+ Physics Education Research
Physics Education Research Publications, Pedagogical Tools and Strategies
Transition to Physics Education Researcher
How I transitioned from condensed matter theorist to physics education researcher
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Formative and Summative Assessment
Introductory Physics
Multiple-choice Assessment Instruments
"Students' Conceptual Knowledge of Energy and Momentum", C. Singh and D. Rosengrant, Proceedings of the Physics Education Research conference, Rochester (Eds. S. Franklin, J. Marx, and K. Cummings), 123-126, (2001).
"Multiple-choice Test of Energy and Momentum Concepts", C. Singh and D. Rosengrant, Am. J. Phys, 71(6), 607-617, (2003).
"Student understanding of Symmetry and Gauss's law", C. Singh, Proceedings of the Phys. Ed. Res. Conference, Sacramento, CA (Eds. P. Heron, S. Franklin, and J. Marx), AIP Conf. Proc., Melville New York 790, 65-68, (2005).
"Student understanding of rotational and rolling motion concepts", L. Rimoldini and C. Singh, Phys. Rev. ST-PER, 1, 010102, 9 pages, (2005).
"Improving student understanding of Gauss's Law of electricity", C. Singh, Am. J. Phys., 74(10), 923-236, (2006).
"Improving students' understanding of magnetism", C. Singh, Proceedings of the Annual Conference of the American Society for Engineering Education (ASEE), AC 2008-90, 1-16, (2008).
"Can multiple-choice questions simulate free-response questions?", S. Y. Lin and C. Singh, Proceedings of the Phys. Ed. Res. Conference, Omaha, NE, (S. Rebello, C. Singh, P. Engelhardt Eds.), AIP Conf. Proc., Melville, New York 1413, 47-50 (2012).
"Developing A Magnetism Conceptual Survey And Assessing Gender Differences In Student Understanding of Magnetism", J. Li and C. Singh, Proceedings of the Phys. Ed. Res. Conference, Omaha, NE, (S. Rebello, C. Singh, P. Engelhardt Eds.), AIP Conf. Proc., Mellville, New York 1413, 43-46 (2012).
"Can free-response questions be approximated by multiple-choice equivalents?", S. Y. Lin and C. Singh, Am. J. Phys., 81(8), 624-629, (2013).
"Surveying graduate students' attitudes and approaches to problem solving", A. J. Mason and C. Singh, Physical Review, ST PER, 6(1), 1-16 (2010).
"Surveying Turkish high school and university students’ attitudes and approaches to physicsproblem solving", N. Balta, A. Mason and C. Singh, Physical Review Physics education research, 12, 010129 (16 pages) (2016). doi:10.1103/PhysRevPhysEducRes.12.010129
"Surveying college introductory physics students' attitudes and approaches to problem solving", A. J. Mason and C. Singh, Euro. J. Phys. 37, 055704 (23 pages) (2016).
Can free-response questions be approximated by Multiple-choice equivalents?
"Can free-response questions be approximated by multiple-choice equivalents?", S. Y. Lin and C. Singh, Am. J. Phys., 81(8), 624-629, (2013).
Attitudes and Approaches to problem solving
"Surveying graduate students' attitudes and approaches to problem solving", A. J. Mason and C. Singh, Physical Review, ST PER, 6(1), 16 pages (2010).
"Surveying Turkish high school and university students’ attitudes and approaches to physicsproblem solving", N. Balta, A. Mason and C. Singh, Physical Review Physics education research, 12, 010129 (16 pages) (2016). doi:10.1103/PhysRevPhysEducRes.12.010129
"Surveying college introductory physics students' attitudes and approaches to problem solving", A. J. Mason and C. Singh, Euro. J. Phys. 37, 055704 (23 pages) (2016).
Formative Assessment
Revisiting categorization of physics problems in large classes
"Categorization of Problems to Assess and Improve Proficiency as Teacher and Learner ", C. Singh, Am. J. Phys., 77(1), 73-80, (2009).
"Rethinking Tools for Training Teaching Assistants ", C. Singh, Proceedings of the Phys. Ed. Res. Conference, Ann Arbor, MI, (C. Henderson, M. Sabella, C. Singh Eds.), AIP Conf. Proc., Melville, New York 1179, 59-62 (2009).
"Assessing expertise in introductory physics using categorization task", A. J. Mason and C. Singh, Phys. Rev. ST PER, 7(2), 020110 (1-17) (2011).
"Categorization of mechanics problems by students in large introductory physics courses: A comparison with the Chi, Feltovich, and Glaser study", A. Mason and C. Singh,Proceedings of the 2013 Phys. Ed. Res. Conference, Portland, OR, (A. Churukian, P. Engelhardt, D. Jones Eds.), 35-38, (2014).
"Using categorization of problems as an instructional tool to help introductory students learn physics", A. Mason and C. Singh, Physics Education, 51, 025009 (6 pages) (2016). doi: 10.1088/0031-9120/51/2/025009
Problem solving, reasoning, scaffolding, learning and transfer
"When Physical Intuition Fails", C. Singh, Am. J. Phys, 70(11), 1103-1109, (2002).
"Interactive Video Tutorials for Enhancing Problem-Solving, Reasoning, and Meta-Cognitive Skills of Introductory Physics Students", C. Singh, Proceedings of the Phys. Ed. Res. Conference, Madison, WI (Eds. S. Franklin, J. Marx, and K. Cummings), AIP Conf. Proc., Melville New York 720, 177-180, (2004).
"Effect of Misconception on Transfer in Problem Solving", C. Singh, Proceedings of the Phys. Ed. Res. Conference, Syracuse, NY, AIP, (L. Hsu, L. McCullough, C. Henderson Eds.), AIP Conf. Proc., Melville New York 951, 196-199, (2007).
"Assessing Student Expertise in Introductory Physics with Isomorphic Problems, Part I: Performance on a non-intuitive problem pair from introductory physics", C. Singh, Phys. Rev. ST Phys. Educ. Res. 4, 010104 (9 pages), (2008).
"Assessing Student Expertise in Introductory Physics with Isomorphic Problems, Part II: Examining the effect of some potential factors on problem solving and transfer", C. Singh, Phys. Rev. ST Phys. Educ. Res. 4, 010105 (10 pages), (2008).
"Coupling Conceptual and Quantitative Problems to Develop Student Expertise in Introductory Physics ", C. Singh, Proceedings of the Phys. Ed. Res. Conference, Edmonton, Canada, (L. Hsu, C. Henderson, M. Sabella Eds.), AIP Conf. Proc., Melville New York 1064, 199-202, (2008).
"Categorization of Problems to Assess and Improve Proficiency as Teacher and Learner ", C. Singh, Am. J. Phys., 77(1), 73-80, (2009).
"Problem Solving and Learning", C. Singh, Proceedings of the 2008 Joint Annual Conference of National Society of Black Physicists and National Society of Hispanic Physicists, AIP Conf. Proc., Melville, New York 1140, 183-197, (2009).
"Developing problem solving skills of students taking introductory physics via web-based tutorials", C. Singh and D. Haileselassie, J. Coll. Sci. Teach., 39(4), 34-41, (2010).
"Using Analogies to Learn Introductory Physics ", S. Y. Lin and C. Singh, Proceedings of the Phys. Ed. Res. Conference, Portland, OR, (C. Singh, M. Sabella, S. Rebello Eds.), AIP Conf. Proc., Melville, New York 1289, 209-212 (2010).
"Using analogy to solve a three-step physics problem ", S. Y. Lin and C. Singh, Proceedings of the Phys. Ed. Res. Conference, Portland, OR, (C. Singh, M. Sabella, S. Rebello Eds.), AIP Conf. Proc., Melville, New York 1289, 29-32, (2010).
"Challenges in using analogies", S. Y. Lin and C. Singh, The Physics Teacher, 49(8), 512-513, (2011).
"Using isomorphic problems to learn introductory physics", S. Y. Lin and C. Singh, Phys. Rev. ST PER, 7(2), 020104 (16 pages) (2011).
"Assessing expertise in introductory physics using categorization task", A. J. Mason and C. Singh, Phys. Rev. ST PER, 7(2), 020110 (17 pages) (2011).
"Using Analogical Problem Solving with Different Scaffolding Supports to Learn about Friction", S. Y. Lin and C. Singh, Proceedings of the Phys. Ed. Res. Conference, Omaha, NE, (S. Rebello, C. Singh, P. Engelhardt Eds.), AIP Conf. Proc., Melville, New York 1413, 251-254 (2012).
"Should students be provided diagrams or asked to draw them while solving introductory physics problems?", A. Maries and C. Singh, Proceedings of the Phys. Ed. Res. Conference, Omaha, NE, (S. Rebello, C. Singh, P. Engelhardt Eds.), AIP Conf. Proc., Melville, New York 1413, 263-266 (2012).
"What do students do when asked to diagnose their mistakes? Does it help them? I. An atypical quiz context", E. Yerushalmi, E. Cohen, A. Mason and C. Singh, Phys. Rev. ST PER, 8(2), 020109, 19 pages, (2012).
"What do students do when asked to diagnose their mistakes? Does it help them? II. A more typical quiz context", E. Yerushalmi, E. Cohen, A. Mason and C. Singh, Phys. Rev. ST PER, 8(2), 020110, 12 pages (2012).
"To use or not to use diagrams: The effect of drawing a diagram in solving introductory physics problems ", A. Maries and C. Singh, Proceedings of the Phys. Ed. Res. Conference, Philadelphia, PA, (P. Engelhardt, S. Rebello, A. Churukian Eds.), AIP Conf. Proc., Mellville, New York 1513, 282-285 (2013).
"Student difficulties in translating between mathematical and graphical representations in introductory physics ", S. Y. Lin, A. Maries and C. Singh, Proceedings of the Phys. Ed. Res. Conference, Philadelphia, PA, (P. Engelhardt, S. Rebello, A. Churukian Eds.), AIP Conf. Proc., Mellville, New York 1513, 250-253 (2013).
"Using Isomorphic Problems to Learn Introductory Physics", S. Y. Lin and C. Singh, Physical review ST PER, 7, 020104 (1-16) (2011).
"Categorization of mechanics problems by students in large introductory physics courses: A comparison with the Chi, Feltovich, and Glaser study", A. Mason and C. Singh,Proceedings of the 2013 Phys. Ed. Res. Conference, Portland, OR, (A. Churukian, P. Engelhardt, D. Jones Eds.), 35-38, (2014).
"A good diagram is valuable despite the choice of a mathematical approach to problem solving ", A. Maries and C. Singh, Proceedings of the 2013 Phys. Ed. Res. Conference, Portland, OR, (A. Churukian, P. Engelhardt, D. Jones Eds.), 31-34, (2014).
"Closing the gap between teaching and assessment", C. Singh, written for the report of the Association of American Universities (AAU) 2014 Workshop on Effective Evaluation of Teaching and Learning with an invited presentation titled “Closing the gap between teaching and assessment”, (2015).
"What can we learn from PER: Physics Education Research?", C. Singh, The Physics Teacher, 52, 568-569, (2014). doi: 10.1119/1.4902211
"Effect of scaffolding on helping introductory physics students solve quantitative problems involving strong alternative conceptions", S. Y. Lin and C. Singh, PRST-PER 11, 020105 (1-19) (2015). doi: 10.1103/physrevstper.11.020105
"Learning from mistakes: The effect of students' written self-diagnoses on subsequent problem solving", A. Mason, E.Yerushalmi, E. Cohen, and C. Singh. The Physics Teacher 54(2), 87-90, ( 2016). doi: 10.1119/1.4940171
"Using categorization of problems as an instructional tool to help introductory students learn physics", A. Mason and C. Singh, Physics Education, 51, 025009 (6 pages) (2016). doi: 10.1088/0031-9120/51/2/025009
Isomorphic problems, analogical reasoning, scaffolding and transfer
"Effect of Misconception on Transfer in Problem Solving", C. Singh, Proceedings of the Phys. Ed. Res. Conference, Syracuse, NY, AIP, (L. Hsu, L. McCullough, C. Henderson Eds.), AIP Conf. Proc., Melville New York 951, 196-199, (2007).
"Assessing Student Expertise in Introductory Physics with Isomorphic Problems, Part I: Performance on a non-intuitive problem pair from introductory physics", C. Singh, Phys. Rev. ST Phys. Educ. Res. 4, 010104 (9 pages), (2008).
"Assessing Student Expertise in Introductory Physics with Isomorphic Problems, Part II: Examining the effect of some potential factors on problem solving and transfer", C. Singh, Phys. Rev. ST Phys. Educ. Res. 4, 010105 (10 pages), (2008).
"Coupling Conceptual and Quantitative Problems to Develop Student Expertise in Introductory Physics ", C. Singh, Proceedings of the Phys. Ed. Res. Conference, Edmonton, Canada, (L. Hsu, C. Henderson, M. Sabella Eds.), AIP Conf. Proc., Melville New York 1064, 199-202, (2008).
"Using Analogies to Learn Introductory Physics ", S. Y. Lin and C. Singh, Proceedings of the Phys. Ed. Res. Conference, Portland, OR, (C. Singh, M. Sabella, S. Rebello Eds.), AIP Conf. Proc., Melville, New York 1289, 209-212 (2010).
"Using analogy to solve a three-step physics problem ", S. Y. Lin and C. Singh, Proceedings of the Phys. Ed. Res. Conference, Portland, OR, (C. Singh, M. Sabella, S. Rebello Eds.), AIP Conf. Proc., Melville, New York 1289, 29-32, (2010).
"Challenges in using analogies", S. Y. Lin and C. Singh, The Physics Teacher, 49(8), 512-513, (2011).
"Using isomorphic problems to learn introductory physics", S. Y. Lin and C. Singh, Phys. Rev. ST PER, 7(2), 020104 (16 pages) (2011).
"Assessing expertise in introductory physics using categorization task", A. J. Mason and C. Singh, Phys. Rev. ST PER, 7(2), 020110 (17 pages) (2011).
"Using Analogical Problem Solving with Different Scaffolding Supports to Learn about Friction", S. Y. Lin and C. Singh, Proceedings of the Phys. Ed. Res. Conference, Omaha, NE, (S. Rebello, C. Singh, P. Engelhardt Eds.), AIP Conf. Proc., Melville, New York 1413, 251-254 (2012).
"What do students do when asked to diagnose their mistakes? Does it help them? I. An atypical quiz context", E. Yerushalmi, E. Cohen, A. Mason and C. Singh, Phys. Rev. ST PER, 8(2), 020109, 19 pages, (2012).
"What do students do when asked to diagnose their mistakes? Does it help them? II. A more typical quiz context", E. Yerushalmi, E. Cohen, A. Mason and C. Singh, Phys. Rev. ST PER, 8(2), 020110, 12 pages, (2012).
"Using Isomorphic Problems to Learn Introductory Physics", S. Y. Lin and C. Singh, Physical review ST PER, 7, 020104 (16 pages) (2011).
"Categorization of mechanics problems by students in large introductory physics courses: A comparison with the Chi, Feltovich, and Glaser study", A. Mason and C. Singh,Proceedings of the 2013 Phys. Ed. Res. Conference, Portland, OR, (A. Churukian, P. Engelhardt, D. Jones Eds.), 35-38, (2014).
"Effect of scaffolding on helping introductory physics students solve quantitative problems involving strong alternative conceptions", S. Y. Lin and C. Singh, PRST-PER 11, 020105 (19 pages) (2015). doi: 10.1103/physrevstper.11.020105
Coupling conceptual and quantitative problem solving, reasoning and transfer
"Assessing Student Expertise in Introductory Physics with Isomorphic Problems, Part II: Examining the effect of some potential factors on problem solving and transfer", C. Singh, Phys. Rev. ST Phys. Educ. Res. 4, 010105 (10 pages), (2008).
"Coupling Conceptual and Quantitative Problems to Develop Student Expertise in Introductory Physics ", C. Singh, Proceedings of the Phys. Ed. Res. Conference, Edmonton, Canada, (L. Hsu, C. Henderson, M. Sabella Eds.), AIP Conf. Proc., Melville New York 1064, 199-202, (2008).
Self-diagnosis, scaffolding and transfer
"What do students do when asked to diagnose their mistakes? Does it help them? I. An atypical quiz context", E. Yerushalmi, E. Cohen, A. Mason and C. Singh, Phys. Rev. ST PER, 8(2), 020109, 19 pages, (2012).
"What do students do when asked to diagnose their mistakes? Does it help them? II. A more typical quiz context", E. Yerushalmi, E. Cohen, A. Mason and C. Singh, Phys. Rev. ST PER, 8(2), 020110, 12 pages (2012).
"Learning from mistakes: The effect of students' written self-diagnoses on subsequent problem solving", A. Mason, E.Yerushalmi, E. Cohen, and C. Singh. The Physics Teacher 54(2), 87-90, ( 2016). doi: 10.1119/1.4940171
Role of representation in learning physics
"Should students be provided diagrams or asked to draw them while solving introductory physics problems?", A. Maries and C. Singh, Proceedings of the Phys. Ed. Res. Conference, Omaha, NE, (S. Rebello, C. Singh, P. Engelhardt Eds.), AIP Conf. Proc., Melville, New York 1413, 263-266 (2012).
"To use or not to use diagrams: The effect of drawing a diagram in solving introductory physics problems ", A. Maries and C. Singh, Proceedings of the Phys. Ed. Res. Conference, Philadelphia, PA, (P. Engelhardt, S. Rebello, A. Churukian Eds.), AIP Conf. Proc., Mellville, New York 1513, 282-285 (2013).
"Student difficulties in translating between mathematical and graphical representations in introductory physics ", S. Y. Lin, A. Maries and C. Singh, Proceedings of the Phys. Ed. Res. Conference, Philadelphia, PA, (P. Engelhardt, S. Rebello, A. Churukian Eds.), AIP Conf. Proc., Mellville, New York 1513, 250-253 (2013).
"A good diagram is valuable despite the choice of a mathematical approach to problem solving ", A. Maries and C. Singh, Proceedings of the 2013 Phys. Ed. Res. Conference, Portland, OR, (A. Churukian, P. Engelhardt, D. Jones Eds.), 31-34, (2014).
Should students be provided diagram or asked to draw?
"Should students be provided diagrams or asked to draw them while solving introductory physics problems?", A. Maries and C. Singh, Proceedings of the Phys. Ed. Res. Conference, Omaha, NE, (S. Rebello, C. Singh, P. Engelhardt Eds.), AIP Conf. Proc., Melville, New York 1413, 263-266 (2012).
To use or not to use diagram?
"To use or not to use diagrams: The effect of drawing a diagram in solving introductory physics problems ", A. Maries and C. Singh, Proceedings of the Phys. Ed. Res. Conference, Philadelphia, PA, (P. Engelhardt, S. Rebello, A. Churukian Eds.), AIP Conf. Proc., Mellville, New York 1513, 282-285 (2013).
A diagram is valuable despite the choice of a primarily mathematical approach to problem solving
"A good diagram is valuable despite the choice of a mathematical approach to problem solving ", A. Maries and C. Singh, Proceedings of the 2013 Phys. Ed. Res. Conference, Portland, OR, (A. Churukian, P. Engelhardt, D. Jones Eds.), 31-34, (2014).
Student difficulties in translating between mathematical and graphical representations
"Student difficulties in translating between mathematical and graphical representations in introductory physics ", S. Y. Lin, A. Maries and C. Singh, Proceedings of the Phys. Ed. Res. Conference, Philadelphia, PA, (P. Engelhardt, S. Rebello, A. Churukian Eds.), AIP Conf. Proc., Mellville, New York 1513, 250-253 (2013).
PEC: Hands-on homework for large introductory courses
"Exploration Center for Large Introductory Physics Courses", C. Singh, The Physics Teacher, 38(3), 189-190, (2000).
"Hands-on Homework for Introductory Science", C. Singh, J. Coll. Sci. Teach., 32(2), 126-130, (2002).
Effectiveness of peer interaction
"Effectiveness of Group Interaction on Conceptual Standardized Test Performance", C. Singh, Proceedings of the Phys. Ed. Res. Conference, Boise (Eds. S. Franklin, J. Marx, and K. Cummings), 67-70, (2002).
"Impact of Peer Interaction on Conceptual Test Performance", C. Singh, Am. J. Phys., 73(5), 446-451, (2005).
"Helping Students Learn Effective Problem Solving Strategies by Reflecting With Peers", A. J. Mason and C. Singh, Am. J. Phys., 78(7), 748-754, (2010).
"Using reflection with peers to help students learn effective problem solving strategies ", A. J. Mason and C. Singh, Proceedings of the Phys. Ed. Res. Conference, Portland, OR, (C. Singh, M. Sabella, S. Rebello Eds.), AIP Conf. Proc., Melville New York 1289, 41-44, (2010).
"Impact of guided reflection with peers on the development of effective problem solving strategies and physics learning", A. Mason and C. Singh, The Physics Teacher, 54, 295-299, (2016). doi: 10.1119/1.4947159
Peer reflection on conceptual problem solving
"Effectiveness of Group Interaction on Conceptual Standardized Test Performance", C. Singh, Proceedings of the Phys. Ed. Res. Conference, Boise (Eds. S. Franklin, J. Marx, and K. Cummings), 67-70, (2002).
"Impact of Peer Interaction on Conceptual Test Performance", C. Singh, Am. J. Phys., 73(5), 446-451, (2005).
Peer reflection on quantitative problem Solving
"Helping Students Learn Effective Problem Solving Strategies by Reflecting With Peers", A. J. Mason and C. Singh, Am. J. Phys., 78(7), 748-754, (2010).
"Using reflection with peers to help students learn effective problem solving strategies ", A. J. Mason and C. Singh, Proceedings of the Phys. Ed. Res. Conference, Portland, OR, (C. Singh, M. Sabella, S. Rebello Eds.), AIP Conf. Proc., Melville New York 1289, 41-44, (2010).
"Impact of guided reflection with peers on the development of effective problem solving strategies and physics learning", A. Mason and C. Singh, The Physics Teacher, 54, 295-299, (2016). doi: 10.1119/1.4947159
Interactive web-based tutorials
"Interactive Video Tutorials for Enhancing Problem-Solving, Reasoning, and Meta-Cognitive Skills of Introductory Physics Students", C. Singh, Proceedings of the Phys. Ed. Res. Conference, Madison, WI (Eds. S. Franklin, J. Marx, and K. Cummings), AIP Conf. Proc., Melville New York 720, 177-180, (2004).
"Problem Solving and Learning", C. Singh, Proceedings of the 2008 Joint Annual Conference of National Society of Black Physicists and National Society of Hispanic Physicists, AIP Conf. Proc., Melville, New York 1140, 183-197, (2009).
"Developing problem solving skills of students taking introductory physics via web-based tutorials", C. Singh and D. Haileselassie, J. Coll. Sci. Teach., 39(4), 34-41, (2010).
Quantum Mechanics
"Student Understanding of Quantum Mechanics", C. Singh, Am. J. Phys., 69 (8), 885-895, (2001).
"Student Understanding of Quantum Mechanics at the Beginning of Graduate Instruction", C. Singh, Am. J. Phys., 76(3), 277-287, (2008).
"Surveying students' understanding of quantum mechanics ", G. Zhu and C. Singh, Proceedings of the Phys. Ed. Res. Conference, Portland, OR, (C. Singh, M. Sabella, S. Rebello Eds.), AIP Conf. Proc., Melville, New York 1289, 301-304 (2010).
"Surveying students' understanding of quantum mechanics in one spatial dimension", G. Zhu and C. Singh, Am. J. Phys., 80(3), 252-259 (2012).
Formative Assessment
"Categorization of quantum mechanics problems by professors and students", S. Y. Lin and C. Singh, Euro. J. Phys. 31, 57-68 (2010).
"Do advanced students learn from their mistakes without explicit intervention?", A. J. Mason and C. Singh, Am. J. Phys., 78(7), 760-767, (2010).
"The effect of giving explicit incentives to correct mistakes on subsequent problem solving in quantum mechanics", B. Brown, C. Singh and A. J. Mason, Proceedings of the 2015 Phys. Ed. Res. Conference, College Park, MD, (A. Churukian, D. Jones, and L. Ding Eds.), 67-70 (2015). doi:10.1119/perc.2015.pr.012
"Investigating transfer of learning in advanced quantum mechanics", A. Maries, R. Sayer and C. Singh, Proceedings of the 2015 Phys. Ed. Res. Conference, College Park, MD, (A. Churukian, D. Jones, and L. Ding Eds.), 207-2010 (2015). doi:10.1119/perc.2015.pr.047.
