
Essentially, all models are wrong, but some are useful.                                                                                           --- George E. P. Box (1987)

Models tend to be useful when they are simultaneously simple enough to fit a variety of behaviors and complex enough to fit behaviors that need the help of an explanatory model.

                                                                                     --- Thomas C. Schelling (1978)

Research Interests


Methodologies: Applied Econometrics and Statistics, Game Theory, Experimental Economics

Refereed Journal Publications

(FT 50 = Top 50 Journals used in Financial Times Research Rank; UTD 24 = Top 24 journals for UTD Top 100 Business School Research Rankings)

• Ranked 2nd in the world in the number of publications in the top two Information Systems journals (ISR and MISQ) for 2018-2022

• Ranked 1st in the world in the number of publications in the top three Information Systems journals (ISR, MISQ, and JMIS) for 2018-2022

Information source: AIS Research Rankings

57. Kaiyu Zhang, Qili Wang, Liangfei Qiu, and Nan Wang, "Unveiling the Cost of Free: How Ad-Sponsored Model Affects Serialized Digital Content Creation," Forthcoming in Information Systems Research. (UTD 24, FT 50)

56. Dongcheng Zhang, Hanchen Jiang, Maoshan Qiang, Kunpeng Zhang, and Liangfei Qiu, "Time to Stop? An Empirical Investigation on the Consequences of Canceling Monetary Incentives on a Digital Platform," Forthcoming in Information Systems Research. (UTD 24, FT 50)

55. Hua Cheng, Shusen Qi, and Liangfei Qiu, "Career Incentives of Political Leaders and Corporate Operational Efficiency," Forthcoming in Production and Operations Management. (UTD 24, FT 50)

54. Mahendrarajah Nimalendran, Praveen Pathak, Mariia Petryk, and Liangfei Qiu, "Informational Efficiency of Cryptocurrency Markets," Forthcoming in Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis. (FT 50)

53. Zike Cao, Yingpeng Zhu, Gen Li, and Liangfei Qiu, "Consequences of Information Feed Integration on User Engagement and Contribution: A Natural Experiment in an Online Knowledge-Sharing Community," Forthcoming in Information Systems Research. (UTD 24, FT 50)

52. Qili Wang, Liangfei Qiu, and Wei Xu, "Informal Payments and Doctor Engagement in an Online Health Community: An Empirical Investigation Using Generalized Synthetic Control," Information Systems Research (2024), 35(2), 706726. (UTD 24, FT 50)

51. Wenjuan Fan, Yuanyuan Jiang, Jun Pei, Ping Yan, and Liangfei Qiu, "The Impact of Medical Insurance Payment Systems on Patient Choice, Provider Behavior, and Out-of-Pocket Rate: Fee-for-Service versus Diagnosis-Related Groups," Decision Sciences (2024), 55(3), 245-261. 

50. Mariia Petryk, Liangfei Qiu, and Praveen Pathak, "The Impact of Open-Source Community on Cryptocurrency Market Price: An Empirical Investigation,"  Journal of Management Information Systems (2023), 40(4), 1237–1270. (FT 50)

49. Ramah Al Balawi, Yuheng Hu, and Liangfei Qiu, "Brand Crisis and Customer Relationship Management on Social Media: Evidence from a Natural Experiment from Airline Industry," Information Systems Research (2023), 34(2), 442–462. (UTD 24, FT 50)

48. Avinash Geda, Jingchuan Pu, and Liangfei Qiu, "The Puzzle of Online Arbitrage and Increased Product Returns: A Game-Theoretic Analysis," Production and Operations Management (2023), 32(8), 2387-2399, Lead Article. (UTD 24, FT 50)

47. Yinan Yu, Liangfei Qiu, Hailiang Chen, and Benjamin Yen, "Movie Fit Uncertainty and Interplay between Traditional Advertising and Social Media Marketing," Marketing Letters (2023), 34(3), 429–448.

46. Wenjuan Fan, Qiqi Zhou, Liangfei Qiu, and Subodha Kumar, "Should Doctors Open Online Consultation Services? An Empirical Investigation of Their Impact on Offline Appointments," Information Systems Research (2023), 34(2), 629–651. (UTD 24, FT 50)

45. Chencheng Shi, Ping Hu, Weiguo Fan, and Liangfei Qiu, "Competitive Peer Influence on Knowledge Contribution Behaviors in Online Q&A Communities: A Social Comparison Perspective," Forthcoming in Internet Research

44. Mariia Petryk,  Michael Rivera, Siddharth Bhattacharya, Liangfei Qiu, and Subodha Kumar, "How Network Embeddedness Affects Real-Time Performance Feedback: An Empirical Investigation," Information Systems Research (2022), 33(4), 1467-1489. (UTD 24, FT 50)

43. Yuan Chen, Hsing Kenneth Cheng, Yang Liu,  Jingchuan Pu, Liangfei Qiu, and Ning Wang (all authors contribute equally), "Knowledge-Sharing Ties and Equivalence in Corporate Online Communities: A Novel Source to Understand Voluntary Turnover," Production and Operations Management (2022), 31(10), 3896-3913. (UTD 24, FT 50)

42. Zhijun Yan, Lini Kuang, and Liangfei Qiu, "Prosocial Behaviors and Economic Performance: Evidence from an Online Mental Healthcare Platform," Production and Operations Management (2022), 31(10), 3859-3876. (UTD 24, FT 50)

