Rafael Muñoz-Tamayo

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Since October 2014, I have been appointed as researcher at the French National Institute for Agricultural Research INRAE. I work at the team Systemic Modelling Applied to Ruminants (MoSAR), a INRAE-AgroParisTech mixed-research unit.

My research project aims to better understand the link between diet, microbiota and the host in ruminants via mathematical modelling. In particular, we pursue a mechanistic description of the dynamics of feed digestion by taking into account the fermentation pathways catalyzed by the rumen microbiome. We are interested in elucidating how thermodynamic forces drive the metabolism of the rumen microbial community. The ultimate goal is to provide mathematical models that help the design of sustainable nutritional strategies improving the animal efficiency with low emission levels of enteric methane.

I am engaged in promoting open science practices. I am leading the international initiative Peer Community In Animal Science (https://animsci.peercommunityin.org/). PCI Animal Science is under the umbrella of the parent project Peer Community In. PCI Animal Science is a community of researchers working in Animal Science who peer-review and recommend preprints publicly available from open archives such as bioRxiv, arXiv, Zenodo and HAL.

For more information on my current and previous research projects, click here.


New article

I am very glad to share our recent review on modelling approaches for integrating microbial genomic information to produce enhanced predictive rumen models. Advances in omics techniques have deeply enlarged our knowledge on the rumen microbiota. But, how can we capitalize on microbial genomic information to develop predictive tools that can guide the design of strategies for sustainable ruminant production? We discuss two approaches towards the development of the next generation models of the rumen microbiome. 