"Improving performance in quantum mechanics with explicit incentives to correct mistakes", B. Brown, A. Mason and C. Singh, Physical Review Physics Education Research, 12, 010121, (20 pages) 2016. doi: 10.1103/physrevphyseducres.12.010121
Effectiveness of peer-interaction
"Peer Instruction for quantum mechanics", G. Zhu and C. Singh, APS Forum on Education Newsletter, 8-10, Fall (2009).
"Improving students' understanding of quantum mechanics by using peer instruction tools", G. Zhu and C. Singh, Proceedings of the Phys. Ed. Res. Conference, Omaha, NE, (S. Rebello, C. Singh, P. Engelhardt Eds.), AIP Conf. Proc., Mellville, New York 1413, 77-80 (2012).
Quantum interactive learning tutorials (QuILTs)
"Improving Student's Understanding of Quantum Mechanics, Feature Article, Physics Today,", C. Singh, M. Belloni, W. Christian, 8, 43-49, August (2006). This article was especially selected and translated into Japanese for publication in the first (special) edition of the Japanese version of Physics Today titled Parity, (2007).
"Interactive Learning Tutorials on Quantum Mechanics", C. Singh, Am. J. Phys., 76(4), 400-405, (2008).
"Cognitive Issues in Learning Advanced Physics: An Example from Quantum Mechanics", C. Singh and G. Zhu, Proceedings of the Phys. Ed. Res. Conference, Ann Arbor, MI, (C. Henderson, M. Sabella, C. Singh Eds.), AIP Conf. Proc., Melville, New York 1179, 63-66 (2009).
"Students' Understanding of the Stern-Gerlach Experiment", G. Zhu and C. Singh, Proceedings of the Phys. Ed. Res. Conference, Ann Arbor, MI, (C. Henderson, M. Sabella, C. Singh Eds.), AIP Conf. Proc., Melville, New York 1179, 309-312 (2009).
"Improving students' understanding of quantum measurement ", G. Zhu and C. Singh, Proceedings of the Phys. Ed. Res. Conference, Portland, OR, (C. Singh, M. Sabella, S. Rebello Eds.), AIP Conf. Proc., Melville, New York 1289, 345-348 (2010).
"Improving students' understanding of quantum mechanics via the Stern-Gerlach experiment", G. Zhu and C. Singh, Am. J. Phys. 79(5), 499-507 (2011).
"Students' understanding of addition of angular momentum in quantum mechanics.", C. Singh and G. Zhu, Proceedings of the Phys. Ed. Res. Conference, Omaha, NE, (S. Rebello, C. Singh, P. Engelhardt Eds.), AIP Conf. Proc., Melville, New York 1413, 355-358 (2012).
"Improving students' understanding of quantum measurement I: Investigation of difficulties", G. Zhu and C. Singh, Phys. Rev. ST PER, 8(1), 010117 (8 pages) (2012).
"Improving students' understanding of quantum measurement II: Development of Research-based learning tools", G. Zhu and C. Singh, Phys. Rev. ST PER, 8(1), 010118 (13 pages) (2012).
"Improving student understanding of addition of angular momentum in quantum mechanics", G. Zhu and C. Singh, Phys. Rev. ST PER, 9(1), 010101 (12 pages) (2013).
"Investigating student difficulties with Dirac Notation", C. Singh and E. Marshman, Proceedings of the 2013 Phys. Ed. Res. Conference, Portland, OR, (A. Churukian, P. Engelhardt, D. Jones Eds.), 345-348,(2014).
"Investigating student difficulties with time-dependence of expectation values in quantum mechanics ", C. Singh and E. Marshman,Proceedings of the 2013 Phys. Ed. Res. Conference, Portland, OR, (A. Churukian, P. Engelhardt, D. Jones Eds.),46-49 (2014).
"Interactive tutorial to improve student understanding of single photon experiments involving a Mach-Zehnder Interferometer", E. Marshman and C. Singh, European Journal of Physics, 37, 024001 (22 pages) (2016). doi: 10.1088/0143-0807/37/2/024001
"Developing an interactive tutorial on a Mach-Zehnder interferometer with single photons", C. Singh and E. Marshman, Proceedings of the 2014 Phys. Ed. Res. Conference, Minneapolis, MN, (P. Engelhardt, A. Churukian, D. Jones Eds.), 239-242 (2015) doi:10.1119/perc.2014.pr.056.
"Developing an interactive tutorial on a quantum eraser", E. Marshman and C. Singh, Proceedings of the 2014 Phys. Ed. Res. Conference, Minneapolis, MN, (P. Engelhardt, A. Churukian, D. Jones Eds.), 175-178 (2015) doi: 10.1119/perc.2014.pr.040.
"Developing and evaluating a tutorial on the double-slit experiment", R. Sayer, A. Maries and C. Singh, Proceedings of the 2015 Phys. Ed. Res. Conference, College Park, MD, (A. Churukian, D. Jones, and L. Ding Eds.), 299-302 (2015). doi:10.1119/perc.2015.pr.070
"Student difficulties with quantum states while translating state vectors in Dirac notation to wave functions in positionand momentum representations", E. Marshman and C. Singh, Proceedings of the 2015 Phys. Ed. Res. Conference, College Park, MD, (A. Churukian, D. Jones, and L. Ding Eds.), 211-214 (2015). doi:10.1119/perc.2015.pr.048.
Cognitive Issues in Teaching and Learning (papers useful for physicists and non-physicists alike)
All publications
"When Physical Intuition Fails", C. Singh, Am. J. Phys, 70(11), 1103-1109, (2002).
"Impact of Peer Interaction on Conceptual Test Performance", C. Singh, Am. J. Phys., 73(5), 446-451, (2005).
"Effect of Misconception on Transfer in Problem Solving", C. Singh, Proceedings of the Phys. Ed. Res. Conference, Syracuse, NY, AIP, (L. Hsu, L. McCullough, C. Henderson Eds.), AIP Conf. Proc., Melville New York 951, 196-199, (2007).
"Assessing Student Expertise in Introductory Physics with Isomorphic Problems, Part I: Performance on a non-intuitive problem pair from introductory physics", C. Singh, Phys. Rev. ST Phys. Educ. Res. 4, 010104 (9 pages), (2008).
"Assessing Student Expertise in Introductory Physics with Isomorphic Problems, Part II: Examining the effect of some potential factors on problem solving and transfer", C. Singh, Phys. Rev. ST Phys. Educ. Res. 4, 010105 (10 pages), (2008).
"Coupling Conceptual and Quantitative Problems to Develop Student Expertise in Introductory Physics ", C. Singh, Proceedings of the Phys. Ed. Res. Conference, Edmonton, Canada, (L. Hsu, C. Henderson, M. Sabella Eds.), AIP Conf. Proc., Melville New York 1064, 199-202, (2008).
"Categorization of Problems to Assess and Improve Proficiency as Teacher and Learner", C. Singh, Am. J. Phys., 77(1), 73-80, (2009).
"Problem Solving and Learning", C. Singh, Proceedings of the 2008 Joint Annual Conference of National Society of Black Physicists and National Society of Hispanic Physicists, AIP Conf. Proc., Melville, New York 1140, 183-197, (2009).
"Revisiting Categorization", A. Mason and C. Singh, Proceedings of the National Association of Research in Science Teaching (NARST) 2009 Annual Meeting, Garden Grove, CA, S2.2, 19 pages, (2009).
"Assessing Expertise in Quantum Mechanics using Categorization Task", S. Y. Lin and C. Singh, Proceedings of the Phys. Ed. Res. Conference, Ann Arbor, MI, (C. Henderson, M. Sabella, C. Singh Eds.), AIP Conf. Proc., Melville, New York 1179, 185-188 (2009).
"Physics Graduate Students' Attitudes and Approaches to Problem Solving", C. Singh and A. Mason, Proceedings of the Phys. Ed. Res. Conference, Ann Arbor, MI, (C. Henderson, M. Sabella, C. Singh Eds.), AIP Conf. Proc., Melville, New York 1179, 273-276 (2009).
"Using Analogies to Learn Introductory Physics", S. Y. Lin and C. Singh, Proceedings of the Phys. Ed. Res. Conference, Portland, OR, (C. Singh, M. Sabella, S. Rebello Eds.), AIP Conf. Proc., Melville, New York 1289, 209-212 (2010).
"Using Analogy to Solve a Three-Step Physics Problem", S. Y. Lin and C. Singh, Proceedings of the Phys. Ed. Res. Conference, Portland, OR, (C. Singh, M. Sabella, S. Rebello Eds.), AIP Conf. Proc., Melville, New York 1289, 29-32, (2010).
"Categorization of quantum mechanics problems by professors and students", S. Y. Lin and C. Singh, Euro. J. Phys. 31, 57-68 (2010).
"Developing problem solving skills of students taking introductory physics via web-based tutorials", Feature Article, C. Singh and D. Haileselassie, J. Coll. Sci. Teach., 39(4), 34-41, (2010).
"Helping Students Learn Effective Problem Solving Strategies by Reflecting With Peers", A. J. Mason and C. Singh, Am. J. Phys., 78(7), 748-754, (2010).
"Do Advanced Students Learn From Their Mistakes Without Explicit Intervention?", A. J. Mason and C. Singh, Am. J. Phys., 78(7), 760-767, (2010).
"Surveying Graduate Students' Attitudes and Approaches to Problem Solving", A. J. Mason and C. Singh, Physical Review, ST PER, 6(1), 16 pages (2010).
"Challenges in using analogies", S. Y. Lin and C. Singh, The Physics Teacher, 49(8), 512-513, (2011).
"Using Isomorphic Problems to Learn Introductory Physics", S. Y. Lin and C. Singh, Phys. Rev. ST PER, 7(2), 020104 (16 pages) (2011).
"Should students be provided diagrams or asked to draw them while solving introductory physics problems?", A. Maries and C. Singh, Proceedings of the Phys. Ed. Res. Conference, Omaha, NE, (S. Rebello, C. Singh, P. Engelhardt Eds.), AIP Conf. Proc., Melville, New York 1413, 263-266 (2012).
"Using Analogical Problem Solving with Different Scaffolding Supports to Learn about Friction", S. Y. Lin and C. Singh, Proceedings of the Phys. Ed. Res. Conference, Omaha, NE, (S. Rebello, C. Singh, P. Engelhardt Eds.), AIP Conf. Proc., Melville, New York 1413, 251-254 (2012).
"What do students do when asked to diagnose their mistakes? Does it help them? I. An atypical quiz context", E. Yerushalmi, E. Cohen, A. Mason and C. Singh, Phys. Rev. ST PER, 8(2), 020109, 19 pages, (2012).
"What do students do when asked to diagnose their mistakes? Does it help them? II. A more typical quiz context", E. Yerushalmi, E. Cohen, A. Mason and C. Singh, Phys. Rev. ST PER, 8(2), 020110, 12 pages (2012).
"To use or not to use diagrams: The effect of drawing a diagram in solving introductory physics problems", A. Maries and C. Singh, Proceedings of the Phys. Ed. Res. Conference, Philadelphia, PA, (P. Engelhardt, S. Rebello, A. Churukian Eds.), AIP Conf. Proc., Mellville, New York 1513, 282-285 (2013).
"Student difficulties in translating between mathematical and graphical representations in introductory physics", S. Y. Lin, A. Maries and C. Singh, Proceedings of the Phys. Ed. Res. Conference, Philadelphia, PA, (P. Engelhardt, S. Rebello, A. Churukian Eds.), AIP Conf. Proc., Mellville, New York 1513, 250-253 (2013).
"Using an isomorphic problem pair to learn introductory physics: Transferring from a two-step problem to a three-step problem", S. Y. Lin and C. Singh, Phys Rev ST PER, 9, 020114 (21 pages), (2013).
"Exploring one aspect of pedagogical content knowledge of teaching assistants using the TUG-K", A. Maries and C. Singh, Phys. Rev. ST PER 9, 020120 (14 pages), (2013).
"Categorization of mechanics problems by students in large introductory physics courses: A comparison with the Chi, Feltovich, and Glaser study": A comparison with the Chi, Feltovich, and Glaser study ", A. Mason and C. Singh,Proceedings of the 2013 Phys. Ed. Res. Conference, Portland, OR, (A. Churukian, P. Engelhardt, D. Jones Eds.), 35-38, (2014).
"A good diagram is valuable despite the choice of a mathematical approach to problem solving", A. Maries and C. Singh, Proceedings of the 2013 Phys. Ed. Res. Conference, Portland, OR, (A. Churukian, P. Engelhardt, D. Jones Eds.), 31-34, (2014).
"Closing the Gap between Teaching and Assessment", C. Singh, written for the report of the Association of American Universities (AAU) Workshop on Effective Evaluation of Teaching and Learning with an invited presentation titled “Closing the gap between teaching and assessment”, (2014). To view the entire report with this publication, click here.
"The effect of giving explicit incentives to correct mistakes on subsequent problem solving in quantum mechanics", B. Brown, C. Singh and A. J. Mason, Proceedings of the 2015 Phys. Ed. Res. Conference, College Park, MD, (A. Churukian, D. Jones, and L. Ding Eds.), 67-70 (2015). doi:10.1119/perc.2015.pr.012
"Effect of scaffolding on helping introductory physics students solve quantitative problems involving strong alternative conceptions", S. Y. Lin and C. Singh, PRST-PER 11, 020105 (19 pages) (2015).
"Student difficulties with quantum states while translating state vectors in Dirac notation to wave functions in position and momentum representations", E. Marshman and C. Singh, Proceedings of the 2015 Phys. Ed. Res. Conference, College Park, MD, (A. Churukian, D. Jones, and L. Ding Eds.), 211-214 (2015). doi:10.1119/perc.2015.pr.048. Focused on role of representation.
Improving performance in quantum mechanics with explicit incentives to correct mistakes", B. Brown, A. Mason and C. Singh, Physical Review Physics Education Research, 12, 010121, (20 pages) 2016. doi: 10.1103/physrevphyseducres.12.010121
"Impact of guided reflection with peers on the development of effective problem solving strategies and physics learning", A. Mason and C. Singh, The Physics Teacher, 54, 295-299, (2016). doi: 10.1119/1.4947159
"Learning from mistakes: The effect of students' written self-diagnoses on subsequent problem solving", A. Mason, E.Yerushalmi, E. Cohen, and C. Singh. The Physics Teacher 54(2), 87-90, ( 2016). doi: 10.1119/1.4940171
"Using categorization of problems as an instructional tool to help introductory students learn physics", A. Mason and C. Singh, Physics Education, 51, 025009 (6 pages) (2016). doi: 10.1088/0031-9120/51/2/025009
"The impact of students’ epistemological framing on a task requiring representational consistency", A. Maries, S. Y. Lin, and C. Singh, Proceedings of the 2016 Physics Education Research Conference, Sacramento, CA, 212-215 doi:10.1119/perc.2016.pr.048
"Student difficulties with representations of quantum operators corresponding to observables", E. Marshman, and C. Singh, Proceedings of the 2016 Physics Education Research Conference, Sacramento, CA, 216-219 doi: 10.1119/perc.2016.pr.049
"Challenges in designing appropriate scaffolding to improve students' representational consistency: The case of a Gauss's law problem", A. Maries, S. Y. Lin and C. Singh, Phys. Rev. PER 13, 020103 (17 pages) (2017).
"Challenge of engaging all students via self-paced interactive electronic learning tutorials for introductory physics", S. DeVore, E. Marshman and C. Singh, Phys. Rev. PER 13, 010127 (18 pages) (2017).
"Do students benefit from drawing productive diagrams themselves while solving introductory physics problems? The case of two electrostatics problems" A. Maries and C. Singh, Euro J Phys 39, 015703 (18 pages) (2018)
"Case of two electrostatics problems: Can providing a diagram adversely impact introductory physics students' problem solving performance?" A. Maries and C. Singh, Phys Rev PER 14, 010114 (14 pages) (2018).
"Challenge of helping introductory physics students transfer their learning by engaging with a self-paced learning tutorial" E. Marshman, S. DeVore and C. Singh, Frontiers in Science 1-15, Front. ICT 5:3 (2018) https://doi.org/10.3389/fict.2018.00003
"Comparing introductory physics and astronomy students’ attitudes and approaches to problem solving", M. Good, A. J. Mason and C. Singh, Eur. J. Phys. 39, 065702 (24 pages) (2018).
"Physics teaching assistants' views of different types of introductory problems: Challenge of perceiving the instructional benefits of context-rich and multiple-choice problems", M. Good, E. Marshman, E. Yerushalmi and C. Singh, Phys. Rev. Phys. Educ. Res. 14, 020120 (1-17) (2018).
"Measuring the effectiveness of online problem-solving tutorials by multi-level knowledge transfer", Z. Chen, K. M. Whitcomb, and C. Singh, 2018 Physics Education Research Conference Proceedings, https://doi.org/10.1119/perc.2018.pr.Chen
"Surveying physics and astronomy students’ attitudes and approaches to problem solving", A. J. Mason, M. Good, and C. Singh, 2018 Physics Education Research Conference Proceedings, https://doi.org/10.1119/perc.2018.pr.Mason
"Impact of traditional or evidence-based active-engagement instruction on introductory female and male students' attitudes and approaches to physics problem solving", M. Good, A. Maries, and C. Singh, Phys. Rev. PER 15, 020129 (21 pages) (2019).
"Evaluating the effectiveness of two methods to improve students' problem solving performance after studying an online tutorial", C. Zhongzhou, K. Whitcomb, M. Guthrie, C. Singh, 2019 Physics Education Research Conference Proceedings, Cao, Wolf and Bennett Eds., pp. 1-4 (2020) https://doi.org/10.1119/perc.2019.pr.Chen
"Strong preference among graduate student teaching assistants for problems that are broken into parts for their students overshadows development of self-reliance in problem-solving", M. Good, E. Marshman, E. Yerushalmi and C. Singh, 2019 Physics Education Research Conference Proceedings, Cao, Wolf and Bennett Eds., pp. 1-4 (2020). https://doi.org/10.1119/perc.2019.pr.Good.
"Can students apply the concept of "which-path" information learned in the context of Mach Zehnder Interferometer to the double slit experiment?", A. Maries, R. Sayer and C. Singh, Am. J. Phys. 88 (7), 542-550 (9 pages) (2020) https://doi.org/10.1119/10.0001357.
"Graduate teaching assistants' views of broken-into-parts physics problems: Preference for guidance overshadows development of self-reliance in problem solving", M. Good, E. Marshman, E. Yerushalmi and C. Singh, Phys. Rev. PER 16, 010128 (16 pages) (2020).
"Physics postgraduate teaching assistants’grading approaches: Conflicting goals and practices", E. Marshman, A. Maries, R. Sayer, C. Henderson, C. Singh, E. Yerushalmi, Eur. J. Phys. 41, 055701 (27pp) (2020) https://doi https://iopscience.iop.org/article/10.1088/1361-6404/ab9890
"Holistic framework to help students learn effectively from research-validated self-paced learning tools" E. Marshman, S. DeVore, and C. Singh, Phy. Rev. PER 16 020108 (17 pages) (2020).
"Advanced Students’ and faculty members’ reasoning about the double slit experiment with single particles", R. Sayer, A. Maries and C. Singh, PERC Proceedings, 2020 pp. 460-465, doi:10.1119/perc.2020.pr.Sayer.
"Improving accuracy in measuring the impact of online instruction on students ability to transfer physics problem-solving skills", Kyle M. Whitcomb, Matthew W. Guthrie, Chandralekha Singh, Z. Chen et al., PRPER 17 (1), 010112 (12 pages) (2021).
Expertise and intuition: When physical intuition fails
"When Physical Intuition Fails", C. Singh, Am. J. Phys, 70(11), 1103-1109, (2002).
Revisiting categorization of physics problems in large classes
"Categorization of Problems to Assess and Improve Proficiency as Teacher and Learner ", C. Singh, Am. J. Phys., 77(1), 73-80, (2009).
"Rethinking Tools for Training Teaching Assistants ", C. Singh, Proceedings of the Phys. Ed. Res. Conference, Ann Arbor, MI, (C. Henderson, M. Sabella, C. Singh Eds.), AIP Conf. Proc., Melville, New York 1179, 59-62 (2009).
"Assessing expertise in introductory physics using categorization task", A. J. Mason and C. Singh, Phys. Rev. ST PER, 7(2), 020110 (17 pages) (2011).
"Categorization of mechanics problems by students in large introductory physics courses: A comparison with the Chi, Feltovich, and Glaser study", A. Mason and C. Singh,Proceedings of the 2013 Phys. Ed. Res. Conference, Portland, OR, (A. Churukian, P. Engelhardt, D. Jones Eds.), 35-38, (2014).
Problem solving, scaffolding, and transfer
"When Physical Intuition Fails", C. Singh, Am. J. Phys, 70(11), 1103-1109, (2002).
"Interactive Video Tutorials for Enhancing Problem-Solving, Reasoning, and Meta-Cognitive Skills of Introductory Physics Students", C. Singh, Proceedings of the Phys. Ed. Res. Conference, Madison, WI (Eds. S. Franklin, J. Marx, and K. Cummings), AIP Conf. Proc., Melville New York 720, 177-180, (2004).
"Effect of Misconception on Transfer in Problem Solving", C. Singh, Proceedings of the Phys. Ed. Res. Conference, Syracuse, NY, AIP, (L. Hsu, L. McCullough, C. Henderson Eds.), AIP Conf. Proc., Melville New York 951, 196-199, (2007).
"Assessing Student Expertise in Introductory Physics with Isomorphic Problems, Part I: Performance on a non-intuitive problem pair from introductory physics", C. Singh, Phys. Rev. ST Phys. Educ. Res. 4, 010104 (9 pages), (2008).
"Assessing Student Expertise in Introductory Physics with Isomorphic Problems, Part II: Examining the effect of some potential factors on problem solving and transfer", C. Singh, Phys. Rev. ST Phys. Educ. Res. 4, 010105 (10 pages), (2008).
"Coupling Conceptual and Quantitative Problems to Develop Student Expertise in Introductory Physics ", C. Singh, Proceedings of the Phys. Ed. Res. Conference, Edmonton, Canada, (L. Hsu, C. Henderson, M. Sabella Eds.), AIP Conf. Proc., Melville New York 1064, 199-202, (2008).
"Categorization of Problems to Assess and Improve Proficiency as Teacher and Learner ", C. Singh, Am. J. Phys., 77(1), 73-80, (2009).
"Problem Solving and Learning", C. Singh, Proceedings of the 2008 Joint Annual Conference of National Society of Black Physicists and National Society of Hispanic Physicists, AIP Conf. Proc., Melville, New York 1140, 183-197, (2009).
"Developing problem solving skills of students taking introductory physics via web-based tutorials", C. Singh and D. Haileselassie, J. Coll. Sci. Teach., 39(4), 34-41, (2010).
"Using Analogies to Learn Introductory Physics ", S. Y. Lin and C. Singh, Proceedings of the Phys. Ed. Res. Conference, Portland, OR, (C. Singh, M. Sabella, S. Rebello Eds.), AIP Conf. Proc., Melville, New York 1289, 209-212 (2010).
"Using analogy to solve a three-step physics problem ", S. Y. Lin and C. Singh, Proceedings of the Phys. Ed. Res. Conference, Portland, OR, (C. Singh, M. Sabella, S. Rebello Eds.), AIP Conf. Proc., Melville, New York 1289, 29-32, (2010).
"Challenges in using analogies", S. Y. Lin and C. Singh, The Physics Teacher, 49(8), 512-513, (2011).
"Using isomorphic problems to learn introductory physics", S. Y. Lin and C. Singh, Phys. Rev. ST PER, 7(2), 020104 (16 pages) (2011).
"Assessing expertise in introductory physics using categorization task", A. J. Mason and C. Singh, Phys. Rev. ST PER, 7(2), 020110 (17 pages) (2011).
"Using Analogical Problem Solving with Different Scaffolding Supports to Learn about Friction", S. Y. Lin and C. Singh, Proceedings of the Phys. Ed. Res. Conference, Omaha, NE, (S. Rebello, C. Singh, P. Engelhardt Eds.), AIP Conf. Proc., Melville, New York 1413, 251-254 (2012).
"Should students be provided diagrams or asked to draw them while solving introductory physics problems?", A. Maries and C. Singh, Proceedings of the Phys. Ed. Res. Conference, Omaha, NE, (S. Rebello, C. Singh, P. Engelhardt Eds.), AIP Conf. Proc., Melville, New York 1413, 263-266 (2012).
"What do students do when asked to diagnose their mistakes? Does it help them? I. An atypical quiz context", E. Yerushalmi, E. Cohen, A. Mason and C. Singh, Phys. Rev. ST PER 8(2), 020109, 19 pages (2012).