41. Liangfei Qiu, Ruiqi Liu, Yong Jin, Chao Ding, Yangyang Fan, and Andy Yeung, "Impact of Credit Default Swaps on Firms’ Operational Efficiency," Production and Operations Management (2022), 31(9), 3611-3631. (UTD 24, FT 50)

40. Subodha Kumar, Liangfei Qiu, Arun Sen, and Atish Sinha, "Putting Analytics into Action in Care Coordination Research: Emerging Issues and Potential Solutions," Production and Operations Management (2022), 31(6), 2714-2738. (UTD 24, FT 50)

39. Naveen Kumar, Liangfei Qiu, and Subodha Kumar, "A Hashtag is Worth a Thousand Words: An Empirical Investigation of Social Media Strategies in Trademarking Hashtags," Information Systems Research (2022), 33(4), 1403-1427. (UTD 24, FT 50). 

38. Liangfei Qiu, Subodha Kumar, Arun Sen, and Atish Sinha, "Impact of the Hospital Readmission Reduction Program on Hospital Readmission and Mortality: An Economic Analysis" Production and Operations Management (2022), 31(5), 2341-2360. (UTD 24, FT 50)

37. Jingchuan Pu, Yang Liu, Yuan Chen, Liangfei Qiu, and Hsing Kenneth Cheng, "What Questions Are You Inclined to Answer? Effects of Hierarchy in Corporate Q&A Communities," Information Systems Research (2022), 33(1), 244-264. (UTD 24, FT 50)

36. Yang Pan and Liangfei Qiu, "How Ride-Sharing Is Shaping Public Transit System: A Counterfactual Estimator Approach," Production and Operations Management (2022), 31(3), 906-927. (UTD 24, FT 50)

35. Xiaowei Mei, Hsing Kenneth Cheng, Subhajyoti Bandyopadhyay, Liangfei Qiu, and Lai Wei, "Sponsored Data: Smarter Data Pricing with Incomplete Information," Information Systems Research (2022), 33(1), 362-382. (UTD 24, FT 50)

34. Shu He, Liangfei Qiu, and Xusen Cheng, "Surge Pricing and Short-Term Wage Elasticity of Labor Supply in Real-Time Ridesharing Markets," MIS Quarterly (2022), 46(1), 193-228. (UTD 24, FT 50)

33. Xunyi Wang, Meiling Jiang, Wencui Han, and Liangfei Qiu, "Do Emotions Sell? The Impact of Emotional Expressions on Sales in the Space-Sharing Economy," Production and Operations Management (2022), 31(1), 65-82. (UTD 24, FT 50)

32. Hongpeng Wang, Rong Du, Wenqi Shen, Liangfei Qiu, and Weiguo Fan, "Product Reviews: A Benefit, A Burden, or A Trifle? How Seller Reputation Affects The Role of Product Reviews," MIS Quarterly (2022), 46(2), 1243-1272. (UTD 24, FT 50)

31. Jingchuan Pu, Tingting Nian, Liangfei Qiu, and Hsing Kenneth Cheng, "Platform Policies and Sellers’ Competition in Agency Selling in the Presence of Online Quality Misrepresentation,"  Journal of Management Information Systems (2022), 39(1), 159-186. (FT 50)

30. Ying Ding, Yanping Tu, Jingchuan Pu, and Liangfei Qiu (all authors contribute equally), “Environmental Factors in Operations Management: The Impact of Air Quality on Product Demand,” Production and Operations Management (2021), 30(9), 2910-2924. (UTD 24, FT 50)

29. Wei Chen, Yixin Lu, Liangfei Qiu, and Subodha Kumar, "Designing Personalized Treatment Plans for Breast Cancer," Information Systems Research (2021), 32(3), 932-949. (UTD 24, FT 50)

28. Tao Chen, Hsing Kenneth Cheng, Yong Jin, Shengli Li, and Liangfei Qiu, "Impact of Competition on Innovations of IT Industry: An Empirical Investigation,"  Journal of Management Information Systems (2021), 38(3), 647-666. (FT 50)

27. Young Kwark, Gene Moo Lee, Paul Pavlou, and Liangfei Qiu (all authors contribute equally), "On the Spillover Effects of Online Product Reviews on Purchases: Evidence from Clickstream Data," Information Systems Research (2021), 32(3), 895-913. (UTD 24, FT 50)

26. Liangfei Qiu, Arunima Chhikara, and Asoo Vakharia "Multidimensional Observational Learning in Social Networks: Theory and Experimental Evidence," Information Systems Research (2021), 32(3), 876-894. (UTD 24, FT 50)

25. Chencheng Shi, Ping Hu, Weiguo Fan, and Liangfei Qiu, "How Learning Effects Influence Knowledge Contribution in Online Q&A Community? A Social Cognitive Perspective," Decision Support Systems (2021), 149, 113610. 

