GLOBAL CAMPAIGN TO DEMAND CLIMATE JUSTICE. "Climate change ... threatens to wipe out vast populations and profoundly change life on Earth"


Global Campaign to Demand Climate Justice: “We are movements and organizations engaged in many struggles for a new world - a world in which the needs, interests, rights and aspirations of peoples everywhere have priority over the profit of corporations and the excess of elites. In the years ahead, our solidarity and collective action is extremely crucial. Climate change is already having devastating impacts globally and is accelerating. The window for preventing the breach of tipping points and stopping climate catastrophe is rapidly closing. Climate change is more than multiplying the sufferings of people already burdened by the global injustices of hunger, dispossession and violation of human rights. It is a crisis that also threatens to wipe out vast populations and profoundly change life on Earth. We must act with clarity, cohesion and courage if we are to stabilize the Earth’s climate system and secure a just and sustainable world.” [1].

[1]. Global Campaign to Demand Climate Justice,” Our platform and strategy”: .