lesson 4

Lesson No.4 : False Gospel

Is poverty a curse of God? – False doctrine of prosperity gospel

A dear member of our group has raised certain issues after going through our message "Four types of sowings". It is good that these issues were raised by a beloved member of our group. The point at issue is whether the poverty is a curse of God or not. I have dealt with this doctrine under three issues raised by our beloved group member.

Issue No.1


"The message being given should be true to the gospel. It should not give a false promise of material prosperity. Jesus exhorted His disciples to deny themselves, take up their crosses and follow Him. When the evangelist preaches a message of material prosperity, denouncing poverty as a curse of God, the hearer, when faced with the care of this world, and the deceitfulness of riches, is tempted to covet only the material prosperity of this world. He would not like to endure afflictions. Suffering for the sake of Christ is part of Christian life. Every one would face the care of this world. Facing it in our Christian life is inevitable. But, we should not be cowed down by it. We should overcome it through Christ. The evil consequences of deceitfulness of riches should be inculcated in the mind of the hearer. On the contrary, the preacher promises material prosperity to the hearer in return to the latter’s financial support or the so-called “seeds of faith”. The hearer thus becomes a prey to the deceitfulness of riches".


I am truly disappointed in your position in this matter. In Deuteronomy 28, it is clear to me, that God says if we listen diligently to HIS voice and obey HIS commandments, HE WILL BLESS us. Verse 15 says: "But if you will not obey the voice of the Lord your God, being watchful to do all His commandments and His statutes which I command you this day, then all these curses shall come upon you and overtake you". Poverty is a curse. From Deuteronomy 28:15 right through to the end of the chapter is a long list of curses. Every curse listed is a curse of poverty, whether it is physically, financially, psychologically etc.


Poverty means want of material things. I agree that God blesses us materially. Yes, God wants His people to be materially prosperous. Material prosperity is one of the blessings. But we should not denounce the poverty as a curse of God. Under the New Testament, there are “poor saints” in our midst. These poor saints are to be ministered to by the other members of His Body. The great apostle Paul was not materially rich. He had suffered hunger and was shelterless. What did Jesus tell the rich man who wanted to follow Him? Do not quote the Word of God from one angle only. Man does not live by bread alone (which means material blessings) but by every word that proceeds from the mouth of God.

Issue No.2


"Today we find in our midst teachers who dilute the gospel of Christ by laying over-emphasis on material prosperity. People, having itching ears, flock to these teachers. Recently, a dear sister informed me that God has not yet blessed her financially despite her sowing financial seeds by way of tithes, offerings, etc. I then sent her a message on the poor widow’s mite. The poor widow under the watchful eyes of Jesus put everything she had into the offertory box. Though she was under the Old Testament, and was not under grace, she gave all she had to God without expecting anything in return from God. She put all her coins and went away. Here is a poor widow who put in what she had with her. She had no more savings to fend for herself, having dropped her two mites into the treasury. Her name is not mentioned here. The Bible calls her “a certain poor widow”.


Malachi 3:10-11 says that when we bring all our tithes into the storehouse, that there may be meat in God's house, and we prove HIM. If He will not open to us the windows of heaven, and pour us out a blessing, that there shall not be room enough to receive it. When we pay our tithes God blesses us. I see no confusion about this. If God says He will bless us when we bring our tithes, of course I believe HIM. I am expecting HIM to do exactly as He says. Taking a vow of poverty does not make anyone a Christian. Jesus came into this world so that we may have life and have it more abundantly, and in every area of our lives. He became poor in order that we may become rich. God's plan is to prosper us, to give us hope and a bright future. God takes pleasure in the prosperity of His servants.


True, God blesses His people who give to Him. Please note that our giving to God under the New Testament is quite different from the Old Testament doctrine of giving tithes to God. Under the New Testament, we are supposed to give to God more than the tithes. We have to cheerfully give and not grudgingly. God’s plan is not to prosper us as written by you. His plan is to conform us to the image of Christ. We are conformed to His image as we deny ourselves, take our crosses and follow Him.

True, God takes pleasure in the prosperity of His servants not only materially or physically but also spiritually. True, Jesus became poor to make us rich, not only physically and materially but also spiritually. The same Jesus asked us to “deny ourselves, take our cross and follow Him”. What is more important under the New Testament is not material prosperity but spiritual prosperity, which includes the doing the perfect will of God.

Issue No.3


"It was only Jesus Who had seen the poor widow throw her two mites into the offertory. As we give to God secretly, the eyes of Jesus are on us. Let us give to God without expecting any reward from Him. Let us not heed the preachers of the so-called prosperity gospel. Let us imbibe the poor widow. Let us also be anonymous as “a certain poor widow”.


This is what I say. Jesus clearly says in Luke 6:38 "Give, and it shall be given unto you; good measure, pressed down, and shaken together, and running over, shall men give into your bosom. For with the same measure that ye mete withal it shall be measured to you again". Clearly, this says that when I give I can expect to receive. How much I receive, will be in proportion to what I give. This does not mean that when I give I just sit and wait to receive. It does, however, mean that if Jesus said so, then it is so. Amen.


In the above Gospel portion, Jesus commanded us to “give”. To whom we should give? Jesus does not refer to “tithes” here. It also includes giving to the poor. Under the New Testament, we are not offering physical sacrifices at the Temple of God. We have to give our free-will offerings to His ministers who also include apostles, prophets, evangelists and teachers, and to the “poor saints”. Yes, in whatever measure we give, it shall be measured unto us. This does not mean that if I give $10, I should expect a return sevenfold or even hundredfold. When you offer something to God out of the Calvary love, you should not expect any return from Him. God may measure us back not necessarily in the same form but in some other forms also because He is a sovereign God. You may get also spiritual returns from Him, pressed down, shaken together, and running over…The Church needs spiritual blessings in the form of revivals.

We, the Christians, are taught under the New Testament to give to the poor saints, and to the poor people in our midst. The Temple under the New Testament is the universal Body of Christ. We are supposed to give sacrificially to the missionary organizations that are engaged in preaching the gospel to the lost and to the unreached. We are not supposed to give the tithes of the Old Testament concept.

Why should you expect something from God Who has already given His only Begotten Son for you? Please note that even under the Old Covenant, when the people offered their sacrifices at the Altar in the Temple, the same were burnt and nothing remained there. Abraham went up to the Mount along with his son to sacrifice him at the altar but did not expect any reward from God because Abraham loved the God of the Old Testament.

Dearly beloved in Christ, if we study the church history, many saints of God were physically not rich but were spiritually rich unto God. God used them mightily in winning souls. WILL YOU PLEASE READ THE BIOGRAPHY OF A WOMAN OF GOD IN INDIA WHO WAS POOR? She and her children could not get bellyful food. Even after accepting Christ, she and her children lived in poverty. However, God was with her. Her life radiated the glory of God. She glorified God even in her poverty. The Holy Spirit testified of this woman of God as "blessed woman of God". She was not cursed of God. Will you please click the following web page of our site to read her beautiful testimony?