24. Michael Rivera, Liangfei Qiu, Subodha Kumar, and Anthony Petrucci "Are Traditional Performance Reviews Outdated? An Empirical Analysis on Continuous, Real-Time Feedback in the Workplace," Information Systems Research (2021), 32(2), 517-540. (UTD 24, FT 50)

23. Soohyun Cho, Liangfei Qiu, and Subhajyoti Bandyopadhyay, "Vertical Integration and Zero-Rating Interplay: An Economic Analysis of Ad-Supported and Ad-Free Digital Content," Journal of Management Information Systems (2020), 37(4), 988-1014. (FT 50)

22. Hsing Kenneth Cheng, Weiguo Fan, Peipei Guo, Hailiang Huang and Liangfei Qiu, "Can 'Gold Medal' Online Sellers Earn Gold? The Impact of Reputation Badges on Sales," Journal of Management Information Systems (2020), 37(4), 1099-1127. (FT 50)

21. Jingchuan Pu, Yuan Chen, Liangfei Qiu, and Hsing Kenneth Cheng, "Does Identity Disclosure Help or Hurt User Content Generation? Social Presence, Inhibition, and Displacement Effects," Information Systems Research (2020), 31(2), 297-322, Lead Article. (UTD 24, FT 50)

20. Shengli Li, Qiuyue Luo, Liangfei Qiu, and Subhajyoti Bandyopadhyay, "Optimal Pricing Model of Digital Music: Subscription, Ownership or Mixed?" Production and Operations Management (2020), 29(3), 688-704. (UTD 24, FT 50)

19. Sandeep Khurana, Liangfei Qiu, and Subodha Kumar, "When a Doctor Knows, It Shows: An Empirical Analysis of Doctors’ Responses in Q&A Forum of an Online Healthcare Portal," Information Systems Research (2019), 30(3), 872-891. (UTD 24, FT 50)

18. Sofia Bapna, Mary Benner, and Liangfei Qiu, "Nurturing Online Communities: An Empirical Investigation," MIS Quarterly (2019), 43(2), 425-452. (UTD 24, FT 50)

17. Naveen Kumar, Deepak Venugopal, Liangfei Qiu, and Subodha Kumar, "Detecting Anomalous Online Reviewers: An Unsupervised Approach Using Mixture Models," Journal of Management Information Systems (2019), 36(4), 1313-1346. (FT 50)

16. Liangfei Qiu, Huaxia Rui, and Andrew Whinston, "Optimal Auction Design for Wi-Fi Procurement," Information Systems Research (2019), 30(1), 1-14, Lead Article. (UTD 24, FT 50)

15. Liangfei Qiu, Zhan (Michael) Shi, and Andrew Whinston, "Learning from Your Friends’ Check-Ins: An Empirical Study of Location-Based Social Networks," Information Systems Research (2018), 29(4), 1044-1061. (UTD 24, FT 50)

14. Naveen Kumar, Liangfei Qiu, and Subodha Kumar, "Exit, Voice, and Response on Digital Platforms: An Empirical Investigation of Online Management Response Strategies," Information Systems Research (2018), 29(4), 849-870. (UTD 24, FT 50)

13. Mahdi Moqri, Xiaowei Mei, Liangfei Qiu, and Subhajyoti Bandyopadhyay, "The Effect of Following on Contributions to Open Source Communities," Journal of Management Information Systems (2018), 35(4), 1188-1217. (FT 50)

12. Naveen Kumar, Deepak Venugopal, Liangfei Qiu, and Subodha Kumar, "Detecting Review Manipulation on Online Platforms with Hierarchical Supervised Learning," Journal of Management Information Systems (2018), 35(1), 350-380. (FT 50)

11. Shun-Yang Lee, Liangfei Qiu, and Andrew Whinston, "Sentiment Manipulation in Online Platforms: An Analysis of Movie Tweets," Production and Operations Management (2018), 27(3), 393-416, Lead Article. (UTD 24, FT 50)

10. Liangfei Qiu, Hsing Kenneth Cheng, and Jingchuan Pu, "Hidden Profiles in Corporate Prediction Markets: The Impact of Public Information Precision and Social Interactions," MIS Quarterly (2017), 41(4), 1249-1273. (UTD 24, FT 50)

9. Liangfei Qiu and Subodha Kumar, "Understanding Voluntary Knowledge Provision and Content Contribution through a Social-Media-Based Prediction Market: A Field Experiment," Information Systems Research (2017), 28(3), 529-546. (UTD 24, FT 50)

8. Ravi Bapna, Liangfei Qiu, and Sarah Rice, "Repeated Interactions Versus Social Ties: Quantifying the Economic Value of Trust, Forgiveness, and Reputation Using a Field Experiment," MIS Quarterly (2017), 41(3), 841-866. (UTD 24, FT 50)

7. Liangfei Qiu and Andrew Whinston, "Pricing Strategies under Behavioral Observational Learning in Social Networks," Production and Operations Management (2017), 26(7), 1249-1267, Lead Article. (UTD 24, FT 50)

6. Gene Moo Lee, Liangfei Qiu, and Andrew Whinston, (all authors contribute equally), "A Friend Like Me: Modeling Network Formation in a Location-Based Social Network," Journal of Management Information Systems (2016), 33(4), 1008-1033. (FT 50)

5. Soohyun Cho, Liangfei Qiu, and Subhajyoti Bandyopadhyay, "Should Online Content Providers be allowed to Subsidize Content?—An Economic Analysis," Information Systems Research (2016), 27(3), 580-595. (UTD 24, FT 50)

4. Liangfei Qiu, Qian Tang, and Andrew Whinston, "Two Formulas for Success in Social Media: Learning and Network Effects," Journal of Management Information Systems (2015), 32(4), 78-108. (FT 50)

3. Liangfei Qiu, Huaxia Rui, and Andrew Whinston, "Effects of Social Networks on Prediction Markets: Examination in a Controlled Experiment," Journal of Management Information Systems (2014), 30(4), 235-268. (FT 50)

2. Liangfei Qiu, Huaxia Rui, and Andrew Whinston, "The Impact of Social Network Structures on Prediction Market Accuracy in the Presence of Insider Information," Journal of Management Information Systems (2014), 31(1), 145-172. (FT 50)

1. Liangfei Qiu, Huaxia Rui, and Andrew Whinston, "Social Network-Embedded Prediction Markets: The Effects of Information Acquisition and Communication on Predictions," Decision Support Systems (2013), 55(4), 978-987. 

