1. Excite interest in physics as a source of innovation


Membership and Communications Coordinator

Ideas for Specific Actions

a. Oversee member recruitment.

b. Idenitify target audiences and reach out to them about physics and innovation, e.g., first and second year physics majors, K-12 students, community groups, inventors’ clubs, news media, etc.

c. Form and disseminate ideas about what makes physics students well suited to innovation.

d. Compile and disseminate examples of successful innovations by physicists (e.g. Chester Carlson’s invention of electrostatic copying).

e. Explore examples of ways that physics and physicists have been sources of innovation in the local region.

f. Create and maintain a showcase of student innovations; prepare an annual brief of innovations emerging from PSI* participants.

g. Assemble a library of images related to physics-based innovation.

h. Manage listserv, website, Facebook, Twitter, and physical bulletin boards as means of communication.

i. Oversee special events to recruit and engage members.

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