God of the Bible

Is God of the Bible a fiction or a monstrous villain?

In this message, I deal with certain issues raised by one Mr.G.B.Singh of www.sikhspectrum.com, in which he questioned the Godhead of the God of the Bible, etc. I had encountered him during my interaction with him in the forum of South Asian Connection website. His message has been divided into many issues and I have given my comments under each issue. The God of the Bible was presented as a monstrous villain, whereas in reality the devil who has inspired such writings remains the monstrous villain, inciting people to murder and to commit abominable sins.

- Job Anbalagan, Glory of His Cross Prophetic Ministries (India)

Issue No.1

In the previous section on “soul” I mentioned that Bible-based Christianity can be described as a table with four legs and each leg solidly represents the following four Biblical posts: (1) Biblical God, (2) Jesus Christ, (3) Soul, and (4) Heaven. We have already evaluated the issues of heaven and soul in previous debates. Today the issue under consideration is Biblical God (BG).

The question of God is no easy matter to discuss and to figure out what BG is, is even more complicated. On top of that, Christians have further added problems to the already complex issue by injecting “Jesus Christ as God” into the framework of BG. Mind you, not all Christians follow the same doctrines. The evangelical Christians accept Jesus as God (second part of the trinity) whereas many other Christian groups look at Jesus as the “son” of BG, meaning that Jesus is not God, but a son (albeit the only one) of God.

My comments:

God is none but the God as revealed through His Word. He can be called the God of the Bible. There is no complex issue when we say Jesus is the God incarnate. All the Christian denominations including the Roman Catholic Church, except the Jehovah Witnesses or a similar other sect do believe in the trinity of God i.e. Father, Son and Holy Spirit. I do not want to discuss the doctrines concerning the trinity of God here.

Issue No.2

Within a short distance from my house, there are four Christian bookstores. Not a single one has the general category of highlighting “God” on the shelves. Why? The answers are vague and evasive. Christians often ask me to read about Jesus because Jesus is “God” and by that process I am told that my question about BG should be answered. For example the following verses are told and retold:

For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life. [John 3:16] Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me. [John 14:6] God is love, [1 John 3:9, 17]

Clearly, Jesus is intimately linked with BG and that to separate them from a Christian perspective is almost impossible. When we hear “God is love” it has a narrow meaning—that is, love of BG is defined within the parameters of Jesus because BG sent Jesus into the world. According to the theology, it is apparent that to go to BG, Jesus is the only way. Understandably, when a Christian talks about “God,” his frame of reference is limited, and he cannot think of BG beyond the confines of the Bible or from Jesus. There is another problem and this is a big one. The BG has revealed himself in the Hebrew Bible (Old Testament) and reading the details of his revelation can throw you off with so many pitfalls. I plan to discuss them and bring them one by one to your attention on the pages of SikhSpectrum.com.

My comments:

The God of the Bible has all the attributes of the God as Creator or Life Giver, Protector and Destroyer by way of judgment. The God of the Bible (BG as referred by GB Singh) is infinite and cannot be defined in human wisdom. He is fully revealed in the Bible. He is also revealed in the Scriptures of the major religions of the world i.e. Judaism, Hinduism, Islam, etc as the God with the above three attributes/functions. The God of the Bible is not only confined to the Bible but also is also beyond eternity. He is beyond time. He is eternal. He is the Alpha and Omega.

Even man, the creature of the God creates (procreates), protects and destroys. Even animals also have the three attributes.

The Devil does not perform the functions of creation and protection. He performs only the function of destruction. He is a thief who has come to steal, destroy and kill. He pretends to be a creator by way of miracles and healings. But all his works are fake and he duplicates the work of the Holy Spirit. He is a deceiver and the father of all lies. The works of miracles and healings which he performs through his ministers are temporal and he ultimately destroys the souls of his victims. He is not a judge but a villain of the first order.

The God whom GB Singh presents does not have the attributes like creation, protection and destruction. Singh appears to refer to some power or some finite being according to his own imagination which is not revealed to the human race or which is not realized by the human race. The frame of reference of the God of the Bible is not limited at all as claimed by Singh. He is not limited to time.

The love of God is not only defined within the parameters of Jesus Christ because God loved the world first and then He sent His only begotten Son into the world. The love of God came into existence before He sent His son into the world.

Point No.3

I have never come across a Christian who has opened himself to discuss with me the moral and ethical problems of BG as revealed in the Bible. While discussing the BG, I would like to keep Jesus out of the way (as much as possible) mainly to prevent confusion and specifically to hone in on BG without being distracted.

You may ask me why I am referring to “God” as BG? The answer will become evident once you read the entire debate here. You may ask if Guru Nanak approved of BG? I will answer that a bit later.

You may ask: Is the general idea of “God” in the Bible monotheistic or something else? I tend to agree with Professor Regina M. Schwartz, who has described a better term, Monolatry or henotheism, meaning the kind of exclusive allegiance to one deity (that is BG) from a field of many. Read Deuteronomy 28:14.

My comments:

I am prepared to discuss with Singh the moral and ethical issues of the Bible but there are no such “moral and ethical problems of the God of the Bible” as revealed in the Bible. The Bible is the moral and ethical code for the human race. Nobody can deny it. God has no such moral and ethical problems with Himself because He is not a human being. Only the man has moral and ethical problems.

I do not want to comment on the views of Professor Regina M. Schwartz as I do not know the same.

The God of the Bible is the living God and not an idol. He has all the attributes of the God as one tries to understand Him through his finite mind. Yes, He wants exclusive allegiance to Him, and not to any idol or the Devil. Even the Sikh Gurus believe in one God. Islam believes in one God. Even Hindu Vedas also speak about one God. If there is one God who is universally acceptable, the human race is supposed to have the exclusive allegiance to the One deity only. The Israelites were forbidden in Deut.28:14 from going "after other gods to serve them". What was wrong in the commandment of God for His people?

Point No.4

Today I will discuss the issue of slavery. The institution of slavery has existed with us for a long time and brought about an untold amount of misery to humans. Only in the 19th and 20th centuries was our human civilization been able to put a ban on this malignant institution. The question you must ask is what does the BG have to say about slavery? Did BG condone slavery? If you think BG outlawed slavery then you are heading for a distressful surprise. Here are some important verses from the Bible—straight from the mouth of BG giving his commandments to his chosen people, the Israelites (Jews):

Exodus 21: 1-27 [Revised Standard Version]

Now these are the ordinances which you shall set before them. When you buy a Hebrew slave, he shall serve six years, and in the seventh he shall go out free, for nothing. If he comes in single, he shall go out single; if he comes in married, then his wife shall go out with him. If his master gives him a wife and she bears him sons or daughters, the wife and her children shall be her master's and he shall go out alone. But if the slave plainly says, 'I love my master, my wife, and my children; I will not go out free,' then his master shall bring him to God, and he shall bring him to the door or the doorpost; and his master shall bore his ear through with an awl; and he shall serve him for life. When a man sells his daughter as a slave, she shall not go out as the male slaves do. If she does not please her master, who has designated her for himself, then he shall let her be redeemed; he shall have no right to sell her to a foreign people, since he has dealt faithlessly with her. If he designates her for his son, he shall deal with her as with a daughter. If he takes another wife to himself, he shall not diminish her food, her clothing, or her marital rights.