Selected Working Papers

Xiaowei Mei, Hsing Kenneth Cheng, Subhajyoti Bandyopadhyay, and Liangfei Qiu, "Operational Innovation with Sponsored Data in the Mobile Telecom Market," Under Review.

Sailendra Mishra, Liangfei Qiu, and Subodha Kumar, "Impact of Agency Pricing Model on E-Books and Print Books in Online Retailing: An Empirical Examination," Under Review.

Anurag Garg, Liangfei Qiu, and Subhajyoti Bandyopadhyay, "Beauty Contests and the Effect of Social Fintech in Trading Markets: An Economic Analysis," Under Review. 

Subodha Kumar, Xiaowei Mei, Liangfei Qiu, and Lai Wei, "Push or Pull: A Game-Theoretic Analysis of Reward Tasks with Sponsored Data," Under Review. 

Qian Tang, Tingting Song, Ashish Agarwal, and Liangfei Qiu, "Cross-Platform Interactions: The Effects of Social Sharing on Content Consumption and Evaluation," Under Review. 

Sailendra Mishra, Liangfei Qiu, and Subodha Kumar, "Do the Blockchain’s Scaling Solutions Work? An Empirical Analysis of a Policy Change on Transaction Fees and Delays," Under Review.

Xiaotong Sun, Qili Wang, Liangfei Qiu, and Wei Xu, "Guardians of Tomorrow: Leveraging Responsible AI for Early Detection and Response to Criminal Threats," Under Review. 

Songqiao Han, Hailiang Huang, Liangfei Qiu, Shengsheng Xiao, and Xiaorong Zhang (all authors contribute equally), "The Persuasion Art of Linguistics: An Empirical Study of Project Narration and Donors’ Contributions in the Online Charitable Crowdfunding Market," Under Review. 

Xinyu Zang, Xiang (Shawn) Wan, Naveen Kumar, and Liangfei Qiu, "How Local Competition Reshapes Consumers’ Review Behavior: An Empirical Investigation," Under Review. 

Derck Koolen, Wolfgang Ketter, Liangfei Qiu, and Alok Gupta, "Market Risk and Information Asymmetry in Renewable Power Markets," Under Review.

Jingchuan Pu, Yang Liu, Yuan Chen, Liangfei Qiu, and Hsing Kenneth Cheng, "Departmental Boundaries and Knowledge Sharing in Corporate Online Communities," Under Review. 

Xin Wang, Chong (Alex) Wang, Liangfei Qiu, and Xi Weng, "Digital Content Production and Internet Data Sponsorship: A Game-Theoretic Model," Under Review.

Qiuju Yin, Lun Li, Liangfei Qiu, and Zhijun Yan, "Listening to Your Patient Voices: The Impacts of Doctors’ Online Management Responses on Online and Offline Services," Under Review.

Michael Rivera, Xue Guo, Guohou Shan, and Liangfei Qiu, "Stimulating Feedback Contributions using Digital Nudges: A Field Experiment on the Real-Time Mobile Feedback Platform," Under Review.

Hongpeng Wang, Qianzhou Du, Liangfei Qiu, and Weiguo Fan, "Is It Always "the Faster the Better?" The Role of IT-enabled Artifacts in the Relationship between Product Delivery and Online Sales," Under Review.

Xue Guo, Guohou Shan, Michael Rivera, and Liangfei Qiu, "Improving Response to Digital Nudges: Social Norm Appeals in Real-Time Feedback Applications," Under Review.

Hui Yuan, Wei Xu, Qili Wang, and Liangfei Qiu, "Does Beauty Truly Matter? Examining The Impact of Beautiful Images in Service Operations Using Deep Learning Analytics," Under Review.

Qianqian Liu, Shenyang Jiang, Liangfei Qiu, and Baofeng Huo, "The Environmental Impact of Sharing Economy: Evidence from Dockless Bike Sharing," Under Review.

Hua Cheng, Tse-Chun Lin, Shusen Qi, and Liangfei Qiu, "Natural Disasters and Creative Destruction: Evidence from the Universe of Firms in China," Under Review.

Miao Hu, Shenyang Jiang, Yong Jin, Liangfei Qiu, and Yang Duan, "Impact of Appointment System Quality and Information Quality on Patient No-shows," Under Review.

Zhechao Yang, Liangfei Qiu, and Amy Pan, "Corporate Prediction Markets in Hierarchical Organizations: The Impact of Yes Men," Under Review.

Hongpeng Wang, Qianzhou Du, Liangfei Qiu, Weiguo Fan, and Shixuan Fu, "Effects of The Streaming Service Mix on Live Commerce: How, Why, And When Streamers Channel Traffic From Short Videos to Live Streams," Under Review.

Xingchen Xu, Qili Wang, Yizhi Liu, and Liangfei Qiu, "Social Attention as a Reference Point: Evidence from a Field Experiment," Under Review.

