Artificial Intelligence (AI) has proven incredibly efficient at various tasks in many scientific (and non-scientific) fields.  My group's main focus is the use of AI for various applications in seismology. Here is a presentation of our main ongoing project (recorded, in french, for the Journée Scientifique de l'Observatoire de la Côte d'Azur 2020) :  

English version (recorded for the wave complexity seminar series): here 

This project is supported by an ERC Starting Grant (Jan. 2021 - Dec. 2026).

Related ongoing projects on AI in my group include automatic phase picking, automatic earthquake catalog generation, waveform denoising, rapid magnitude estimation (based on P waves), detection of tremor and low frequency earthquakes. 

Outreach presentations : IRD le mag' (fr) / UCA news (fr) / Arte (fr, de)