Ways to Contribute

Create Some Booklists

There are so many websites out there that let you create lists of books, e.g.,

WorldCat is more list-oriented, while LibraryThing is more for collections of books. Google Books has the advantage that pages of the book may be available for instant viewing.

WorldCat is one that isn't so well known, but is very useful, e.g., you can enter a Note for any title, and can copy anyone's list into a new list of your own to modify. See for example the lists of user 'uwcsea' and 'KatherineDay'.

If you do create some lists, let us know and we'll make sure we link to them from this wiki.

Using Shared Tags

As you may have noticed, in Delicious these tags will pull up anyone's links relating to the PYP:

  • pyp

    • schoolopacs + ib_pyp

  • pyp_poi

  • pyp_poi_resources

It works the same way in LibraryThing. If everyone uses the tag:

  • Learner Profile for the Primary Years

then we can all find the same books, even if they're in different people's catalogs.