Lin Qiu, Yao Li, and Liangfei Qiu, “The Effect of Online Food Delivery on Diet-related Diseases: Empirical Evidence,” Under Review.

Chen Jin, Bowen Lou, Liangfei Qiu, and Jiding Zhang, "Toward Understanding the Bitcoin Mining and Exchange Markets," Under Review.

Xunyi Wang, Yu-Wei Lin, Wencui Han, and Liangfei Qiu, "When Gig Workers No Longer Gig: The Impact of California Assembly Bill 5 on the Online Labor Market," Under Review.

Xiaowei Liu, Liangfei Qiu, and Shenyang Jiang, "Unlocking Innovation Power: How Engagement with Online Retailing Platforms Impacts Manufacturing Firms," Under Review.

Guohou Shan and Liangfei Qiu, "How Does Peer Recognition Affect Users’ Fact-checking Contributions on Social Media? Evidence from A Natural Experiment," Under Review.

Honggang Hu, Liangfei Qiu, and Tharanga Rajapakshe, "Vertical Integration and Sponsored Data: The Role of Internet Service Competition," Under Review.

Hua Cheng and Liangfei Qiu, "Government-supported E-commerce Infrastructure and Entrepreneurship in Underdeveloped Regions," Under Review.

Wenjuan Fan, Ruobing Shi, Jun Pei, and Liangfei Qiu, "Cultivating Sustainability: Navigating the Medical Waste Dilemma through Strategic Subsidies," Under Review.

Hui Yang, Xianghua Lu, and Liangfei Qiu, "Raise the Expectation Bar and Lower the Tolerance? Effects of Being Listed in A Restaurant Guide on Consumers’ Rating Behavior," Under Review.

Guohou Shan and Liangfei Qiu, "Examining the Impact of Generative AI on Users’ Voluntary Knowledge Contribution: Evidence from A Natural Experiment on Stack Overflow," Under Review.

Qili Wang, Xinzhi Rao, and Liangfei Qiu, "Do Masks Protect Children? Evidence from Ban on Mask Mandates in Florida," Under Review. 

Guohou Shan, Jiayuan Tian, and Liangfei Qiu, "Does Digital Mental Healthcare Service Access Affect Care Outcomes? Evidence from a Natural Experiment," Under Review.

Na Zhang, Anand Paul, and Liangfei Qiu, "Sharing Economy Platforms with Reference-Dependent Gig Workers," Under Review.

Menghuan Zhou, Yeming Gong, Liangfei Qiu, and Ajay Kumar, "Economics of Smart Products with Machine Learning," Under Review. 

Hua Cheng, Shusen Qi, and Liangfei Qiu, "Judicial Centralization and Outsourcing: Unveiling the Impact on Supply Chain Management," Under Review.

Liqiang Huang, Wei Miao, Liangfei Qiu, Chuang Tang, and Zhonggen Wei, "Fighting for My Idols: The Value of Gamified Voting System," Under Review.

Wenhui Zhou, Yuanyuan Dang, Mengyu Li, and Liangfei Qiu, "Examining the Impact of Patient Cross-Regional Mobility on Regional Inequality in Healthcare Quality: Theory and Empirical Evidence," Under Review.

Zhechao Yang, Qili Wang, Liangfei Qiu, and Hsing Kenneth Cheng, "Deciphering the Economic Value of Fashion Trends: Social Media Analysis Using Deep Multimodal Learning," Under Review. 

Yi Su, Kaiyu Zhang, Qili Wang, and Liangfei Qiu (all authors contribute equally), "Generative AI and Human Knowledge Sharing: Evidence from A Natural Experiment," Under review.

Guohou Shan and Liangfei Qiu, "Balancing Acts: Unveiling the Dynamics of Post Removal on Social Media User-Generated Content," Under Review.

Ruiqi Liu, Qian Wang, Yong Jin, Yang Duan, and Liangfei Qiu, "Can You Have Your Cake and Eat It too? A Tale of Information Security and Operational Efficiency," Under Review. 

Hui Yang, Qili Wang, Xianghua Lu, and Liangfei Qiu, "Routine or Exploration? How Personalization Opt-Out Affects Consumers’ Variety-Seeking Behaviors," Under Review.

Mengyi Zhu, Yuan Sun, and Liangfei Qiu, "Cultivating Team Agility: Impact of Enterprise Social Media," Under Review.

Zhechao Yang, Qili Wang, and Liangfei Qiu, "Interlopers or Catalysts? Dissecting the Impact of Incorporating AI Players on Multiplayer Online Games," Under Review. 

 Jiayuan Tian, Guohou Shan, and Liangfei Qiu, "High Stakes, Low Spirits: Unveiling the Mental Health Impact of Online Sports Gambling," Under Review.

Hua Cheng and Liangfei Qiu, "Closing the Gap: Harnessing Digital Technology to Equalize Tax Rates Across Corporate Sizes," Under Review.

Youhyun Lee, Hsing Kenneth Cheng, and Liangfei Qiu, "Navigating Compatibility Decisions for Innovative Products in Duopolistic Competition: Assessing the Influence of Network Effects," Under Review.

Shu He, Kaiyu Zhang, Cuihong Li, Xusen Cheng, and Liangfei Qiu "Navigating Online Competition: Impacts of Competitors’ Entry on Online Grocery Stores," Under Review.