And if he does not do these three things for her, she shall go out for nothing, without payment of money. Whoever strikes a man so that he dies shall be put to death. But if he did not lie in wait for him, but God let him fall into his hand, then I will appoint for you a place to which he may flee. But if a man willfully attacks another to kill him treacherously, you shall take him from my altar, that he may die. Whoever strikes his father or his mother shall be put to death. Whoever steals a man, whether he sells him or is found in possession of him, shall be put to death. Whoever curses his father or his mother shall be put to death. When men quarrel and one strikes the other with a stone or with his fist and the man does not die but keeps his bed, then if the man rises again and walks abroad with his staff, he that struck him shall be clear; only he shall pay for the loss of his time, and shall have him thoroughly healed.

When a man strikes his slave, male or female, with a rod and the slave dies under his hand, he shall be punished. But if the slave survives a day or two, he is not to be punished; for the slave is his money. "When men strive together, and hurt a woman with child, so that there is a miscarriage, and yet no harm follows, the one who hurt her shall be fined, according as the woman's husband shall lay upon him; and he shall pay as the judges determine. If any harm follows, then you shall give life for life, eye for eye, tooth for tooth, hand for hand, foot for foot, burn for burn, wound for wound, stripe for stripe. When a man strikes the eye of his slave, male or female, and destroys it, he shall let the slave go free for the eye's sake.

Leviticus 25:44-46 [RSV]

As for your male and female slaves whom you may have: you may buy male and female slaves from among the nations that are round about you. You may also buy from among the strangers who sojourn with you and their families that are with you, who have been born in your land; and they may be your property.

Deuteronomy 15:12-18 [RSV]

If your brother, a Hebrew man, or a Hebrew woman, is sold to you, he shall serve you six years, and in the seventh year you shall let him go free from you. And when you let him go free from you, you shall not let him go empty-handed; you shall furnish him liberally out of your flock, out of your threshing floor, and out of your wine press; as the LORD your God has blessed you, you shall give to him. You shall remember that you were a slave in the land of Egypt, and the LORD your God redeemed you; therefore I command you this today. But if he says to you, 'I will not go out from you,' because he loves you and your household, since he fares well with you, then you shall take an awl, and thrust it through his ear into the door, and he shall be your bondman for ever. And to your bondwoman you shall do likewise. It shall not seem hard to you, when you let him go free from you; for at half the cost of a hired servant he has served you six years. So the LORD your God will bless you in all that you do.

When I confront Christians with the above passages, often they allege that I got it wrong or they come up with an ingenious excuse that the above verses are from the “God of the Old Testament” and I should dwell upon the “God of the New Testament,” who supposedly preaches love, liberty and compassion. At this moment I ask them: How many “Gods” do you have? The reply is always: one. I believe something terrible has gone wrong with the Christian mind. Just like Hindus, they can’t keep their counting straight. I have combed through the New Testament many times and I can’t find this “God” of the New Testament. Even though some verses in the New Testament are flowery, they are all pointing to the “God of the Old Testament” which is none other than the BG. Even Jesus refers to BG as his father.

My comments:

We have one God only. The God under the Old Covenant is the same God under the New Covenant also. The God of the Bible had intended the system of slavery for our good only. The dictionary meaning of "slave" is : "a person held as property;an object; one who is submissive under domination; one who is submissively devoted; etc.....". Broadly speaking, a slave is a worker who works for his master. It denotes the master-servant relationship. It is nothing but a contract of employment. I cannot employ my son in my own house for doing the household work. I am employing a maid servant in my house after hiring her services for a price. The services of my son are being hired by a software company and my son becomes a slave or a worker for that company. Employment is the back-bone of the economy of a nation, be it communist or capitalist. Except the sovereign God, all the human beings are slaves. A sovereign monarch becomes a slave when dethroned or becomes a slave to his children after retirement. A ruler of a democratic nation is supposed to be a slave to the sovereign will of the people. The origin of slavery is mentioned in Gen.17:12-13. God gave the following commandment to Abraham:

“He who is eight days old among you shall be circumcised, every male child in your generations, he who is born in your house or bought with money from any stranger who is not your descendant…..”

A man could have either a son born to him or could buy a male child with money from any stranger who was not his descendant. But the male child if he is 8 years old should be circumcised. A man was free to adopt a male child born to a stranger by paying a price for that child. These days also parents without children adopt children. It was a choice given to the descendants of Abraham to buy children from their strangers. In the 21st chapter of Exodus, God said, “If you buy a Hebrew servant, he shall serve six years, and in the seventh he shall go out free and pay nothing. …..” God merely laid down certain instructions regulating the conduct of the slaves and their masters. Even today the employees work for their employers by way of services. In the houses, many servants work for their masters. God has never given any commandments for ill-treatment of slaves or employees. According to the corrupt or reprobate human mind, slavery means "ill-treatment" or availing the human services without paying adequate compensation. Slavery means, we think in terms of the black people being enslaved by the white people who extract work from the former without paying any compensation after subjecting them to ill-treatment. To my mind, the term "slavery" bring to memory the deprivations and humiliations of the black Negros whom Abraham Lincon set free. Even the Hebrews were given the option of hiring servants from their own race.

The disciples of Jesus called Jesus "Master". This means that the disciples enslaved themselves to the love of their Master. They left everything and became His disciples.

As per Exodus 21: 1-27, the slave could serve his master out of love for life. Let us note that "when a man sells his daughter as a slave, she shall not go out as the male slaves do. If she does not please her master, who has designated her for himself, then he shall let her be redeemed; he shall have no right to sell her to a foreign people, since he has dealt faithlessly with her. If he designates her for his son, he shall deal with her as with a daughter. If he takes another wife to himself, he shall not diminish her food, her clothing, or her marital rights". God of the Bible took care of even the female slaves also. Even if she did not please her master, he should let her be redeemed and should not have any right to sell her to a foreign people. If he had chosen her to be his son's wife, he was supposed to deal with her as with a daughter. Even if he had taken another wife to himself, he should not diminish her food, her clothing or her marital rights. Do you find fault with the God of the Bible in this regard? Please read all the verses quoted by you carefully. God of the Bible gave commandments regulating the conduct of the masters and of their slaves.

As per Leviticus 25:44-46, God commanded the Israelites to buy male and female slaves from among the nations. Today also, the employers go about the whole world in hiring male and female workers for them. God wanted these slaves to be treated properly and to be paid for their services. God heard the cry of the children of Israel and saw the oppression wherewith the Egyptians oppressed them as slaves (Ex.3:9).

Read Deuteronomy 15:12-18, to know how God of the Bible reminded the Israelies "You shall remember that you were a slave in the land of Egypt, and the LORD your God redeemed you; therefore I command you this today..." He gave them commandments how to set free their slaves. Do you find fault with the God of the Bible in this regard?

