Performance measures

« What gets measured gets done. »

Performance measures quantify how well the activities within a process or the outputs of a process achieve a specified goal.

Performance measures must be quantified and controllable. They are quality-based, time-based or cost-based.

Quality-based measures assess how well an organization's products or services meet customer needs.

Time-based measures focus on how quickly the organization can respond to outside influences.

Cost-based measures cover the financial side of performance.

Focusing attention simultaneously on quality, time and cost can optimize performance for an entire process and ultimately an entire organization.


    1. Customer satisfaction

    2. Customer retention

    3. Customer complaints

    4. Product returns

    5. Defect rates

    6. Image surveys

    7. Client references

    8. Employee satisfaction

    9. Number of employee suggestions

    10. Productivity


    1. Cycle time

    2. Delivery speed flexibility

    3. Response time to customer requests

    4. Time to reach person called

    5. Answer speed for phone calls

    6. Time to respond to inquiries

    7. New product development time

    8. Number of organizational levels

    9. Span of control

    10. Suggestions implemented


    1. Sales growth

    2. Revenue growth

    3. Market share and position

    4. Revenue % from new products

    5. Labor costs

    6. Salary and benefits costs

    7. Training costs

    8. Cost of raw materials

    9. Net profit margin

    10. Gross profit margin

    11. Operating profit margin

    12. Operating cash flow margin

    13. Receivables turnover

    14. Current ratio

    15. Quick ratio

    16. Return on assets

    17. Return on equity

    18. Asset turnover

    19. Long-term debt to capital ratio

    20. Capital costs

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