2013 April 4. Questions for feminist panel about horrendous crimes against females in Palestinian Genocide & Iraqi Genocide

Q& A, 4 April 2013. Panellists: Brooke Magnanti, Research Scientist and Author Belle de Jour; Germaine Greer, Feminist icon and provocateur; Mia Freedman, Mamamia founder and director; Deborah Cheetham, Indigenous opera singer; and Janet Albrechtsen, Opinion columnist for The Australian.

1. Question for all the panelists: Of 6 million Palestinian females, 3 million are forbidden to even step foot in their own country and only 6.7% (adults of 0.8 million female Palestinian Israelis) are able to vote for the government ruling all of Palestine. Female Palestinian deaths from violence or violently-imposed deprivation total 1 million since 1936. There are 3.5 million female Palestinian refugees. Where do you stand on BDS and Apartheid Israel's Palestinian Genocide?

2. Question for all the panelists: of 2.3 million female Iraqis killed by violence or violently-imposed deprivation since 1990, about 1 million have been female infants. Where do you stand on what leading humane writers call the Iraqi Genocide and do you regard this passive mass murder of children in gross violation of the UN Genocide Convention and Geneva Convention as also a huge crime against women?