Digital Literacy

UseBelow are six core literacies for university students [building on the work of Howard Rheingold in "Net Smart"]. This page will serve as a portal to resources and a series of online lessons for self motivated students to cultivate their digital literacy and get ahead of many of their peers.

  • Institutional know how

    • Locating resources

    • Finding answers to your questions at OU (or elsewhere)

    • Norms and expectations for communication

  • Control of attention and intention

    • Create space to get your computing work done

    • Train your attention

    • Focus on achieving your intentions

    • Start small and build new habits

  • Review and evaluation

    • How to search

    • Evaluate what you find

    • Think like a detective

    • Organize what you find

  • Creative participation

    • You are already an author [take charge of how you participate]

    • Learn 5 tools of creative participation

    • Find your digital footprints

    • Build what you want to become

  • Coordination, cooperation and collaboration

    • Exceed expectations by being collectively active

    • Use tools that help you get work done with others

    • Learn how you can contribute to your own success and that of others

    • Effective communication is responsive and concise

  • Cultivation of networks

    • Who knows who you know?

    • Which networks do you bridge?

    • Cultivate relationships by paying forward

    • Leverage attributes of social media: persistent, replicable, scalable, and searchable

Digital literacy can be a lever-- if you can know where to stand you can accomplish great things. What do you want to accomplish with your time here?

Events and resources related to Digital Literacy