
In this area, I discuss how various classes could be impacted by the economic crisis. These classes include the Individual (the American citizen/taxpayer), Investor (those with invested money/assets) and Business (those involved in running a business). I also include an introduction, “Why You Should Care,” that answers a natural question some may have, especially if they are not particularly aware of economics or business topics.

The first section, “Individual,” offers an introductory overview as to topics that are facing the individual during this economic crisis. Under this topic you will find the first article titled “Crime During Economic Distress” which deals with how crime, as well as other “wealth reappropriations,” might change during the economic crisis.

The second section, “Investor,” offers an introductory overview as to issues that are facing the investor. The first article, titled "Does Warren Buffett's Market Metric Still Apply?" examines a ratio Warren Buffett uses to determine to what degree the stock market is fairly valued. The second article, "A S&P500 Target of 100?" discusses a possible target for the S&P500, and the fundamental and technical characteristics that would likely accompany such a level.

The third section, “Business,” offers an introductory overview as to issues that are facing those who are running businesses. Under this topic you will find the first article called “The Value of Business Analysis During This Economic Malaise,” which deals with critical business issues during this period of high uncertainty and stress.

Articles are added to each of the three sections (Individual, Investor, Business) intermittently. (To be notified of new additions, you can sign up for the email distribution list)