key to lesson 2

Key to Lesson No.2

The answers to this exercise are given below under “My comments” highlighted in blue color:

Exercise No.1: A servant of God prophesied as follows. You are requested to apply the four litmus tests mentioned in this lesson, and to discern this word of prophecy carefully and prayerfully. I have divided this word of prophecy in 3 parts for the sake of convenience. Just quote the particular litmus test to discern it.

(i) The message purported to be from Jesus does not conform to the words of Jesus in the gospels and the apostolic doctrines.

(ii) The message purported to be from God the Father reveals a message which is contrary to the gospel of the New Testament.

(iii) The message purported to be in the Name of God the Father conveys a message in future tense about the salvation through Jesus Christ. The death of Jesus for our sins is a fait accompli and Jesus will not again go to the Cross for our salvation.

(iv) The message purported to be either in the Name of God the Father or in the Name of the Son of God conveys a way of salvation through works and not through grace.


"In 2006, the Lord will shake those things that can be shaken. Jesus will manifest as a purifier of His Body . The book of Malachi will be key for believers in 2006. The Lord will deal with weaknesses and sin in His people that are holding them back from fullness. He will come to cleanse and purify. The fire and the blood will be significant.

My comments:

Jesus has already manifested in flesh 2000 years ago and the Holy Spirit took the place of the Son of God. He is the purifier of His Body, the Church. This incident has happened once and for all. No another savior is yet to come just to purify us. The tests at (i) to (iii) are applicable to this word of prophecy.


The visitation of the Angel Purity

In December 2005, our producer X was visited by an angel called "Purity". Purity is a white eagle with piercing fiery eyes and yet soft, gentle, and dove-like in nature. She also saw a golden ring that Purity carried. It was a ring of power and protection and it was placed around individuals and groups who chose the virtue of purity. I was present during the visitation and also felt the presence of Purity at that time although I did not see it. I heard three words in my spirit: Expose, Sift, Analyze. I felt the Lord say that He will expose things that need to be exposed in His children's hearts and lives. Nothing will be left unexposed. For those that submit to His convictions and dealings, there will be new levels of authority and grace that follow. He will sift so that only the pure will remain and He will analyze. Every man's ways is right in his own eyes but the Lord weighs the hearts. Prov 21:2.

The angel Purity returned the next day and the day after. I saw the vision of this being during the two days and also felt the softness of its breast feathers on one occasion. We met with our team artist, and commissioned her to paint the vision of this angel.

My comments:

The Holy Spirit does not need the ministry of an angel to expose the things in the hearts of the children of God. An angel is a ministering spirit meant to minister to us. There are some angels which carries the answers to our prayers from God the Father. It is the Holy Spirit who convicts the people of sin, of righteousness and of judgment. “Expose, Sift, Analyze” is the message reported to be conveyed by the Lord to this person. These are the words of the wisdom of this world and have nothing to do with the gospel. We have to “believe on Him, submit to His dominion and reign with Him”. We are not required to analyze but to believe. We are not required to sift but to discern. We are not required to expose but to reveal. This person says that she believed that the Lord said like that. Her message is not in accordance with the gospels and the apostolic doctrines.

There are not new levels of authority at all. Jesus has given the authority to the Church. This authority is meant for all the children of God redeemed by His precious blood. Grace has already come and we have received it when we accepted Jesus Christ as our Savior.


Heavier weights of conviction

Jesus is known in Malachi as the Purifier. He is calling His people to higher levels of purity in 2006. Things that individuals were not convicted of in 2005 will carry conviction in 2006. This will come by the Spirit and not by legalistic rules.

As this call to purity rises, there will also be increased measures of toleration for sin and worldly-mindedness within other parts of the church. Good will be called evil and evil will be called good. The deceitfulness of sin will attempt to fill the minds of some believers and thus producing unaddressed compromises.

The nature of deception is that when you are in it, you do not know it. Strong relational accountability will be needed to help avoid the pitfalls that come with deceptive doctrines and mindsets.

Revelation 2:20 "I have this against you, that you tolerate the woman Jezebel, who calls herself a prophetess, and she teaches and leads My bond-servants astray so that they commit acts of immorality and eat things sacrificed to idols."

1 John 2:15-16 "Do not love the world nor the things in the world. If anyone loves the world, the love of the Father is not in him. For all that is in the world, the lust of the flesh and the lust of the eyes and the boastful pride of life, is not from the Father, but is from the world."

My comments:

Jesus and the apostles who wrote the gospels and the epistles have exhorted us, the Church, to be holy and to lead a holy life pleasing to God. It is a daily walk with Him and is not confined to any particular period or any year. It is a false prophetic message which is not in accordance with the gospels and the apostolic doctrines. The author says “Strong relational accountability will be needed to help avoid the pitfalls that come with deceptive doctrines and mindsets”. It is not strong relational accountability but humility before men and God and submission to Christ that will help avoid the pitfalls that come with deceptive doctrines and mindsets.


Defined Apostolic Movement

True apostles will be more defined in 2006. They will be marked by their humility, faith, kingdom authority, power, and signs and wonders. There will be a further settling as to apostolic structures as theological adjustments move into place concerning the multi-faceted definition of this gift and calling.

Greater numbers of individuals in the Body of Christ will become "apostolic" according to the pattern in Matthew 10.

My comments:

An apostle is defined in I Cor.I:1 and Gal.1:1. An apostle is not of men, neither by man) but chosen and appointed by Jesus Christ, and God the Father. Apostles are appointed in the first place to the Body of Christ by God. An apostle is an individual and is not an institution or a structure. All are not apostles. God has appointed only some as apostles. It is not for anyone to choose this calling. It is for Christ to appoint a person to this ministry.