Yi Su, Qili Wang, Liangfei Qiu, and Runyu Chen, "Navigating the Sea of Reviews: Unveiling the Effects of Introducing AI-Generated Summaries in E-Commerce," Under Review.

Refereed Conference Papers

Sailendra Mishra, Liangfei Qiu, and Subodha Kumar, "Do the Bitcoin’s Scaling Solutions Work? An Empirical Analysis of a Policy Change on Transaction Fees and Delays," Workshop on Information Systems and Economics (WISE), December 2020. 

Qili Wang, Liangfei Qiu, and Wei Xu, "Informal Payments and Doctor Engagement in Online Health Community: An Empirical Investigation Using Generalized Synthetic Control," Conference on Information Systems and Technology (CIST), November 2020.

Qian Tang, Tingting Song, Liangfei Qiu, and Ashish Agarwal, "Online Content Consumption: Social Endorsements, Observational Learning and Word-of-Mouth." International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS), Munich, Germany, December 2019.

Yinan Yu, Liangfei Qiu, Hailiang Chen, and Benjamin Yen, "Product Fit Uncertainty and Interplay between Traditional Advertising and Social Media Marketing." Conference on Information Systems and Technology (CIST), Seattle, WA, October 2019.

Xunyi Wang, Meiling Jiang, Wencui Han, and Liangfei Qiu, "Do Emotions Sell? Affectivity, Culture, and Commoditization in Sharing Economy." Conference on Information Systems and Technology (CIST), Seattle, WA, October 2019.

Mariia Petryk, Liangfei Qiu, and Praveen Pathak, "The Impact of Open Source Community on Cryptocurrency Market Price: An Empirical Investigation." Conference on Information Systems and Technology (CIST), Seattle, WA, October 2019.

Yang Pan and Liangfei Qiu, "Is Uber Helping or Hurting Mass Transit? An Empirical Investigation," International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS), San Francisco, CA, December 2018.

Xiaowei Mei, Hsing Kenneth Cheng, Subhajyoti Bandyopadhyay, Liangfei Qiu, and Lai Wei, "Sponsored Data: Smarter Data Pricing in the Age of Data Cap," Workshop on Information Technologies and Systems (WITS), Santa Clara, CA, December 2018.

Yang Pan and Liangfei Qiu, "Is Uber Helping or Hurting Mass Transit? An Empirical Investigation," Conference on Information Systems and Technology (CIST), Phoenix, AZ, November 2018.

Jingchuan Pu, Yuan Chen, Liangfei Qiu, and Hsing Kenneth Cheng, "Does Identity Disclosure Help or Hurt User Content Generation? Social Presence, Inhibition and Displacement Effects," Conference on Information Systems and Technology (CIST), Phoenix, AZ, November 2018.

Ramah Al Balawi, Yuheng Hu, and Liangfei Qiu, "Brand Crisis and Customer Relationship Management on Social Media: Evidence from a Natural Experiment from Airline Industry," Conference on Information Systems and Technology (CIST), Phoenix, AZ, November 2018.

Qian Tang and Liangfei Qiu, "Content Diffusion and Cross-platform Content Sharing in Social Media," Workshop on Information Technologies and Systems (WITS), Seoul, South Korea, December 2017.

Yinan Yu, Liangfei Qiu, and Hailiang Chen, "The Causal Impact of Social Media Marketing on Box Office Revenues," Workshop on e-Business (WeB), Seoul, South Korea, December 2017.

Liangfei Qiu, Chong (Alex) Wang, and Jia Jia, "Sponsored Data Services and Consumer Welfare on Mobile Broadband," International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS), Seoul, South Korea, December 2017.

Derck Koolen, Liangfei Qiu, Wolfgang Ketter, and Alok Gupta, "The Sustainability Tipping Point in Electricity Markets," International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS), Seoul, South Korea, December 2017.

Naveen Kumar, Liangfei Qiu, and Subodha Kumar, "Exit, Voice, and Response on Digital Platforms: An Empirical Investigation of Online Management Response Strategies," Conference on Information Systems and Technology (CIST), Houston, TX, October 2017.

Liangfei Qiu, Huaxia Rui, and Andrew Whinston, "Optimal Auction Design for WiFi Procurement," Conference on Information Systems and Technology (CIST), Houston, TX, October 2017.

Liangfei Qiu, Huaxia Rui, and Andrew Whinston, "Optimal Auction Design for WiFi Procurement," China Summer Workshop on Information Management (CSWIM), Nanjing, China, June 2017.

Xiaowei Mei, Hsing Kenneth Cheng, Subhajyoti Bandyopadhyay, and Liangfei Qiu, "Sponsored Data: Smarter Data Pricing in the Age of Data Cap," Workshop on e-Business (WeB), Dublin, Ireland, December 2016. 

Young Kwark, Gene Moo Lee, Paul Pavlou, and Liangfei Qiu, "Analyzing the Spillover Roles of User-Generated Reviews on Purchases: Evidence from Clickstream Data," International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS), Dublin, Ireland, December 2016.

Gene Moo Lee, Liangfei Qiu, and Andrew Whinston, "Strategic Network Formation in a Location-Based Social Network: A Topic Modeling Approach." The 49th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS), Kauai, HI, January 2016 (Nominated for Best Paper Award). 

Soohyun Cho, Liangfei Qiu, and Subhajyoti Bandyopadhyay, "New Marketing Platforms for Credit Card Companies: A Comparison of Social Network Promotions and Targeted Promotions." Workshop on Information Technologies and Systems (WITS), Dallas, TX, December 2015.