Point No.5:

As to the contents of the New Testament, especially in the four gospel accounts, nowhere could I find Jesus doing away with BG’s commandments of condoning slavery! We know historically that the institution of slavery existed at the time and place where Jesus lived. What is even more distressing is that Paul (another hero of the New Testament) gives out the following teachings to perpetuate slavery and asks the slaves to follow through the dictates of slavery. Paul not only sanctions slavery but equates serving one's master with serving God. This reminds me of Gandhi--giving his sweet sermons to the Untouchables about the virtues of serving the upper castes and thereby pleasing the Hindu gods. Read for yourself:

Ephesians 5: 5-8 [RSV]

Slaves, be obedient to those who are your earthly masters, with fear and trembling, in singleness of heart, as to Christ; not in the way of eye-service, as men-pleasers, but as servants of Christ, doing the will of God from the heart, rendering service with a good will as to the Lord and not to men, knowing that whatever good any one does, he will receive the same again from the Lord, whether he is a slave or free.

Colossians 3: 22-25 [RSV]

Slaves, obey in everything those who are your earthly masters, not with eyeservice, as men-pleasers, but in singleness of heart, fearing the Lord. Whatever your task, work heartily, as serving the Lord and not men, knowing that from the Lord you will receive the inheritance as your reward; you are serving the Lord Christ. For the wrongdoer will be paid back for the wrong he has done, and there is no partiality.

1 Timothy 6: 1-2 [RSV]

Let all who are under the yoke of slavery regard their masters as worthy of all honor, so that the name of God and the teaching may not be defamed. Those who have believing masters must not be disrespectful on the ground that they are brethren; rather they must serve all the better since those who benefit by their service are believers and beloved. Teach and urge these duties.

Titus 2: 9-10 [RSV]

Bid slaves to be submissive to their masters and to give satisfaction in every respect; they are not to be refractory, nor to pilfer, but to show entire and true fidelity, so that in everything they may adorn the doctrine of God our Savior.

Peter, who is another minor hero of the New Testament, agrees with Paul:

1 Peter: 2: 18-19 [RSV]

Servants, [slaves] be submissive to your masters with all respect, not only to the kind and gentle but also to the overbearing. For one is approved if, mindful of God, he endures pain while suffering unjustly. For what credit is it, if when you do wrong and are beaten for it you take it patiently? But if when you do right and suffer for it you take it patiently, you have God's approval. For to this you have been called, because Christ also suffered for you, leaving you an example, that you should follow in his steps.

We need to ask the following questions:

Is this God? Why should we follow the BG? Why hasn’t Jesus Christ repudiated the BG, his father? Why should we take Jesus Christ as our savior whose only purpose is to act as a doorway to the BG? From reading the Bible, one can’t escape the conclusion that BG is someone that needs to be kept away. I wish Jesus had agreed with my conclusions--just like the example of Guru Nanak who had rejected the BG in totality almost five hundred years ago.

There is so much distastefulness about BG in the Bible, and in future we can discuss more if needed. However, today allow me to share with you the subject of “Violence and the Biblical God.” The following account was written and sent to me by C. Dennis McKinsey.

My comments:

If the advice of Shri G.B.Singh is to be followed, then there will be anarchy in the whole world. The Government servants or the soldiers guarding their nations will not obey their masters. We are all under the yoke of slavery in this world. We have our earthly masters i.e. governments, employers, political leaders, etc. We are all slaves.

Violence and the Biblical God

Point No.1


Many people are worried about the widespread promotion of violence in society. They see numerous cultural messages seeming to encourage violent responses to problems. The messages come from television, movies, music, video games, the Internet, and other sources. Instead of being a last resort used only in self-defense or the defense of others, violence is often portrayed as normal, favored, and entertaining conduct. It is understandable that people are apprehensive about possible effects of violent entertainment. What's unclear is why so few are similarly troubled by the widespread promotion of violent Bible teachings. Violent religious ideas, presented as unquestionably true, are much more likely to influence people to behave violently than mere entertainment.

The Bible's potential to instigate violence stems, in large part, from its claims that God committed or ordered violent acts, while at the same time it describes him as perfect, [1] righteous, [2] just, [3] gracious, [4] merciful, [5] compassionate, [6] and loving [7].Because God is said to possess exemplary characteristics but still commits or orders violence, his followers may decide they can behave similarly and still be good people. They might even think they have a religious duty to follow his violent example. The American patriot Thomas Paine referred to the development of such attitudes when he said,

"The belief in a cruel god makes a cruel man."[8]

Violence in Basic Doctrines

God's violent tendencies are seen in some of the most fundamental and well-known Bible teachings. The Old Testament claims that God damned the entire human race because of the acts of the first two people. [9] It also says he caused a worldwide Flood that drowned pregnant women, innocent children, and animals. [10] And it reports he killed Egyptian babies at the time of the Passover. [11] The New Testament states that God required the torture and murder of his own son. [12] And it promises he will send to eternal torture all who do not accept Christianity. [13] God looks no better when many of the Bible's other teachings are examined. The various methods used to torment and kill people, and its frequent use by him, does not make Biblical God look too good.

My comments:

God damned the entire human race not just because of the acts of the first two people. God did so because the first two people disobeyed Him and obeyed the devil. It was not a violent act of God. Normally, when our children disobey the reasonable and lawful commandments of their parents, the former impose a punishment upon the latter. It is not an act of violence at all.

God caused a worldwide flood not to drown pregnant women, innocent children and animals. God repeated entreated all the people including pregnant women and men to enter the arc of Noah for safety, warning them against the flood. But they did not heed to His warnings but chose to stay on the earth. They all perished including their children. The children had to perish because their parents did not heed to the divine warnings. All flesh died that moved upon the earth (Gen.7:21). When the precious human lives whom the Lord sought to save through the arc of Noah chose death in place of life, the lives of the animals also perished. All the animals could not be accommodated in the arc of God which were meant mainly for the human beings. God only chose two from every species of animals to be accommodated in the arc of Noah. If all the beasts were to be accommodated in the arc, then Noah would have taken more years to finish building the arc. This clearly shows that it was not a fiction but a reality. How can you say that God was violent here?

Suppose there is a hail storm and many people on the street rush to your house for shelter and your house is a small one which can accommodate only 10 persons. If you cannot accommodate all the 1000 people on the street, can I charge you with the act of violence?

God did destroy the firstborns of Egyptians. Why? The parents of these babies were Egyptians who ill-treated Israelites. Their king did not allow the Israelites to leave Egypt. God judged the Egyptians. It was an act of His judgment. It was not act of violence. An act of violence is made by a person or by a people who take the law into their hands and cause destruction at their will and pleasure. God did not do so.

God required His Son to be tortured and murdered, not for Himself but for the sins of the whole world. God has never promised that He will send to eternal torture all who do not accept Christianity. God has promised eternal life to those who accept His Son Jesus as their Savior.

Point No.2


The biblical God is guilty of wartime atrocities. After bringing the Israelites out of captivity in Egypt, he ordered them to attack King Sihon of Heshbon. So the Israelites "put to death everyone in the cities, men, women, and dependents" and "left no survivor."[14] God then told them to do the same to King Og of Bashan. The Israelites therefore "slaughtered them and left no survivor."[15] The book of Psalms cites these massacres as proof that the Lord's "love endures for ever."[16] At God's command, the Israelites made war on Midian and slew all the men and burned their cities. [17] But Moses was angry because they had spared the women and children.