Gnanamani Ammal, the blessed woman of God

Important queries on “prosperity gospel” and our clarifications – Sickness a curse?

Query No.1

"Sickness is a curse and not a badge of honor. I know what the scriptures say. Our LORD did not suffer in vain so that we could remain sick, go to the cross and be crucified ourselves, or to live in poverty. Then after a life of misery, He will allow us final rest in heaven. This is religion, that is what it is".



Sickness is neither a curse nor a badge of honor. When Lazarus was sick, He said, "This sickness is not unto death, but for the glory of God, that the Son of God might be glorified thereby" (John 11:4). Through the sickness of Lazarus, the Son of God was glorified when Lazarus was restored to life. The sickness of Lazarus was a not curse of God. Jesus healed the sick so that the Son of God was glorified.

When Jesus saw a man who was blind from his birth, His disciples asked Him who did sin, this man, or his parents, that he was born blind. Jesus answered that neither this man sinned nor his parents but that “the works of God should be made manifest in him” (John 9:1-3). Let us note that when God heals a person, His works are made manifest in that person. Sickness of a person, when healed, manifests the works of God. A person becoming sick need not be necessarily due to his/her sin or due to the sins of his/her parents.

During the earthly ministry, Jesus healed the sick, and even today HE HEALS THE SICK. I am the one who always preaches that God does heal. He is Jehovah Rapha – I AM THE LORD THAT HEALETH THEE. This is the truth on the one side of the two edged sword of the Spirit. LET US NOTE THAT WE SHOULD BE CAREFUL WHILE QUOTING THE SCRIPTURES. IT SHOULD NOT BE ONE-SIDED AS THE DEVIL QUOTED THE SCRITPURES FROM ONE ANGLE WHILE TEMPTING JESUS. Throughout the gospels, we find that the Son of God healed all those who came to Him and those who were brought to Him for healing. He not only healed their sicknesses but also forgave their sins.

True, Jesus died for our sins and sicknesses on the Cross. There is no denial of this truth. The point at issue is whether God ALWAYS HEALS us. We should not only study the four gospels but should also study the Acts of the Apostles and the epistles written by the apostles. During the Acts of the Apostles, healings and miracles were performed. The same continue even today. I am not denying it.

God has promised us abundant life in this life. There is a Promised Land for His people on this earth where God wants us to enjoy salvation from sin and sicknesses, and material blessings that we need. However, at the same time, let us not ignore the truth from the other side of the two edged sword of the Spirit.

There are many saints of God in our midst who have some kind of physical infirmities. They are not cursed of God. They did pray to God for healing. They sought His divine healing. But God told them, “My grace is sufficient for thee: for My strength is made perfect in weakness…” Paul had a thorn in the flesh and he besought the Lord THRICE, that it might depart from him (II Cor.12: 7 to 9). Paul then decided to glory in his infirmities, “that the power of Christ may rest upon me”. You may try to argue that this thorn in the flesh was not a bodily infirmity of Paul. Definitely, this could not be a secret sin in the life of Paul. It was neither a spiritual infirmity because the word “flesh” is mentioned here. As such, it was an infirmity in his flesh, and not in his spiritual life.

In many healing crusades, we have noticed that all the sick people were not healed. Only some people were healed. There were many saints who could not be healed during such crusades. This is what we see before our own eyes. We are witnesses to this. You may judge that these people had no faith in divine healing or had some secret sins in their lives. This is our human judgment. Let us study the New Testament books in this regard.

There are many saints in our midst who have “a thorn in the flesh”. I can quote the biographies of countless saints of God in this regard. Please read below the testimony concerning the great apostle of Christ, Charles E Cowman:

“After 25 years of fruitful labor in Japan and Korea, the angel of pain struck Rev.C.E.Cowman. The doctor’s diagnosis was: “Worn out”. The result was that he was transferred from the din of the battle to the seclusion of the sick chamber; from the glow and glory of the work, he loved so dearly, to the utter abandonment of it all. Would his faith fail now at this crucial point? If God were to give him songs in the night, He must first make the night. The billows, which in their approach threatened to submerge him as they came in, lifted him to heaven for which he was bound.

If the great adversary had desired that the stroke should mar or bruise God’s chosen instrument, to arrest God’s work, he was certainly disappointed for Charles Cowman stood still, beneath the shadow of the Cross.

Often Satan came tempting him to faint under pressure, but each time the tempting reached their utmost limit, God would illumine from some old and familiar text, or a helpful book or tract which would providentially fall into his hands which contained just the message he needed at that moment….”

To quote another servant of God who lived and died in India for the glory of God, Amy Carmichael served God fervently and faithfully in South India, when she was bed-ridden for 15 years.

Can you say that Paul, Charles Cowman and Amy Carmichael were cursed of God? No.


What is the dictionary meaning of poverty? “The state of being poor: necessity: want: lack: deficiency…” There are many saints who are poor. Paul says in Rome 15:25-26, “Now I go unto Jerusalem to minister unto the saints. For it hath pleased them of Macedonia and Achaia to make a certain contribution for “the poor saints” which are at Jerusalem. The people, who are saints, though they do not have the money with themselves, cannot be termed as the cursed of God.

Jesus never made any people rich during His earthly ministry. Even when His own disciple Peter wanted money to pay tribute, He asked him to go to the sea and to look for a fish. Jesus Himself was penniless and shelterless. Can you call Him as the cursed of God? When the rich young man wanted to become His disciple, Jesus asked him to go and sell all his possessions because he had great possessions. “He that layeth up treasure for himself, and is not rich toward God” (Luke 12:21). The mission of Jesus and that of the Church today is not to make people healthy and financially prosperous. Let us not forget the parable of the rich man and Lazarus tells us?

What happened to the disciples of our Lord, Ananias and Sapphira? What went wrong with them? They simply withheld a part of the sale proceeds of their own property, and lied to the Holy Ghost. The money was supposed to have been shared with the other poor saints. Paul in his epistle to the young Timothy, warned him against the love of money as the root of all evil. Seeking material prosperity and without sharing the same with the poor saints is not a doctrine of the Bible. It is the teaching of the Devil.

Query No. 2:

"What father would want His beloved child to suffer privation and affliction? Why does religion make God out to be schizophrenic? One minute He is bestowing blessing, the next punishing with wrath. The New Covenant does not speak of Jesus cursing anyone, except the fig tree. The devil curses, the flesh condemns, but JESUS SAVES"


Suffering privation and affliction is part of the Christian life. Every member of the Body of Christ has to “fill up that which is behind of the afflictions of Christ” in her/his flesh “for His Body’s sake, which is the Church” (Col.1: 24). Well, if you do not want to suffer affliction in your flesh for the sake of His Body, it is your choice. In that case, you cannot be a member of His Body, the universal Church. David, even under the Old Covenant, said that it was good that he was afflicted. About the Lord’s chastening of His beloved people, you have to “endure chastening” (Heb. 12:6 to 9).