Liangfei Qiu and Subodha Kumar, "Understanding Voluntary Knowledge Provision and Content Contribution through a Social Media-Based Prediction Market: A Field Experiment," Workshop on Information Technologies and Systems (WITS), Dallas, TX, December 2015.

Mahdi Moqri, Liangfei Qiu, Subhajyoti Bandyopadhyay, and Ira Horowitz, "The Effect of  Following on Contributions to Open Source Communities." International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS), Fort Worth, TX, December 2015. 

Ravi Bapna, Liangfei Qiu, and Sarah Rice, "Repeated Interactions vs. Social Ties: Quantifying the Economic Value of Trust, Forgiveness, and Reputation Using a Field Experiment." Conference on Information Systems and Technology (CIST), Philadelphia, PA, October 2015 (Nominated for Best Paper Award).

Liangfei Qiu, Zhan Shi, and Andrew Whinston, "Learning from Your Friends’ Check-Ins: An Empirical Study of Location-Based Social Networks," Conference on Information Systems and Technology (CIST), Philadelphia, PA, October 2015.

Liangfei Qiu, Huaxia Rui, and Andrew Whinston, "When Cellular Capacity Meets WiFi Hotspots: A Smart Auction System for Mobile Data Offloading" The 48th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS), Maui, HI, January 2015 (Nominated for Best Paper Award). 

Shun-Yang Lee, Liangfei Qiu, and Andrew Whinston, "The Perils of Online Manipulation," The 48th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS), Maui, HI, January 2015.

Gene Moo Lee, Liangfei Qiu, and Andrew Whinston, "Strategic Network Formation in a Location-Based Social Network: A Topic Modeling Approach." Workshop on Information Technologies and Systems (WITS), Auckland, New Zealand, December 2014.

Shun-Yang Lee, Liangfei Qiu, and Andrew Whinston, "Manipulation: Online Platforms’ Inescapable Fate," International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS), Auckland, New Zealand, December 2014. 

Liangfei Qiu, Huaxia Rui, and Andrew Whinston, "Hotspot Economics: Procurement of Third-Party WiFi Capacity for Mobile Data Offloading," International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS), Milan, Italy, December 2013. 

Liangfei Qiu, Huaxia Rui, and Andrew Whinston, "Information Exchange in Prediction Markets: Do Social Networks Promote Forecast Efficiency?" The 46th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS), Maui, HI, January 2013 (Nominated for Best Paper Award). 

Liangfei Qiu, Huaxia Rui, and Andrew Whinston, "Information Exchange in Prediction Markets: How Social Networks Promote Forecast Efficiency," International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS), Orlando, FL, December 2012.

Liangfei Qiu and Andrew Whinston, "Naive Herding in Location-Based Networks: Induced Social Learning and Optimal Dynamic Pricing," Conference on Information Systems and Technology (CIST), Phoenix, AZ, October 2012.

Liangfei Qiu, Huaxia Rui, and Andrew Whinston, "A Twitter-Based Prediction Market: Social Network Approach," International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS), Shanghai, China, December 2011; International Conference on Theory and Applications of Social Networks, Austin, TX, June 2011; and SXSW 2011, Austin, TX, March 2011.

Other Conference Papers

Naveen Kumar, Liangfei Qiu, and Subodha Kumar, "Exit, Voice, and Response on Digital Platforms: An Empirical Investigation of Online Management Response Strategies," invited presentation at POMS Annual Conference, Houston, TX, May 2018.

Sandeep Khurana, Liangfei Qiu, and Subodha Kumar, "When a Doctor Knows, It Shows: An Empirical Analysis of Doctors’ Responses in Q&A Forum of an Online Healthcare Portal," invited presentation at POMS Annual Conference, Seattle, WA, May 2017.    

Tingting Nian, Liangfei Qiu, Jingchuan Pu, and Hsing Kenneth Cheng, "Manipulation for Competition: Pricing Models in the Presence of Promotional Reviews," invited presentation at POMS Annual Conference, Seattle, WA, May 2017.   

Derck Koolen, Liangfei Qiu, Wolfgang Ketter, and Alok Gupta, "Market Efficiency and Design in Electricity Markets integrating Renewable Energy: Theory and Simulation," Winter Conference on Business Intelligence, Snowbird, Utah, March 2017.

Young Kwark, Gene Moo Lee, Paul Pavlou, and Liangfei Qiu, "Analyzing the Spillover Roles of User-Generated Reviews on Purchases: Evidence from Clickstream Data," Wharton Customer Analytics Initiative Symposium, Philadelphia, PA, July 2016.

Qian Tang and Liangfei Qiu, "Understanding Cross-Platform User Behavior and Its Impacts on Content Diffusion in Social Media," Symposium on Statistical Challenges in eCommerce Research (SCECR), Naxos, Greece, June 2016.

Yinan Yu, Hailiang Chen, and Liangfei Qiu, "Interplay between Social Media and Traditional Media: A Study in the Motion Picture Industry," China Summer Workshop on Information Management (CSWIM 2016), Dalian, China, June 2016.

Derck Koolen, Ronald Huisman, Wolfgang Ketter, and Liangfei Qiu, "Risk and Decision Making for Electricity Forward Markets with Volatile Resources," Energy & Commodity Finance Conference (ECOMFIN), Paris, France, June 2016.