So he ordered the soldiers to "kill every male dependent, and kill every woman who has had intercourse with a man, but spare for yourselves every woman among them who has not had intercourse."[18] Shortly thereafter, God gave Moses instructions for distributing the captive virgins among the fighting men and the community. [19] In resettling the Israelites after the Egyptian sojourn, God instructed them to steal the land of seven nations. And he told them to "not leave any creature alive. You shall annihilate them. . . ."[20] As a result, the Israelites utterly wiped out various peoples. An example is when Joshua's army attacked Jericho and "put everyone to the sword, men and women, young and old. . . ."[21]

My comments:

Please read Chapter 21 of Numbers. Israel sent messengers unto Sihon king of the Amorites, requesting for passage through his land by promising that the people of Israel would only just pass through their land and would not turn into the fields or into the vineyard, ..... But Sihon did not allow Israel to pass through his border but gathered all his people together and went out against Israel into the wilderness. Then Israel smote Sihon with the edge of the sword and possessed his land. Then Og the king of Bashan went out against Israel; he and all his people to the battle at Edrei. And the Lord said unto Moses, "Fear him not: for I have delivered him into thy hand, and all his people, and his land: and you shall do to him as you did unto Sihon King of the Amorites,.... so they smote him, and his sons and all his people, and there was none left him alive; and they possessed his land..."

Let us note that the people of Israel were chosen by God out of all nations because they were the descendants of Abraham who loved and obeyed God. Even today, an earthly father has the option of choosing a particular son or a daughter of his, who obeys and loves him. God chose the descendants of Abraham under the Old Covenant but the same God did not reject the nations other than Israel. In due time, He sent His Son Jesus to die for all the nations. But the people of Israel who were favoured by God under the Old Covenant rejected His Son and crucified Him on the Cross but those who have accepted Him are given the power to become the children of the same God under the New Covenant. The nations rejected by Him under the Old Covenant are accepted by the same God under the New Covenant.

Let us now read the story of the killing of Sihon, the King of Amorites, Og, the King of Bashan, and the innocent children. Sihon did not allow the people of Israel to pass through his land though Moses had promised him that his people would not turn to the vineyard or any other good thing in the land. Similarly, Og the king of Bashan went to battle against the people of Israel who were passing through the wilderness towards the Promised Land. The people of Israel were provoked by these nations with the result that these nations paid a heavy price through the lives of their kings, women, children. Even today, if a peace-loving nation is attacked by a mighty nation, the former defends itself. The people of Israel were left with no other alternative but to pass through the land of Amorites. The people of Israel defeated their enemies and possessed their lands. It always happens in a battle between nations. Of course, God of the Bible supported the people whom He had chosen under the Old Covenant. You and I cannot charge him with partiality or favouritism because He had to choose a particular nation.

Point No.3

Later, the Lord told Joshua to do the same to the people of Ai. [22] In obedience to the Lord's commands, Joshua's army did likewise to many other cities. The Israelites "put every living soul to the sword until they had destroyed every one; they did not leave alive any one that drew breath."[23] If the accounts given in the Bible are accepted, there were millions of men, women, and children exterminated in this conquest of the Promised Land. [24]

Other Old Testament stories describe divine acts that are just as ruthless. The prophet Samuel gave Saul these instructions from the Lord: "Go now and fall upon the Amalekites and destroy them. . . . Spare no one; put them all to death, men and women, children and babes in arms, herds and flocks, camels and asses."[25] Isaiah reports that on the day of the Lord's anger against Babylon: "All who are found will be stabbed, all who are taken will fall by the sword; their infants will be dashed to the ground before their eyes. . . ."[26] Ezekiel claims that God appointed men to punish Jerusalem for its "abominations."

My comments:

Let us now read the 7th chapter of Joshua. Ai was cursed by Joshua because Ai built the city of Jericho. First, the men of Ai smote about thirty and six Israeli men and Joshua was provoked. In turn, Joshua and his men killed Ai and their infants. The same God did not spare His own people i.e. Israelites when they disobeyed Him. He used Nebuchadnezzar, the King of Babylon to execute judgment on His own people. God does not show partiality in His acts of judgment.

Point No.4

The Lord told them to "kill without pity; spare no one. Kill and destroy them all, old men and young, girls, little children and women. . . ."[27] In the book of II Chronicles, there is another report of the Lord's anger breaking out against Jerusalem. This time he "brought against them the king of the Chaldaeans, who put their young men to the sword . . . and spared neither young man nor maiden, neither the old nor the weak. . . ."[28] Jeremiah denounces those who won't do the killings desired by the Almighty. He declares: "A curse on him who is slack in doing the Lord's work! A curse on him who withholds his sword from bloodshed!" [29]

The New Testament's depiction of God is hardly more favorable. The book of Revelation states that in the end times, heavenly power and a sword will be given to a rider on a horse. He will be allowed to make men slaughter one another. [30] Another rider will be granted similar divine authority, including power to kill with the sword over a quarter of the earth.[31] Later, four angels and their cavalry of two hundred million will go forth to slay a third of mankind.[32] This destruction is preliminary to Christ himself coming on a white horse, leading the armies of heaven. A sharp sword will extend from his mouth to smite the nations, whose armies will be killed by the sword. [33] These acts by Christ are consistent with his teaching that he came "not . . . to bring peace, but a sword."[34] And they show that he, like his father, supports the most extreme violence as a means of addressing problems.

My comments:

The book of Revelation depicts what would happen during the last days. God does not support violence as a means of addressing problems. God judges the people through destruction. He is the God Who destroys by judgment.

God did reveal His judgment power under the Old Covenant, whereas the grace and truth came through our Lord Jesus Christ under the New Covenant.

No doubt, God is [1] righteous, [2] just, [3] gracious, [4] merciful, [5] compassionate, [6] and loving. He judged the wrong-doers or the sinners under the Old Covenant because He is just and righteous. Even now, God judges the people through natural or men-made calamities. When natural calamities take place, all the people including children, old people and women were killed. Under the same Old covenant, God of the Bible also spared the sinners on many occasions because He is gracious, merciful, compassionate and loving. God never changes. He is eternal. God is a Judge. Even now He judges. In the book of Revelation, He is revealed as the Judge, executing judgment.

Point No.5


Another punishment God frequently employs is to inflict diseases on people. After the Exodus from Egypt, the Israelites complained about having no meat to eat while wandering in the wilderness. Then the "Lord's anger broke out against the people and he struck them with a deadly plague."[35] Not having learned their lesson, the people later complained about the leadership of Moses and Aaron. So God sent a plague that killed 14,700 more of them. [36] In another instance, God used a plague to kill 24,000 Israelites because they had worshiped the gods of the Midianites. This plague was stopped only when Phinehas, after seeing an Israelite man take a Midianite woman into the man's family, put his spear through both of them together.[37] God praised Phinehas and rewarded him for the act.[38] God used the same punishment on subsequent generations. He sent a pestilence that killed 70,000 men because King David took a census.[39] After King Uzziah of Judah offended the Lord by burning incense in the temple, God struck him with leprosy so that "he remained a leper till the day of his death. . . ."[40]