“For whom the Lord loveth, He chasteneth, and scourgeth every son whom He receiveth.

If ye endure chastening, God dealeth with you, as with sons; for what son is he whom the father chasteneth not?

But if ye be without chastisement, whereof all are partakers, then are ye bastards, and not sons…..”

Query No.3

"Jesus has made the way to be FREE from sickness, death, poverty, curses and condemnation. Otherwise, why serve Him? I would not want to serve a God who dished out willy-nilly healing and blessing to some, cursing and anguish to others. Legalistic religious doctrines muddy up the waters!"


Yes. Jesus died on the Cross to set us free from the sin and sicknesses. This is one side of the truth. Should not we serve God Who has given His only begotten Son for us, just because He has not healed our bodily infirmities or diseases? Should not we serve our loving Heavenly Father just because He has not materially prospered us. Please note that the divine act of chastening leads to our blessing only. Blessing and judgment are the attributes of God. God judges His people because the judgment begins at the House of God.

Query No.4


Regarding Paul's thorn, study the word “thorn” in Scripture. It is always used to denote an enemy of God. In this case this verse is quite clear. Paul’s thorn was not a sickness or infirmity of his flesh but 'a messenger of Satan sent to buffet him. God did not send this messenger, Satan did. Why? To prevent the spread of the gospel through Paul's ministry. Does the rest of Scripture bear this out?


No messenger of Satan could have buffeted an apostle of Christ because Christ had given him all the power over the power of the enemy. No power on the earth could prevent “the spread of the gospel”. The messenger of Satan was only sent to buffet Paul so that he should not be exalted above measure through the abundance of the revelations. God allows Satan to afflict His people with sicknesses. The Devil afflicted Paul with a bodily infirmity. This bodily infirmity was termed as the messenger of Satan because the Devil had caused this infirmity. This bodily infirmity, a messenger of Satan constantly buffeted him when Paul wanted to glory in the abundance of the revelations. According to a report based on the church history, Paul had some infirmity in his eyes.

Let us note the plain truth about the sickness. A person is susceptible to sickness or bodily infirmities in this world. Apart from the sicknesses and diseases caused by the Devil, a person due to his advancement in age gets bodily infirmity and dies in the natural course. A saint also dies due to some disease or due to old age. Paul was not an exception. Except our Lord Jesus Christ, all the human beings have some kind of bodily weakness or diseases. I DO NOT DENY THAT CHRIST HEALS US THROUGH HIS PRECIOUS BLOOD. WE SHOULD CLAIM GOD'S PROMISES IN PSALM 91 FOR PROTECTION AGAINST "THE PESTILENCE THAT WALKETH IN DARKNESS" AND THE DISEASES THAT AFFLICT US IN THIS WORLD BY DWELLING IN THE SECRET PLACE OF THE MOST HIGH.

Dearly beloved in Christ Jesus, can you say that you would have perfect health till your death? Nobody would be transported to the Heaven with his mortal body after his body. So long as our mortal bodies do not put on immortality, our mortal bodies are susceptible to sicknesses and diseases. We will put on immortality only on the second advent of Jesus Christ. No doubt, God wants us to enjoy good health. This does not mean that we would not contract any sicknesses during our life time. We should resist sicknesses in the Name of Jesus Christ. But at the same time, we should not judge those saints in our midst who suffer from certain diseases.

Query No.5


Sure, read 1 Cor. 11. Paul was beaten, shipwrecked, stoned, imprisoned, and when he preached in Ephesus, the demon worshipping crowd was incited against him. By whom? I believe by a demon prince, influencing the minds of men, for we wrestle not against flesh and blood.


You have made only a guess without the support of any portion from the epistles. Do you mean to say that this demonic prince had been a messenger of Satan to buffet Paul? No. True, we wrestle not against flesh and blood but against the demonic forces. If the messenger of Satan was a demonic prince, he would not have succeeded in buffeting the great apostle because the apostle out of his God-given wisdom could have discerned this alien spirit. This would have falsified the truth that Christ has given us all the power over the power of the enemy so as to tread on serpents and scorpions (Luke 10:19).

Let us note that Paul “besought the Lord thrice, that it might depart from” him. In that case, according to your doctrine, God did not deliver His beloved apostle from Satan despite his seeking Him thrice. In that case, we cannot ask the people of God to cast out demons in Jesus’ Name because they would think that if the great apostle could not get divine deliverance from the clutches of a demonic prince, they would also not get any such deliverance.

There are many beloved servants of God who have been afflicted with some kinds of sicknesses in their bodies. They had besought the Lord a number of times. But God has not healed them but uses them mightily in healing ministries. These ministers have wonderful revelations and the spiritual gifts like the gifts of healing, gift of prophecy, word of wisdom, word of knowledge, etc. In order to buffet them, God has allowed the messengers of Satan to afflict these precious servants of God with some sicknesses or diseases.

Will you please note what Paul says in II Cor.12:9-10, “Most gladly, therefore, will I rather glory in my infirmities, that the power of Christ may rest upon me…Therefore, I take pleasure in infirmities…..” What are the infirmities with Paul? These infirmities could not have been the constant presence of the demonic prince in his life as claimed by you. These were definitely bodily infirmities caused by Satan. Paul could not have spiritual infirmities or any secret sins in his life.

Query No.6


What happened, when Paul sought Jesus, the Lord said 'My grace is sufficient for you. There is a clear distinction in the Scripture between God's mercy and God's grace. God's mercy forgives and comforts. God's grace is the muscle of God that delivers us. As a Christian it is very difficult to fall from God's mercy for God loves us and is quick to forgive us when we turn to Him. Yet, God's grace is to the humble, and He resists the proud.

In this verse God is saying to Paul, my grace (power to deliver) is sufficient for you. This thorn was an enemy to be destroyed, a conquered foe to be routed, not a cross to bear, or a sickness to be endured.


God’s mercy is for those who seek Him, where God’s grace is for those who do not deserve His mercy. God’s mercy was manifested even during the days of the Old Testament whereas His grace was manifested only through Jesus Christ under the New Covenant. Grace means “unmerited favor”. Grace is not “power to deliver”. Christ gave the Church, His Body the power to deliver. If “this thorn was an enemy to be destroyed, a conquered foe to be routed”, this thorn could not have been in the flesh of the great apostle. Since Christ had destroyed the work of the Devil through His Cross, then this thorn, a demonic prince, could not have been there in the life of Paul.

