
Stay in touch with Soc/Crim students and alumni

OU Department of Sociology and Anthropology on Facebook

Keep up to date on events and activities in the OU Soc and Anth Departments

OU Sociology and Criminology group LinkedIn

Learn about jobs, connect with faculty, grads and current students.

  • Join these pages if you want to connect to the OU Soc Community.

New major?

  1. If you need to be assigned to an advisor

    1. somehow you become a new major-- online?

  2. Need to get started on planning courses?

      1. How to prepare for an advising meeting.

      2. Prepare for your job search

      3. Build your resume

  1. Slides used for Up Close and other events meeting with prospective students

    1. Slide

Sociology Advising Resources: Advice for Students

  1. Check out the links, answers and topics generated from the Soc Fest 2013/2014, Bentley Annex

    1. Advice for students in their second two years

      1. Resume writing: example resume template; Advice from OU Career and Leadership Development Center

    2. Advisee of Dr. Welser? Set appointment by responding to my advising form

      1. After filling out the form, see email from Dr. Welser with link to appointment schedule.

Advising and registration advice for students of Dr. Welser

  1. Advice from OIT on how to use RUFUS to register for clases

    1. Video link

    2. Watch the video in one window and try the system in another

  2. How to better view your DARS on your computer

    1. Expand all and then save as a pdf

    2. Open your DARS in a pdf viewer

  1. Calculate your GPA for the semester

    1. CAS version

  1. Your registration time is listed under your My Ohio account

    1. Go to the Academics tag

    2. Click "details" to reveal time/date.

  1. Course planning

    1. open the template for google sheets course planning guide

    2. watch video on how to use it

    3. Example course schedules for 4 year graduation

      1. Sociology

      2. Soc-Crim

      3. Soc-Pre Law

  1. Additional advising resources

    1. Soc Department resource page

    2. Arts and Sciences Advising College Requirements

  1. View from the Capstone: Advice from graduating majors

Career paths for Sociology and Criminology Majors

What are students from OU Sociology doing with their degree in sociology?

The best way to find out, is to join the Facebook page and the Linkedin group. Our students have taken a wide variety of career paths. Some have gone into:

  • market research

  • policing and enforcement

  • sales and marketing

  • education.

  • graduate school

  • law school

  • police academy

  • Peace Corp

  • Teach for America,

What are sociology students across the USA doing with their bachelor degree in sociology?

Students can use sociology to prepare for a wide range of careers. The American Sociological Association has performed a number of surveys that investigate this general question, and have published some helpful resources. I made a diagram that builds on the findings reported in this data brief. Click image for larger version.

Consider an internship

Students from our department have completed internships in many locations, below is a list of local opportunities that we have worked to establish. Students who do internships outside of Athens (usually during summer) seek out their own placements. See our department materials for sociology and criminology internship applications and resources.

  • Athens County Children's Services

  • Athens County Court of Common Pleas

  • Athens County Sheriff's Department

  • Athens County Adult Parole Authority

  • Athens County Municipal Court

  • Athens County Juvenile Court-Probation

  • Athens County Victim Assistance Program

  • Hocking Valley Community Residential Center

  • Ohio University Police Department

  • Public Defenders Office

  • Prosecutors Office (Victims Assistance)

  • Rural Action

  • The Gathering Place

  • Athens County Big Brothers and Big Sisters

"The SOC 4910 internship experience is designed to provide sociology, soc-crim, and sociology-prelaw students with an opportunity to engage in applied sociology—to take what is learned in the classroom and use it in the real world—to see and understand the myriad connections between individuals and the social institutions within which they function. Moreover, internships can provide opportunities for students to gain valuable work experience, develop professional contacts, and to use their skills to contribute to the local community. In short, an internship offers the opportunity to learn and grow personally, academically, and professionally." (

Build a professional profile

Juniors, seniors and graduate students should be working to establish a resume that details their academic and professional accomplishments. Many students will find it helpful to establish prominent and easily searchable online profiles including services like Linked in. Start with your resume and build from there.