"What do students do when asked to diagnose their mistakes? Does it help them? II. A more typical quiz context", E. Yerushalmi, E. Cohen, A. Mason and C. Singh, Phys. Rev. ST PER 8(2), 020110, 12 pages (2012).
"To use or not to use diagrams: The effect of drawing a diagram in solving introductory physics problems ", A. Maries and C. Singh, Proceedings of the Phys. Ed. Res. Conference, Philadelphia, PA, (P. Engelhardt, S. Rebello, A. Churukian Eds.), AIP Conf. Proc., Mellville, New York 1513, 282-285 (2013).
"Student difficulties in translating between mathematical and graphical representations in introductory physics ", S. Y. Lin, A. Maries and C. Singh, Proceedings of the Phys. Ed. Res. Conference, Philadelphia, PA, (P. Engelhardt, S. Rebello, A. Churukian Eds.), AIP Conf. Proc., Mellville, New York 1513, 250-253 (2013).
"Using Isomorphic Problems to Learn Introductory Physics", S. Y. Lin and C. Singh, Physical review ST PER 7, 020104 16 pages (2011).
"Learning from mistakes: The effect of students' written diagnoses on subsequent problem solving", E. Yerushalmi, E. Cohen, A. Mason, C. Singh, Biennial Conference on Responsible teaching and sustainable learning, Munich, Germany (2013).
"Categorization of mechanics problems by students in large introductory physics courses: A comparison with the Chi, Feltovich, and Glaser study", A. Mason and C. Singh,Proceedings of the 2013 Phys. Ed. Res. Conference, Portland, OR, (A. Churukian, P. Engelhardt, D. Jones Eds.), 35-38, (2014).
"A good diagram is valuable despite the choice of a mathematical approach to problem solving ", A. Maries and C. Singh, Proceedings of the 2013 Phys. Ed. Res. Conference, Portland, OR, (A. Churukian, P. Engelhardt, D. Jones Eds.), 31-34, (2014).
"Effect of scaffolding on helping introductory physics students solve quantitative problems involving strong alternative conceptions", S. Y. Lin and C. Singh, PRST-PER 11, 020105 (19 pages) (2015).
Isomorphic problems, analogical reasoning, scaffolding and transfer
"Effect of Misconception on Transfer in Problem Solving", C. Singh, Proceedings of the Phys. Ed. Res. Conference, Syracuse, NY, AIP, (L. Hsu, L. McCullough, C. Henderson Eds.), AIP Conf. Proc., Melville New York 951, 196-199, (2007).
"Assessing Student Expertise in Introductory Physics with Isomorphic Problems, Part I: Performance on a non-intuitive problem pair from introductory physics", C. Singh, Phys. Rev. ST Phys. Educ. Res. 4, 010104 (9 pages) (2008).
"Assessing Student Expertise in Introductory Physics with Isomorphic Problems, Part II: Examining the effect of some potential factors on problem solving and transfer", C. Singh, Phys. Rev. ST Phys. Educ. Res. 4, 010105 (10 pages), (2008).
"Coupling Conceptual and Quantitative Problems to Develop Student Expertise in Introductory Physics ", C. Singh, Proceedings of the Phys. Ed. Res. Conference, Edmonton, Canada, (L. Hsu, C. Henderson, M. Sabella Eds.), AIP Conf. Proc., Melville New York 1064, 199-202, (2008).
"Using Analogies to Learn Introductory Physics ", S. Y. Lin and C. Singh, Proceedings of the Phys. Ed. Res. Conference, Portland, OR, (C. Singh, M. Sabella, S. Rebello Eds.), AIP Conf. Proc., Melville, New York 1289, 209-212 (2010).
"Using analogy to solve a three-step physics problem ", S. Y. Lin and C. Singh, Proceedings of the Phys. Ed. Res. Conference, Portland, OR, (C. Singh, M. Sabella, S. Rebello Eds.), AIP Conf. Proc., Melville, New York 1289, 29-32, (2010).
"Challenges in using analogies", S. Y. Lin and C. Singh, The Physics Teacher, 49(8), 512-513, (2011).
"Using isomorphic problems to learn introductory physics", S. Y. Lin and C. Singh, Phys. Rev. ST PER, 7(2), 020104 (16 pages) (2011).
"Assessing expertise in introductory physics using categorization task", A. J. Mason and C. Singh, Phys. Rev. ST PER, 7(2), 020110 (17 pages) (2011).
"Using Analogical Problem Solving with Different Scaffolding Supports to Learn about Friction", S. Y. Lin and C. Singh, Proceedings of the Phys. Ed. Res. Conference, Omaha, NE, (S. Rebello, C. Singh, P. Engelhardt Eds.), AIP Conf. Proc., Melville, New York 1413, 251-254 (2012).
"What do students do when asked to diagnose their mistakes? Does it help them? I. An atypical quiz context", E. Yerushalmi, E. Cohen, A. Mason and C. Singh, Phys. Rev. ST PER, 8(2), 020109, 19 pages (2012).
"What do students do when asked to diagnose their mistakes? Does it help them? II. A more typical quiz context", E. Yerushalmi, E. Cohen, A. Mason and C. Singh, Phys. Rev. ST PER, 8(2), 020110, 12 pages (2012).
"Using Isomorphic Problems to Learn Introductory Physics", S. Y. Lin and C. Singh, Physical review ST PER, 7, 020104 (16 pages) (2011).
"Categorization of mechanics problems by students in large introductory physics courses: A comparison with the Chi, Feltovich, and Glaser study", A. Mason and C. Singh,Proceedings of the 2013 Phys. Ed. Res. Conference, Portland, OR, (A. Churukian, P. Engelhardt, D. Jones Eds.), 35-38, (2014).
"Effect of scaffolding on helping introductory physics students solve quantitative problems involving strong alternative conceptions", S. Y. Lin and C. Singh, PRST-PER 11, 020105 (19 pages) (2015).
Coupling conceptual and quantitative problem solving and transfer
"Assessing Student Expertise in Introductory Physics with Isomorphic Problems, Part II: Examining the effect of some potential factors on problem solving and transfer", C. Singh, Phys. Rev. ST Phys. Educ. Res. 4, 010105,10 pages (2008).
"Coupling Conceptual and Quantitative Problems to Develop Student Expertise in Introductory Physics ", C. Singh, Proceedings of the Phys. Ed. Res. Conference, Edmonton, Canada, (L. Hsu, C. Henderson, M. Sabella Eds.), AIP Conf. Proc., Melville New York 1064, 199-202 (2008).
Self-diagnosis, scaffolding and transfer
"What do students do when asked to diagnose their mistakes? Does it help them? I. An atypical quiz context", E. Yerushalmi, E. Cohen, A. Mason and C. Singh, Phys. Rev. ST PER, 8(2), 020109, 19 pages, (2012).
"What do students do when asked to diagnose their mistakes? Does it help them? II. A more typical quiz context", E. Yerushalmi, E. Cohen, A. Mason and C. Singh, Phys. Rev. ST PER, 8(2), 020110, 12 pages (2012).
Role of representations in learning physics
"Should students be provided diagrams or asked to draw them while solving introductory physics problems?", A. Maries and C. Singh, Proceedings of the Phys. Ed. Res. Conference, Omaha, NE, (S. Rebello, C. Singh, P. Engelhardt Eds.), AIP Conf. Proc., Melville, New York 1413, 263-266 (2012).
"To use or not to use diagrams: The effect of drawing a diagram in solving introductory physics problems ", A. Maries and C. Singh, Proceedings of the Phys. Ed. Res. Conference, Philadelphia, PA, (P. Engelhardt, S. Rebello, A. Churukian Eds.), AIP Conf. Proc., Mellville, New York 1513, 282-285 (2013).
"Student difficulties in translating between mathematical and graphical representations in introductory physics ", S. Y. Lin, A. Maries and C. Singh, Proceedings of the Phys. Ed. Res. Conference, Philadelphia, PA, (P. Engelhardt, S. Rebello, A. Churukian Eds.), AIP Conf. Proc., Mellville, New York 1513, 250-253 (2013).
"A good diagram is valuable despite the choice of a mathematical approach to problem solving ", A. Maries and C. Singh, Proceedings of the 2013 Phys. Ed. Res. Conference, Portland, OR, (A. Churukian, P. Engelhardt, D. Jones Eds.), 31-34, (2014).
Should students be provided diagram or asked to draw?
"Should students be provided diagrams or asked to draw them while solving introductory physics problems?", A. Maries and C. Singh, Proceedings of the Phys. Ed. Res. Conference, Omaha, NE, (S. Rebello, C. Singh, P. Engelhardt Eds.), AIP Conf. Proc., Melville, New York 1413, 263-266 (2012).
To use or not to use diagram?
"To use or not to use diagrams: The effect of drawing a diagram in solving introductory physics problems ", A. Maries and C. Singh, Proceedings of the Phys. Ed. Res. Conference, Philadelphia, PA, (P. Engelhardt, S. Rebello, A. Churukian Eds.), AIP Conf. Proc., Mellville, New York 1513, 282-285 (2013).
A diagram is valuable despite the choice of a primarily mathematical approach to problem solving
"A good diagram is valuable despite the choice of a mathematical approach to problem solving ", A. Maries and C. Singh, Proceedings of the 2013 Phys. Ed. Res. Conference, Portland, OR, (A. Churukian, P. Engelhardt, D. Jones Eds.), 31-34, (2014).
Student difficulties in translating between mathematical and graphical representations
"Student difficulties in translating between mathematical and graphical representations in introductory physics ", S. Y. Lin, A. Maries and C. Singh, Proceedings of the Phys. Ed. Res. Conference, Philadelphia, PA, (P. Engelhardt, S. Rebello, A. Churukian Eds.), AIP Conf. Proc., Mellville, New York 1513, 250-253 (2013).
Attitudes and approaches to problem solving
"Physics graduate students' attitudes and approaches to problem solving , C. Singh and A. Mason, Proceedings of the 2009 Phys. Ed. Res. Conference, Ann Arbor, MI, (M. Sabella, C. Henderson and C. Singh Eds.), AIP Conf. Proc., Melville, New York 1179, 273-276 (2009). doi:10.1063/1.3266734
"Surveying graduate students' attitudes and approaches to problem solving", A. J. Mason and C. Singh, Physical Review, ST PER, 6(1), 16 pages (2010).
"Surveying college introductory physics students' attitudes and approaches to problem solving", A. J. Mason and C. Singh, Eur. J. Phys. 37, 055704 (23 pages) (2016). doi:10.1088/0143-0807/37/5/055704
"Surveying Turkish high school and university students’ attitudes and approaches to physics problem solving", N. Balta, A. Mason and C. Singh, Physical Review Physics education research, 12, 010129 (16 pages) (2016). doi: 10.1103/PhysRevPhysEducRes.12.010129
"Surveying physics and astronomy students’ attitudes and approaches to problem solving", A. J. Mason, M. Good, and C. Singh,
2018 Physics Education Research Conference Proceedings, doi:10.1119/perc.2018.pr.Mason
"Comparing introductory physics and astronomy students’ attitudes and approaches to problem solving", M. Good, A. J. Mason and C. Singh, Eur. J. Phys. 39, 065702 (24 pages) (2018).
Interactive self-paced tutorials for improving problem solving, reasoning and metacognitive skills
"Interactive Video Tutorials for Enhancing Problem-Solving, Reasoning, and Meta-Cognitive Skills of Introductory Physics Students", C. Singh, Proceedings of the Phys. Ed. Res. Conference, Madison, WI (Eds. S. Franklin, J. Marx, and K. Cummings), AIP Conf. Proc., Melville New York 720, 177-180, (2004).
"Problem Solving and Learning", C. Singh, Proceedings of the 2008 Joint Annual Conference of National Society of Black Physicists and National Society of Hispanic Physicists, AIP Conf. Proc., Melville, New York 1140, 183-197, (2009).
"Developing problem solving skills of students taking introductory physics via web-based tutorials", C. Singh and D. Haileselassie, J. Coll. Sci. Teach., 39(4), 34-41, (2010).
"Challenge of engaging all students via self-paced interactive electronic learning tutorials for introductory physics", S. DeVore, E. Marshman and C. Singh, Phys. Rev. PER 13, 010127 (18 pages) (2017).
"Challenge of helping introductory physics students transfer their learning by engaging with a self-paced learning tutorial" E. Marshman, S. DeVore and C. Singh, Frontiers in Science 1-15, Front. ICT 5:3 (2018) https://doi.org/10.3389/fict.2018.0000
Effectiveness of peer interaction
"Effectiveness of Group Interaction on Conceptual Standardized Test Performance", C. Singh, Proceedings of the Phys. Ed. Res. Conference, Boise (Eds. S. Franklin, J. Marx, and K. Cummings), 67-70, (2002).
"Impact of Peer Interaction on Conceptual Test Performance", C. Singh, Am. J. Phys., 73(5), 446-451, (2005).
"Helping Students Learn Effective Problem Solving Strategies by Reflecting With Peers", A. J. Mason and C. Singh, Am. J. Phys., 78(7), 748-754, (2010).
"Using reflection with peers to help students learn effective problem solving strategies ", A. J. Mason and C. Singh, Proceedings of the Phys. Ed. Res. Conference, Portland, OR, (C. Singh, M. Sabella, S. Rebello Eds.), AIP Conf. Proc., Melville New York 1289, 41-44 (2010).
"Impact of guided reflection with peers on the development of effective problem solving strategies and physics learning", A. Mason and C. Singh, The Physics Teacher, 54, 295-299 (2016). doi: 10.1119/1.4947159
Peer reflection on conceptual problem solving
"Effectiveness of Group Interaction on Conceptual Standardized Test Performance", C. Singh, Proceedings of the Phys. Ed. Res. Conference, Boise (Eds. S. Franklin, J. Marx, and K. Cummings), 67-70, (2002).
"Impact of Peer Interaction on Conceptual Test Performance", C. Singh, Am. J. Phys. 73(5), 446-451 (2005).
Peer reflection on quantitative problem solving
"Helping Students Learn Effective Problem Solving Strategies by Reflecting With Peers", A. J. Mason and C. Singh, Am. J. Phys., 78(7), 748-754, (2010).
"Using reflection with peers to help students learn effective problem solving strategies ", A. J. Mason and C. Singh, Proceedings of the Phys. Ed. Res. Conference, Portland, OR, (C. Singh, M. Sabella, S. Rebello Eds.), AIP Conf. Proc., Melville New York 1289, 41-44, (2010).
"Impact of guided reflection with peers on the development of effective problem solving strategies and physics learning", A. Mason and C. Singh, The Physics Teacher, 54, 295-299, (2016). doi: 10.1119/1.4947159
Introductory Physics
Student difficulties
"Multiple-choice Test of Energy and Momentum Concepts", C. Singh and D. Rosengrant, Am. J. Phys, 71(6), 607-617, (2003).
"Student understanding of Symmetry and Gauss's law", C. Singh, Proceedings of the Phys. Ed. Res. Conference, Sacramento, CA (Eds. P. Heron, S. Franklin, and J. Marx), AIP Conf. Proc., Melville New York 790, 65-68, (2005).
"Student Understanding of Rotational and Rolling Motion Concepts", L. Rimoldini and C. Singh, Phys. Rev. ST-PER 1, 010102 9 pages (2005).
"Improving Student Understanding of Gauss's Law of Electricity", C. Singh, Am. J. Phys., 74(10), 923-236, (2006).
"Improving Students' Conceptual Understanding of Conductors and Insulators", J. Bilak and C. Singh, Proceedings of the Phys. Ed. Res. Conference, Syracuse, NY, AIP, (L. Hsu, L. McCullough, C. Henderson Eds.), AIP Conf. Proc., Melville New York 951, 49-52 (2007).
"Improving Students' Understanding of Magnetism", C. Singh, Proceedings of the Annual Conference of the American Society for Engineering Education (ASEE), AC 2008-90, 1-16, (2008).
"Centripetal acceleration: Often Forgotten or Misinterpreted", C. Singh, Feature Article, Phys. Ed. 44, 464-468 (2009).
"Understanding Rotational Motion: A Survey of Indian Students", P. Pathak, V. Singh, and C. Singh, Proceedings of the National Conference on "Physics Education Research and Development of e-learning Modules", Feb 24-25, Allahabad University, India, 15-22, (2010).
"Students' difficulties with equations involving circuit elements ", J. li style="margin:0px 0px 5px 20px;padding:5px;line-height:19.6px;"and C. Singh, Proceedings of the Phys. Ed. Res. Conference, Omaha, NE, (S. Rebello, C. Singh, P. Engelhardt Eds.), AIP Conf. Proc., Melville, New York 1413, 243-246 (2012).
"Developing A Magnetism Conceptual Survey And Assessing Gender Differences In Student Understanding of Magnetism", J. Li and C. Singh, Proceedings of the Phys. Ed. Res. Conference, Omaha, NE, (S. Rebello, C. Singh, P. Engelhardt Eds.), AIP Conf. Proc., Mellville, New York 1413, 43-46 (2012).
"Should students be provided diagrams or asked to draw them while solving introductory physics problems?", A. Maries and C. Singh, Proceedings of the Phys. Ed. Res. Conference, Omaha, NE, (S. Rebello, C. Singh, P. Engelhardt Eds.), AIP Conf. Proc., Melville, New York 1413, 263-266 (2012).
"Developing A Magnetism Conceptual Survey And Assessing Gender Differences In Student Understanding Of Magnetism", J. li style="margin:0px 0px 5px 20px;padding:5px;line-height:19.6px;"and C. Singh, Proceedings of the Phys. Ed. Res. Conference, Omaha, NE, (S. Rebello, C. Singh, P. Engelhardt Eds.), AIP Conf. Proc., Mellville, New York 1413, 43-46 (2012).
"Core graduate courses: A missed learning opportunity?", A. Maries and C. Singh, Proceedings of the Phys. Ed. Res. Conference, Philadelphia, PA, (P. Engelhardt, S. Rebello, A. Churukian Eds.), AIP Conf. Proc., Mellville, New York 1513, 382-385 (2013).
"To use or not to use diagrams: The effect of drawing a diagram in solving introductory physics problems", A. Maries and C. Singh, Proceedings of the Phys. Ed. Res. Conference, Philadelphia, PA, (P. Engelhardt, S. Rebello, A. Churukian Eds.), AIP Conf. Proc., Mellville, New York 1513, 282-285 (2013).
"Student difficulties in translating between mathematical and graphical representations in introductory physics", S. Y. Lin, A. Maries and C. Singh, Proceedings of the Phys. Ed. Res. Conference, Philadelphia, PA, (P. Engelhardt, S. Rebello, A. Churukian Eds.), AIP Conf. Proc., Mellville, New York 1513, 250-253 (2013).
"Stereotype threat? : Effects of inquiring about test takers' gender on conceptual test performance in physics" A. Maries and C. Singh, Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Women in Physics, Waterloo, Canada, AIP Conf. Proc., 1697, 120008-1, 2 pages (2015). doi: 10.1063/1.4937713.
"Students’ common difficulties and approaches while solving conceptual problems withnon-identical light bulbs in series and parallel", J. Li and C. Singh, EJP, 37 (6) 065708, 15 pages (2016).
Cognitive issues in teaching and learning: Focus on problem solving, reasoning and meta-cognitive skills
All publications
"When Physical Intuition Fails", C. Singh, Am. J. Phys, 70(11), 1103-1109, (2002).
"Effectiveness of Group Interaction on Conceptual Standardized Test Performance", C. Singh, Proceedings of the Phys. Ed. Res. Conference, Boise (Eds. S. Franklin, J. Marx, and K. Cummings), 67-70 (2002).
"Interactive Video Tutorials for Enhancing Problem-Solving, Reasoning, and Meta-Cognitive Skills of Introductory Physics Students", C. Singh, Proceedings of the Phys. Ed. Res. Conference, Madison, WI (Eds. S. Franklin, J. Marx, and K. Cummings), AIP Conf. Proc., Melville New York 720, 177-180 (2004).
"Impact of Peer Interaction on Conceptual Test Performance", C. Singh, Am. J. Phys., 73(5), 446-451 (2005).
"Physics Learning in the Context of Scaffolded Diagnostic Tasks (I): The Experimental Setup", E. Yerushalmi, C. Singh, Bat Sheva Eylon, Proceedings of the Phys. Ed. Res. Conference, Syracuse, NY, AIP, (L. Hsu, L. McCullough, C. Henderson Eds.), AIP Conf. Proc., Melville New York 951, 27-30 (2007).
"Physics Learning in the Context of Scaffolded Diagnostic Tasks (II): The Preliminary Results", C. Singh, E. Yerushalmi, Bat Sheva Eylon, Proceedings of the Phys. Ed. Res. Conference, Syracuse, NY, AIP, (L. Hsu, L. McCullough, C. Henderson Eds.), AIP Conf. Proc., Melville New York 951, 31-34 (2007).
"Effect of Misconception on Transfer in Problem Solving", C. Singh, Proceedings of the Phys. Ed. Res. Conference, Syracuse, NY, AIP, (L. Hsu, L. McCullough, C. Henderson Eds.), AIP Conf. Proc., Melville New York 951, 196-199 (2007).
"Assessing Student Expertise in Introductory Physics with Isomorphic Problems, Part I: Performance on a non-intuitive problem pair from introductory physics", C. Singh, Phys. Rev. ST Phys. Educ. Res. 4, 010104 (9 pages), (2008).
"Assessing Student Expertise in Introductory Physics with Isomorphic Problems, Part II: Examining the effect of some potential factors on problem solving and transfer", C. Singh, Phys. Rev. ST Phys. Educ. Res. 4, 010105 (10 pages) (2008).
"Computer-based Tutorials to Develop Expertise in Introductory Physics Students", C. Singh, APS Forum on Education Newsletter, 1-3, Summer, (2008).
"Identifying Differences In Diagnostic Skills Between Physics Students: Developing A Rubric", A. Mason, E. Cohen, E. Yerushalmi, and C. Singh, Proceedings of the Phys. Ed. Res. Conference, Edmonton, Canada, (L. Hsu, C. Henderson, M. Sabella Eds.), AIP Conf. Proc., Melville New York 1064, 147-150 (2008).
"Identifying Differences in Diagnostic Skills between Physics Students: Students' Self-Diagnostic Performance Given Alternative Scaffolding", E. Cohen, A. Mason, C. Singh and E. Yerushalmi, Proceedings of the Phys. Ed. Res. Conference, Edmonton, Canada, (L. Hsu, C. Henderson, M. Sabella Eds.), AIP Conf. Proc., Melville New York 1064, 99-102 (2008).
"Effect of Self Diagnosis on Subsequent Problem Solving Performance", E. Yerushalmi, E. Cohen, A. Mason, and C. Singh, Proceedings of the Phys. Ed. Res. Conference, Edmonton, Canada, (L. Hsu, C. Henderson, M. Sabella Eds.), AIP Conf. Proc., Melville New York 1064, 53-56 (2008).
"Coupling Conceptual and Quantitative Problems to Develop Student Expertise in Introductory Physics ", C. Singh, Proceedings of the Phys. Ed. Res. Conference, Edmonton, Canada, (L. Hsu, C. Henderson, M. Sabella Eds.), AIP Conf. Proc., Melville New York 1064, 199-202 (2008).
"Categorization of Problems to Assess and Improve Proficiency as Teacher and Learner ", C. Singh, Am. J. Phys., 77(1), 73-80 (2009).
"Problem Solving and Learning", C. Singh, Proceedings of the 2008 Joint Annual Conference of National Society of Black Physicists and National Society of Hispanic Physicists, AIP Conf. Proc., Melville, New York 1140, 183-197 (2009).
"Revisiting Categorization", A. Mason and C. Singh, Proceedings of the National Association of Research in Science Teaching (NARST) 2009 Annual Meeting, Garden Grove, CA, S2.2, 1-19, (2009).
"Self-diagnosis, Scaffolding and Transfer in a More Conventional Introductory Physics Problem", E. Yerushalmi, A. Mason, E. Cohen, and C. Singh, Proceedings of the Phys. Ed. Res. Conference, Ann Arbor, MI, (C. Henderson, M. Sabella, C. Singh Eds.), AIP Conf. Proc., Melville, New York 1179, 23-26 (2009). .
"Self-diagnosis, Scaffolding and Transfer: A Tale of Two Problems", A. Mason, E. Cohen, C. Singh and E. Yerushalmi, Proceedings of the Phys. Ed. Res. Conference, Ann Arbor, MI, (C. Henderson, M. Sabella, C. Singh Eds.), AIP Conf. Proc., Melville, New York 1179, 27-30 (2009). .