God forewarned his prophets of similar divine retribution. He revealed to Jeremiah his intent to "strike down those who live in this city, men and cattle alike; they shall die of a great pestilence."[41] The prophet Ezekiel said that because Jerusalem had not followed God's ways, it would be consumed "without pity" and a third of the people "shall die by pestilence."[42] This form of punishment, however, proved to be ineffective. Through the prophet Amos, the Lord complained to his people that although he had "sent plague upon you like the plagues of Egypt," they still did not return to him. [43]

Nevertheless, the New Testament shows that God will continue the same behavior. The book of Revelation states that one of the four horsemen of the Apocalypse will be given power over a quarter of the earth, including power to kill by pestilence. [44] And the same book reveals part of the doom God announced for Rome: the city will be struck with pestilence. [45]


God uses famines to torment and kill people. After David angered him by taking the census, God said one of the punishments David could choose was three years of famine. [46] But David wisely chose pestilence instead, thinking it would be a milder punishment from God.[47] He thereby limited the Lord to killing a mere 70,000 men.[48] But on other occasions, God's people didn't get off so easy. Isaiah announces that Jerusalem has "drunk from the Lord's hand the cup of his wrath," including "havoc and ruin, famine and the sword."[49] Jeremiah says God promised to make an end of the people of Judah by "sword, with famine and pestilence."[50] And the Lord pledged to do the same to any nation that would not submit to his "servant" Nebuchadrezzar, the Babylonian king.[51]

According to Ezekiel, God vowed to spend his anger on Israel by causing men to fall by sword, famine, and pestilence.[52] An annotation in The New English Bible explains that those are the three traditional scourges by which God punishes his people.[53] Ezekiel quotes the Lord as saying about Jerusalem: "When I shoot the deadly arrows of famine against you, arrows of destruction, I will shoot to destroy you."[54] The book of Lamentations shows that this was no idle threat. It describes one of God's famines by saying "children and infants faint in the streets . . . and cry to their mothers" We are also told "they faint like wounded things . . . gasping out their lives. . . ."[55]

Lamentations goes on to observe: "My virgins and my young men have fallen by sword and by famine; thou hast slain them in the day of thy anger, slaughtered them without pity."[56] But famine proved no more effective than pestilence in changing people's behavior. Amos reports that God complained: "It was I who kept teeth idle in all your cities, who brought famine on all your settlements; yet you did not come back to me. This is the very word of the Lord."[57]

As was true with pestilence, though, the God of the New Testament intends continue using this punishment. The book of Revelation claims that the third of the four horsemen of the Apocalypse will be given divine authority to cause famine on earth. [58] Likewise, the fourth rider will have power to inflict famine over a quarter of the world. [59] And the book says famine is another punishment God has in store for Rome. [60]


God likes to burn people. There is the story of him raining fire and brimstone on the cities of Sodom and Gomorrah. By this means, he "destroyed all the Plain, with everything living there."[61] Similar punishment was dealt to two of Aaron's sons, who presented "illicit fire" before the Lord. In response to their act: "Fire came out from before the Lord and destroyed them; and so they died in the presence of the Lord."[62] After several Israelites led 250 men in rebellion against Moses' authority, "fire [went] out from the Lord and burnt up the two hundred and fifty men."[63] At Elijah's request, fire came down from heaven and consumed two companies of the king of Samaria's men.[64] And the Lord promised to use fire to punish Jerusalem, [65] Babylon, [66] Egypt, [67] and various other places.[68]

In speaking of a king favored by the Lord, the book of Psalms says God will have fire consume the king's enemies and exterminate their offspring from the earth.[69] As for the wicked in general, the same book claims that the Almighty "shall rain down red-hot coals upon the wicked; brimstone and scorching winds shall be the cup they drink. For the Lord is just. . . ."[70] God ordered his people to use fire as a punishment. The Law of Moses states that if the daughter of a priest becomes a prostitute, she must be burnt to death. [71]

The New Testament also favors incineration. According to the book of Luke, Jesus said he came "to set fire to the earth."[72] And the book of Hebrews asserts "our God is a devouring fire."[73] In describing the end times, the book of Revelation reports that after an angel blows a trumpet, fire mingled with blood will be cast upon the earth. This will result in a third of the earth being burnt. [74] The same book tells us that other angels will lead 200 million mounted troops, whose horses will spew fire, smoke, and sulfur from their mouths to kill a third of humankind.[75] Shortly thereafter, power will be given to two of the Lord's witnesses, enabling them to pour fire from their mouths and consume their enemies.[76] Further, the book of Revelation says an angel will pour one of the "bowls of God's wrath" on the sun, and the sun will then "burn men with its flames."[77] Near the end of the book, we are informed that God will cause Rome to be burned. [78] And the book claims that when Satan's followers battle against the Lord, fire will come down from heaven and consume them. [79]


God carries his ruthlessness to infinite extremes in the New Testament by inflicting eternal torture on people. Being the firebug that he is, his preferred method of torture is to burn them. The book of Matthew tells us that when Jesus returns to earth, he will send his angels to gather people and cast them into a furnace of fire, where there will be wailing and grinding of teeth. [80] And he will order people to "go from my sight to the eternal fire that is ready for the devil and his angels."[81] The book of Revelation describes this everlasting inferno as a place where people are tortured forever. [82] There, the "smoke of their torment will rise for ever and ever, and there will be no respite day or night. . . ."[83]

The book of Jude claims that Sodom, Gomorrah, and the neighboring towns are already being punished in eternal fire as an example for all to see. [84] These horrible punishments are illustrated in Jesus' story of the beggar Lazarus, who went to heaven, and the rich man who was consigned to Hades. Jesus described the rich man as suffering torment in the flames. [85] Elsewhere, he indicated the same fate will befall everyone who does not accept his message. [86] This will include the vast majority of humankind. [87] Jesus also spoke approvingly of torture in one of his parables. The story involves a king who forgave a servant's debt, but who later found the same servant treating harshly a debtor of the servant. The king became angry with the servant and "condemned the man to torture until he should pay the debt in full." Jesus explained that God will do the same to people who do not forgive others. [88] Because eternal torture is the most horrible punishment imaginable, God and Jesus have succeeded in reaching the pinnacle of viciousness and mercilessness.

Wild Animals

The Lord kills and injures people by causing wild animals to attack them. He warned the Israelites that if they disobey him, he will "send wild beasts among you; they shall tear your children from you, destroy your cattle and bring your numbers low. . . ."[89] After the Israelites were disobedient, God vowed: "I will harry them with the fangs of wild beasts and the poison of creatures that crawl in the dust."[90] And this all-loving Heavenly Father "sent poisonous snakes among the people, and they bit the Israelites so that many of them died."[91] God also caused a lion to kill a prophet. This unfortunate person had been tricked by another prophet into disobeying a command of the Lord. [92]

Moreover, in one of the most cruel and nonsensical stories in the Bible, God sent two bears that killed 42 children because they were making fun of the prophet Elisha's bald head.[93] Ezekiel quotes God as telling the people of Jerusalem: "I will unleash famine and beasts of prey upon you, and they will leave you childless."[94] Jeremiah gives the following message from the Lord: "Beware, I am sending snakes against you, vipers, such as no man can charm, and they shall bite you. This is the very word of the Lord."[95] The Israelites were not the only victims of this treatment. Because an Assyrian king brought people into Samaria who did not pay homage to Jehovah, "the Lord sent lions among them, and the lions preyed upon them."[96]

The God of the New Testament likewise uses animals to destroy people. The book of Revelation states that one of the four horsemen of the Apocalypse will be given power over a quarter of the earth to kill with wild beasts. [97] The same book says the Lord will cause locusts, having the power of scorpions, to come over the earth. For five months, the locusts will torment men who did not receive the seal of God on their foreheads. The torment will be like a scorpion's sting, and the pain will be so bad the men will long for death but will not find it. [98] Shortly thereafter, God will send riders whose horses will kill a third of mankind with fire, smoke, and sulfur coming from their mouths. The horses' tails will be like snakes and will inflict injuries. [99]

My comments:

God destroys through any means i.e. fire, sword, pestilence, wild animals. Mr.Singh accuses the God of the Bile as responsible for murder, infanticide, violence, war, pestilence, cannibalism, mutilation, etc. by quoting from the Old Testament books and even from the Book of Revelation.