Query No.7


So it is with material poverty. My loving Father does not in His sovereignty will that one out of five children on this planet will go to sleep tonight without enough to eat, or that people are dying from malnutrition and poisoned water, because wicked men have hoarded up that which is needed for their supply due to greed, selfishness, and covetousness. God does not ordain poverty, heaven has streets of gold. Poverty is an enemy to be destroyed, just like sickness and sin, because it kills people and God is the author of life, not death. No one can tell me poverty is the will of God, nor a blessing of God, but is a result of the fall of man and demons. Redemption includes financial provision and prosperity. God's will is that we fight the fight of faith to conquer firstly our own selfish lusts, then the demon princes that hold the wealth of this world to rule over men.


Yes. Poverty is not the will of our Heavenly Father. That is why our Lord has taught us to pray in this manner, “Our Father in Heaven………give us our daily bread…….” As we pray for daily bread, we intercede before God for all who need their daily bread. That is why the word “we” is used in the Lord’s prayer.

Yes, poverty is an enemy to be destroyed. How? We cannot cast out the poverty as we cast out the evil spirits in Jesus’ Name. By sharing our material blessings with those who do not have it, and by sacrificially giving to the poor, we can get rid of poverty. If people are dying of malnutrition, or if the hungry children are going to bed, what you and I are expected to do? We have to share our food with them. This is what our Bible teaches us, the Christians, to do.

Query No.8


I love your sacrificial love and consecration brother, but you cannot base your faith upon the experience of other Christians, or even your experience. Our faith must be founded and grounded upon the written Word of God. Again, I will attach a prayer for Biblical prosperity that we pray daily.

I am glad you are studying this important topic, for it is the Word of God that is the sword of the Spirit, given to us to deliver the people we are called to serve. Study this very carefully my dear friend, because an incorrect division of the Word of God on this point sentences you and the people you are called to serve to a life time of financial bondage. We are called to deliver the oppressed, not bow before devils. Financial Prosperity is part of our covenant with God. Study it, believe it, and receive it by faith.


Yes, we should rightly divide the word of the truth. We should also expose the false doctrines that afflict the Body of Christ. I have been ministering to those who need financial blessings in Jesus’ Name. The people of God need financial blessings. I am not denying it. We, the members of His Body, should share our material blessings with those members of His body who are “poor saints”. In my message “False doctrine of prosperity gospel (Part-II), I have dealt with this aspect very elaborately. God has made His Covenant with us through the Blood of Jesus Christ so that we are conformed to the image of Christ Jesus.

Query No.9


There are no "two sides of God truth" as in two edges / one Sword very sharp, one God, one truth His name is Jesus Christ. ………The Main Thing is for those who really believe in HIM, is not to be double minded, or double edges regarding to God will.


Rev.1:16 says, “Out of His mouth went a sharp two-edged sword…..” Heb.4:12 says, “For the word of God is quick and powerful and sharper than any two-edged word, piercing even to the dividing asunder of soul and spirit…….” According to Eph.6:17, the sword of the Spirit is the word of God. The two edged word is the Word of God. The Devil while tempting Jesus quoted the Scriptures correctly but from one angle. He quoted the word of the truth from one side. But Jesus defeated the Devil by quoting the word of the truth from the other side.

Query No.10


I believe by revelation knowledge based on the Word of God that Paul had a battle in his body (flesh) a messenger of Satan attacking him according to his call in the body of Christ. Remember that when we repent our sins are forgiven, but also we enter in a washing process into a renewal of our minds (by the WORD OF GOD), and there is a battle to fight on daily bases, that takes place in our flesh (minds, and there is power in our minds).....God said to Paul.....My grace (Jesus) should be enough for you. A thorn in the flesh is a wide range of description of all the things contrary to what is written for us to seek and become, in this portion of the Holy Scriptures


You have not read carefully and fully what I have written in my earlier message. According to you, the thorn in the flesh was a battle in the body of Paul, attacking him according to his call. If it was a battle in his body against the messenger of Satan, it could not be an infirmity. But Paul says that he gladly rejoiced in his infirmities. No doubt, we have a battle against the Devil daily. You have mentioned that “here is power in our minds”. Please note that there is no inherent power in our minds to fight this battle against the Devil. We have power only through the Blood of Jesus Christ. We have to put on the whole armor of God to fight against the Devil. Please read Eph. 6:12-17. The rest of what you have written is not relevant to the point at issue.

Query No.11


We are supposed to follow the Old Testament laws because Jesus came into the world to fulfill the Law and not to destroy it. According to II Tim.3: 16-16, "All scripture is given by inspiration of God…..” As such, we should follow all the scripture. Jesus strengthened the Law by adding “grace” to it.


We are observing the Law of Moses both in letter and in spirit through the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ. The Law of Moses was the Ten Commandments. Moses gave many sundry laws and ordinances with regard to tithes, food habits, code of dress, etc. to the people of Israel. Can you say that we should follow these sundry commandments? Will you please clarify to me as to why the ministers of God pick up only certain commandments from the Old Testament to be observed by the people, especially regarding tithes and offerings, when they do not give equal importance to the other commandments? Will you please also clarify as to why the other commandments/ordinances pertaining to mode of dress, food habits, treatment of lepers, punishment to adulterers, etc. are not observed by the present day Christians?

Paul wrote to Timothy in II Tim.3: 16-16, "All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness: That the man of God may be perfect, thoroughly furnished unto all good works". Let us note that all scripture is given by inspiration of God. Nobody should deny it. Please also note that it is "profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness". We should study all the scripture and find out those laws and commandments, which are now profitable for us for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness, in the light of the New Covenant of grace. It does not mean that we should follow all the sundry laws and commandments given by Moses for better living to the Israelites who had lived during that age.

Query No.12

If financial prosperity is not part of the covenant, how do you explain the lives of Job, Abraham, Moses, Solomon to list but a few. Men who walked with God, and whom God made rich?


Why do you single out “financial prosperity” as one of the important aspects of the New Covenant and place more emphasis on it? What about spiritual prosperity? What about preaching the gospel to the lost in the places not reached by the gospel? What about sacrificing all you possess for the sake of the gospel and for “the poor saints” in your midst? What about sharing your material blessings with the hungry and the naked? Do you not think that all these aspects are part of the New Covenant and more important than the aspect of financial prosperity?

Please note that a covenant is made between the two. The Maker of the New Covenant is God. He has made a covenant with us through the Blood of Jesus Christ to bless us with salvation and life abundant. We are not supposed merely to enjoy salvation, divine healing and comforts of this life but also to preach the gospel to the lost, and to show the love of Christ Jesus through our lives like Mother Teresa. On our part, we have to obey the Covenant of God. We covet crown without cross. We covet blessings without doing the will of God.