"Rethinking Tools for Training Teaching Assistants ", C. Singh, Proceedings of the Phys. Ed. Res. Conference, Ann Arbor, MI, (C. Henderson, M. Sabella, C. Singh Eds.), AIP Conf. Proc., Melville, New York 1179, 59-62 (2009).
"Physics Graduate Students' Attitudes and Approaches to Problem Solving", C. Singh and A. Mason, Proceedings of the Phys. Ed. Res. Conference, Ann Arbor, MI, (C. Henderson, M. Sabella, C. Singh Eds.), AIP Conf. Proc., Melville, New York 1179, 273-276 (2009).
"Developing problem solving skills of students taking introductory physics via web-based tutorials", C. Singh and D. Haileselassie, J. Coll. Sci. Teach., 39(4), 34-41, (2010).
"Helping Students Learn Effective Problem Solving Strategies by Reflecting With Peers", A. J. Mason and C. Singh, Am. J. Phys., 78(7), 748-754, (2010).
"Using Analogies to Learn Introductory Physics", S. Y. Lin and C. Singh, Proceedings of the Phys. Ed. Res. Conference, Portland, OR, (C. Singh, M. Sabella, S. Rebello Eds.), AIP Conf. Proc., Melville, New York 1289, 209-212 (2010).
"Using analogy to solve a three-step physics problem ", S. Y. Lin and C. Singh, Proceedings of the Phys. Ed. Res. Conference, Portland, OR, (C. Singh, M. Sabella, S. Rebello Eds.), AIP Conf. Proc., Melville, New York 1289, 29-32 (2010).
"Using reflection with peers to help students learn effective problem solving strategies ", A. J. Mason and C. Singh, Proceedings of the Phys. Ed. Res. Conference, Portland, OR, (C. Singh, M. Sabella, S. Rebello Eds.), AIP Conf. Proc., Melville New York 1289, 41-44 (2010).
"Surveying graduate students' attitudes and approaches to problem solving", A. J. Mason and C. Singh, Physical Review, ST PER, 6(1), 16 pages (2010).
"Challenges in using analogies", S. Y. Lin and C. Singh, The Physics Teacher 49(8), 512-513, (2011).
"Using isomorphic problems to learn introductory physics", S. Y. Lin and C. Singh, Phys. Rev. ST PER, 7(2), 020104 (16 pages) (2011).
"Assessing expertise in introductory physics using categorization task", A. J. Mason and C. Singh, Phys. Rev. ST PER, 7(2), 020110 (17 pages) (2011).
"Using Analogical Problem Solving with Different Scaffolding Supports to Learn about Friction", S. Y. Lin and C. Singh, Proceedings of the Phys. Ed. Res. Conference, Omaha, NE, (S. Rebello, C. Singh, P. Engelhardt Eds.), AIP Conf. Proc., Melville, New York 1413, 251-254 (2012).
"Should students be provided diagrams or asked to draw them while solving introductory physics problems?", A. Maries and C. Singh, Proceedings of the Phys. Ed. Res. Conference, Omaha, NE, (S. Rebello, C. Singh, P. Engelhardt Eds.), AIP Conf. Proc., Melville, New York 1413, 263-266 (2012).
"What do students do when asked to diagnose their mistakes? Does it help them? I. An atypical quiz context", E. Yerushalmi, E. Cohen, A. Mason and C. Singh, Phys. Rev. ST PER 8(2), 020109, 19 pages (2012).
"What do students do when asked to diagnose their mistakes? Does it help them? II. A more typical quiz context", E. Yerushalmi, E. Cohen, A. Mason and C. Singh, Phys. Rev. ST PER, 8(2), 020110, 12 pages (2012).
"To use or not to use diagrams: The effect of drawing a diagram in solving introductory physics problems ", A. Maries and C. Singh, Proceedings of the Phys. Ed. Res. Conference, Philadelphia, PA, (P. Engelhardt, S. Rebello, A. Churukian Eds.), AIP Conf. Proc., Mellville, New York 1513, 282-285 (2013).
"Student difficulties in translating between mathematical and graphical representations in introductory physics ", S. Y. Lin, A. Maries and C. Singh, Proceedings of the Phys. Ed. Res. Conference, Philadelphia, PA, (P. Engelhardt, S. Rebello, A. Churukian Eds.), AIP Conf. Proc., Mellville, New York 1513, 250-253 (2013).
"Using Isomorphic Problems to Learn Introductory Physics", S. Y. Lin and C. Singh, Physical review ST PER 7, 020104 16 pages (2011).
"Using an isomorphic problem pair to learn introductory physics: Transferring from a two-step problem to a three-step problem", S. Y. Lin and C. Singh, Physical Review Special Topics - Physics Education Research 9, 020114, 21 pages (2013)
"A good diagram is valuable despite the choice of a mathematical approach to problem solving ", A. Maries and C. Singh, Proceedings of the 2013 Phys. Ed. Res. Conference, Portland, OR, (A. Churukian, P. Engelhardt, D. Jones Eds.), 31-34, (2014).
"Exploring one aspect of pedagogical content knowledge of teaching assistants using the TUG-K", A. Maries and C. Singh, Phys. Rev. ST PER 9, 020120 (14 pages), (2013).
"Learning from mistakes: The effect of students' written diagnoses on subsequent problem solving", E. Yerushalmi, E. Cohen, A. Mason, C. Singh, Biennial Conference on Responsible teaching and sustainable learning, Munich, Germany (2013).
"Effect of scaffolding on helping introductory physics students solve quantitative problems involving strong alternative conceptions", S. Y. Lin and C. Singh, PRST-PER 11, 020105 (19 pages) (2015).
Expertise and intuition: When physical intuition fails
"When Physical Intuition Fails", C. Singh, Am. J. Phys, 70(11), 1103-1109, (2002).
Revisiting categorization of physics problems in large classes
"Categorization of Problems to Assess and Improve Proficiency as Teacher and Learner ", C. Singh, Am. J. Phys., 77(1), 73-80, (2009).
"Rethinking Tools for Training Teaching Assistants ", C. Singh, Proceedings of the Phys. Ed. Res. Conference, Ann Arbor, MI, (C. Henderson, M. Sabella, C. Singh Eds.), AIP Conf. Proc., Melville, New York 1179, 59-62 (2009).
"Assessing expertise in introductory physics using categorization task", A. J. Mason and C. Singh, Phys. Rev. ST PER, 7(2), 020110 (17 pages) (2011).
"Categorization of mechanics problems by students in large introductory physics courses: A comparison with the Chi, Feltovich, and Glaser study", A. Mason and C. Singh,Proceedings of the 2013 Phys. Ed. Res. Conference, Portland, OR, (A. Churukian, P. Engelhardt, D. Jones Eds.), 35-38, (2014).
Problem solving, scaffolding, and transfer
"When Physical Intuition Fails", C. Singh, Am. J. Phys, 70(11), 1103-1109, (2002).
"Interactive Video Tutorials for Enhancing Problem-Solving, Reasoning, and Meta-Cognitive Skills of Introductory Physics Students", C. Singh, Proceedings of the Phys. Ed. Res. Conference, Madison, WI (Eds. S. Franklin, J. Marx, and K. Cummings), AIP Conf. Proc., Melville New York 720, 177-180, (2004).
"Effect of Misconception on Transfer in Problem Solving", C. Singh, Proceedings of the Phys. Ed. Res. Conference, Syracuse, NY, AIP, (L. Hsu, L. McCullough, C. Henderson Eds.), AIP Conf. Proc., Melville New York 951, 196-199, (2007).
"Assessing Student Expertise in Introductory Physics with Isomorphic Problems, Part I: Performance on a non-intuitive problem pair from introductory physics", C. Singh, Phys. Rev. ST Phys. Educ. Res. 4, 010104 (9 pages), (2008).
"Assessing Student Expertise in Introductory Physics with Isomorphic Problems, Part II: Examining the effect of some potential factors on problem solving and transfer", C. Singh, Phys. Rev. ST Phys. Educ. Res. 4, 010105 (10 pages), (2008).
"Coupling Conceptual and Quantitative Problems to Develop Student Expertise in Introductory Physics ", C. Singh, Proceedings of the Phys. Ed. Res. Conference, Edmonton, Canada, (L. Hsu, C. Henderson, M. Sabella Eds.), AIP Conf. Proc., Melville New York 1064, 199-202, (2008).
"Categorization of Problems to Assess and Improve Proficiency as Teacher and Learner ", C. Singh, Am. J. Phys., 77(1), 73-80, (2009).
"Problem Solving and Learning", C. Singh, Proceedings of the 2008 Joint Annual Conference of National Society of Black Physicists and National Society of Hispanic Physicists, AIP Conf. Proc., Melville, New York 1140, 183-197, (2009).
"Developing problem solving skills of students taking introductory physics via web-based tutorials", C. Singh and D. Haileselassie, J. Coll. Sci. Teach. 39(4), 34-41, (2010).
"Using Analogies to Learn Introductory Physics ", S. Y. Lin and C. Singh, Proceedings of the Phys. Ed. Res. Conference, Portland, OR, (C. Singh, M. Sabella, S. Rebello Eds.), AIP Conf. Proc., Melville, New York 1289, 209-212 (2010).
"Using analogy to solve a three-step physics problem ", S. Y. Lin and C. Singh, Proceedings of the Phys. Ed. Res. Conference, Portland, OR, (C. Singh, M. Sabella, S. Rebello Eds.), AIP Conf. Proc., Melville, New York 1289, 29-32, (2010).
"Challenges in using analogies", S. Y. Lin and C. Singh, The Physics Teacher 49(8), 512-513 (2011).
"Using isomorphic problems to learn introductory physics", S. Y. Lin and C. Singh, Phys. Rev. ST PER, 7(2), 020104(1-16) (2011).
"Assessing expertise in introductory physics using categorization task", A. J. Mason and C. Singh, Phys. Rev. ST PER 7(2), 020110 (17 pages) (2011).
"Using Analogical Problem Solving with Different Scaffolding Supports to Learn about Friction", S. Y. Lin and C. Singh, Proceedings of the Phys. Ed. Res. Conference, Omaha, NE, (S. Rebello, C. Singh, P. Engelhardt Eds.), AIP Conf. Proc., Melville, New York 1413, 251-254 (2012).
"Should students be provided diagrams or asked to draw them while solving introductory physics problems?", A. Maries and C. Singh, Proceedings of the Phys. Ed. Res. Conference, Omaha, NE, (S. Rebello, C. Singh, P. Engelhardt Eds.), AIP Conf. Proc., Melville, New York 1413, 263-266 (2012).
"What do students do when asked to diagnose their mistakes? Does it help them? I. An atypical quiz context", E. Yerushalmi, E. Cohen, A. Mason and C. Singh, Phys. Rev. ST PER 8(2), 020109, 19 pages (2012).
"What do students do when asked to diagnose their mistakes? Does it help them? II. A more typical quiz context", E. Yerushalmi, E. Cohen, A. Mason and C. Singh, Phys. Rev. ST PER 8(2), 020110, 12 pages (2012).
"To use or not to use diagrams: The effect of drawing a diagram in solving introductory physics problems ", A. Maries and C. Singh, Proceedings of the Phys. Ed. Res. Conference, Philadelphia, PA, (P. Engelhardt, S. Rebello, A. Churukian Eds.), AIP Conf. Proc., Mellville, New York 1513, 282-285 (2013).
"Student difficulties in translating between mathematical and graphical representations in introductory physics ", S. Y. Lin, A. Maries and C. Singh, Proceedings of the Phys. Ed. Res. Conference, Philadelphia, PA, (P. Engelhardt, S. Rebello, A. Churukian Eds.), AIP Conf. Proc., Mellville, New York 1513, 250-253 (2013).
"Using Isomorphic Problems to Learn Introductory Physics", S. Y. Lin and C. Singh, Physical review ST PER 7, 020104,16 pages (2011).
"Learning from mistakes: The effect of students' written diagnoses on subsequent problem solving", E. Yerushalmi, E. Cohen, A. Mason, C. Singh, Biennial Conference on Responsible teaching and sustainable learning, Munich, Germany (2013).
"Categorization of mechanics problems by students in large introductory physics courses: A comparison with the Chi, Feltovich, and Glaser study", A. Mason and C. Singh,Proceedings of the 2013 Phys. Ed. Res. Conference, Portland, OR, (A. Churukian, P. Engelhardt, D. Jones Eds.), 35-38, (2014).
"A good diagram is valuable despite the choice of a mathematical approach to problem solving ", A. Maries and C. Singh, Proceedings of the 2013 Phys. Ed. Res. Conference, Portland, OR, (A. Churukian, P. Engelhardt, D. Jones Eds.), 31-34, (2014).
Isomorphic problems, analogical reasoning, scaffolding and transfer
"Effect of Misconception on Transfer in Problem Solving", C. Singh, Proceedings of the Phys. Ed. Res. Conference, Syracuse, NY, AIP, (L. Hsu, L. McCullough, C. Henderson Eds.), AIP Conf. Proc., Melville New York 951, 196-199 (2007).
"Assessing Student Expertise in Introductory Physics with Isomorphic Problems, Part I: Performance on a non-intuitive problem pair from introductory physics", C. Singh, Phys. Rev. ST Phys. Educ. Res. 4, 010104, 9 pages (2008).
"Assessing Student Expertise in Introductory Physics with Isomorphic Problems, Part II: Examining the effect of some potential factors on problem solving and transfer", C. Singh, Phys. Rev. ST Phys. Educ. Res. 4, 010105 (10 pages), (2008).
"Coupling Conceptual and Quantitative Problems to Develop Student Expertise in Introductory Physics ", C. Singh, Proceedings of the Phys. Ed. Res. Conference, Edmonton, Canada, (L. Hsu, C. Henderson, M. Sabella Eds.), AIP Conf. Proc., Melville New York 1064, 199-202, (2008).
"Using Analogies to Learn Introductory Physics ", S. Y. Lin and C. Singh, Proceedings of the Phys. Ed. Res. Conference, Portland, OR, (C. Singh, M. Sabella, S. Rebello Eds.), AIP Conf. Proc., Melville, New York 1289, 209-212 (2010).
"Using analogy to solve a three-step physics problem ", S. Y. Lin and C. Singh, Proceedings of the Phys. Ed. Res. Conference, Portland, OR, (C. Singh, M. Sabella, S. Rebello Eds.), AIP Conf. Proc., Melville, New York 1289, 29-32, (2010).
"Challenges in using analogies", S. Y. Lin and C. Singh, The Physics Teacher 49(8), 512-513, (2011).
"Using isomorphic problems to learn introductory physics", S. Y. Lin and C. Singh, Phys. Rev. ST PER 7(2), 020104 (16 pages) (2011).
"Assessing expertise in introductory physics using categorization task", A. J. Mason and C. Singh, Phys. Rev. ST PER 7(2), 020110 (17 pages) (2011).
"Using Analogical Problem Solving with Different Scaffolding Supports to Learn about Friction", S. Y. Lin and C. Singh, Proceedings of the Phys. Ed. Res. Conference, Omaha, NE, (S. Rebello, C. Singh, P. Engelhardt Eds.), AIP Conf. Proc., Melville, New York 1413, 251-254 (2012).
"What do students do when asked to diagnose their mistakes? Does it help them? I. An atypical quiz context", E. Yerushalmi, E. Cohen, A. Mason and C. Singh, Phys. Rev. ST PER 8(2), 020109, 19 pages, (2012).
"What do students do when asked to diagnose their mistakes? Does it help them? II. A more typical quiz context", E. Yerushalmi, E. Cohen, A. Mason and C. Singh, Phys. Rev. ST PER 8(2), 020110, 12 pages (2012).
"Using Isomorphic Problems to Learn Introductory Physics", S. Y. Lin and C. Singh, Physical review ST PER 7, 020104, 16 pages (2011).
"Categorization of mechanics problems by students in large introductory physics courses: A comparison with the Chi, Feltovich, and Glaser study", A. Mason and C. Singh,Proceedings of the 2013 Phys. Ed. Res. Conference, Portland, OR, (A. Churukian, P. Engelhardt, D. Jones Eds.), 35-38, (2014).
"Effect of scaffolding on helping introductory physics students solve quantitative problems involving strong alternative conceptions", S. Y. Lin and C. Singh, PRST-PER 11, 020105, 19 pages, (2015).
Coupling conceptual and quantitative problem solving and transfer
"Assessing Student Expertise in Introductory Physics with Isomorphic Problems, Part II: Examining the effect of some potential factors on problem solving and transfer", C. Singh, Phys. Rev. ST Phys. Educ. Res. 4, 010105, 10 pages, (2008).
"Coupling Conceptual and Quantitative Problems to Develop Student Expertise in Introductory Physics ", C. Singh, Proceedings of the Phys. Ed. Res. Conference, Edmonton, Canada, (L. Hsu, C. Henderson, M. Sabella Eds.), AIP Conf. Proc., Melville New York 1064, 199-202, (2008).
Self-diagnosis, scaffolding and transfer
"What do students do when asked to diagnose their mistakes? Does it help them? I. An atypical quiz context", E. Yerushalmi, E. Cohen, A. Mason and C. Singh, Phys. Rev. ST PER, 8(2), 020109, 19 pages (2012).
"What do students do when asked to diagnose their mistakes? Does it help them? II. A more typical quiz context", E. Yerushalmi, E. Cohen, A. Mason and C. Singh, Phys. Rev. ST PER, 8(2), 020110, 12 pages (2012).
Role of representations in learning physics
"Should students be provided diagrams or asked to draw them while solving introductory physics problems?", A. Maries and C. Singh, Proceedings of the Phys. Ed. Res. Conference, Omaha, NE, (S. Rebello, C. Singh, P. Engelhardt Eds.), AIP Conf. Proc., Melville, New York 1413, 263-266 (2012).
"To use or not to use diagrams: The effect of drawing a diagram in solving introductory physics problems ", A. Maries and C. Singh, Proceedings of the Phys. Ed. Res. Conference, Philadelphia, PA, (P. Engelhardt, S. Rebello, A. Churukian Eds.), AIP Conf. Proc., Mellville, New York 1513, 282-285 (2013).
"Student difficulties in translating between mathematical and graphical representations in introductory physics ", S. Y. Lin, A. Maries and C. Singh, Proceedings of the Phys. Ed. Res. Conference, Philadelphia, PA, (P. Engelhardt, S. Rebello, A. Churukian Eds.), AIP Conf. Proc., Mellville, New York 1513, 250-253 (2013).
"A good diagram is valuable despite the choice of a mathematical approach to problem solving ", A. Maries and C. Singh, Proceedings of the 2013 Phys. Ed. Res. Conference, Portland, OR, (A. Churukian, P. Engelhardt, D. Jones Eds.), 31-34, (2014).
Should students be provided diagram or asked to draw?
"Should students be provided diagrams or asked to draw them while solving introductory physics problems?", A. Maries and C. Singh, Proceedings of the Phys. Ed. Res. Conference, Omaha, NE, (S. Rebello, C. Singh, P. Engelhardt Eds.), AIP Conf. Proc., Melville, New York 1413, 263-266 (2012).
To use or not to use diagram?
"To use or not to use diagrams: The effect of drawing a diagram in solving introductory physics problems ", A. Maries and C. Singh, Proceedings of the Phys. Ed. Res. Conference, Philadelphia, PA, (P. Engelhardt, S. Rebello, A. Churukian Eds.), AIP Conf. Proc., Mellville, New York 1513, 282-285 (2013).
A diagram is valuable despite the choice of a primarily mathematical approach to problem solving
"A good diagram is valuable despite the choice of a mathematical approach to problem solving ", A. Maries and C. Singh, Proceedings of the 2013 Phys. Ed. Res. Conference, Portland, OR, (A. Churukian, P. Engelhardt, D. Jones Eds.), 31-34, (2014).
Student difficulties in translating between mathematical and graphical representations
"Student difficulties in translating between mathematical and graphical representations in introductory physics ", S. Y. Lin, A. Maries and C. Singh, Proceedings of the Phys. Ed. Res. Conference, Philadelphia, PA, (P. Engelhardt, S. Rebello, A. Churukian Eds.), AIP Conf. Proc., Mellville, New York 1513, 250-253 (2013).
Attitudes and approaches to problem solving
"Surveying graduate students' attitudes and approaches to problem solving", A. J. Mason and C. Singh, Physical Review, ST PER, 6(1), 16 pages (2010).
Interactive tutorials for improving problem solving, reasoning and metacognitive skills
"Interactive Video Tutorials for Enhancing Problem-Solving, Reasoning, and Meta-Cognitive Skills of Introductory Physics Students", C. Singh, Proceedings of the Phys. Ed. Res. Conference, Madison, WI (Eds. S. Franklin, J. Marx, and K. Cummings), AIP Conf. Proc., Melville New York 720, 177-180, (2004).
"Problem Solving and Learning", C. Singh, Proceedings of the 2008 Joint Annual Conference of National Society of Black Physicists and National Society of Hispanic Physicists, AIP Conf. Proc., Melville, New York 1140, 183-197, (2009).
"Developing problem solving skills of students taking introductory physics via web-based tutorials", C. Singh and D. Haileselassie, J. Coll. Sci. Teach. 39(4), 34-41, (2010).
Effectiveness of peer interaction
"Effectiveness of Group Interaction on Conceptual Standardized Test Performance", C. Singh, Proceedings of the Phys. Ed. Res. Conference, Boise (Eds. S. Franklin, J. Marx, and K. Cummings), 67-70, (2002).
"Impact of Peer Interaction on Conceptual Test Performance", C. Singh, Am. J. Phys. 73(5), 446-451, (2005).
"Helping Students Learn Effective Problem Solving Strategies by Reflecting With Peers", A. J. Mason and C. Singh, Am. J. Phys., 78(7), 748-754, (2010).
"Using reflection with peers to help students learn effective problem solving strategies ", A. J. Mason and C. Singh, Proceedings of the Phys. Ed. Res. Conference, Portland, OR, (C. Singh, M. Sabella, S. Rebello Eds.), AIP Conf. Proc., Melville New York 1289, 41-44, (2010).
"Impact of guided reflection with peers on the development of effective problem solving strategies and physics learning", A. Mason and C. Singh, The Physics Teacher, 54, 295-299, (2016). doi: 10.1119/1.4947159
Peer reflection on conceptual problem solving
"Effectiveness of Group Interaction on Conceptual Standardized Test Performance", C. Singh, Proceedings of the Phys. Ed. Res. Conference, Boise (Eds. S. Franklin, J. Marx, and K. Cummings), 67-70, (2002).
"Impact of Peer Interaction on Conceptual Test Performance", C. Singh, Am. J. Phys. 73(5), 446-451, (2005).
Peer reflection on quantitative problem solving
"Helping Students Learn Effective Problem Solving Strategies by Reflecting With Peers", A. J. Mason and C. Singh, Am. J. Phys., 78(7), 748-754, (2010).
"Using reflection with peers to help students learn effective problem solving strategies ", A. J. Mason and C. Singh, Proceedings of the Phys. Ed. Res. Conference, Portland, OR, (C. Singh, M. Sabella, S. Rebello Eds.), AIP Conf. Proc., Melville New York 1289, 41-44, (2010).
"Impact of guided reflection with peers on the development of effective problem solving strategies and physics learning", A. Mason and C. Singh, The Physics Teacher, 54, 295-299, (2016). doi: 10.1119/1.4947159
Pedagogical Tools and Techniques for physics instructors
All publications:
"Exploration Center for Large Introductory Physics Courses", C. Singh, The Physics Teacher 38(3), 189-190, (2000).
"Students' Conceptual Knowledge of Energy and Momentum", C. Singh and D. Rosengrant, Proceedings of the Physics Education Research conference, Rochester (Eds. S. Franklin, J. Marx, and K. Cummings), 123-126, (2001).
"Hands-on Homework for Introductory Science", C. Singh, J. Coll. Sci. Teach. 32(2), 126-130, (2002).
"Effectiveness of Group Interaction on Conceptual Standardized Test Performance", C. Singh, Proceedings of the Phys. Ed. Res. Conference, Boise (Eds. S. Franklin, J. Marx, and K. Cummings), 67-70, (2002).
"Multiple-choice Test of Energy and Momentum Concepts", C. Singh and D. Rosengrant, Am. J. Phys. 71(6), 607-617, (2003).
"Interactive Video Tutorials for Enhancing Problem-Solving, Reasoning, and Meta-Cognitive Skills of Introductory Physics Students", C. Singh, Proceedings of the Phys. Ed. Res. Conference, Madison, WI (Eds. S. Franklin, J. Marx, and K. Cummings), AIP Conf. Proc., Melville New York 720, 177-180, (2004).
