
Welcome to Prosperity By Pen!

This site discusses the most important topic of our time – the American economic situation and attempts being made to improve it.

I have created this site for two main reasons. First, as a citizen and taxpayer with insights into the matter, I am “gravely concerned” by the situation we find ourselves in. I feel compelled to offer my concerns and opinions. Second, in my opinion, the subject of our economic situation, which is vastly complex, is discussed incompletely and/or inaccurately. Some may find my discussions on this site to be provocative in nature, as my opinions are unique.

I fully understand why we, as a nation, are responding to the crisis in the manner in which we are. I could write many books on how we got into this situation, as well as the potential benefits and risks posed by the economic stimulus and intervention efforts being proposed and enacted. However, at this juncture, it is probably best to focus on the effects, going forward, that we will experience from the economy as it continually adjusts. Admittedly, this will be a most difficult (albeit critical) exercise, as we are truly in uncharted territory.

On the “About” page, I explain what “Prosperity By Pen” means, as well as provide background information on myself.

On the “Articles” page, you will find various articles I have written regarding the economic crisis and the intervention/stimulus efforts being proposed and enacted. Articles are added intermittently.

On the “You” page, I discuss how various classes could be impacted. These classes include the Individual (the American citizen/taxpayer), Investor (money and assets), and Business. Additions are added intermittently.

As seen in 2008, this economic situation is changing at a fast rate.