Liangfei Qiu, Hsing Kenneth Cheng, and Jingchuan Pu, "Hidden Profiles in Corporate Prediction Markets: The Impacts of Public Information Precision and Social Interactions," invited presentation at POMS Annual Conference, Orlando, FL, May 2016.    

Liangfei Qiu, Zhan Shi, and Andrew Whinston, "Learning from Your Friends’ Check-Ins: An Empirical Study of Location-Based Social Networks," invited presentation at POMS Annual Conference, Orlando, FL, May 2016.

Derck Koolen, Liangfei Qiu, and Wolfgang Ketter, "The Role of Information Transparency on Decision Making in Electricity Wholesale Markets," invited presentation at POMS Annual Conference, Orlando, FL, May 2016.

Young Kwark, Gene Moo Lee, Paul Pavlou, and Liangfei Qiu, "Analyzing the Spillover Roles of User-Generated Reviews on Purchases: Evidence from Clickstream Data," POMS Annual Conference, Orlando, FL, May 2016.

Ravi Bapna, Liangfei Qiu, and Sarah Rice, "Repeated Interactions vs. Social Ties: Quantifying the Economic Value of Trust, Forgiveness, and Reputation Using a Field Experiment," Symposium on the Sharing Economy, Minneapolis, MN, May 2016.

Ravi Bapna, Liangfei Qiu, and Sarah Rice, "Repeated Interactions vs. Social Ties: Quantifying the Economic Value of Trust, Forgiveness, and Reputation Using a Field Experiment," Winter Conference on Business Intelligence, Snowbird, Utah, March 2016.

Young Kwark, Gene Moo Lee, Paul Pavlou, and Liangfei Qiu, "Analyzing the Spillover Roles of User-Generated Reviews on Purchases: Evidence from Clickstream Data," Winter Conference on Business Intelligence, Snowbird, Utah, March 2016.

Derck Koolen, Liangfei Qiu, and Wolfgang Ketter, "Decision Making Under Information Revelation Policies in Electricity Markets," Winter Conference on Business Intelligence, Snowbird, Utah, March 2016.

Liangfei Qiu, Zhan Shi, and Andrew Whinston, "Learning from Your Friends’ Check-Ins: An Empirical Study of Location-Based Social Networks," invited presentation at  INFORMS Annual Meeting, Philadelphia, PA, October 2015.

Ravi Bapna, Liangfei Qiu, and Sarah Rice, "Repeated Interactions vs. Social Ties: Quantifying the Economic Value of Trust, Forgiveness, and Reputation Using a Field Experiment," NBER Summer Institute, Economics of IT and Digitization Workshop, Cambridge, MA, July 2015. 

Liangfei Qiu, Huaxia Rui, and Andrew Whinston, "Sharing Economics: Procuring Third-Party WiFi Capacity for Mobile Data Offloading," Platform Strategy Research Symposium, Boston, MA, July 2015. 

Liangfei Qiu, Huaxia Rui, and Andrew Whinston, "Hotspot Economics: Procurement of Third-Party WiFi Capacity for Mobile Data Offloading," invited presentation at POMS 26th Annual Conference, Washington D.C., May 2015. 

Gene Moo Lee, Liangfei Qiu, and Andrew Whinston, "Strategic Network Formation in a Location-Based Social Network: A Topic Modeling Approach." Workshop on Information Systems and Economics (WISE), Auckland, New Zealand, December 2014.

Shun-Yang Lee, Liangfei Qiu, and Andrew Whinston, "Sentiment Manipulation: Evidence from the Movie Industry," Workshop on e-Business (WeB), Auckland, New Zealand, December 2014. 

Liangfei Qiu, Huaxia Rui, and Andrew Whinston, "Examining the Effect of Social Network on Prediction Markets through a Controlled Experiment," American Economic Association Annual Meeting, Philadelphia, PA, January 2014.

Liangfei Qiu, Qian Tang, and Andrew Whinston, "Two Formulas for Success in Social Media: Social Learning and Network Effects," Workshop on Information Systems and Economics (WISE), Milan, Italy, December 2013. 

Ravi Bapna, Liangfei Qiu, and Sarah Rice, "Repeated Interactions vs. Social Ties: Quantifying the Economic Value of Trust, Forgiveness, and Reputation Using a Field Experiment on Facebook," Workshop on Information Systems and Economics (WISE), Milan, Italy, December 2013. 

Liangfei Qiu, Huaxia Rui, and Andrew Whinston, "Examining the Effect of Social Network on Prediction Markets through a Controlled Experiment," Econometric Society North American Summer Meeting, Los Angeles, CA, June 2013.

Liangfei Qiu, Huaxia Rui, and Andrew Whinston, "Examining the Effect of Social Network on Prediction Markets through a Controlled Experiment," Midwest Economic Theory Conference, East Lansing, MI, April 2013.

Liangfei Qiu, Huaxia Rui, and Andrew Whinston, "Information Exchange in Prediction Markets: How Social Networks Promote Forecast Efficiency," invited presentation at INFORMS Annual Meeting, Phoenix, AZ, October 2012.

Liangfei Qiu, "Information Acquisition and Exchange in Social Networks," Econometric Society North American Summer Meeting, St. Louis, MO, June 2011.

Ho-Mou Wu and Liangfei Qiu, "Higher Order Beliefs and Asset Market Dynamics," Econometric Society World Congress, Shanghai, China, August 2010.