"Hands-on Homework for Large Introductory Physics Courses", C. Singh, APS Forum on Education Newsletter, 8-9, Spring, (2004).
"Student understanding of Symmetry and Gauss's law", C. Singh, Proceedings of the Phys. Ed. Res. Conference, Sacramento, CA (Eds. P. Heron, S. Franklin, and J. Marx), AIP Conf. Proc., Melville New York 790, 65-68, (2005).
"Impact of Peer Interaction on Conceptual Test Performance", C. Singh, Am. J. Phys., 73(5), 446-451, (2005).
"Student Understanding of Rotational and Rolling Motion Concepts", L. Rimoldini and C. Singh, Phys. Rev. ST-PER 1, 010102, 9 pages(2005).
"Improving Student Understanding of Gauss's Law of Electricity", C. Singh, Am. J. Phys. 74(10), 923-236, (2006).
"Tutorials on Coulomb's law and Gauss's law", Z. Isvan, C. Singh, Proceedings of the Phys. Ed. Res. Conference, Syracuse, NY, (L. McCullough, P. Heron, L. Hsu Eds.), AIP Conf. Proc., Melville New York 883, 181-184, (2007).
"Effect of Misconception on Transfer in Problem Solving", C. Singh, Proceedings of the Phys. Ed. Res. Conference, Syracuse, NY, AIP, (L. Hsu, L. McCullough, C. Henderson Eds.), AIP Conf. Proc., Melville New York 951, 196-199, (2007).
"Assessing Student Expertise in Introductory Physics with Isomorphic Problems, Part I: Performance on a non-intuitive problem pair from introductory physics", C. Singh, Phys. Rev. ST Phys. Educ. Res. 4, 010104, 9 pages, (2008).
"Assessing Student Expertise in Introductory Physics with Isomorphic Problems, Part II: Examining the effect of some potential factors on problem solving and transfer", C. Singh, Phys. Rev. ST Phys. Educ. Res. 4, 010105, 10 pages, (2008).
"Improving Students' Understanding of Magnetism", C. Singh, Proceedings of the Annual Conference of the American Society for Engineering Education (ASEE), AC 2008-90, 16 pages (2008).
"Coupling Conceptual and Quantitative Problems to Develop Student Expertise in Introductory Physics ", C. Singh, Proceedings of the Phys. Ed. Res. Conference, Edmonton, Canada, (L. Hsu, C. Henderson, M. Sabella Eds.), AIP Conf. Proc., Melville New York 1064, 199-202, (2008).
"Categorization of Problems to Assess and Improve Proficiency as Teacher and Learner ", C. Singh, Am. J. Phys. 77(1), 73-80, (2009).
"Problem Solving and Learning", C. Singh, Proceedings of the 2008 Joint Annual Conference of National Society of Black Physicists and National Society of Hispanic Physicists, AIP Conf. Proc., Melville, New York 1140, 183-197, (2009).
"Developing problem solving skills of students taking introductory physics via web-based tutorials", C. Singh and D. Haileselassie, J. Coll. Sci. Teach. 39(4), 34-41, (2010).
"Helping Students Learn Effective Problem Solving Strategies by Reflecting With Peers", A. J. Mason and C. Singh, Am. J. Phys. 78(7), 748-754, (2010).
"Using Analogies to Learn Introductory Physics ", S. Y. Lin and C. Singh, Proceedings of the Phys. Ed. Res. Conference, Portland, OR, (C. Singh, M. Sabella, S. Rebello Eds.), AIP Conf. Proc., Melville, New York 1289, 209-212 (2010).
"Using analogy to solve a three-step physics problem ", S. Y. Lin and C. Singh, Proceedings of the Phys. Ed. Res. Conference, Portland, OR, (C. Singh, M. Sabella, S. Rebello Eds.), AIP Conf. Proc., Melville, New York 1289, 29-32, (2010).
"Using reflection with peers to help students learn effective problem solving strategies ", A. J. Mason and C. Singh, Proceedings of the Phys. Ed. Res. Conference, Portland, OR, (C. Singh, M. Sabella, S. Rebello Eds.), AIP Conf. Proc., Melville New York 1289, 41-44, (2010).
"Challenges in using analogies", S. Y. Lin and C. Singh, The Physics Teacher 49(8), 512-513, (2011).
"Using isomorphic problems to learn introductory physics", S. Y. Lin and C. Singh, Phys. Rev. ST PER 7(2), 020104, 16 pages (2011).
"Assessing expertise in introductory physics using categorization task", A. J. Mason and C. Singh, Phys. Rev. ST PER 7(2), 020110, 17 pages (2011).
"Using Analogical Problem Solving with Different Scaffolding Supports to Learn about Friction", S. Y. Lin and C. Singh, Proceedings of the Phys. Ed. Res. Conference, Omaha, NE, (S. Rebello, C. Singh, P. Engelhardt Eds.), AIP Conf. Proc., Melville, New York 1413, 251-254 (2012).
"Should students be provided diagrams or asked to draw them while solving introductory physics problems?", A. Maries and C. Singh, Proceedings of the Phys. Ed. Res. Conference, Omaha, NE, (S. Rebello, C. Singh, P. Engelhardt Eds.), AIP Conf. Proc., Melville, New York 1413, 263-266 (2012).
"Can multiple-choice questions simulate free-response questions?", S. Y. Lin and C. Singh, Proceedings of the Phys. Ed. Res. Conference, Omaha, NE, (S. Rebello, C. Singh, P. Engelhardt Eds.), AIP Conf. Proc., Melville, New York 1413, 47-50 (2012).
"Developing A Magnetism Conceptual Survey And Assessing Gender Differences In Student Understanding of Magnetism", J. li style="margin:0px 0px 5px 20px;padding:5px;line-height:19.6px;"and C. Singh, Proceedings of the Phys. Ed. Res. Conference, Omaha, NE, (S. Rebello, C. Singh, P. Engelhardt Eds.), AIP Conf. Proc., Mellville, New York 1413, 43-46 (2012).
"What do students do when asked to diagnose their mistakes? Does it help them? I. An atypical quiz context", E. Yerushalmi, E. Cohen, A. Mason and C. Singh, Phys. Rev. ST PER 8(2), 020109, 19 pages, (2012).
"What do students do when asked to diagnose their mistakes? Does it help them? II. A more typical quiz context", E. Yerushalmi, E. Cohen, A. Mason and C. Singh, Phys. Rev. ST PER 8(2), 020110, 12 pages (2012).
"Can free-response questions be approximated by multiple-choice equivalents?", S. Y. Lin and C. Singh, Am. J. Phys., 81(8), 624-629, (2013).
"To use or not to use diagrams: The effect of drawing a diagram in solving introductory physics problems ", A. Maries and C. Singh, Proceedings of the Phys. Ed. Res. Conference, Philadelphia, PA, (P. Engelhardt, S. Rebello, A. Churukian Eds.), AIP Conf. Proc., Mellville, New York 1513, 282-285 (2013).
"Student difficulties in translating between mathematical and graphical representations in introductory physics ", S. Y. Lin, A. Maries and C. Singh, Proceedings of the Phys. Ed. Res. Conference, Philadelphia, PA, (P. Engelhardt, S. Rebello, A. Churukian Eds.), AIP Conf. Proc., Mellville, New York 1513, 250-253 (2013).
"Using Isomorphic Problems to Learn Introductory Physics", S. Y. Lin and C. Singh, Physical review ST PER 7, 020104, 16 pages (2011).
"A good diagram is valuable despite the choice of a mathematical approach to problem solving ", A. Maries and C. Singh, Proceedings of the 2013 Phys. Ed. Res. Conference, Portland, OR, (A. Churukian, P. Engelhardt, D. Jones Eds.), 31-34, (2014).
"Impact of guided reflection with peers on the development of effective problem solving strategies and physics learning", A. Mason and C. Singh, The Physics Teacher, 54, 295-299, (2016). doi: 10.1119/1.4947159
"Learning from mistakes: The effect of students' written self-diagnoses on subsequent problem solving", A. Mason, E.Yerushalmi, E. Cohen, and C. Singh. The Physics Teacher 54(2), 87-90, ( 2016). doi: 10.1119/1.4940171
"Using categorization of problems as an instructional tool to help introductory students learn physics", A. Mason and C. Singh, Physics Education, 51, 025009, 6 pages (2016). doi: 10.1088/0031-9120/51/2/025009
Assessment Instruments
"Students' Conceptual Knowledge of Energy and Momentum", C. Singh and D. Rosengrant, Proceedings of the Physics Education Research conference, Rochester (Eds. S. Franklin, J. Marx, and K. Cummings), 123-126, (2001).
"Multiple-choice Test of Energy and Momentum Concepts", C. Singh and D. Rosengrant, Am. J. Phys 71(6), 607-617, (2003).
"Student understanding of Symmetry and Gauss's law", C. Singh, Proceedings of the Phys. Ed. Res. Conference, Sacramento, CA (Eds. P. Heron, S. Franklin, and J. Marx), AIP Conf. Proc., Melville New York 790, 65-68, (2005).
"Student Understanding of Rotational and Rolling Motion Concepts", L. Rimoldini and C. Singh, Phys. Rev. ST-PER 1, 010102, 9 pages, (2005).
"Improving Student Understanding of Gauss's Law of Electricity", C. Singh, Am. J. Phys. 74(10), 923-236, (2006).
"Improving Students' Understanding of Magnetism", C. Singh, Proceedings of the Annual Conference of the American Society for Engineering Education (ASEE), AC 2008-90, 16 pages, (2008).
"Can multiple-choice questions simulate free-response questions?", S. Y. Lin and C. Singh, Proceedings of the Phys. Ed. Res. Conference, Omaha, NE, (S. Rebello, C. Singh, P. Engelhardt Eds.), AIP Conf. Proc., Melville, New York 1413, 47-50 (2012).
"Developing A Magnetism Conceptual Survey And Assessing Gender Differences In Student Understanding of Magnetism", J. li style="margin:0px 0px 5px 20px;padding:5px;line-height:19.6px;"and C. Singh, Proceedings of the Phys. Ed. Res. Conference, Omaha, NE, (S. Rebello, C. Singh, P. Engelhardt Eds.), AIP Conf. Proc., Mellville, New York 1413, 43-46 (2012).
"Can free-response questions be approximated by multiple-choice equivalents?", S. Y. Lin and C. Singh, Am. J. Phys. 81(8), 624-629 (2013).
Can free response questions be approximated by multiple-choice equivalents?
"Can free-response questions be approximated by multiple-choice equivalents?", S. Y. Lin and C. Singh, Am. J. Phys. 81(8), 624-629,(2013).
Tutorials on Coulomb's law, superposition principle and Gauss's law
"Tutorials on Coulomb's law and Gauss's law", Z. Isvan, C. Singh, Proceedings of the Phys. Ed. Res. Conference, Syracuse, NY, (L. McCullough, P. Heron, L. Hsu Eds.), AIP Conf. Proc., Melville New York 883, 181-184 (2007).
"Developing problem solving skills of students taking introductory physics via web-based tutorials", C. Singh and D. Haileselassie, J. Coll. Sci. Teach. 39(4), 34-41 (2010).
Effectiveness of analogical reasoning and problem solving using isomorphic problems with different scaffolding support
Transfer from quantitative to conceptual problems
"Assessing Student Expertise in Introductory Physics with Isomorphic Problems, Part II: Examining the effect of some potential factors on problem solving and transfer", C. Singh, Phys. Rev. ST Phys. Educ. Res. 4, 010105, 10 pages, (2008).
"Coupling Conceptual and Quantitative Problems to Develop Student Expertise in Introductory Physics ", C. Singh, Proceedings of the Phys. Ed. Res. Conference, Edmonton, Canada, (L. Hsu, C. Henderson, M. Sabella Eds.), AIP Conf. Proc., Melville New York 1064, 199-202, (2008).
Transfer between problems involving same physics principles but with different surface features
"Effect of Misconception on Transfer in Problem Solving", C. Singh, Proceedings of the Phys. Ed. Res. Conference, Syracuse, NY, AIP, (L. Hsu, L. McCullough, C. Henderson Eds.), AIP Conf. Proc., Melville New York 951, 196-199, (2007).
"Assessing Student Expertise in Introductory Physics with Isomorphic Problems, Part I: Performance on a non-intuitive problem pair from introductory physics", C. Singh, Phys. Rev. ST Phys. Educ. Res. 4, 010104, 9 pages (2008).
"Assessing Student Expertise in Introductory Physics with Isomorphic Problems, Part II: Examining the effect of some potential factors on problem solving and transfer", C. Singh, Phys. Rev. ST Phys. Educ. Res. 4, 010105, 10 pages (2008).
"Coupling Conceptual and Quantitative Problems to Develop Student Expertise in Introductory Physics ", C. Singh, Proceedings of the Phys. Ed. Res. Conference, Edmonton, Canada, (L. Hsu, C. Henderson, M. Sabella Eds.), AIP Conf. Proc., Melville New York 1064, 199-202, (2008).
"Using Analogies to Learn Introductory Physics ", S. Y. Lin and C. Singh, Proceedings of the Phys. Ed. Res. Conference, Portland, OR, (C. Singh, M. Sabella, S. Rebello Eds.), AIP Conf. Proc., Melville, New York 1289, 209-212 (2010).
"Using analogy to solve a three-step physics problem ", S. Y. Lin and C. Singh, Proceedings of the Phys. Ed. Res. Conference, Portland, OR, (C. Singh, M. Sabella, S. Rebello Eds.), AIP Conf. Proc., Melville, New York 1289, 29-32, (2010).
"Challenges in using analogies", S. Y. Lin and C. Singh, The Physics Teacher 49(8), 512-513, (2011).
"Using isomorphic problems to learn introductory physics", S. Y. Lin and C. Singh, Phys. Rev. ST PER 7(2), 020104, 16 pages (2011).
"Using Analogical Problem Solving with Different Scaffolding Supports to Learn about Friction", S. Y. Lin and C. Singh, Proceedings of the Phys. Ed. Res. Conference, Omaha, NE, (S. Rebello, C. Singh, P. Engelhardt Eds.), AIP Conf. Proc., Melville, New York 1413, 251-254 (2012).
"Using Isomorphic Problems to Learn Introductory Physics", S. Y. Lin and C. Singh, Physical review ST PER 7, 020104, 16 pages (2011.
Transfer from a two part problem to a three part problem
"Using Isomorphic Problems to Learn Introductory Physics", S. Y. Lin and C. Singh, Physical review ST PER 7, 020104, 16 pages (2011).
Transfer to an isomorphic problem in which students have strong misconception
"Effect of Misconception on Transfer in Problem Solving", C. Singh, Proceedings of the Phys. Ed. Res. Conference, Syracuse, NY, AIP, (L. Hsu, L. McCullough, C. Henderson Eds.), AIP Conf. Proc., Melville New York 951, 196-199, (2007).
"Assessing Student Expertise in Introductory Physics with Isomorphic Problems, Part I: Performance on a non-intuitive problem pair from introductory physics", C. Singh, Phys. Rev. ST Phys. Educ. Res. 4, 010104, 9 pages (2008).
"Assessing Student Expertise in Introductory Physics with Isomorphic Problems, Part II: Examining the effect of some potential factors on problem solving and transfer", C. Singh, Phys. Rev. ST Phys. Educ. Res. 4, 010105, 10 pages (2008).
"Using Analogical Problem Solving with Different Scaffolding Supports to Learn about Friction", S. Y. Lin and C. Singh, Proceedings of the Phys. Ed. Res. Conference, Omaha, NE, (S. Rebello, C. Singh, P. Engelhardt Eds.), AIP Conf. Proc., Melville, New York 1413, 251-254 (2012).
Using categorization of problems to teach physics
"Categorization of Problems to Assess and Improve Proficiency as Teacher and Learner ", C. Singh, Am. J. Phys. 77(1), 73-80, (2009).
"Assessing expertise in introductory physics using categorization task", A. J. Mason and C. Singh, Phys. Rev. ST PER 7(2), 020110, 17 pages (2011).
"Using categorization of problems as an instructional tool to help introductory students learn physics", A. Mason and C. Singh, Physics Education, 51, 025009, 6 pages (2016). doi: 10.1088/0031-9120/51/2/025009
Self-diagnosis and learning
"What do students do when asked to diagnose their mistakes? Does it help them? I. An atypical quiz context", E. Yerushalmi, E. Cohen, A. Mason and C. Singh, Phys. Rev. ST PER 8(2), 020109, 19 pages (2012).
"What do students do when asked to diagnose their mistakes? Does it help them? II. A more typical quiz context", E. Yerushalmi, E. Cohen, A. Mason and C. Singh, Phys. Rev. ST PER 8(2), 020110, 12 pages (2012).
"Learning from mistakes: The effect of students' written self-diagnoses on subsequent problem solving", A. Mason, E.Yerushalmi, E. Cohen, and C. Singh. The Physics Teacher 54(2), 87-90 ( 2016). doi: 10.1119/1.4940171
Role of diagrammatic representations
"Should students be provided diagrams or asked to draw them while solving introductory physics problems?", A. Maries and C. Singh, Proceedings of the Phys. Ed. Res. Conference, Omaha, NE, (S. Rebello, C. Singh, P. Engelhardt Eds.), AIP Conf. Proc., Melville, New York 1413, 263-266 (2012).
"To use or not to use diagrams: The effect of drawing a diagram in solving introductory physics problems ", A. Maries and C. Singh, Proceedings of the Phys. Ed. Res. Conference, Philadelphia, PA, (P. Engelhardt, S. Rebello, A. Churukian Eds.), AIP Conf. Proc., Mellville, New York 1513, 282-285 (2013).
"Student difficulties in translating between mathematical and graphical representations in introductory physics ", S. Y. Lin, A. Maries and C. Singh, Proceedings of the Phys. Ed. Res. Conference, Philadelphia, PA, (P. Engelhardt, S. Rebello, A. Churukian Eds.), AIP Conf. Proc., Mellville, New York 1513, 250-253 (2013).
"A good diagram is valuable despite the choice of a mathematical approach to problem solving ", A. Maries and C. Singh, Proceedings of the 2013 Phys. Ed. Res. Conference, Portland, OR, (A. Churukian, P. Engelhardt, D. Jones Eds.), 31-34, (2014).
PEC: Hands-on homework for large introductory courses
"Exploration Center for Large Introductory Physics Courses", C. Singh, The Physics Teacher 38(3), 189-190 (2000).
"Hands-on Homework for Introductory Science", C. Singh, J. Coll. Sci. Teach. 32(2), 126-130 (2002).
Effectiveness of peer interaction
"Effectiveness of Group Interaction on Conceptual Standardized Test Performance", C. Singh, Proceedings of the Phys. Ed. Res. Conference, Boise (Eds. S. Franklin, J. Marx, and K. Cummings), 67-70, (2002).
"Impact of Peer Interaction on Conceptual Test Performance", C. Singh, Am. J. Phys. 73(5), 446-451 (2005).
"Helping Students Learn Effective Problem Solving Strategies by Reflecting With Peers", A. J. Mason and C. Singh, Am. J. Phys. 78(7), 748-754 (2010).
"Using reflection with peers to help students learn effective problem solving strategies ", A. J. Mason and C. Singh, Proceedings of the Phys. Ed. Res. Conference, Portland, OR, (C. Singh, M. Sabella, S. Rebello Eds.), AIP Conf. Proc., Melville New York 1289, 41-44 (2010).
"Impact of guided reflection with peers on the development of effective problem solving strategies and physics learning", A. Mason and C. Singh, The Physics Teacher, 54, 295-299 (2016). doi: 10.1119/1.4947159
Peer reflection on conceptual problem solving
"Effectiveness of Group Interaction on Conceptual Standardized Test Performance", C. Singh, Proceedings of the Phys. Ed. Res. Conference, Boise (Eds. S. Franklin, J. Marx, and K. Cummings), 67-70, (2002).
"Impact of Peer Interaction on Conceptual Test Performance", C. Singh, Am. J. Phys. 73(5), 446-451 (2005).
Peer reflection on quantitative problem Solving
"Helping Students Learn Effective Problem Solving Strategies by Reflecting With Peers", A. J. Mason and C. Singh, Am. J. Phys. 78(7), 748-754 (2010).
"Using reflection with peers to help students learn effective problem solving strategies ", A. J. Mason and C. Singh, Proceedings of the Phys. Ed. Res. Conference, Portland, OR, (C. Singh, M. Sabella, S. Rebello Eds.), AIP Conf. Proc., Melville New York 1289, 41-44 (2010).
"Impact of guided reflection with peers on the development of effective problem solving strategies and physics learning", A. Mason and C. Singh, The Physics Teacher, 54, 295-299 (2016). doi: 10.1119/1.4947159
Interactive web-based tutorials
"Interactive Video Tutorials for Enhancing Problem-Solving, Reasoning, and Meta-Cognitive Skills of Introductory Physics Students", C. Singh, Proceedings of the Phys. Ed. Res. Conference, Madison, WI (Eds. S. Franklin, J. Marx, and K. Cummings), AIP Conf. Proc., Melville New York 720, 177-180 (2004).
"Problem Solving and Learning", C. Singh, Proceedings of the 2008 Joint Annual Conference of National Society of Black Physicists and National Society of Hispanic Physicists, AIP Conf. Proc., Melville, New York 1140, 183-197 (2009).
"Developing problem solving skills of students taking introductory physics via web-based tutorials", C. Singh and D. Haileselassie, J. Coll. Sci. Teach. 39(4), 34-41 (2010).
Attitudes and Approaches to problem solving
"SurveyingTurkish high school and university students’ attitudes and approaches to physicsproblem solving", N. Balta, A. Mason and C. Singh, Physical Review Physics education research 12, 010129, 16 pages (2016). doi: 10.1103/PhysRevPhysEducRes.12.010129
"Surveying college introductory physics students' attitudes and approaches to problem solving", A. J. Mason and C. Singh, Euro. J. Phys. 37, 055704 (23 pages) (2016). "Surveying graduate students' attitudes and approaches to problem solving", A. J. Mason and C. Singh, Physical Review, ST PER 6(1), 16 pages (2010).
Quantum Mechanics--All Publications
· "Can students apply the concept of "which-path" information learned in the context of Mach Zehnder Interferometer to the double slit experiment?", A. Maries and C. Singh, Am. J. Phys. 88 (7) (9 pages) (2020).
"An interactive learning tutorial on quantum key distribution", S. Devore and C. Singh, Phys. Rev. PER 16, 010126 (15 pages) (2020).
· "Student understanding of Fermi energy, the Fermi-Dirac distribution and total electronic energy of a free electron gas", P. Justice, E. Marshman and C. Singh, Eur. J. Phys. 41,015704 (26 pages) (2020).
· "Development, validation and in-class evaluation of a sequence of clicker questions on Larmor precession of spin in quantum mechanics", P. Justice, E. Marshman and C. Singh, 2019 Physics Education Research Conference Proceedings, Cao, Wolf and Bennett Eds., pp. 1-4 (2020). https://doi.org/10.1119/perc.2019.pr.Justice
· "Improving student understanding of quantum mechanics underlying the Stern-Gerlach experiment using a research-validated multiple-choice question sequence", P. Justice, E. Marshman and C. Singh, Eur. J. Phys. 40, 055702 (23 pages) (2019). This paper was an Eur. J. Phys. highlight of 2019.
· "Improving student understanding of fine structure corrections to the energy spectrum of the hydrogen atom", C. Keebaugh, E. Marshman and C. Singh, Am. J. Phys. 87 (7) 594-605 (12 pages) (2019).
· "Validation and administration of a conceptual survey on the formalism and postulates of quantum mechanics", E. Marshman and C. Singh, Phys. Rev. PER 15, 020128 (10 pages) (2019).
· "Improving student understanding of a system of identical particles with a fixed total energy" C. Keebaugh, E. Marshman and C. Singh, Am. J. Phys. 87 (7), 583-593 (11 pages) (2019).
· "Student difficulties with the number of distinct many-particle states for a system of non-interacting identical particles with a fixed number of available single-particle states", C. Keebaugh, E. Marshman, and C. Singh, 2018 Physics Education Research Conference Proceedings, https://doi.org/10.1119/perc.2018.pr.Keebaugh
· "Student difficulties with the corrections to the energy spectrum of the hydrogen atom for the intermediate field Zeeman effect", E. Marshman, C. Keebaugh, and C. Singh, 2018 Physics Education Research Conference Proceedings, https://doi.org/10.1119/perc.2018.pr.Marshman
· "Development and validation of a sequence of clicker questions for helping students learn addition of angular quantum mechanics", P. Justice, E. Marshman, and C. Singh, 2018 Physics Education Research Conference Proceedings, https://doi.org/:10.1119/perc.2018.pr.Justice
· "Improving student understanding of corrections to the energy spectrum of the hydrogen atom for the Zeeman effect" C. Keebaugh, E. Marshman and C. Singh, Phys. Rev. Phys. Educ. Res. 15, 010113 (14 pages) (2019).
