India (2011- current).

• Awarded the Junior Research Fellowship (JRF) by the Council of Scientific and Industrial Research

(CSIR), India for qualifying the National Eligibility Test (NET) October 2014

• IEEE Journal Publication Citation Award at Annual General Meeting of IEEE Bangalore section February 2015

• SPIE Officer Travel Grant Award to attend the SPIE Optics+Photonics conference at San Diego,CA,USA August 2015


• Elected President, OSA student chapter at IISc in December 2015, member since June 2013

• Vice President, SPIE student chapter at IISc in 2014-15, member since July 2012

• Mentoring high school students through Note Book Drive initiative of IISc.

• Represented IISc student chapter at SPIE Optics Outreach Games 2015.

• Volunteer in Optics outreach programs held at various schools, assisted in organization of SPIE and OSA chapter activities.


• At Indian Institute of Science Bangalore

Topics in Medical Imaging, Medical Imaging, Principles of Tomographic Imaging, Biomedical Optical Imaging and Spectroscopy*, Nanoelectronics, Semiconductor Physics and Technology, Optical Metrology

• At Indian Institute of Technology Delhi

Physics Laboratory, Design Laboratory, Optics, Electromagnetics, Principles of Electrodynamics and Plasma, Semiconductor Optoelectronics, Quantum Electronics*,Holography and Optical Information Processing*, Classical and Quantum Mechanics,

Mathematical Physics, Numerical Simulation of Atmospheric and Oceanic Phenomena, Physics of Materials, Material Science and Engineering, Principles of Material Synthesis, Nonlinear Phenomena in Physics, Experimental Methods and Analysis

[* Audited courses]