How can we make earthquake early warning faster ?  Warning time is limited by the speed of seismic waves. Present systems use 4 to 5 stations to triangulate the signal, locate and estimate the magnitude of an ongoing event. We developed an AI algorithm which detects, locate and estimate the mangitude of an event using only 3 secondes of records on a single station. This strategy allows to issue a first alert faster than current systems as we do not need to wait for signals to be recoreded by several (more distant) stations. The algorithm, coined E3WS, is implemented in the earthquake early warning system of Peru, soon to become operational (Lara et al., JGR, 2023).  

Performance of E3WS compared to other systems in estimating the magnitude of the magnitude 9 Tohoku-Oki earthquake (Lara et al., JGR, 2023)

Some outreach articles : Panamericana Television (sp), El Peruano (sp), El Commercio (sp)