I AM NOT ADVOCATING THAT WE NEED NO FINANCIAL BLESSINGS FROM GOD. You have quoted the lives of the Old Testament saints like Job, Abraham, Moses, Solomon, to prove that God wants us to be materially rich. Why cannot you quote the lives of Jesus Christ and His apostles, John the Baptist, and the other saints under the New Testament? PLEASE NOTE THAT THOUGH WE NEED FINANCIAL BLESSINGS FOR PREACHING THE GOSPEL, WE DO NOT NEED FINANCIAL PROSPERITY TO INDULGE IN SELF-GRATIFICATION.

Query No.13

I continually press into the Word of God and pray for financial prosperity, and God has continually answered. Why? God knows my heart. I am a father and a pastor, and must provide for those in my care. God is a better Father than any of us, and He too provides, so that we can alleviate human suffering caused by poverty.

Again, I urge you to get a copy of 'Midas Touch' by Kenneth E. Hagin, or you can simply download 'The Laws of Prosperity' from Kenneth Copelands Website. I believe it is KCM.org".


I do not deny that our Father always supplies our needs in Christ Jesus, in response to our prayers. I agree that we should alleviate human suffering caused by poverty. How? We should share our material blessings with the poor.

The Lord is blessing my ministry financially. He will still bless me in this regard. I do believe that there are many people of God who have been financially blessed and healed by God in Jesus' Name through the ministries of Kenneth Hagin and Kenneth Copelands. I do not want to judge their ministries. Making people financially prosperous or healing of the sick people in Jesus' Name is not the end of the glorious gospel. Through the ministry, we have to preach the gospel to every creature and to make every saint "perfect" unto the measure of the stature of the fullness of Christ (Eph.4:12). However, if I come across any doctrine from these ministries that will be contrary to the doctrines of Jesus Christ and His apostles, I will lift my voice like a trumpet.

I want to abide in my prophetic calling. The ministry to which the Lord has appointed me is not based on any law of prosperity or any doctrines. I have founded this ministry on Jesus Christ and the glory of His Cross.

Query No.14

I am aggressively accumulating as much money as God gives me strength to receive so that I can fund the myriad of requests for missions support, orphanages, and global evangelism. God continually has increased me financially as I have walked in holiness and sacrificial giving and living that only heaven will reveal. I will continue to take finances from Satan's kingdom and put them to work for God and the gospel. Sounds like you are doing similarly. It is a part of growing up spiritually. Taking responsibility for the spiritual children we produce through evangelism. This requires money.


This dear servant of God says that he is taking the finances from the Satan’s Kingdom as if Satan possesses the earth. He has attributed the riches of this world to Satan. Our God is the Possessor of the Heaven and the earth. He is “the God of Heaven, and the God of the earth” (Gen.24:3). “The Lord reigneth…” (Ps.97:1). He is on the throne, “high and lifted up…” (Is.6:1). He is seated above all the kingdoms of the world, and the throne of the Devil. “The earth is the Lord’s and its fullness” (I Cor.10:28 and Ps.24:1).

The Devil is not ruling the world. He does not have dominion over the earth. Some people say that since Devil had dominion over the earth and the kingdoms of the world, he had offered the same to Jesus while tempting Him in the wilderness. Showing all the kingdoms of the world, and the glory of them, Satan told Jesus, “All these things will I give thee, if thou wilt fall down and worship me” (Matt.4:8-10). We should know that the Devil is a liar. He wanted to turn over the kingdoms of the world to Jesus as if he had dominion over the same. It is also argued in some Christian circles that the human-race lost their dominion over the earth when Adam and Eve committed the sin in the garden of Eden. There is no scripture to support their statement. It is written,” the Lord God sent him (Adam) forth from the garden of Eden, to till the ground from whence he was taken“(Gen.3:23). The man had to till the ground, and to find the riches hidden therein. Today we labour with our own hands and find the riches of the world. We then make use of these riches for the Kingdom of God.

“The heaven, even the heavens, are the Lord’s, but the earth hath He given to the children of men” (Ps.115:16). The earth belongs to God and He has given the same to the children of men, and not to the Devil or the angels of God.

Paul calls the Devil as the god of this world (age) because he has blinded the minds of those who do not believe the gospel (2 Cor.4:3). But he is not the god of this world (age) as far as we, the people of God, are concerned. He is reigning over only those who are his subjects, and not over the people of God.

Satan is a thief, who has stolen the riches of this world and uses the same for extending his kingdom. We have to claim the riches which belong to us and use the same for extending the Kingdom of God. We need not steal the riches from him because we are the original owner of the same.

The preaching of the gospel is “in demonstration of the Spirit and of power” (I Cor.2:4). It is not at all dependent on the money power or the riches of the world. By faith, we carry on this gospel ministry. However, we find the riches or the money as God provides us. The financial support for our missions, orphanages, etc. come our way and we need not struggle to get at it if we do the perfect will of God in our ministries. Please note that the gospel is being preached throughout the world not because our missions have overflowing funds. It is the work of the Holy Ghost through His obedient servants. Ever since the birth of the Church on the day of Pentecost, the gospel is being preached because of the power of God. Many missionaries went out of America and other European nations to the other continents not with money-bags but as led by the Holy Ghost and they planted churches all over the world.

This servant of God says that he has been taking the riches from the Kingdom of Satan. I do not know how he is doing so. If he takes “tithes” from his congregations, this does not amount to pilfering funds from the Devil’s kingdom. People of this world possess black money or money earned through illegal means. God does not need this money for His work.

Scriptures quoted by the advocates of Prosperity Gospel

Those who advocate the doctrine of prosperity gospel quote II Cor.8:9, according to which though Jesus was rich, yet for our sakes He became poor, that we through His poverty become rich. In the 8th Chapter of II Corinthians, Paul speaks about the sacrificial offerings given by the churches of Macedonia to the saints in other churches. In a great trial of affliction, the abundance of their joy and “their deep poverty” abounded in the riches of their liberality. Out of deep poverty or penury, they ministered beyond their ability. Though the churches of Macedonia had “deep poverty”, can we call their deep poverty as the curse of God?


Let us also note the word “His poverty” in verse 9. Whose poverty? It was the poverty of Jesus Christ! Can we say that His poverty is a curse of God? No. Citing the example of the churches of Macedonia, Paul exhorts the Corinthian churches to give liberally to the saints. In that context, he reminded them about “the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, that though He was rich, yet for your sakes, He became poor, that you through His poverty might become rich”. It is the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ today that we might become rich through His poverty. We get His grace when we sacrificially minister to the saints. We get His grace to become rich not only materially but also spiritually. What is more important here is our receiving the grace of our Lord Jesus than our becoming materially rich. It is the grace of our Lord Jesus that makes us rich – materially and spiritually. When do we become rich? It is only when we minister to the poor saints, who are of the Body of Christ.


Christ was rich in His glory – the glory of the only Begotten Son of God. The advocates of prosperity gospel interpret His riches in glory as material riches. God has “His riches in glory by Christ Jesus” (Phil.4:19).

