0. Learning Related Links

Digital literacy, Scholarly and Life Hacking

A short article explaining why you need digital know-how. (by Howard Rheingold) excerpted from his book: Net Smart

Video from Howard on his book

Google scholar

Using google scholar and other google resources for education

Prof hacker: from The Chronicle of Higher Education

Email is not a tool for revision

Presentation on attention (from Rheingold)

Video help! (full list here)

I have been accumulating a student/faculty created and curated list of how to videos organized by general topic. Many of these videos were made as part of class assignments in my courses.

Resources for the R project for statistical programming

R is a an open source statistical programming language. It is free, easy to install, but often tricky to get started with. Here are a bunch of resources for help, but see also the video help list, above.

**** Listen Data. R programming tutorials

*R Reference Card: handy list of R functions, all in one two sided page, as a pdf.

*Customizing graphics: some helpful chunks of R code for making visualizations. My favorite is the modification of the pairs function.

Math and stats and programming

***Khan Academy: Another reason to have a Gmail address is that you can use it to sign up to Khan academy.

***MIT computer programming course.

Crash course in statistics

Probability Theory: The Logic of Science: An influential treatise on Bayesian reasoning, with an introduction that ties into artificial intelligence and the nature of science.