· "Investigating and addressing student difficulties with a good basis for finding perturbative corrections in the context of degenerate perturbation theory" C. Keebaugh, E. Marshman and C. Singh, Eur. J. Phys. 39, 055701 (22 pages) (2018).
· "Investigating and addressing student difficulties with the corrections to the energies of the hydrogen atom for the strong and weak field Zeeman effect" C. Keebaugh, E. Marshman and C. Singh, Eur. J. Phys. 39, 045701 (25 pages) (2018).
· "Student difficulties with finding the corrections to the energy spectrum of the hydrogen atom for the strong and weak field Zeeman effects using degenerate perturbation theory", E. Marshman, C. Keebaugh and C. Singh, 2017 Physics Education Research Conference Proceedings, 260-263 (2018). http://dx.doi.org/10.1119/perc.2017.pr.060
· "Student difficulties with finding the fine structure corrections to the energy spectrum of the hydrogen atom using degenerate perturbation theory", C. Singh, E. Marshman and C. Keebaugh, 2017 Physics Education Research Conference Proceedings, 372-375 (2018).
· "Investigating and improving student understanding of quantum mechanical observables and their corresponding operators in Dirac notation", E. Marshman and C. Singh, Eur. J. Phys. 39, 015707 (20 pages) (2018).
· "Development of teaching-learning sequences in quantum mechanics: Quantum Interactive Learning Tutorials" E. Marshman and C. Singh, Invited paper presented at NARST Conference, San Antonio, Texas (2017).
· "Investigating and improving student understanding of quantum mechanics in the context of single photon interference", E. Marshman and C. Singh, Phys. Rev. PER 13, 010117 (17 pages) (2017).
· "A quantum interactive learning tutorial on the double-slit experiment to improve student understanding of quantum mechanics", R. Sayer, A. Maries and C. Singh, Phys Rev PER 13, 010123 (23 pages) (2017).
· "Contrasting grading approaches in introductory physics and quantum mechanics: The case of graduate teaching assistants", E. Marshman, R. Sayer, C. Henderson and C. Singh, Phys. Rev. PER 13 010120 (16 pages) (2017).
· "Investigating and improving student understanding of the expectation values of observables in quantum mechanics", E. Marshman and C. Singh, Eur. J. Phys. 38, 045701 (19 pages) (2017).
· "Investigating and improving student understanding of the probability distributions for measuring physical observables in quantum mechanics", E. Marshman and C. Singh, Eur. J. Phys. 38, 025705 (24 pages) (2017).
· "Effectiveness of interactive tutorials in promoting "which-path" information reasoning in advanced quantum mechanics", A. Maries, R. Sayer and C. Singh, Phys. Rev. PER 13, 020115 (19 pages) (2017).
· Student difficulties with determining expectation values in quantum mechanics", C. Singh, and E. Marshman, Proceedings of the 2016 Physics Education Research Conference, Sacramento, CA, 320-323 https://doi.org/10.1119/perc.2016.pr.075
· "Student difficulties with representations of quantum operators corresponding to observables", E. Marshman, and C. Singh, Proceedings of the 2016 Physics Education Research Conference, Sacramento, CA, 216-219 https://doi.org/10.1119/perc.2016.pr.049
· "The impact of peer interaction on the responses to clicker questions in an upper-level quantum mechanics course", R. Sayer, E. Marshman, and C. Singh, Proceedings of the 2016 Physics Education Research Conference, Sacramento, CA, 304 307 https://doi.org/10.1119/perc.2016.pr.071
· "Developing and evaluating an interactive tutorial on degenerate perturbation theory", C. Keebaugh, E. Marshman, and C. Singh, Proceedings of the 2016 Physics Education Research Conference, Sacramento, CA, 184-187 https://doi.org/10.1119/perc.2016.pr.041
· "A case study evaluating Just-in-Time Teaching and Peer Instruction using clickers in a quantum mechanics course", R. Sayer, E. Marshman and C. Singh, Phys Rev PER, 12, 020133 (23 pages) (2016).
· "Improving performance in quantum mechanics with explicit incentives to correct mistakes", B. Brown, A. Mason and C. Singh, Physical Review Physics Education Research, 12, 010121, (20 pages) (2016). doi: 10.1103/physrevphyseducres.12.010121
· "Interactive tutorial to improve student understanding of single photon experiments involving a Mach-Zehnder Interferometer", E. Marshman and C. Singh, European Journal of Physics, 37, 024001 (22 pages) (2016). doi: 10.1088/0143-0807/37/2/024001
· "Student difficulties with quantum states while translating state vectors in Dirac notation to wave functions in position and momentum representations", E. Marshman and C. Singh, Proceedings of the 2015 Phys. Ed. Res. Conference, College Park, MD, (D. Jones, A. Churukian, L. Ding Eds.), (2015).
· "Investigating transfer of learning in advanced quantum mechanics", A. Maries, R. Sayer and C. Singh, Proceedings of the 2015 Phys. Ed. Res. Conference, College Park, MD, (D. Jones, A. Churukian, L. Ding Eds.),(2015).
· "Developing a quantum interactive learning tutorial on the double-slit experiment", R. Sayer, A. Maries and C. Singh, Proceedings of the 2015 Phys. Ed. Res. Conference, College Park, MD, (D. Jones, A. Churukian, L. Ding Eds.),(2015).
· "The effect of giving explicit incentives to correct mistakes on subsequent problem solving in quantum mechanics", B. Brown, A. J. Mason and C. Singh, Proceedings of the 2015 Phys. Ed. Res. Conference, College Park, MD, (D. Jones, A. Churukian, L. Ding Eds.), (2015).
· "Developing an interactive tutorial on a quantum eraser", E. Marshman and C. Singh, Proceedings of the 2014 Phys. Ed. Res. Conference, Minneapolis, MN, (P. Engelhardt, A. Churukian, D. Jones Eds.) (2015).
· "Developing an interactive tutorial on a Mach-Zehnder interferometer with single photons", C. Singh and E. Marshman, Proceedings of the 2014 Phys. Ed. Res. Conference, Minneapolis, MN, (P. Engelhardt, A. Churukian, D. Jones Eds.) (2015).
· "Development and evaluation of a quantum interactive learning tutorial on Larmor Precession of spin", B. Brown and C. Singh, Proceedings of the 2014 Phys. Ed. Res. Conference, Minneapolis, MN (A. Churukian, P. Engelhardt, D. Jones Eds.), (2015).
· "Development of an interactive tutorial on quantum key distribution", S. DeVore and C. Singh, Proceedings of the 2014 Phys. Ed. Res. Conference, Minneapolis, MN (A. Churukian, P. Engelhardt, D. Jones Eds.), (2015).
· "Framework for understanding the patterns of student difficulties in quantum mechanics", E. Marshman and C. Singh, PRST-PER 11, 020119, 26 pages (2015).
· "Review of student difficulties in upper-level quantum mechanics", C. Singh and E. Marshman, PRST-PER 11, 020117, 24 pages (2015).
· "Analogous patterns of student reasoning difficulties in introductory physics and upper-level quantum mechanics", C. Singh and E. Marshman, Proceedings of the 2013 Phys. Ed. Res. Conference, Portland, OR, (A. Churukian, P. Engelhardt, D. Jones Eds.), 46-49 (2014).
· "Investigating student difficulties with time-dependence of expectation values in quantum mechanics", E. Marshman and C. Singh, Proceedings of the 2013 Phys. Ed. Res. Conference, Portland, OR, (A. Churukian, P. Engelhardt, D. Jones Eds.), 245-248 (2014).
· "Investigating student difficulties with Dirac Notation", C. Singh and E. Marshman, Proceedings of the 2013 Phys. Ed. Res. Conference, Portland, OR, (A. Churukian, P. Engelhardt, D. Jones Eds.), 345-348 (2014).
· "Improving Student Understanding of Addition of Angular Momentum in Quantum Mechanics", G. Zhu and C. Singh, Phys. Rev. ST PER 9(1), 010101, 12 pages (2013).
· "Surveying students' understanding of quantum mechanics in one spatial dimension", G. Zhu and C. Singh, Am. J. Phys. 80(3), 252-259 (2012).
· "Improving students' understanding of quantum measurement I: Investigation of difficulties", G. Zhu and C. Singh, Phys. Rev. ST PER 8(1), 010117, 8 pages (2012).
· "Improving students' understanding of quantum measurement II: Development of Research-based learning tools", G. Zhu and C. Singh, Phys. Rev. ST PER 8(1), 010118, 13 pages (2012).
· "Improving Students' Understanding of Quantum Mechanics By Using Peer Instruction Tools", C. Singh and G. Zhu, Proceedings of the Phys. Ed. Res. Conference, Omaha, NE, (S. Rebello, C. Singh, P. Engelhardt Eds.), AIP Conf. Proc., Mellville, New York 1413, 77-80 (2012).
· "Students' understanding of the addition of angular momentum", C. Singh and G. Zhu, Proceedings of the Phys. Ed. Res. Conference, Omaha, NE, (S. Rebello, C. Singh, P. Engelhardt Eds.), AIP Conf. Proc., Melville, New York 1413, 355-358 (2012).
· "Students' difficulties with quantum measurement", G. Zhu and C. Singh, Proceedings of the Phys. Ed. Res. Conference, Omaha, NE, (S. Rebello, C. Singh, P. Engelhardt Eds.), AIP Conf. Proc., Melville, New York 1413, 387-390 (2012).
· "Improving students' understanding of quantum mechanics via the Stern-Gerlach experiment", G. Zhu and C. Singh, American Journal of Physics 79 (5), 499-507 (2011).
· "Improving students' understanding of quantum measurement", G. Zhu and C. Singh, Proceedings of the Phys. Ed. Res. Conference, Portland, OR, (C. Singh, M. Sabella, S. Rebello Eds.), AIP Conf. Proc., Melville, New York 1289, 345-348 (2010).
· "Surveying Students' Understanding of Quantum Mechanics", G. Zhu and C. Singh, Proceedings of the Phys. Ed. Res. Conference, Portland, OR, (C. Singh, M. Sabella, S. Rebello Eds.), AIP Conf. Proc., Melville, New York 1289, 301-304 (2010).
· "Surveying Instructors' Attitudes and Approaches to Teaching Quantum Mechanics", S. Siddiqui and C. Singh, Proceedings of the Phys. Ed. Res. Conference, Portland, OR, (C. Singh, M. Sabella, S. Rebello Eds.), AIP Conf. Proc., Melville, New York 1289, 297-300 (2010).
· "Do advanced students learn from their mistakes without explicit intervention?", A. J. Mason and C. Singh, Am. J. Phys. 78(7), 760-767 (2010).
· "Categorization of quantum mechanics problems by professors and students", S. Y. Lin and C. Singh, Euro. J. Phys. 31, 57-68 (2010).
· "Peer Instruction for Quantum Mechanics", G. Zhu and C. Singh, APS Forum on Education Newsletter, 8-10, Fall (2009).
· "Reflection and Self-monitoring in Quantum Mechanics", A. Mason and C. Singh, Proceedings of the Phys. Ed. Res. Conference, Ann Arbor, MI, (C. Henderson, M. Sabella, C. Singh Eds.), AIP Conf. Proc., Melville, New York 1179, 197-200 (2009).
· "Assessing Expertise in Quantum Mechanics using Categorization Task", S. Y. Lin and C. Singh, Proceedings of the Phys. Ed. Res. Conference, Ann Arbor, MI, (C. Henderson, M. Sabella, C. Singh Eds.), AIP Conf. Proc., Melville, New York 1179, 185-188 (2009).
· "Cognitive Issues in Learning Advanced Physics: An Example from Quantum Mechanics", C. Singh and G. Zhu, Proceedings of the Phys. Ed. Res. Conference, Ann Arbor, MI, (C. Henderson, M. Sabella, C. Singh Eds.), AIP Conf. Proc., Melville, New York 1179, 63-66 (2009).
· "Interactive Learning Tutorials on Quantum Mechanics", C. Singh, Am. J. Phys. 76(4), 400-405 (2008).
· "Student Understanding of Quantum Mechanics at the Beginning of Graduate Instruction", C. Singh, Am. J. Phys. 76(3), 277-287 (2008).
· "Student Difficulties with Quantum Mechanics Formalism", C. Singh, Proceedings of the Phys. Ed. Res. Conference, Syracuse, NY, (L. McCullough, P. Heron, L. Hsu Eds.), AIP Conf. Proc., Melville New York 883, 185-188 (2007).
· "Helping Students Learn Quantum Mechanics for Quantum Computing", C. Singh, Proceedings of the Phys. Ed. Res. Conference, Syracuse, NY, AIP, (L. McCullough, P. Heron, L. Hsu Eds.), AIP Conf. Proc., Melville New York 883, 42-45 (2007).
· "Improving Student's Understanding of Quantum Mechanics, Feature Article, Physics Today,", C. Singh, M. Belloni, W. Christian, 8, 43-49, August (2006). This article was especially selected and translated into Japanese for publication in the first (special) edition of the Japanese version of Physics Today titled Parity, (2007).
· "Assessing and Improving Student Understanding of Quantum Mechanics", C. Singh, Proceedings of the Phys. Ed. Res. Conference, Salt Lake City, (P. Heron, J. Marx, L. McCullough Eds.), AIP Conf. Proc., Melville New York 818, 69-72 (2006).
· "Transfer of Learning in Quantum Mechanics", C. Singh, Proceedings of the Phys. Ed. Res. Conference, Sacramento, CA (Eds. P. Heron, S. Franklin, and J. Marx), AIP Conf. Proc., Melville New York 790, 23-26 (2005).
· "Student Understanding of Quantum Mechanics", C. Singh, Am. J. Phys. 69 (8), 885-895 (2001).
An interactive learning tutorial on quantum key distribution", S. Devore and C. Singh, Phys. Re PER 16, 010126 (15 pages) (2020).
Student difficulties
"Student Understanding of Quantum Mechanics", C. Singh, Am. J. Phys. 69 (8), 885-895, (2001).
"Transfer of Learning in Quantum Mechanics", C. Singh, Proceedings of the Phys. Ed. Res. Conference, Sacramento, CA (Eds. P. Heron, S. Franklin, and J. Marx), AIP Conf. Proc., Melville New York 790, 23-26 (2005).
"Assessing and Improving Student Understanding of Quantum Mechanics", C. Singh, Proceedings of the Phys. Ed. Res. Conference, Salt Lake City, (P. Heron, J. Marx, L. McCullough Eds.), AIP Conf. Proc., Melville New York 818, 69-72 (2006).
"Improving Student's Understanding of Quantum Mechanics, Feature Article, Physics Today,", C. Singh, M. Belloni, W. Christian, 59(8), 43-49 August (2006). This article was especially selected and translated into Japanese for publication in the first (special) edition of the Japanese version of Physics Today titled Parity, (2007).
"Student Difficulties with Quantum Mechanics Formalism", C. Singh, Proceedings of the Phys. Ed. Res. Conference, Syracuse, NY, (L. McCullough, P. Heron, L. Hsu Eds.), AIP Conf. Proc., Melville New York 883, 185-188 (2007).
"Helping Students Learn Quantum Mechanics for Quantum Computing", C. Singh, Proceedings of the Phys. Ed. Res. Conference, Syracuse, NY, AIP, (L. McCullough, P. Heron, L. Hsu Eds.), AIP Conf. Proc., Melville New York 883, 42-45 (2007).
"Approaches for Improving Students' Understanding of Quantum Mechanics: Response to Letters", C. Singh, M. Belloni, W. Christian, Physics Today, 8, 12-14, March (2007)
"Student Understanding of Quantum Mechanics at the Beginning of Graduate Instruction", C. Singh, Am. J. Phys. 76(3), 277-287 (2008).
"Interactive Learning Tutorials on Quantum Mechanics", C. Singh, Am. J. Phys. 76(4), 400-405 (2008).
"Cognitive Issues in Learning Advanced Physics: An Example from Quantum Mechanics", C. Singh and G. Zhu, Proceedings of the Phys. Ed. Res. Conference, Ann Arbor, MI, (C. Henderson, M. Sabella, C. Singh Eds.), AIP Conf. Proc., Melville, New York 1179, 63-66 (2009).
"Assessing Expertise in Quantum Mechanics using Categorization Task", S. Y. Lin and C. Singh, Proceedings of the Phys. Ed. Res. Conference, Ann Arbor, MI, (C. Henderson, M. Sabella, C. Singh Eds.), AIP Conf. Proc., Melville, New York 1179, 185-188 (2009).
"Reflection and Self-monitoring in Quantum Mechanics", A. Mason and C. Singh, Proceedings of the Phys. Ed. Res. Conference, Ann Arbor, MI, (C. Henderson, M. Sabella, C. Singh Eds.), AIP Conf. Proc., Melville, New York 1179, 197-200 (2009).
"Students' Understanding of the Stern-Gerlach Experiment", G. Zhu and C. Singh, Proceedings of the Phys. Ed. Res. Conference, Ann Arbor, MI, (C. Henderson, M. Sabella, C. Singh Eds.), AIP Conf. Proc., Melville, New York 1179, 309-312 (2009).
"Peer Instruction for quantum mechanics", G. Zhu and C. Singh, APS Forum on Education Newsletter, 8-10, Fall (2009).
"Categorization of quantum mechanics problems by professors and students", S. Y. Lin and C. Singh, Euro. J. Phys. 31, 57-68 (2010).
"Do advanced students learn from their mistakes without explicit intervention?", A. J. Mason and C. Singh, Am. J. Phys. 78(7), 760-767 (2010).
"Surveying instructors' attitudes and approaches to teaching quantum mechanics", S. Siddiqui and C. Singh, Proceedings of the Phys. Ed. Res. Conference, Portland, OR, (C. Singh, M. Sabella, S. Rebello Eds.), AIP Conf. Proc., Melville, New York 1289, 297-300 (2010).
"Surveying students' understanding of quantum mechanics ", G. Zhu and C. Singh, Proceedings of the Phys. Ed. Res. Conference, Portland, OR, (C. Singh, M. Sabella, S. Rebello Eds.), AIP Conf. Proc., Melville, New York 1289, 301-304 (2010).
"Improving students' understanding of quantum measurement ", G. Zhu and C. Singh, Proceedings of the Phys. Ed. Res. Conference, Portland, OR, (C. Singh, M. Sabella, S. Rebello Eds.), AIP Conf. Proc., Melville, New York 1289, 345-348 (2010).
"Improving students' understanding of quantum mechanics via the Stern-Gerlach experiment", G. Zhu and C. Singh, Am. J. Phys. 79(5), 499-507 (2011).
"Students' difficulties with quantum measurement ", G. Zhu and C. Singh, Proceedings of the Phys. Ed. Res. Conference, Omaha, NE, (S. Rebello, C. Singh, P. Engelhardt Eds.), AIP Conf. Proc., Melville, New York 1413, 387-390 (2012).
"Students' understanding of addition of angular momentum in quantum mechanics.", C. Singh and G. Zhu, Proceedings of the Phys. Ed. Res. Conference, Omaha, NE, (S. Rebello, C. Singh, P. Engelhardt Eds.), AIP Conf. Proc., Melville, New York 1413, 355-358 (2012).
"Improving students' understanding of quantum mechanics by using peer instruction tools", G. Zhu and C. Singh, Proceedings of the Phys. Ed. Res. Conference, Omaha, NE, (S. Rebello, C. Singh, P. Engelhardt Eds.), AIP Conf. Proc., Mellville, New York 1413, 77-80 (2012).
"Improving students' understanding of quantum measurement I: Investigation of difficulties", G. Zhu and C. Singh, Phys. Rev. ST PER 8(1), 010117, 8 pages (2012).
"Improving students' understanding of quantum measurement II: Development of Research-based learning tools", G. Zhu and C. Singh, Phys. Rev. ST PER 8(1), 010118, 13 pages (2012).
"Surveying students' understanding of quantum mechanics in one spatial dimension", G. Zhu and C. Singh, Am. J. Phys. 80(3), 252-259 (2012).
"Improving student understanding of addition of angular momentum in quantum mechanics", G. Zhu and C. Singh, Phys. Rev. ST PER 9(1), 010101, 12 pages (2013).
"Investigating student difficulties with Dirac Notation", C. Singh and E. Marshman, Proceedings of the 2013 Phys. Ed. Res. Conference, Portland, OR, (A. Churukian, P. Engelhardt, D. Jones Eds.), 345-348,(2014).
"Investigating student difficulties with time-dependence of expectation values in quantum mechanics", C. Singh and E. Marshman, Proceedings of the 2013 Phys. Ed. Res. Conference, Portland, OR, (A. Churukian, P. Engelhardt, D. Jones Eds.),245-248, (2014).
"Analogous patterns of student reasoning difficulties in introductory physics and upper-level quantum mechanics", C. Singh and E. Marshman,Proceedings of the 2013 Phys. Ed. Res. Conference, Portland, OR, (A. Churukian, P. Engelhardt, D. Jones Eds.), 46-49 (2014).
"Development and evaluation of a quantum interactive learning tutorial on Larmor Precession of spin", B. Brown and C. Singh, Proceedings of the 2014 Phys. Ed. Res. Conference, Minneapolis, MN (A. Churukian, P. Engelhardt, D. Jones Eds.), 47-50 (2015).
"Developing an interactive tutorial on a Mach-Zehnder interferometer with single photons", C. Singh and E. Marshman, Proceedings of the 2014 Phys. Ed. Res. Conference, Minneapolis, MN, (P. Engelhardt, A. Churukian, D. Jones Eds.) 239-242 (2015).
"Developing an interactive tutorial on a quantum eraser", E. Marshman and C. Singh, Proceedings of the 2014 Phys. Ed. Res. Conference, Minneapolis, MN, (P. Engelhardt, A. Churukian, D. Jones Eds.) 175-178 (2015).
"Review of student difficulties in upper-level quantum mechanics", C. Singh and E. Marshman, PRST-PER 11, 020117, 24 pages (2015).
"Framework for understanding the patterns of student difficulties in quantum mechanics", E. Marshman and C. Singh, PRST-PER 11, 020119, 26 pages (2015).
"Development of an interactive tutorial on quantum key distribution", S. DeVore and C. Singh, Proceedings of the 2014 Phys. Ed. Res. Conference, Minneapolis, MN (A. Churukian, P. Engelhardt, D. Jones Eds.), 59-62 (2015).
"A case study evaluating Just-in-Time Teaching and Peer Instruction using clickers in a quantum mechanics course", R. Sayer, E. Marshman and C. Singh, Phys Rev PER, 12, 020133 (23 pages) (2016).
"Improving performance in quantum mechanics with explicit incentives to correct mistakes", B. Brown, A. Mason and C. Singh, Physical Review Physics Education Research, 12, 010121, (1-20) (2016). doi: 10.1103/physrevphyseducres.12.010121
"Interactive tutorial to improve student understanding of single photon experiments involving a Mach-Zehnder Interferometer", E. Marshman and C. Singh, European Journal of Physics, 37, 024001 (22 pages) (2016). doi: 10.1088/0143-0807/37/2/024001
Cognitive issues in the teaching and learning of QM
All publications
"Transfer of Learning in Quantum Mechanics", C. Singh, Proceedings of the Phys. Ed. Res. Conference, Sacramento, CA (Eds. P. Heron, S. Franklin, and J. Marx), AIP Conf. Proc., Melville New York 790, 23-26 (2005).
"Cognitive Issues in Learning Advanced Physics: An Example from Quantum Mechanics", C. Singh and G. Zhu, Proceedings of the Phys. Ed. Res. Conference, Ann Arbor, MI, (C. Henderson, M. Sabella, C. Singh Eds.), AIP Conf. Proc., Melville, New York 1179, 63-66 (2009).
"Assessing Expertise in Quantum Mechanics using Categorization Task", S. Y. Lin and C. Singh, Proceedings of the Phys. Ed. Res. Conference, Ann Arbor, MI, (C. Henderson, M. Sabella, C. Singh Eds.), AIP Conf. Proc., Melville, New York 1179, 185-188 (2009).
"Reflection and Self-monitoring in Quantum Mechanics", A. Mason and C. Singh, Proceedings of the Phys. Ed. Res. Conference, Ann Arbor, MI, (C. Henderson, M. Sabella, C. Singh Eds.), AIP Conf. Proc., Melville, New York 1179, 197-200 (2009).