How did Christ become poor? He, the Son of God, was stripped of His riches in glory, and became the Son of Man. He was not stripped of mundane possessions as if He had possessed material riches in the Heaven.

The proponents of prosperity gospel wrongly interpret this verse and say, “God wants to make you materially rich because Christ became poor for your sake” as if Christ was rich with worldly possessions in the Heaven.

In this regard, I want to make it very clear that I am not against financial blessings on the churches and ministries. We need financial blessings in abundance on the Body of Christ. We ought to pray for financial blessings on those who live in poverty. We should not only pray for financial blessings but also minister to them. Under no circumstances, we should pronounce our judgment on those poor saints, saying that their poverty is the curse of God.


In Indian mission fields, there are hundreds of missionaries living with their spouses. The evangelical organizations that support these missionaries pay each couple a pittance of $40 per month and provide them small houses or thatched huts in mission fields. These missionary organizations are indigenous in raising funds and cannot spend more even on the basic comforts of these beloved servants of God. The only consolation they get is that the missionary organizations take care of their children by putting them in a Christian school with hostel facilities in South India. God is doing many wonders and miracles through their hands. Can we term the poverty of these precious ministers as the curse of God? God forbid.


The advocates of prosperity gospel also quote the 28th chapter of the book of Deuteronomy to say that poverty was a curse of God. In this chapter, no doubt, God did pronounce curses on those who did not obey His voice, to observe carefully all His commandments and His statues UNDER THE OLD COVENANT. Verse 17 says, “Cursed shall be your basket and your kneading bowl”. Under the Old Covenant, the baskets and the kneading bowls of the Israelites would be cursed if they did not obey God’s commandments and statues. Similarly, under the New Covenant, those who have not accepted Jesus Christ are submitting themselves to the curses of God. But, those who are in Christ Jesus are passed from death to life and are not under condemnation. The curses of God under the Old Covenant are wrongly made applicable to the people redeemed through the Blood of Jesus Christ under the New Covenant.

They also quote Malachi 3:10, and say that those who do not pay tithes and offerings to the pastors or ministers “are cursed with a curse”. The people of God are thus induced to pay “tithes and offerings” which were of the Old Covenant. Instead of ministering to the poor saints, they extract tithes and offerings from them and condemn them as the accursed if they do not pay the same.


We should follow the doctrine of giving under the New Covenant. Let us examine the New Testament books to know as to whom and how we should give to God. In his epistles to the Corinthian churches, Paul speaks about “the collection for the saints” (I Cor.16:1-2). In II Cor.9:6-15, Paul writes in great detail about the free-will offerings to the saints. “He who sows sparingly will also reap sparingly, and he who sows bountifully will also reap bountifully. So let us each one give as he purposes in his heart, not grudgingly or of necessity; for God loves a cheerful giver”. Paul exhorts the Corinthian churches, to collect the gifts “on the first day of the week” and to “lay something aside, storing up as he may prosper”. One should give as he purposes in his heart, and as may prosper. He who gives sparingly will also reap the material and spiritual blessings sparingly and he who gives bountifully will also reap the material and spiritual blessings bountifully. Each one should give according to the measure of prosperity. However, the churches in Macedonia gave their offerings to the saints in their penury.

Secondly, we should give to those who preach the gospel and live from it. (I Cor.9:13-14). We should give to those ministers of engaged in preaching the gospel in your town, in your nation and throughout the world.I

If a pastor or any minister of God lives of the gospel, he/she can seek the free-will offerings from those to whom he/she is ministering through the gospel. As a matter of right, he/she cannot demand “tithes” from the congregation. Even under the Old Covenant, the children of Israel were paying tithes not only to Levites but also to “the stranger, the fatherless, and the widow that they eat within” their gates (Deut.26: 12). Legally speaking, if a minister of God demands tithes from his/her congregation under the Old Covenant ordinances, he/she should also exhort the congregation to give tithes to the stranger, the fatherless, and the widow. In other words, the minister of God concerned should not covet tithes for himself/herself alone.

(The malady that is common with all of us is that we do not read the Bible prayerfully and with a real hunger. Then we pick and quote a particular verse out of context. An epistle is a letter written by an apostle to the church concerned. Unless we read the preceding verses, we may not be able to appreciate the meaning of that particular verse. It is like reading a letter sent to you between the lines).


The message of the Holy Spirit to the Church of Laodiceans (Rev.3:14-19) is applicable to the preachers of the prosperity gospel like Pastor John. They say that they are materially rich and prosper. But the Holy Spirit warns them today:

"I am rich, and increased with goods, and have need of nothing; and knowest not that thou art wretched, and miserable, and poor, and blind, and naked: I COUNSEL THEE TO BUY OF ME GOLD TRIED IN THE FIRE, THAT THOU MAYEST BE RICH AND WHITE RAINMENT, THAT THOU MAYEST BE CLOTHED, AND THAT THE SHAME OF THY NAKEDNESS DO NOT APPEAR; AND ANOINT THINE EYES WITH EYESALVE, THAT THOU MAYEST SEE"

What the preachers of the prosperity gospel need to know that they are not spiritually rich and need "eyesalve" to see through the eyes of the Holy Ghost their own spiritual condition. They lack love for the universal Body of Christ. Their love is confined to their own congregations. God will rebuke and chasten them through the furnace of afflictions because He loves them (Vs.19). "Be zealous, therefore and repent".

Testimonies against the Prosperity Gospel

Testimony No.1

Praise the Lord!

Your articles have truly blessed me. I am in terrible pain and have been prayed on many times over the past 10 years. Yet, it looks as if I am going to have to have another surgery. A friend in Florida heaped condemnation on me because when she met me at the airport I was in a wheelchair. I can't walk that far or the pain gets even worse. According to her, my testimony is awful because I'm not healed. In addition, when I pray for others they are healed. Also, I am on Social Security Disability and am in debt. I had to let go of my car, etc., etc. Another friend of mind told me that this has been going on (the pain and the debt) for more than 20 years (I raised 3 children alone after my ex took off), so I ought to get alone with God and see what the problem is. You know I repent and repent and repent.


Virginia M. Zajesky

Testimony No.2

(I give below a living testimony from a dear sister-in-Christ from USA which should serve as an eye-opener to us. We serve God when we enjoy good health or material prosperity. However, we do not serve Him when our health or our wealth fails. We covet crown without cross. We covet material prosperity without love for the poor saints in our midst).

"I also am disabled. Job, your message was just what I needed, a little over 4 years back I was in a car wreck, in this car wreck, I was in a small car me and two other people, a Chevy spint. Very tiny car about half the size of a normal car in case you are not familiar.

Anyhow, we were hit from behind. I left my body and was with the Lord instantly. It was noonday and the light of Him was brighter than the noonday sun. I also saw angels covering us, one angel over each of us in that car. After the first impact, we were hit while being propelled through the air, right where I was sitting.

