Prostate Cancer Support Group for Harrogate & District

Terms of Reference


Committee to constitute no more than 12 members (including 2 designated honorary members), with nominated posts/responsibilities:





Publicity Officer

IT/Web page(s)

Committee members will be nominated/volunteered from within the Group. This process will normally be re-visited every 12 months, usually at the start of a new calendar year, and will be usually held for a minimum of two years. Group members will be temporarily attached to the committee as appropriate.

Key Aims:

- Ensuring agreed aims/objectives of the group are met.

- Ensuring Mission statement maintained and updated as necessary.

- Maintaining funding at minimum £1,000 at the start each calendar year.

- Maximising all publicity and recruitment opportunities.

- Ensuring expenditure is appropriate, and Value-For-Money.

- Agreeing on a monthly calendar of events and organising speakers, activities

to benefit the Group as a whole.

- Ensuring regular committee meetings (usually every 2 months) held, and accurate records kept and maintained for posterity.

- Ensuring full financial records maintained and audited annually.

- Provision and maintenance of annual action plan and target dates.

- Provision of an annual committee report and progress updates to

The group at Group meetings as appropriate and through an electronic 3

-monthly Newsletter.

- Annual room hire (contract as appropriate) maintained to meet VFM and Group needs - to include any relevant review/update Risk Assessment and Health and Safety docs).

- To undertake an annual questionnaire to help inform committee group decisions for the forthcoming year.

- To maintain and update all appropriate Prosper Group documentation.