Point No.6


Killing babies is another method God uses to express his anger. As already noted, babies were drowned in the worldwide Flood, [100] Egyptian babies were among the firstborn killed at the Passover,[101] and babies were killed in the wars of extermination.[102] This divine punishment was also used after King David succeeded in having a loyal Israeli soldier, Uriah, killed in battle. David selfishly took this action in order to steal Uriah's wife, Bathsheba. Although David was the one who committed premeditated murder, the son Bathsheba bore to him received the brunt of God's punishment. God, in his infinite wisdom and justice, punished David by killing the baby. [103] Isaiah says a similar punishment would be used against the Babylonians. He quotes the Lord as vowing that "infants will be dashed to the ground before their eyes. . . . I will stir up against them the Medes, . . . who have no pity on little children and spare no mother's son. . . ."[104]

The book of Psalms indicates that those inflicting this punishment can enjoy it. The book says about Babylon: "Happy is he who shall seize your children and dash them against the rock."[105] Hosea prophesies that Samaria will receive the same treatment. He explains: "Samaria will become desolate because she has rebelled against her God; her babes will fall by the sword and be dashed to the ground, her women with child shall be ripped up."[106] The Bible also teaches that God is willing to test people by having their offspring slaughtered. The Lord allowed Satan to kill Job's sons and daughters to see if Job would then curse God. [107] Additionally, the New Testament contains a murderous attitude toward the young. The book of Hebrews attests to the Lord's horrible acts at the time of the Passover, but does not disapprove of them. [108]

And the book of Revelation indicates that Christ will behave similarly. As for a certain false prophetess who will lead his servants astray, the book quotes Jesus as promising to throw her on a bed of pain and strike dead her children. [109] Jesus explains his actions: "This will teach all the churches that I am the searcher of men's hearts and thoughts, and that I will reward each one of you according to his deeds."[110] He should have been able to find a humane way to convey those lessons.


Killing babies or the firstborn sons of the Egyptians was part of divine judgment under the Old Covenant. God Who sacrificed His only begotten Son on the Calvary Cross required justice and righteousness to be fulfilled through this kind of judgment under the Old Covenant. God did not allow killing of children just to make Him happy. He knew the physical sufferings of these innocent children who died for the sins of their parents. These innocent children are now home at heaven. It was a precursor to the sacrifice of His own Son who was sinless. Jesus in His flesh bore the sins of His forefathers and the entire human race. The Son of God suffered in His flesh for the sins of the human race.

Point No.7


God causes cannibalism. According to the book of Leviticus, he promises that if the Israelites disobey him: "I myself will punish you seven times over for your sins. Instead of meat you shall eat your sons and your daughters."[111] The Lord was true to his word. Isaiah describes a punishment of Israel: "On the right, one man eats his fill but yet is hungry; on the left, another devours but is not satisfied; each feeds on his own children's flesh, and neither spares his own brother."[112] Jeremiah says the Lord promised to punish Jerusalem by making it "a scene of horror and contempt. . . . I will compel men to eat the flesh of their sons and their daughters; they shall devour one another's flesh in the dire straits to which their enemies and those who would kill them will reduce them in the siege."[113]

Ezekiel quotes God as saying that because of Jerusalem's disobedience: "I will execute judgment in your midst for the nations to see. . . . Therefore, O Jerusalem, fathers will eat their children and children their fathers in your midst. . . ."[114] The author of Lamentations mourns the results of the Lord's punishment: “Those who died by the sword were more fortunate than those who died of hunger; these wasted away, deprived of the produce of the field. Tender-hearted women with their own hands boiled their own children; their children became their food in the day of my people's wounding. The Lord glutted his rage and poured forth his anger. . . ."[115]

In the New Testament, cannibalism is an integral part of Christian ritual. At the Last Supper, Jesus gave his disciples bread to eat and told them it was his body. He said the wine they were to drink was his blood. [116] On another occasion, he explained: "Whoever eats my flesh and drinks my blood possesses eternal life. . . . Whoever eats my flesh and drinks my blood dwells continually in me and I dwell in him."[117] Many say the worst pain a parent can suffer is the death of a child. But the Lord was not satisfied with producing that degree of hurt, and added to it by forcing parents to cook and eat their children. Then he required Christians to eat his own son. It's all very sick.

My comments:

It is not cannibalism that Jesus preached about eating His own flesh and drinking His Blood. Every Christian worth the name knows the importance of the Holy Communion instituted by the Lord for His disciples.

Point No.8


God is a big proponent of capital punishment. He likes it so much that he required it even when the seriousness of the offenses was glaringly disproportionate to the death penalty. And he directed that the killings be done brutally. After the Israelites found a man gathering sticks on the Sabbath, the Lord said, "The man must be put to death; he must be stoned by all the community. . . ."[118] God also ordered the death penalty for anyone else who works on the Sabbath.[119] People were not to spare even their children from these barbaric slayings. God prescribed capital punishment for reviling one's father and mother. [120] And as for a son who is disobedient and out of control, he directed that "all the men of the town shall stone him to death, and you will thereby rid yourselves of this wickedness."[121] Comparable instructions were given for dealing with a person's brother, son, daughter, wife, or best friend who tries to convince the person to worship other gods.

God said the person's "own hand shall be the first to be raised against him and then all the people shall follow. You shall stone him to death. . . ."[122] God rewarded the people of Judah for vowing to put to death all who would not seek the Lord, including "young and old, men and women alike."[123] The Law of Moses requires the death penalty for other acts, too. They include blasphemy, [124] adultery, [125] homosexuality, [126] worshipping other gods,[127] being a witch or[128] medium,[129] being a false prophet,[130] and not being a virgin on one's wedding night.[131] Besides stoning, the Lord approved of executing people by burning,[132] hanging them on a gibbet[133] or a tree,[134] and hurling them off a mountain.[135]

Jesus supported the Old Testament's death-penalty provisions when he said he came not to abolish the Mosaic Law but to complete it.[136] He warned that anyone who sets aside even the least of the Law's demands, and teaches others to do so, will be lowest in the kingdom of heaven.[137] According to the New Testament, Jesus was executed even though he was perfectly innocent. He and his followers should have protested against capital punishment to prevent others from being subjected to the same injustice.