My sister-in-law said I was gurgling and had no sound of breathe. I was absent from my body, and bleeding. She commanded in Jesus’ Name that the bleeding would cease, and at that very moment she said “JESUS” I returned to my body. There was power in the Name of Jesus, more power than I ever could have known before this time.

I was back in my body, I had fractures almost everywhere in my body, and even today, they are finding fractures that were not diagnosed at the time of the accident. Let us put it this way, this has left me with a completely new way of life. On good days, I use a cane; on medium days, I use a walker; on bad days, I use a wheelchair. I am homebound because of this; I am unable to dress myself. Getting out of bed is a chore and always requires assistance of some kind. I cannot go anywhere unless I am helped to go.

I praise God for opening a door for me to minister online, for it was after that time, I was able to acquire a computer and get online for the first time.I praise the Lord for using me to lead others to Christ. It is my heart’s desire that the lost should know Him. I feel like this.

If all I could do was move my eyes, I would do it praising the Lord. There is no way that the devil can imprison the soul whom Jesus has set free. Whom the Son sets free is free indeed! I may not have trouble physically, but I am closer to the Lord than I ever have been.

I do not understand how God uses our prayers as He does, but He does indeed answer. I have been so blessed to pray and see God move for others in miraculous ways.

With Jesus, we can do all things. There are no limits; there are no walls; there is nothing impossible with Him. Thanks again, Job, for obeying the Lord.

As I said before, I feel everything I have is the Lord's. Therefore, if He says, “give it”, then I obey. After all, He paid it all. I could deny Him nothing. I love Him too much for that.

Thank you for sharing the dear sister Virginia M. Zajesky’s testimony. It blessed me to know that I am not alone in this unusual place God has me now. I still believe God’s will to heal me in His way and in His time. I do not require Him to heal me, if it is for His glory.

I rather remain where I am. I am satisfied and content. God has done so much for us all that nothing should get us down. Jesus came to heal not just the physical side, but also the broken-hearted. No need to despair with Jesus. He is all I need!

Thank you, Job, I am honored to pray for your ministry, I am in California, USA.

Here is my address...Mary J. Lyles, 19549 Ave., 192 Strathmore, Ca. 93267 USA PHONE: (559) 568-2038"

Dearly beloved in Christ, I was touched by the wonderful testimony of our dear Sister Mary J.Lyles. Let us all pray with tears for the healing of our dear sister. I have given her address in USA and her telephone number so that those members who are in USA can have fellowship with her. She is a great blessing upon the Body of Christ. I exhort those who need her intercessory prayers to contact her either on phone or through her e-mail address: holyfire@inreach.com

Testimony No.3

"Dear Brother Job,

I feel led to write to you, with regard to the recent articles on false doctrine of prosperity gospel. I was called into Christianity from a Presbyterian background. I have attended Church since the age of three. I was forty years of age when the Lord opened my spiritual eyes. He carried myself and my family on a spiritual journey, through various churches and denominations.

We learned a great deal on that journey, through mistakes mainly, and through hearing and rejecting false doctrines. I found that the Lord gave me discernment to know what to pray about and to find the truth.

It has not been an easy walk, I have succumbed to illness and this has resulted in losing a very good income. But the Lord has been with me every step of the way. He has promised me He would restore my health and I believe Him and I also believe it will be for His glory.

I have seen miracles, I have been at the receiving end of a few, I have very close friends who have also received such blessings from the Lord.

The one prayer the Lord has instilled in my heart, is the Prayer of Serenity. "May the Lord give me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference".

I found through the hard way I could not change people, I could only change myself. However I know that I can pray for change, I now commit my brothers and sisters who partake in false doctrines to the Lord and ask that He might heal them. I would also take this opportunity to say that I agree with all you have said.


Your Sister in Christ Jesus,


Testimony No.4

I think so much has been focused on money in this world. Yet, prosperity goes way beyond that. I pose a question to those who may want to think in a financial way every time they see the word “prosperity” in the Bible. How much is your health worth? to me that is a priceless gift of God. How about the air we breathe? how much is that worth money wise? How about seeing a sunset, of which there will never be another like it ever again. How about laying down knowing your children are safely tucked in bed? How much is that worth? How about salvation? How much is that worth, Priceless, bought with the most precious blood of all, Jesus Christ!

When we give to the Lord, there are other ways of giving, apart from money. What about our hearts, minds, souls, and lives, how about some food to the poor? How much do we love Him? How much do we love our brothers and sisters? For some a slice of bread is what they need... For some a hug... For some they need a roof over their heads... Christ said whatever we do to the least of these... or do not to the least of these... my brethren... you did or did not unto me. So when we give anything rather, money, food, time, love, prayer, a kind word, a smile, a hug, a blanket, clothing....... whatever it is we give, or whenever we turn our hearts away from giving, it is also what we are doing or not doing in the name of Christ and to Christ. Anyhow just a thought from one who knows full well what it is to be content with lack or with abundance and whatever place I am in to be content. I often ask myself when I see another in need... What would Jesus do? After all, all I possess is not mine, it is all "The Lord's" to do with as He pleases, just a private thing between me and my Lord.

Philippians 4: 11-13 “Not that I speak in respect of want (A state of extreme poverty, The state of needing something that is absent or unavailable); for I have learned, in whatsoever (One or some or every or all without specification) state I am, therewith to be content. (Satisfied or showing satisfaction with things as they are, satisfied; enjoying well-being and contentment, i.e. acceptance, satisfy, contented, happy, at peace, easygoing, satisfied, pleased, inward whole hearted trust)”

Paul was wise in all. He suffered much for the glory of God and was not deterred from the call of God upon his life.

“I know both how to be abased(degraded, demeaned, disgraced, struck down, hurt, injured, offended, wounded, humbled, humiliated, mortified, lower in esteem (demoted))and I know how to abound(be abundant or plentiful; exist in large quantities): every where and in all things I am instructed both to be full(complete in extent or degree and in every particular) and to be hungry(empty), both to abound and to suffer need”

“I can do all (to a complete degree or to the full or entire extent) things through Christ which strengtheneth me”.

Testimony No.5

I too must concur with what has been shared in recent days about the false imbalance that has come down with the prosperity doctrine in the churches.

In the early days of this movement in the late 70s and 80s I too went through a period of suffering with the lopsided extremes of the, "name it; claim it" and "God as waiter" teachings. I would step up to the plate and challenge these extremes by countering with other scriptures that warned against the deceitfulness of riches and of those who were "pierced through with many arrows" by an unhealthy preoccupation with worldly wealth to only be shunned and even cast out. In these fellowships, the lack of love for the struggling poor became a major issue and with me as well. If you weren't getting rich it was because your faith was weak or you had somehow missed God.