"Peer Instruction for quantum mechanics", G. Zhu and C. Singh, APS Forum on Education Newsletter, 8-10, Fall (2009).
"Categorization of quantum mechanics problems by professors and students", S. Y. Lin and C. Singh, Euro. J. Phys. 31, 57-68 (2010).
"Do advanced students learn from their mistakes without explicit intervention?", A. J. Mason and C. Singh, Am. J. Phys. 78(7), 760-767 (2010).
"Improving students' understanding of quantum mechanics by using peer instruction tools", G. Zhu and C. Singh, Proceedings of the Phys. Ed. Res. Conference, Omaha, NE, (S. Rebello, C. Singh, P. Engelhardt Eds.), AIP Conf. Proc., Mellville, New York 1413, 77-80 (2012).
"Analogous patterns of student reasoning difficulties in introductory physics and upper-level quantum mechanics", C. Singh and E. Marshman,Proceedings of the 2013 Phys. Ed. Res. Conference, Portland, OR, (A. Churukian, P. Engelhardt, D. Jones Eds.) 46-49 (2014).
"Framework for understanding the patterns of student difficulties in quantum mechanics", E. Marshman and C. Singh, PRST-PER 11, 020119, 26 pages (2015).
"A case study evaluating Just-in-Time Teaching and Peer Instruction using clickers in a quantum mechanics course", R. Sayer, E. Marshman and C. Singh, Phys Rev PER, 12, 020133 (23 pages) (2016).
"Improving performance in quantum mechanics with explicit incentives to correct mistakes", B. Brown, A. Mason and C. Singh, Physical Review Physics Education Research, 12, 010121, 20 pages (2016). doi: 10.1103/physrevphyseducres.12.010121
"Interactive tutorial to improve student understanding of single photon experiments involving a Mach-Zehnder Interferometer", E. Marshman and C. Singh, European Journal of Physics, 37, 024001, 22 pages (2016). doi: 10.1088/0143-0807/37/2/024001
Categorization of quantum mechanics problems
"Categorization of quantum mechanics problems by professors and students", S. Y. Lin and C. Singh, Euro. J. Phys. 31, 57-68 (2010).
Reflection and self-monitoring
"Do advanced students learn from their mistakes without explicit intervention?", A. J. Mason and C. Singh, Am. J. Phys. 78(7), 760-767 (2010).
"Improving performance in quantum mechanics with explicit incentives to correct mistakes", B. Brown, A. Mason and C. Singh, Physical Review Physics Education Research, 12, 010121, 20 pages (2016). doi: 10.1103/physrevphyseducres.12.010121
Effectiveness of peer-interaction
"Peer Instruction for quantum mechanics", G. Zhu and C. Singh, APS Forum on Education Newsletter, 8-10, Fall (2009).
"Improving students' understanding of quantum mechanics by using peer instruction tools", G. Zhu and C. Singh, Proceedings of the Phys. Ed. Res. Conference, Omaha, NE, (S. Rebello, C. Singh, P. Engelhardt Eds.), AIP Conf. Proc., Mellville, New York 1413, 77-80 (2012).
"A case study evaluating Just-in-Time Teaching and Peer Instruction using clickers in a quantum mechanics course", R. Sayer, E. Marshman and C. Singh, Phys Rev PER, 12, 020133 (23 pages) (2016).
Pedagogical tools and Techniques
All publications
"Student Understanding of Quantum Mechanics", C. Singh, Am. J. Phys. 69 (8), 885-895 (2001).
"Transfer of Learning in Quantum Mechanics", C. Singh, Proceedings of the Phys. Ed. Res. Conference, Sacramento, CA (Eds. P. Heron, S. Franklin, and J. Marx), AIP Conf. Proc., Melville New York 790, 23-26 (2005).
"Improving Student's Understanding of Quantum Mechanics, Feature Article, Physics Today,", C. Singh, M. Belloni, W. Christian, 59(8), 43-49, August (2006). This article was especially selected and translated into Japanese for publication in the first (special) edition of the Japanese version of Physics Today titled Parity, (2007).
"Helping Students Learn Quantum Mechanics for Quantum Computing", C. Singh, Proceedings of the Phys. Ed. Res. Conference, Syracuse, NY, AIP, (L. McCullough, P. Heron, L. Hsu Eds.), AIP Conf. Proc., Melville New York 883, 42-45, (2007).
"Student Understanding of Quantum Mechanics at the Beginning of Graduate Instruction", C. Singh, Am. J. Phys. 76(3), 277-287 (2008).
"Interactive Learning Tutorials on Quantum Mechanics", C. Singh, Am. J. Phys., 76(4), 400-405 (2008).
"Cognitive Issues in Learning Advanced Physics: An Example from Quantum Mechanics", C. Singh and G. Zhu, Proceedings of the Phys. Ed. Res. Conference, Ann Arbor, MI, (C. Henderson, M. Sabella, C. Singh Eds.), AIP Conf. Proc., Melville, New York 1179, 63-66 (2009).
"Assessing Expertise in Quantum Mechanics using Categorization Task", S. Y. Lin and C. Singh, Proceedings of the Phys. Ed. Res. Conference, Ann Arbor, MI, (C. Henderson, M. Sabella, C. Singh Eds.), AIP Conf. Proc., Melville, New York 1179, 185-188 (2009).
"Reflection and Self-monitoring in Quantum Mechanics", A. Mason and C. Singh, Proceedings of the Phys. Ed. Res. Conference, Ann Arbor, MI, (C. Henderson, M. Sabella, C. Singh Eds.), AIP Conf. Proc., Melville, New York 1179, 197-200 (2009).
"Students' Understanding of the Stern-Gerlach Experiment", G. Zhu and C. Singh, Proceedings of the Phys. Ed. Res. Conference, Ann Arbor, MI, (C. Henderson, M. Sabella, C. Singh Eds.), AIP Conf. Proc., Melville, New York 1179, 309-312 (2009).
"Peer Instruction for quantum mechanics", G. Zhu and C. Singh, APS Forum on Education Newsletter, 8-10, Fall (2009).
"Categorization of quantum mechanics problems by professors and students", S. Y. Lin and C. Singh, Euro. J. Phys. 31, 57-68 (2010).
"Do advanced students learn from their mistakes without explicit intervention?", A. J. Mason and C. Singh, Am. J. Phys. 78(7), 760-767 (2010).
"Surveying instructors' attitudes and approaches to teaching quantum mechanics", S. Siddiqui and C. Singh, Proceedings of the Phys. Ed. Res. Conference, Portland, OR, (C. Singh, M. Sabella, S. Rebello Eds.), AIP Conf. Proc., Melville, New York 1289, 297-300 (2010).
"Surveying students' understanding of quantum mechanics ", G. Zhu and C. Singh, Proceedings of the Phys. Ed. Res. Conference, Portland, OR, (C. Singh, M. Sabella, S. Rebello Eds.), AIP Conf. Proc., Melville, New York 1289, 301-304 (2010).
"Improving students' understanding of quantum measurement ", G. Zhu and C. Singh, Proceedings of the Phys. Ed. Res. Conference, Portland, OR, (C. Singh, M. Sabella, S. Rebello Eds.), AIP Conf. Proc., Melville, New York 1289, 345-348 (2010).
"Improving students' understanding of quantum mechanics via the Stern-Gerlach experiment", G. Zhu and C. Singh, Am. J. Phys. 79(5), 499-507 (2011).
"Students' difficulties with quantum measurement ", G. Zhu and C. Singh, Proceedings of the Phys. Ed. Res. Conference, Omaha, NE, (S. Rebello, C. Singh, P. Engelhardt Eds.), AIP Conf. Proc., Melville, New York 1413, 387-390 (2012).
"Students' understanding of addition of angular momentum in quantum mechanics.", C. Singh and G. Zhu, Proceedings of the Phys. Ed. Res. Conference, Omaha, NE, (S. Rebello, C. Singh, P. Engelhardt Eds.), AIP Conf. Proc., Melville, New York 1413, 355-358 (2012).
"Improving students' understanding of quantum mechanics by using peer instruction tools", G. Zhu and C. Singh, Proceedings of the Phys. Ed. Res. Conference, Omaha, NE, (S. Rebello, C. Singh, P. Engelhardt Eds.), AIP Conf. Proc., Mellville, New York 1413, 77-80 (2012).
"Improving students' understanding of quantum measurement I: Investigation of difficulties", G. Zhu and C. Singh, Phys. Rev. ST PER 8(1), 010117, 8 pages (2012).
"Improving students' understanding of quantum measurement II: Development of Research-based learning tools", G. Zhu and C. Singh, Phys. Rev. ST PER 8(1), 010118, 13 pages (2012).
"Surveying students' understanding of quantum mechanics in one spatial dimension", G. Zhu and C. Singh, Am. J. Phys. 80(3), 252-259 (2012).
"Improving student understanding of addition of angular momentum in quantum mechanics", G. Zhu and C. Singh, Phys. Rev. ST PER 9(1), 010101, 12 pages (2013).
"Investigating student difficulties with Dirac Notation", C. Singh and E. Marshman, Proceedings of the 2013 Phys. Ed. Res. Conference, Portland, OR, (A. Churukian, P. Engelhardt, D. Jones Eds.), 345-348,(2014).
"Investigating student difficulties with time-dependence of expectation values in quantum mechanics ", C. Singh and E. Marshman,Proceedings of the 2013 Phys. Ed. Res. Conference, Portland, OR, (A. Churukian, P. Engelhardt, D. Jones Eds.), 245-248 (2014).
"Analogous patterns of student reasoning difficulties in introductory physics and upper-level quantum mechanics", C. Singh and E. Marshman,Proceedings of the 2013 Phys. Ed. Res. Conference, Portland, OR, (A. Churukian, P. Engelhardt, D. Jones Eds.), 46-49 (2014).
"Development and evaluation of a quantum interactive learning tutorial on Larmor Precession of spin", B. Brown and C. Singh, Proceedings of the 2014 Phys. Ed. Res. Conference, Minneapolis, MN (A. Churukian, P. Engelhardt, D. Jones Eds.), 47-50 (2015).
"Developing an interactive tutorial on a Mach-Zehnder interferometer with single photons", C. Singh and E. Marshman, Proceedings of the 2014 Phys. Ed. Res. Conference, Minneapolis, MN, (P. Engelhardt, A. Churukian, D. Jones Eds.) 239-242 (2015).
"Developing an interactive tutorial on a quantum eraser", E. Marshman and C. Singh, Proceedings of the 2014 Phys. Ed. Res. Conference, Minneapolis, MN, (P. Engelhardt, A. Churukian, D. Jones Eds.) 175-178 (2015).
"Development of an interactive tutorial on quantum key distribution", S. DeVore and C. Singh, Proceedings of the 2014 Phys. Ed. Res. Conference, Minneapolis, MN (A. Churukian, P. Engelhardt, D. Jones Eds.), 59-62 (2015).
"Review of student difficulties in upper-level quantum mechanics", C. Singh and E. Marshman, PRST-PER 11, 020117, 24 pages (2015).
"Framework for understanding the patterns of student difficulties in quantum mechanics", E. Marshman and C. Singh, PRST-PER 11, 020119, 26 pages (2015).
"A case study evaluating Just-in-Time Teaching and Peer Instruction using clickers in a quantum mechanics course", R. Sayer, E. Marshman and C. Singh, Phys Rev PER, 12, 020133 (23 pages) (2016).
"Improving performance in quantum mechanics with explicit incentives to correct mistakes", B. Brown, A. Mason and C. Singh, Physical Review Physics Education Research, 12, 010121, 20 pages (2016). doi: 10.1103/physrevphyseducres.12.010121
"Interactive tutorial to improve student understanding of single photon experiments involving a Mach-Zehnder Interferometer", E. Marshman and C. Singh, European Journal of Physics, 37, 024001, 22 pages (2016). doi: 10.1088/0143-0807/37/2/024001
Assessment Instruments
"Student Understanding of Quantum Mechanics", C. Singh, Am. J. Phys. 69 (8), 885-895, (2001).
"Student Understanding of Quantum Mechanics at the Beginning of Graduate Instruction", C. Singh, Am. J. Phys. 76(3), 277-287, (2008).
"Surveying students' understanding of quantum mechanics ", G. Zhu and C. Singh, Proceedings of the Phys. Ed. Res. Conference, Portland, OR, (C. Singh, M. Sabella, S. Rebello Eds.), AIP Conf. Proc., Melville, New York 1289, 301-304 (2010).
"Surveying students' understanding of quantum mechanics in one spatial dimension", G. Zhu and C. Singh, Am. J. Phys. 80(3), 252-259 (2012).
Quantum interactive learning tutorials (QuILTs)
"Improving Student's Understanding of Quantum Mechanics, Feature Article, Physics Today,", C. Singh, M. Belloni, W. Christian, 8, 43-49, August (2006). This article was especially selected and translated into Japanese for publication in the first (special) edition of the Japanese version of Physics Today titled Parity, (2007).
"Interactive Learning Tutorials on Quantum Mechanics", C. Singh, Am. J. Phys. 76(4), 400-405, (2008).
"Cognitive Issues in Learning Advanced Physics: An Example from Quantum Mechanics", C. Singh and G. Zhu, Proceedings of the Phys. Ed. Res. Conference, Ann Arbor, MI, (C. Henderson, M. Sabella, C. Singh Eds.), AIP Conf. Proc., Melville, New York 1179, 63-66 (2009).
"Students' Understanding of the Stern-Gerlach Experiment", G. Zhu and C. Singh, Proceedings of the Phys. Ed. Res. Conference, Ann Arbor, MI, (C. Henderson, M. Sabella, C. Singh Eds.), AIP Conf. Proc., Melville, New York 1179, 309-312 (2009).
"Improving students' understanding of quantum measurement ", G. Zhu and C. Singh, Proceedings of the Phys. Ed. Res. Conference, Portland, OR, (C. Singh, M. Sabella, S. Rebello Eds.), AIP Conf. Proc., Melville, New York 1289, 345-348 (2010).
"Improving students' understanding of quantum mechanics via the Stern-Gerlach experiment", G. Zhu and C. Singh, Am. J. Phys. 79(5), 499-507 (2011).
"Students' understanding of addition of angular momentum in quantum mechanics.", C. Singh and G. Zhu, Proceedings of the Phys. Ed. Res. Conference, Omaha, NE, (S. Rebello, C. Singh, P. Engelhardt Eds.), AIP Conf. Proc., Melville, New York 1413, 355-358 (2012).
"Improving students' understanding of quantum measurement I: Investigation of difficulties", G. Zhu and C. Singh, Phys. Rev. ST PER 8(1), 010117, 8 pages (2012).
"Improving students' understanding of quantum measurement II: Development of Research-based learning tools", G. Zhu and C. Singh, Phys. Rev. ST PER 8(1), 010118, 13 pages (2012).
"Improving student understanding of addition of angular momentum in quantum mechanics", G. Zhu and C. Singh, Phys. Rev. ST PER 9(1), 010101, 12 pages (2013).
"Investigating student difficulties with Dirac Notation", C. Singh and E. Marshman, Proceedings of the 2013 Phys. Ed. Res. Conference, Portland, OR, (A. Churukian, P. Engelhardt, D. Jones Eds.), 345-348,(2014).
"Investigating student difficulties with time-dependence of expectation values in quantum mechanics ", C. Singh and E. Marshman,Proceedings of the 2013 Phys. Ed. Res. Conference, Portland, OR, (A. Churukian, P. Engelhardt, D. Jones Eds.),46-49 (2014).
"Development and evaluation of a quantum interactive learning tutorial on Larmor Precession of spin", B. Brown and C. Singh, Proceedings of the 2014 Phys. Ed. Res. Conference, Minneapolis, MN (A. Churukian, P. Engelhardt, D. Jones Eds.), 47-50 (2015).
"Developing an interactive tutorial on a Mach-Zehnder interferometer with single photons", C. Singh and E. Marshman, Proceedings of the 2014 Phys. Ed. Res. Conference, Minneapolis, MN, (P. Engelhardt, A. Churukian, D. Jones Eds.) 239-242 (2015).
"Developing an interactive tutorial on a quantum eraser", E. Marshman and C. Singh, Proceedings of the 2014 Phys. Ed. Res. Conference, Minneapolis, MN, (P. Engelhardt, A. Churukian, D. Jones Eds.) 175-178 (2015).
"Development of an interactive tutorial on quantum key distribution", S. DeVore and C. Singh, Proceedings of the 2014 Phys. Ed. Res. Conference, Minneapolis, MN (A. Churukian, P. Engelhardt, D. Jones Eds.), 59-62 (2015).
"Developing and evaluating a tutorial on the double-slit experiment", R. Sayer, A. Maries and C. Singh, Proceedings of the 2015 Phys. Ed. Res. Conference, College Park, MD, (A. Churukian, D. Jones, and L. Ding Eds.), 299-302 (2015). doi:10.1119/perc.2015.pr.070
"Student difficulties with quantum states while translating state vectors in Dirac notation to wave functions in position and momentum representations", E. Marshman and C. Singh, Proceedings of the 2015 Phys. Ed. Res. Conference, College Park, MD, (A. Churukian, D. Jones, and L. Ding Eds.), 211-214 (2015). doi:10.1119/perc.2015.pr.048.
"Investigating transfer of learning in advanced quantum mechanics", A. Maries, R. Sayer and C. Singh, Proceedings of the 2015 Phys. Ed. Res. Conference, College Park, MD, (A. Churukian, D. Jones, and L. Ding Eds.), 207-2010 (2015). doi:10.1119/perc.2015.pr.047.
"Interactive tutorial to improve student understanding of single photon experiments involving a Mach-Zehnder Interferometer", E. Marshman and C. Singh, European Journal of Physics, 37, 024001, 22 pages (2016). doi: 10.1088/0143-0807/37/2/024001
Effectiveness of peer-interaction
"Peer Instruction for quantum mechanics", G. Zhu and C. Singh, APS Forum on Education Newsletter, 8-10, Fall (2009).
"Improving students' understanding of quantum mechanics by using peer instruction tools", G. Zhu and C. Singh, Proceedings of the Phys. Ed. Res. Conference, Omaha, NE, (S. Rebello, C. Singh, P. Engelhardt Eds.), AIP Conf. Proc., Mellville, New York 1413, 77-80 (2012).
"A case study evaluating Just-in-Time Teaching and Peer Instruction using clickers in a quantum mechanics course", R. Sayer, E. Marshman and C. Singh, Phys Rev PER, 12, 020133, 23 pages (2016).
Improving reflection and self-monitoring skills
"Categorization of quantum mechanics problems by professors and students", S. Y. Lin and C. Singh, Euro. J. Phys. 31, 57-68 (2010).
"Do advanced students learn from their mistakes without explicit intervention?", A. J. Mason and C. Singh, Am. J. Phys. 78(7), 760-767 (2010).
"Review of student difficulties in upper-level quantum mechanics", C. Singh and E. Marshman, PRST-PER 11, 020117, 24 pages (2015).
"Framework for understanding the patterns of student difficulties in quantum mechanics", E. Marshman and C. Singh, PRST-PER 11, 020119, 26 pages (2015).
"Improving performance in quantum mechanics with explicit incentives to correct mistakes", B. Brown, A. Mason and C. Singh, Physical Review Physics Education Research, 12, 010121, 20 pages (2016). doi: 10.1103/physrevphyseducres.12.010121
Categorization of problems
"Categorization of quantum mechanics problems by professors and students", S. Y. Lin and C. Singh, Euro. J. Phys. 31, 57-68 (2010).
Promoting self-diagnosis skills by rewarding it
"Do advanced students learn from their mistakes without explicit intervention?", A. J. Mason and C. Singh, Am. J. Phys. 78(7), 760-767 (2010).
"Improving performance in quantum mechanics with explicit incentives to correct mistakes", B. Brown, A. Mason and C. Singh, Physical Review Physics Education Research, 12, 010121, 20 pages (2016). doi: 10.1103/physrevphyseducres.12.010121
Instructors' attitudes and approaches to teaching QM
"Surveying instructors' attitudes and approaches to teaching quantum mechanics", S. Siddiqui and C. Singh, Proceedings of the Phys. Ed. Res. Conference, Portland, OR, (C. Singh, M. Sabella, S. Rebello Eds.), AIP Conf. Proc., Melville, New York 1289, 297-300 (2010).
Electricity and Magnetism
All articles
"Student understanding of Symmetry and Gauss's Law of Electricity", C. Singh, Am. J. Phys., 74 (10), 923-236, (2006).
"Student understanding of Symmetry and Gauss's Law", C. Singh, Proceedings of the Phys. Ed. Res. Conference, Sacramento, CA (Eds. P. Heron, S. Franklin, and J. Marx), AIP Conf. Proc., Melville New York 790, 65-68, (2005).
"Impact of Peer Interaction on Conceptual Test Performance", C. Singh, Am. J. Phys., 73 (5), 446-451, (2005).
"Effectiveness of Group Interaction on Conceptual Standardized Test Performance", C. Singh, Proceedings of the Phys. Ed. Res. Conference, Boise (Eds. S. Franklin, J. Marx, and K. Cummings), 67-70, (2002).
"Improving student understanding of Coulomb's law and Gauss's law", Z. Isvan, C. Singh, Proceedings of the Phys. Ed. Res. Conference, Syracuse, NY, (L. McCullough, P. Heron, L. Hsu Eds.), AIP Conf. Proc., Melville New York 883, 181-184, (2007).
"Improving Students' Conceptual Understanding of Conductors and Insulators", J. Bilak and C. Singh, Proceedings of the Phys. Ed. Res. Conference, Syracuse, NY, AIP, (L. Hsu, L. McCullough, C. Henderson Eds.), AIP Conf. Proc., Melville New York 951, 49-52, (2007).
"Improving students' understanding of magnetism", C. Singh, Proceedings of the Annual Conference of the American Society for Engineering Education (ASEE), AC 2008-90,16 pages, (2008).
"Students' difficulties with equations involving circuit elements", J. Li and C. Singh, Proceedings of the Phys. Ed. Res. Conference, Omaha, NE, (S. Rebello, C. Singh, P. Engelhardt Eds.), AIP Conf. Proc., Melville, New York 1413, 243-246 (2012).
"Should students be provided diagrams or asked to draw them while solving introductory physics problems?", A. Maries and C. Singh, Proceedings of the Phys. Ed. Res. Conference, Omaha, NE, (S. Rebello, C. Singh, P. Engelhardt Eds.), AIP Conf. Proc., Melville, New York 1413, 263-266 (2012).
"Developing A Magnetism Conceptual Survey And Assessing Gender Differences In Student Understanding Of Magnetism", J. li style="margin:0px 0px 5px 20px;padding:5px;line-height:19.6px;"and C. Singh, Proceedings of the Phys. Ed. Res. Conference, Omaha, NE, (S. Rebello, C. Singh, P. Engelhardt Eds.), AIP Conf. Proc., Mellville, New York 1413, 43-46 (2012).
"Core graduate courses: A missed learning opportunity?", A. Maries and C. Singh, Proceedings of the Phys. Ed. Res. Conference, Philadelphia, PA, (P. Engelhardt, S. Rebello, A. Churukian Eds.), AIP Conf. Proc., Mellville, New York 1513, 382-385 (2013).
"To use or not to use diagrams: The effect of drawing a diagram in solving introductory physics problems", A. Maries and C. Singh, Proceedings of the Phys. Ed. Res. Conference, Philadelphia, PA, (P. Engelhardt, S. Rebello, A. Churukian Eds.), AIP Conf. Proc., Mellville, New York 1513, 282-285 (2013).
"Student difficulties in translating between mathematical and graphical representations in introductory physics", S. Y. Lin, A. Maries and C. Singh, Proceedings of the Phys. Ed. Res. Conference, Philadelphia, PA, (P. Engelhardt, S. Rebello, A. Churukian Eds.), AIP Conf. Proc., Mellville, New York 1513, 250-253 (2013).
"Stereotype threat? : Effects of inquiring about test takers' gender on conceptual test performance in physics" A. Maries and C. Singh, Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Women in Physics, Waterloo, Canada, AIP Conf. Proc., 1697, 120008-1, 2 pages (2015). doi: 10.1063/1.4937713.
"Students’ common difficulties and approaches while solving conceptual problems with non-identical light bulbs in series and parallel", J. Li and C. Singh, EJP, 37 (6) 065708, 15 pages (2016).