My comments:

Death penalty is of the Law of Moses. A man gathering sticks on the Sabbath was put to death because he violated the Law of Moses. It was not disproportionate to the gravity of the offence. In the eyes of God, even the obedience of this nature invited His judgment by way of death. Even today, we find people convicted of murder are put to death through capital punishment.

Point No.9


God ordered people to use mutilation in their legal system. And he sanctioned its use against a prisoner of war. In the legal code given to the Israelites, the Lord prescribed mutilation as the punishment for a man who disfigures a fellow countryman. God said: "It shall be done to him as he has done; fracture for fracture, eye for eye, tooth for tooth; the injury and disfigurement that he has inflicted upon another shall in turn be inflicted upon him."[138] And the Lord specified that in administering this punishment, "You shall show no mercy. . . ."[139] He likewise required mutilation as the penalty for a woman who tries to stop a fight between her husband and another man by dragging her husband away. God said that if this peacemaking endeavor results in the wife grabbing the other man's genitals, "you shall cut off her hand and show her no mercy."[140] For people who might speak out against these absurd commandments, God endorsed a type of mutilation that would silence them.

The book of Proverbs says "the subversive tongue will be rooted out."[141] Support for mutilating prisoners of war is contained in the book of Judges. After the Israelites made war on the Canaanites and Perizzites, they captured one of their opponents' leaders and cut off his thumbs and great toes. God did not condemn their act, and the victim attributed his fate to the punishment of the Lord. [142] Such disfiguring and crippling are brutal and irrational. By mutilating a person as punishment for inflicting an injury on another, society can end up with two disabled persons to support instead of one. It makes more sense to keep the wrongdoer healthy and require that person to work to provide restitution for the victim. Most societies eventually learn this, but not the biblical God.

In the New Testament, Jesus supported mutilation. To avoid lusting after women, he recommended that men pluck out their own eyes. [143] To prevent masturbation, he advocated that people cut off their hands. [144] And he endorsed castration for "the sake of the kingdom of Heaven," and said to let "those accept it who can."[145] All this chopping of body parts is worse than many films, which some Christians denounce for violent content.

Beatings and Floggings

Under the Law of Moses, judges can sentence a wrongdoer to be flogged. The number of strokes corresponds to the gravity of the offense and can be as high as 40. [146] In the book of Proverbs, advice is given to beat with rods one who is a "fool."[147] And the book says the same treatment should be given to children: "Do not withhold discipline from a boy; take the stick to him, and save him from death."[148] It further admonishes: "Folly is deep-rooted in the heart of a boy; a good beating will drive it right out of him."[149] Proverbs advocates severe beatings of adults and children alike by stating: "A good beating purges the mind, and blows chasten the inmost being."[150] The book of Psalms claims that the Lord promised to set an example of this conduct by visiting his children with rod and lashes for their disobedience. [151]

The New Testament also endorses beatings. In a parable involving servants waiting for their lord to return from a wedding, Jesus taught that the servant who knew his lord's will but failed to do it "will be flogged severely." And he explained that the servant who didn't know his lord's will but "earned a beating will be flogged less severely."[152] Moreover, the New Testament says the governing authorities (Romans or Jews) inflicted beatings on Jesus, [153] Paul, [154] Silas, [155] all the apostles, [156] and some of the other great persons of faith.[157] Jesus predicted that his followers would be flogged in synagogues.[158]

Indeed, Paul reports that five times the Jews gave him the 39 lashes and three times beat him with rods.[159] Despite numerous opportunities to denounce the wrongfulness of beatings and floggings, the New Testament does not. The writers of the Bible didn't know, as modern science does, that beatings and floggings are counterproductive. Those methods teach the victims, and persons witnessing the punishment, to use violence in dealing with problems. And the victims become resentful, bitter, unwilling to cooperate, and eager for revenge.


The Lord punishes people by having marauding bands loot them. Isaiah reports that God will send the Assyrians to "march against a people who rouse my wrath, to spoil and plunder at will and trample them down like mud in the streets."[160] According to II Kings, after the Israelites disobeyed God's commandments and worshipped other gods, the "Lord rejected the whole race of Israel and punished them and gave them over to plunderers and finally flung them out of his sight." [161] Later in the book, God said about Judah: "They shall be plundered and fall a prey to all their enemies; for they have done what is wrong in my eyes and provoked my anger. . . ."[162]

Jeremiah says the Almighty will hand the people of Judah to the king of Babylon, who will take their wealth, deport them to Babylon, and put them to the sword.[163] In the same book, the Lord gloats that he "brought upon them a horde of raiders, to plunder. . . . I made the terror of invasion fall upon them all in a moment."[164] Such actions led the Psalmist to complain: "Thou hast hurled us back before the enemy, and our foes plunder us as they will. Thou hast given us up to be butchered like sheep and hast scattered us among the nations."[165]

The Israelites weren't the only ones to receive this punishment. Jeremiah reports that the Lord ordered the Babylonians to "attack Kedar, despoil the Arabs of the east. Carry off their tents and their flocks, their tent-hangings and all their vessels, drive off their camels too, and a cry shall go up: 'Terror let loose!'"[166] Additionally, Zephaniah claims that because Moab and Ammon insulted the Lord's people, God decreed that the "survivors of my people shall plunder them, the remnant of my nation shall possess their land."[167]

The New Testament vouches for the divine approval of plundering. It says Jesus spoke approvingly of David. [168] And it tells us God described David as "a man after my own heart."[169] David, whom God and Jesus thought so highly of, was a plunderer and worse. The Old Testament recounts that while living in Philistine country to avoid King Saul, David raided various villages, slaughtered all the inhabitants, stole their property, and then lied to the Philistine king about what he had done.[170]

My comments:

GB Singh quotes from the Old Testament laws where punishment was prescribed for every offence. Eye for eye, tooth for tooth, etc. are of the Law of Moses. Even now many Islam nations follow these divine commandments. Since we are under the New Covenant of grace, we are not bound by these commandments. All these shows that God is the Judge and that God destroys by way of judgment. Under the Old Covenant, God of the Bible was a terror to those who disobeyed Him. But the new testament never vouches for the divine approval of plundering. Let BG Singh read the Sermon on the Mount and other teachings of Jesus and His disciples under the New Covenant.

Point No.10

Other Forms of Violence

Woman turned into salt

Because two angels had warned Lot that God was going to destroy Sodom, Lot and his family fled the city. But contrary to the instructions given by the angels, Lot's wife looked back while the Lord was raining fire and brimstone on Sodom and Gomorrah. For this act, she was turned into a pillar of salt. [171]


To enable Jehu to become king of Israel in place of Ahab's son Jehoram, God had Jehu kill Ahab's entire family. [172] This included having Ahab's widow, Jezebel, dispatched by throwing her out of a window. [173]


To convince Pharaoh to let the Israelites leave Egypt, God tormented the Egyptians and their animals by raining down hail more heavily than the country had ever experienced. [174] And when Joshua and his army were pursing and slaughtering the Amorites, "the Lord hurled great hailstones at them out of the sky," so that "more died from the hailstones than the Israelites slew by the sword."[175] The New Testament promises that God will be hurling more hailstones. The book of Revelation describes God's judgment on the wicked as including "hail and fire mingled with blood" being cast upon the earth.[176] Later, the book says God will drop huge hailstones, weighing perhaps a hundred pounds, on men.[177]