I had to leave and for a long period walked in a wilderness from fellowship not knowing where to turn. What God was doing through this message, I knew, was trying to release His people from a spirit of poverty and to fire the flames of people to give into the furtherance of the gospel. Instead, we had a false sense of giving to get and using of God's principles to get rich quick. That era is now history with many ministries from then failing from within by way of these corrupting influences.

What we have now is a settling down from those days with people finally realizing it wasn't for them but the furtherance of the Kingdom that these truths were revealed. I thank God that we are moving forward again and know that all we have is really God's and should at all times be available to Him if He wants us to give it.

Sincerely in Christ,

Gene Johnson, Richmond, USA

Testimony No.6

I look forward to receiving your daily messages and usually don't comment. After reading the message sent to you contained in this e-mail I feel compelled to respond. I want you to know that I for one am in total agreement with you concerning the messages on Prosperity Gospel.

How can the scriptures say that the only way to salvation is through Christ and that you have to choose between money and Christ and yet there be any doubt of the intent of God's word? I feel that you should and will reap a bounty for your works in Christ's name, but it is up to each of us to be moved to contribute, not ashamed or hounded into it. That feeling kept me from the church for a long time because to me, even as a child it seemed to be a way in which the church set itself up to be worshiped more than Christ, the word of God. And when I read the scriptures, I can't help but feel that it was exactly this self worship of the Jewish church in Christ's time that He took such a stand against and paid for with His crucifixion.

I find it ironic that after all these years, we see so many doing the same thing in Christ's name that He warned us about. I am also amazed at the idea that we have this major fight to win against Satan. It seems to me that the Book of Revelations makes it clear that the war has already been decided; the only issue is the individual battle each of us has to wage, to be on the winning side. I pray for blessings upon you and your ministry. I will look forward to receiving your messages and I urge you to continue your work. I will send support as I can".

Frank Beaty


Testimony No.7

I enjoy all your writings because I believe in the WORD of God, and the alignment to HIS WORD is what gives me peace and reveals the awesome ensample of the body of Christ to work as one in the incredible quest of bringing the good news to all people on earth.

When we write for the Body of Christ and we touch doctrinal matters, it is not upto us to defend our position or our state to be standing on THE TRUTH if we are. Let the Holy Spirit of God surface to light, all what is hidden. He will talk and witness about Jesus, then ........false doctrines won't stand a chance.

(1 Timothy 4:1) Now the Spirit speaketh expressly, that in the latter times some shall depart from the faith, giving heed to seducing spirits, and doctrines of devils; Speaking lies in hypocrisy; having their conscience seared with a hot iron (The King James Version, (Cambridge: Cambridge) 1769).

Defend yourself not, keep focus on your God given vision/mission & provision. We will see HIS GLORY .....Go to your destiny...


Eduardo y Rosa Elena Lesseur

Santa Cruz de la Sierra


"Jeshua Int Ministries"


You are elected to suffer

Through sufferings, you are filling up that very part which is behind of Christ’s afflictions, in your flesh, for the sake of His Body, which is the Church (Col.1:24). You “are counted worthy of the kingdom of God, for which ye also suffer” (II Thes.1:5). Until and unless such sufferings are undergone in your flesh for the sake of the Body of Christ, the mystical and universal Body of Christ will not become perfect. Christ had left and reserved this part of His sufferings for you alone for some great purposes. He could have elected somebody else in your place but He did not do so. Nobody can find the “whys” of His election. God has given you the great privilege to face the onslaughts of the Devil through your body (which is the Body of Christ).

I do not mean to say that you are suffering in the place of the Only Begotten Son of God who bore the sins of the whole world. Jesus, the Lamb of God, was alone worthy to bear His Cross. But you are elected to suffer “that part” which He had not suffered in His physical Body. The great mystery is this. The mystical Body of Christ was born on the day of Pentecost. Since that day, those parts of sufferings which are behind of the afflictions of Christ are being undergone in our flesh for the sake of Church.

Apostle Paul filled up his part in his flesh for the sake of Church. As a result, we have today in our hands the precious Epistles. Likewise, the other apostles and prophets also filled up their parts. William Tyndale filled up his part, owing to which, we have got the wonderful translation of God’s Word in English. Sadhu Sundar Singh was elected to suffer in his body and thus filled up “that part”, and we have today his living testimony and works which lead many people to Christ. In South India, a mission leader who contributed to the establishment of a pioneer missionary organization in India lost his beloved son who worked in the North Indian mission fields due to a dreaded disease which had broken out in the mission field. The list goes on like this.

The sufferings of each member of the body are quite different and distinct from one another. Every body’s experience is unique in the sight of God. No human standards can judge such experiences of sufferings on the basis of some yardsticks, numbering the sufferings as 1, 2, 3, or so on. But divine standards will be according to the measure of His grace made available to each person. Not all the members of His Body are to undergo the same kind of sufferings. In the Body of Christ, there are thousands of “more feeble” or “uncomely” organs in the Body of Christ (I Cor.12:22-23). And they are not required to suffer that much of afflictions which are expected of people like Paul, Peter, Sadhu Sundar Singh, David Branaird, Praying Hyde of India, etc. If you feel that you suffer “more” today, God has elected you to suffer like this.

Every member of His Body has to fulfill “that part” of the sufferings of Christ in his/her flesh for the sake of His Body.

The “prosperity gospel” has blinded the people of God with the result that they are not able to see the truth of His Word.


1). Please define "the gospel of Christ" in your own words on the basis of the Word of God.

2). How the false gospel is defined in this Lesson?

3). A poor saint visits your church. Nobody notices him or her and tries to talk to him or her just to find out her/his welfare. Your pastor is busy meeting the other congregation members. What are you supposed to do?

4). Is poverty is an accursed thing? Justify your answer with reasons.

5). Is sickness always caused by the Devil? Justify your answer with reasons.

6). Can you name two servants of God whom God used mightily when they themselves were not physically well? Will you please write a few words about their biographies?

7). What is basically wrong with the prosperity gospel message, in view of the fact that some people of God really received material blessings after they had sown their seeds in the ministries of the preachers concerned?

8). How will you counter this false gospel?

(i) I will name and expose these preachers publicly condemning them.

(ii) I will intercede for them with a real burden so that they may come to the knowledge of the truth.

(iii) I will write to these preachers personally through letters (Most of these popular ministers do not read their emails) after much prayers.

(iv) I will warn the elders in the churches about the consequences of believing in such a false gospel in a similar manner as Paul warned the Ephesian elders in Acts 20:29-32.

Please arrange the above in an order of priority as you feel and justify the points at the first two orders of priority as set by you.

9). Please eloborate how the message of Paul to the Ephesian elders is relevant today.

10). Is tithing scriptural under the New Convenant? To whom you are supposed to give? Justify your answer with reasons.


Key to lesson