7.26.2010. Key War, Environment & Rights of the Child Questions.

Most Australian journalists (including most ABC journalists) and indeed most Mainstream journalists in the Western Murdochracies and Lobbyocracies fail to ask Elephant in the Room questions - and ABC TV's "Q&A" is notoriously not an exception.

I have put the following questions to Q&A for the Monday 26 July 2010 Show that notably includes former Leader of the Opposition Malcolm Turnbull (Liberal), Senator Penny Wong (Labor) (these 2 being so-called Lib-Labs) and anti-war, pro-environment Senator Christine Milne (Greens).

The short answer to all the questions below is that the Lib-Labs are pro-war, pro-coal and lobbyist-beholden.

1. The Synthesis Report of the March 2009 Copenhagen Climate Change Conference (2,500 delegates) said that "inaction is inexcusable".In a 2010 Open Letter 255 members of the prestigious US National Academy of Sciences (11 of them Nobel Prize winners) said that "delay is not an option". Why the inaction and delay from Rudd and now Gillard? Why this dangerous refusal to listen to the scientists?

2. Top scientists and economists advocate a revenue neutral Carbon Tax that returns taxes on fossil fuels direct to taxpayers and slam the Carbon Trading ETS approach as empirically ineffective, dangerously counterproductive and indeed fraudulent (governments selling rights to pollute the atmosphere that are not theirs to sell). Why won’t the Lib-Labs listen to the experts?

3. Former Australian Prime Minister Kevin Rudd has described people trying to find safe haven for desperate refugees as “scum of the earth who should rot in hell”. Gillard has described them as “evil”. How then do you describe the US Alliance, Australian and racist Zionist warmongers who created 22 million Muslim refugees (half of them children) in the first place?

4. My School data reveal that 61% from a particular top private school get to university as compared to 30% from a particular state school Monash researchers concluded from studies of student performance that a "new equity category based on school type should be introduced" for university entrance. Why won’t Labor address this huge education disaster due to underfunding of state schools?

5. The Little Children are Sacred report quoted expert epidemiological research indicating that 34% of Australian women and 16% of Australian men have been sexually abused as children. Why won’t Labor address this epidemic of child abuse in Australia?

6. UNICEF data show that 311,000 under-5 year old infants die each year in Australia- and US Alliance-occupied Afghanistan (population 27 million) as compared to 2,000 in Occupier Australia (population 22 million). Annual per capita total health expenditure in Afghanistan is US$29 as compared to US$3,122 for Australia. Why won’t Labor stop our Geneva Convention-violating involvement in the Afghan Genocide?