
I attended the following workshops/schools.

FEM Workshop FENICS , TIFR CAM 2012

Bayes by the Bay - Bayesian methods in Science Workshop. Jan 4-8, 2013

Confocal Microscope Assembly Workshop Nov 22-23, 2013 FCS Satellite Hands-On Session

ReDx - MIT Health Tech. Workshop, IIT Mumbai, Jan 26- Feb 1 2014, organised by MIT Media Lab Rethinking Diagnostics Team

Advanced Instructional School on Inverse Problems , TIFR CAM 2014

Seminars/ short courses attended.

Compact course on generalized Radon transforms by Gaik Ambartsoumian, June 10 -22, 2013

Sparse Signal Representation by Prasad Sudhakar, September 07, 2013

Biologically Inspired Computation Workshop,

Prof. N .Sundararajan and Prof. S. Suresh NTU, Singapore. Dec. 20 – 21, 2013 CeNSE Seminar Hall, IISc

One Day Workshop on Computational Photonics, March 14 2014

OSA short course on Nanophotonics 23rd September 2014,