Deuteronomy claims that if the Lord's people disobey him, their children will be taken into captivity.[178] We are told in II Kings that because of the Israelites' disobedience, God sent them into captivity in Assyria.[179] Similarly, Jeremiah says the Lord banished his people from his presence and assigned some of them to captivity.[180] According to II Chronicles, God's anger fell upon Judah and Jerusalem such that "our fathers have fallen by the sword, our sons and daughters and our wives are in captivity."[181]


In the Old Testament, God promised to poison certain evil prophets. [182] The book of Revelation tells us the Lord will be poisoning people in the end times. After an angel blows a trumpet, a third of the earth's rivers and springs will be turned to wormwood, and many will die from the poisoned water. [183]

Human sacrifice

God commended Abraham for being willing to sacrifice his son Isaac. Fortunately for Isaac, an angel stayed Abraham's knife-wielding hand at the last second. [184] The daughter of Jephthah was not so lucky. Jephthah sacrificed her to fulfill a vow he had made to the Lord. [185] In the New Testament, Jephthah is listed as one of the great men of faith. [186]

The New Testament God also showed support for human sacrifice by having it done to his son. [187]

My comments:

Though God commanded Abraham to sacrifice his only son Isaac, it was a peculiar commandment to Abraham to test his love for Him. Let Mr.Singh quote a single instance from the books of New Testament where God supported human sacrifice. God the Father did sacrifice His Son on the Cross for our salvation. It has nothing to do with the system of human sacrifice. Only animals were commanded by God to be sacrificed at the altar of the Temple in Jerusalem or at some particular places chosen by God.

Point No.11


Isaiah says God's punishment against the city of Ariel (i.e., Jerusalem) will come with an earthquake. [188] The book of Revelation states that in the last days, God will cause an earthquake to kill 7000 people.[189] Later, the Almighty will produce the most violent earthquake in history, splitting the city of Rome into three parts and making other cities fall in ruin.[190]

Earth swallows people

The Old Testament reports that after certain men had rebelled against Moses' authority, God caused the earth to open and swallow them and their families. [191]

Sexual assaults

Finally, the Heavenly Father is not above causing sexual assaults. Isaiah quotes God as promising to send the Medes to attack the Chaldaeans and have "their houses rifled and their wives ravished."[192]

My comments:

Even today God judges the people through the natural calamities like the earthquakes. Jesus predicted that in the last days there would be earthquakes in divers places. Sexual assault on the wives of Chaldeans as prophesied by Isaiah was a part of His judgment on those people who committed the same crime against others. Eye for Eye, tooth for tooth, etc. are of the Law of Moses. Jer.25:12 says God wanted to punish Chaldeans for their iniquity.

Point No.12

Violent Protagonists

In addition to the aforementioned violence, God's servants were responsible for other mayhem. Moses murdered an Egyptian who had struck a Hebrew. [193] The murderer Moses is described in the Bible as "the man of God"[194] and "the servant of the Lord."[195] After King David's death, his son Solomon had several antagonists killed in order to secure his royal power. [196] We are told that Solomon loved the Lord and conformed to all the precepts laid down by David.[197] When the spirit of the Lord came upon Samson, he slaughtered 1000 men with the jawbone of an ass.[198]

And the prophet Elijah slaughtered 450 prophets of Baal.[199] After the cities of Succoth and Penuel refused Gideon's request for food for his men, Gideon took the elders of Succoth and "disciplined those men of Succoth with desert thorns and briars." He also pulled down the castle of Penuel and put the men of the city to death. [200] Anyone who has examined a hotel Bible knows that an international Bible society is named after Gideon. The New Testament sanctions all these acts by speaking approvingly of Moses, [201] Solomon, [202] Samson, [203] Elijah, [204] and Gideon. [205]


The violent, brutal, and heartless acts approved in the Bible should completely discredit it as a moral guide. Many other instances of cruelty can be found in the book to prove the same point.No wonder Thomas Paine said:

"To read the Bible without horror, we must undo everything that is tender, sympathizing and benevolent in the heart of man."[206]

Tragically, the biblical God's despicable behavior has been considered a model of goodness and justice. Throughout history, innumerable Bible-believers have followed his example and teachings by committing horrendous violence - and felt good about themselves for doing so. Such acts led Sir James Paget to say in the nineteenth century: "I know of no book which has been a source of brutality and sadistic conduct, both public and private, that can compare with the Bible."[207] The same conduct will continue as long as a vicious and merciless monster is worshipped as the quintessence of divine love.

Civilized societies adhere to a much higher ethical standard than the biblical God. They know that violence does not prove who is right, but only who is stronger. They also recognize that the validity of an argument depends on the quality of the evidence and logic supporting it - and not at all on the amount of violence its proponents can inflict. In fact, a resort to violence usually means the proponents believe they cannot win with arguments.

Moreover, enlightened societies realize that gratuitous violence, when supported by society's leaders and other role models, can promote more violence. Their example sends a message to others that violence is an appropriate means of dealing with problems. These societies also understand that people can become desensitized to the sight of violence and thus tolerate ever-greater amounts of it. As a result, civilized societies permit violence only for self-defense and the defense of others, and only in amounts necessary to accomplish those purposes. In all other cases, problems are to be resolved by nonviolent methods. A huge step toward reducing violence could be taken if more people realized that the biblical God is a product of a barbaric and ignorant age. His example and teachings should be replaced with the best ideas produced by human reason, experience, and compassion.

My comments:

Mr.Singh accuses God of cannibalism, mutilation, etc. by quoting from the Old Testament books and even from the Book of Revelation. Ultimately, he says,".... enlightened societies realize that gratuitous violence, when supported by society's leaders and other role models, can promote more violence. Their example sends a message to others that violence is an appropriate means of dealing with problems". God was revealing Himself through His judgment power for the sins of the people during the Old Covenant days. It is the lie of the Father of the lies that the God of the Bible teaches the people to kill or to indulge in violence. Just read the sermon on the Mount. It cannot be separated from the Old Testament books. It is part of the Bible and emantes from the God of the Bible. Why does GB Singh ignore the teachings of the New Testament? The devil quoted the Scriptures from one angle only to tempt Jesus. He should not forget the truth that the same God of the Bible was long suffering and full of mercy even during the Old Covenant. Can GB Singh quote the best ideas apart from the teachings of the Bible including the New Testament books which could replace “His example and teachings”? Can he quote some instances from his own life to convince us what “best ideas” he had adopted in his own life as produced by human reason, experience, and compassion?

Questioning God for His acts of judgment through our human wisdom! He quotes only those passages in the Bible where God was judging the people, and ignores those passages of the bible where the attributes of God like mercy, compassion, etc. are mentioned in the same bible. The devil quoted the Scriptures from one angle only to tempt Jesus in the wilderness.

The Bible as the Word of God converts the soul of a man who is a murderer, or a violent person. But GB Singh argues that the Bible promotes violence. In Delhi, I came across a person, namely, Sonu who had committed many crimes and attempted to murder a person in his colony. But the gospel of Christ touched his heart and today he is a new creature, preaching the love of God to others. The people who live in his colony once feared him but now see him a law-abiding citizen working with his hands. We have countless testimonies like this.