"The impact of students’ epistemological framing on a task requiring representational consistency", A. Maries, S. Y. Lin, and C. Singh, Proceedings of the 2016 Physics Education Research Conference, Sacramento, CA, 212-215 doi:10.1119/perc.2016.pr.048
"Developing and validating a conceptual survey to assess introductory physics students' understanding of magnetism", J. Li and C. Singh, Eur. J. Phys. 38 (2), 025702 (25 pages) (2017). doi:10.1088/1361-6404/38/2/025702
"Challenges in designing appropriate scaffolding to improve students' representational consistency: The case of a Gauss's law problem", A. Maries, S. Y. Lin and C. Singh, Phys. Rev. PER 13, 020103 (2017).
"Investigating and improving introductory physics students’ understanding of the electric field and superposition principle" J. Li and C. Singh, Eur. J. Phys 38, 055702 (28 pages) (2017).
"Do students benefit from drawing productive diagrams themselves while solving introductory physics problems? The case of two electrostatics problems" A. Maries and C. Singh, Eur. J. Phys. 39, 015703 (18 pages) (2018).
’"Investigating and improving student understanding of symmetry and Gauss's law", J. Li and C. Singh, Eur. J. Phys. 39,015702 (30 pages) (2018).
"Exploring one aspect of pedagogical content knowledge of teaching assistants using the Conceptual Survey of Electricity and Magnetism", N. Karim, A. Maries and C. Singh, Phys Rev PER 14, 010117 (19 pages) (2018).
"Case of two electrostatics problems: Can providing a diagram adversely impact introductory physics students' problem solving performance?" A. Maries and C. Singh, Phys Rev PER 14, 010114 (14 pages) (2018).
"Investigating and improving introductory physics students’ understanding of electric flux" J. Li and C. Singh, Eur. J. Phys. 39, 045711 (28 pages) (2018).
"Investigating and improving introductory physics students' understanding of electric field and the superposition principle: The case of a continuous charge distribution", J. Li and C. Singh, Phys. Rev. PER 15, 010116 (2019).
Graduate-level Teaching and Learning
On-Ramp: Investigation of difficulties and development and assessment of tutorial on lock-in amplifiers
"Improving students' understanding of Lock-in amplifiers", S. DeVore, A. Gauthier, J. Levy and C. Singh,Proceedings of the 2013 Phys. Ed. Res. Conference, Portland, OR, (A. Churukian, P. Engelhardt, D. Jones Eds.), 121-124 (2014).
"Improving student understanding of Lock-in amplifiers", S. DeVore, A. Gauthier, J. Levy and C. Singh, Am. J. Phys., 84, 52-56 (2016). doi: 10.1119/perc.2013.pr.018
"Development and evaluation of a tutorial to improve students' understanding of a lock-inamplifier", S. DeVore, A. Gauthier, J. Levy, and C. Singh, Phys. Rev. PER 12, 020127, 15 pages (2016).
Graduate core courses: A missed learning opportunity?
"Improving Students' Conceptual Understanding of Conductors and Insulators", J. Bilak and C. Singh, Proceedings of the Phys. Ed. Res. Conference, Syracuse, NY, AIP, (L. Hsu, L. McCullough, C. Henderson Eds.), AIP Conf. Proc., Melville New York 951, 49-52 (2007).
"Core graduate courses: A missed learning opportunity? ", C. Singh and A. Maries, Proceedings of the Phys. Ed. Res. Conference, Philadelphia, PA, (P. Engelhardt, S. Rebello, A. Churukian Eds.), AIP Conf. Proc., Mellville, New York 1513, 382-385 (2013).
"New Development in graduate core courses: Supporting the transition to the graduate school through core courses", A. Maries, C. Porter and C. Singh, in 2017 Graduate Education Conference Report, pp. 8-9 (2018).
Graduate students' attitudes and approaches to problem solving
"Physics Graduate Students' Attitudes and Approaches to Problem Solving", C. Singh and A. Mason, Proceedings of the Phys. Ed. Res. Conference, Ann Arbor, MI, (C. Henderson, M. Sabella, C. Singh Eds.), AIP Conf. Proc., Melville, New York 1179, 273-276 (2009).
"Surveying graduate students' attitudes and approaches to problem solving", A. J. Mason and C. Singh, Physical Review, ST PER, 6 (1), 16 pages (2010).
Improving Teaching Assistants' (TA) Professional Development
"Categorization of Problems to Assess and Improve Proficiency as Teacher and Learner ", C. Singh, Am. J. Phys., 77 (1), 73-80 (2009).
"Rethinking Tools for Training Teaching Assistants ", C. Singh, Proceedings of the Phys. Ed. Res. Conference, Ann Arbor, MI, (C. Henderson, M. Sabella, C. Singh Eds.), AIP Conf. Proc., Melville, New York 1179, 59-62 (2009).
"The group administered interactive questionnaire: An alternative to individual interviews", E. Yerushalmi, C. Henderson. W.Mamudi, C. Singh and S. Y. Lin, Proceedings of the Phys. Ed. Res. Conference, Omaha, NE, (S. Rebello, C. Singh, P. Engelhardt Eds.), AIP Conf. Proc., Melville, New York 1413, 97-100 (2012).
"TA-designed vs. research-oriented problem solutions", S. Y. Lin, C. Singh, W. Mamudi, C. Henderson and E. Yerushalmi, Proceedings of the Phys. Ed. Res. Conference, Omaha, NE, (S. Rebello, C. Singh, P. Engelhardt Eds.), AIP Conf. Proc., Melville, New York 1413, 255-258 (2012).
"Teaching assistants' beliefs regarding example solutions in introductory physics ", S. Y. Lin, C. Henderson, W. Mamudi, E. Yerushalmi and C. Singh, Phys. Rev. ST PER 9, 010120, 23 pages (2013).
"Exploring one aspect of pedagogical content knowledge of teaching assistants using the TUG-K", A. Maries and C. Singh, Phys. Rev. ST PER 9, 020120, 14 pages (2013).
"Exploring Pedagogical Content Knowledge of Physics Instructors and Teaching Assistants Using the Force Concept Inventory", A. Maries and C. Singh, (2013).
Performance of graduate students at identifying introductory students' difficulties with kinematics graph, A. Maries and C. Singh, Proceedings of the 2014 Phys. Ed. Res. Conference, Minneapolis, MN (A. Churukian, P. Engelhardt, D. Jones Eds.), 171-174 (2015).
Grading practices and considerations of graduate students at the beginning of their teaching assignment, E. Yerushalmi, E. Marshman, A. Maries, C. Henderson, and C. Singh, Proceedings of the 2014 Phys. Ed. Res. Conference, Minneapolis, MN, (P. Engelhardt, A. Churukian, D. Jones Eds.) 287-290 (2015).
Instructional goals and grading practices of graduate students after one semester of teaching experience, C. Henderson, E. Marshman, A. Maries, E. Yerushalmi, and C. Singh, Proceedings of the 2014 Phys. Ed. Res. Conference, Minneapolis, MN, (P. Engelhardt, A. Churukian, D. Jones Eds.) 111-114 (2015).
Teaching assistants’ performance at identifying common introductory student difficulties in mechanics revealed by the Force Concept Inventory, A. Maries and C. Singh, Phys. Rev. PER 12, 010131 (2016). doi:110.1103/PhysRevPhysEducRes.12.010131
"Graduate teaching assistants use different criteria when grading introductory physics vs. quantum mechanics problems" C. Henderson, E. Marshman, R. Sayer, C. Singh, and E. Yerushalmi, Proceedings of the 2016 Physics Education Research Conference, Sacramento, CA, 140-143, doi: 10.1119/perc.2016.pr030
"Physics graduate teaching assistants' beliefs about a grading rubric: lessons learned", E. Yerushalmi, R. Sayer, E. Marshman, C. Henderson and C. Singh, Proceedings of the 2016 Physics Education Research Conference, Sacramento, CA, 408-411 doi: 10.1119/perc.2016.pr.097
Contrasting grading approaches in introductory physics and quantum mechanics: The case of graduate teaching assistants, E. Marshman, R. Sayer, C. Henderson and C. Singh, Phys. Rev. PER 13, 010120 (2017).
The challenges of changing teaching assistants’grading practices: Requiring students to show evidence of understanding, E. Marshman, R. Sayer, C. Henderson, E. Yerushalmi, and C. Singh, Can. J. Phys. 96 (4), 420-437 (2018) (published in the issue honoring Ursula Franklin)
"Graduate teaching assistants’ perceptions of a context-rich introductory physics problem" M. Good, E. Marshman, E. Yerushalmi and C. Singh, 2017 Physics Education Research Conference Proceedings, 144-147, (2018).
"Teaching assistants' performance at identifying common introductory student difficulties revealed by the Conceptual Survey of Electricity and Magnetism", N. Karim, A. Maries and C. Singh, 2017 Physics Education Research Conference Proceedings, 208-2011 (2018) http://dx.doi.org/10.1119/perc.2017.pr.047.
Exploring one aspect of pedagogical content knowledge of teaching assistants using the Conceptual Survey of Electricity and Magnetism, N. Karim, A. Maries and C. Singh, Phys Rev PER 14, 010117 (2018).
Physics teaching assistants' views of different types of introductory problems: Challenge of perceiving the instructional benefits of context-rich and multiple-choice problems, M. Good, E. Marshman, E. Yerushalmi and C. Singh, Phys. Rev. Phys. Educ. Res. 14, 020120 (2018).
Improving pedagogical content knowledge
Categorization of problems
"Categorization of Problems to Assess and Improve Proficiency as Teacher and Learner ", C. Singh, Am. J. Phys., 77 (1), 73-80 (2009).
"Rethinking Tools for Training Teaching Assistants ", C. Singh, Proceedings of the Phys. Ed. Res. Conference, Ann Arbor, MI, (C. Henderson, M. Sabella, C. Singh Eds.), AIP Conf. Proc., Melville, New York 1179, 59-62 (2009).
Improving Pedagogical Content Knowledge (PCK) of TAs pertaining to various physics concepts
"Exploring one aspect of pedagogical content knowledge of teaching assistants using the TUG-K", A. Maries and C. Singh, Phys. Rev. ST PER 9, 020120, 14 pages (2013).
Performance of graduate students at identifying introductory students' difficulties with kinematics graph, A. Maries and C. Singh, Proceedings of the 2014 Phys. Ed. Res. Conference, Minneapolis, MN (A. Churukian, P. Engelhardt, D. Jones Eds.), 171-174 (2015).
"Exploring Pedagogical Content Knowledge of Physics Instructors and Teaching Assistants Using the Force Concept Inventory", A. Maries and C. Singh, (2013).arXiv:1307.7177
"Teaching assistants’performance at identifying common introductory student difficulties inmechanics revealed by the Force Concept Inventory", A. Maries and C. Singh, Phys. Rev. PER 12, 010131, 26 pages (2016).
"Teaching assistants' performance at identifying common introductory student difficulties revealed by the Conceptual Survey of Electricity and Magnetism", N. Karim, A. Maries and C. Singh, 2017 Physics Education Research Conference Proceedings, 208-2011 (2018) http://dx.doi.org/10.1119/perc.2017.pr.047.
Exploring one aspect of pedagogical content knowledge of teaching assistants using the Conceptual Survey of Electricity and Magnetism, N. Karim, A. Maries and C. Singh, Phys Rev PER 14, 010117 (2018).
"Exploring pedagogical content knowledge of physics instructors using the Force Concept Inventory", A. Maries and C. Singh, in Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Women in Physics, Birmingham, UK, AIP Conf. Proc. 2109, 120002 (2019).
TAs' preferences for different types of problem solutions
"The group administered interactive questionnaire: An alternative to individual interviews", E. Yerushalmi, C. Henderson. W.Mamudi, C. Singh and S. Y. Lin, Proceedings of the Phys. Ed. Res. Conference, Omaha, NE, (S. Rebello, C. Singh, P. Engelhardt Eds.), AIP Conf. Proc., Melville, New York 1413, 97-100 (2012).
"TA-designed vs. research-oriented problem solutions", S. Y. Lin, C. Singh, W. Mamudi, C. Henderson and E. Yerushalmi, Proceedings of the Phys. Ed. Res. Conference, Omaha, NE, (S. Rebello, C. Singh, P. Engelhardt Eds.), AIP Conf. Proc., Melville, New York 1413, 255-258 (2012).
"Teaching assistants' beliefs regarding example solutions in introductory physics ", S. Y. Lin, C. Henderson, W. Mamudi, E. Yerushalmi and C. Singh, Phys. Rev. ST PER 9, 010120, 23 pages (2013).
TAs' preferences for different problem Types
"Graduate teaching assistants’ perceptions of a context-rich introductory physics problem" M. Good, E. Marshman, E. Yerushalmi and C. Singh, 2017 Physics Education Research Conference Proceedings, 144-147, (2018).
"Physics teaching assistants' views of different types of introductory problems: Challenge of perceiving the instructional benefits of context-rich and multiple-choice problems", M. Good, E. Marshman, E. Yerushalmi and C. Singh, Phys. Rev. Phys. Educ. Res. 14, 020120 (1-17) (2018).
Improving Teaching Assistants’ grading practices to improve learning
"Grading practices and considerations of graduate students at the beginning of their teaching assignment", E. Yerushalmi, E. Marshman, A. Maries, C. Henderson, and C. Singh, Proceedings of the 2014 Phys. Ed. Res. Conference, Minneapolis, MN, (P. Engelhardt, A. Churukian, D. Jones Eds.) 287-290 (2015).
"Instructional goals and grading practices of graduate students after one semester of teaching experience", C. Henderson, E. Marshman, A. Maries, E. Yerushalmi, and C. Singh, Proceedings of the 2014 Phys. Ed. Res. Conference, Minneapolis, MN, (P. Engelhardt, A. Churukian, D. Jones Eds.) 111-114 (2015).
"Physics graduate teaching assistants' beliefs about a grading rubric: lessons learned", E. Yerushalmi, R. Sayer, E. Marshman, C. Henderson and C. Singh, Proceedings of the 2016 Physics Education Research Conference, Sacramento, CA, 408-411 doi: 10.1119/perc.2016.pr.097
"The challenges of changing teaching assistants’grading practices: Requiring students to show evidence of understanding", E. Marshman, R. Sayer, C. Henderson, E. Yerushalmi, and C. Singh, Can. J. Phys. 96 (4), 420-437 (published in the issue honoring Ursula Franklin) https://doi.org/10.1139/cjp-2017-0030
"Graduate teaching assistants use different criteria when grading introductory physics vs. quantum mechanics problems" C. Henderson, E. Marshman, R. Sayer, C. Singh, and E. Yerushalmi, Proceedings of the 2016 Physics Education Research Conference, Sacramento, CA, 140-143, doi: 10.1119/perc.2016.pr030
"Contrasting grading approaches in introductory physics and quantum mechanics: The case of graduate teaching assistants",E. Marshman, R. Sayer, C. Henderson and C. Singh, Phys. Rev. PER 13 010120 (16 pages) (2017).
Faculty Professional Development
Categorization of introductory physics problems
"Categorization of Problems to Assess and Improve Proficiency as Teacher and Learner ", C. Singh, Am. J. Phys. 77(1), 73-80 (2009).
Pedagogical content knowledge (PCK) of TAs related to the TUG-K, Force Concept Inventory and Conceptul Survey of Electricity and Magnetism
"Exploring one aspect of pedagogical content knowledge of teaching assistants using the TUG-K", A. Maries and C. Singh, Phys. Rev. ST PER 9, 020120,14 pages (2013).
"Exploring Pedagogical Content Knowledge of Physics Instructors and Teaching Assistants Using the Force Concept Inventory", A. Maries and C. Singh, (2013). arXiv:1307.7177
"Teaching assistants’performance at identifying common introductory student difficulties inmechanics revealed by the Force Concept Inventory", A. Maries and C. Singh, Phys. Rev. PER 12, 010131, 26 pages (2016).
"Teaching assistants' performance at identifying common introductory student difficulties revealed by the Conceptual Survey of Electricity and Magnetism", N. Karim, A. Maries and C. Singh, 2017 Physics Education Research Conference Proceedings, 208-2011 (2018) http://dx.doi.org/10.1119/perc.2017.pr.047.
Exploring one aspect of pedagogical content knowledge of teaching assistants using the Conceptual Survey of Electricity and Magnetism, N. Karim, A. Maries and C. Singh, Phys Rev PER 14, 010117 (2018).
Faculty professional development informed by TA Professional Development
"Categorization of Problems to Assess and Improve Proficiency as Teacher and Learner ", C. Singh, Am. J. Phys. 77 (1), 73-80 (2009).
"Rethinking Tools for Training Teaching Assistants ", C. Singh, Proceedings of the Phys. Ed. Res. Conference, Ann Arbor, MI, (C. Henderson, M. Sabella, C. Singh Eds.), AIP Conf. Proc., Melville, New York 1179, 59-62 (2009).
"The group administered interactive questionnaire: An alternative to individual interviews", E. Yerushalmi, C. Henderson. W.Mamudi, C. Singh and S. Y. Lin, Proceedings of the Phys. Ed. Res. Conference, Omaha, NE, (S. Rebello, C. Singh, P. Engelhardt Eds.), AIP Conf. Proc., Melville, New York 1413, 97-100 (2012).
"TA-designed vs. research-oriented problem solutions", S. Y. Lin, C. Singh, W. Mamudi, C. Henderson and E. Yerushalmi, Proceedings of the Phys. Ed. Res. Conference, Omaha, NE, (S. Rebello, C. Singh, P. Engelhardt Eds.), AIP Conf. Proc., Melville, New York 1413, 255-258 (2012).
"Teaching assistants' beliefs regarding example solutions in introductory physics ", S. Y. Lin, C. Henderson, W. Mamudi, E. Yerushalmi and C. Singh, Phys. Rev. ST PER 9, 010120, 23 pages (2013).
"Exploring one aspect of pedagogical content knowledge of teaching assistants using the TUG-K", A. Maries and C. Singh, Phys. Rev. ST PER 9, 020120, 14 pages (2013).
"Exploring Pedagogical Content Knowledge of Physics Instructors and Teaching Assistants Using the Force Concept Inventory", A. Maries and C. Singh, (2013). arXiv:1307.7177
"Teaching assistants’performance at identifying common introductory student difficulties inmechanics revealed by the Force Concept Inventory", A. Maries and C. Singh, Phys. Rev. PER 12, 010131, 26 pages (2016).
Performance of graduate students at identifying introductory students' difficulties with kinematics graph, A. Maries and C. Singh, Proceedings of the 2014 Phys. Ed. Res. Conference, Minneapolis, MN (A. Churukian, P. Engelhardt, D. Jones Eds.), 171-174 (2015).
Grading practices and considerations of graduate students at the beginning of their teaching assignment, E. Yerushalmi, E. Marshman, A. Maries, C. Henderson, and C. Singh, Proceedings of the 2014 Phys. Ed. Res. Conference, Minneapolis, MN, (P. Engelhardt, A. Churukian, D. Jones Eds.) 287-290 (2015).
Instructional goals and grading practices of graduate students after one semester of teaching experience, C. Henderson, E. Marshman, A. Maries, E. Yerushalmi, and C. Singh, Proceedings of the 2014 Phys. Ed. Res. Conference, Minneapolis, MN, (P. Engelhardt, A. Churukian, D. Jones Eds.) 111-114 (2015).
Teaching assistants’ performance at identifying common introductory student difficulties in mechanics revealed by the Force Concept Inventory, A. Maries and C. Singh, Phys. Rev. PER 12, 010131 (2016). doi:110.1103/PhysRevPhysEducRes.12.010131
Contrasting grading approaches in introductory physics and quantum mechanics: The case of graduate teaching assistants, E. Marshman, R. Sayer, C. Henderson and C. Singh, Phys. Rev. PER 13, 010120 (2017).
The challenges of changing teaching assistants’grading practices: Requiring students to show evidence of understanding, E. Marshman, R. Sayer, C. Henderson, E. Yerushalmi, and C. Singh, Can. J. Phys. 96 (4), 420-437 (2018) (published in the issue honoring Ursula Franklin)
Exploring one aspect of pedagogical content knowledge of teaching assistants using the Conceptual Survey of Electricity and Magnetism, N. Karim, A. Maries and C. Singh, Phys Rev PER 14, 010117 (2018).
Physics teaching assistants' views of different types of introductory problems: Challenge of perceiving the instructional benefits of context-rich and multiple-choice problems, M. Good, E. Marshman, E. Yerushalmi and C. Singh, Phys. Rev. Phys. Educ. Res. 14, 020120 (2018).
Improving pedagogical content knowledge (PCK)
Categorization of problems
"Categorization of Problems to Assess and Improve Proficiency as Teacher and Learner ", C. Singh, Am. J. Phys. 77 (1), 73-80 (2009).
"Rethinking Tools for Training Teaching Assistants ", C. Singh, Proceedings of the Phys. Ed. Res. Conference, Ann Arbor, MI, (C. Henderson, M. Sabella, C. Singh Eds.), AIP Conf. Proc., Melville, New York 1179, 59-62 (2009).
PCK related to common student difficulties with various physics concepts
"Exploring one aspect of pedagogical content knowledge of teaching assistants using the TUG-K", A. Maries and C. Singh, Phys. Rev. ST PER 9, 020120, 14 pages (2013).
"Exploring Pedagogical Content Knowledge of Physics Instructors and Teaching Assistants Using the Force Concept Inventory", A. Maries and C. Singh, (2013). arXiv:1307.7177
Performance of graduate students at identifying introductory students' difficulties with kinematics graph, A. Maries and C. Singh, Proceedings of the 2014 Phys. Ed. Res. Conference, Minneapolis, MN (A. Churukian, P. Engelhardt, D. Jones Eds.), 171-174 (2015).
"Teaching assistants’performance at identifying common introductory student difficulties inmechanics revealed by the Force Concept Inventory", A. Maries and C. Singh, Phys. Rev. PER 12, 010131, 26 pages (2016).
Teaching assistants’ performance at identifying common introductory student difficulties in mechanics revealed by the Force Concept Inventory, A. Maries and C. Singh, Phys. Rev. PER 12, 010131 (2016). doi:110.1103/PhysRevPhysEducRes.12.010131
Exploring one aspect of pedagogical content knowledge of teaching assistants using the Conceptual Survey of Electricity and Magnetism, N. Karim, A. Maries and C. Singh, Phys Rev PER 14, 010117 (2018).
TAs' preferences for different types of problem solutions
"The group administered interactive questionnaire: An alternative to individual interviews", E. Yerushalmi, C. Henderson. W.Mamudi, C. Singh and S. Y. Lin, Proceedings of the Phys. Ed. Res. Conference, Omaha, NE, (S. Rebello, C. Singh, P. Engelhardt Eds.), AIP Conf. Proc., Melville, New York 1413, 97-100 (2012).
"TA-designed vs. research-oriented problem solutions", S. Y. Lin, C. Singh, W. Mamudi, C. Henderson and E. Yerushalmi, Proceedings of the Phys. Ed. Res. Conference, Omaha, NE, (S. Rebello, C. Singh, P. Engelhardt Eds.), AIP Conf. Proc., Melville, New York 1413, 255-258 (2012).
"Teaching assistants' beliefs regarding example solutions in introductory physics ", S. Y. Lin, C. Henderson, W. Mamudi, E. Yerushalmi and C. Singh, Phys. Rev. ST PER 9, 010120, 23 pages (2013).
TAs' preferences for different problem Types
"Graduate teaching assistants’ perceptions of a context-rich introductory physics problem" M. Good, E. Marshman, E. Yerushalmi and C. Singh, 2017 Physics Education Research Conference Proceedings, 144-147, (2018).
"Physics teaching assistants' views of different types of introductory problems: Challenge of perceiving the instructional benefits of context-rich and multiple-choice problems", M. Good, E. Marshman, E. Yerushalmi and C. Singh, Phys. Rev. Phys. Educ. Res. 14, 020120 (1-17) (2018).
Improving Teaching Assistants’ grading practices to improve learning
"Grading practices and considerations of graduate students at the beginning of their teaching assignment", E. Yerushalmi, E. Marshman, A. Maries, C. Henderson, and C. Singh, Proceedings of the 2014 Phys. Ed. Res. Conference, Minneapolis, MN, (P. Engelhardt, A. Churukian, D. Jones Eds.) 287-290, (2015).
"Instructional goals and grading practices of graduate students after one semester of teaching experience", C. Henderson, E. Marshman, A. Maries, E. Yerushalmi, and C. Singh, Proceedings of the 2014 Phys. Ed. Res. Conference, Minneapolis, MN, (P. Engelhardt, A. Churukian, D. Jones Eds.) 111-114, (2015).
"The challenges of changing teaching assistants’grading practices: Requiring students to show evidence of understanding", E. Marshman, R. Sayer, C. Henderson, E. Yerushalmi, and C. Singh, Can. J. Phys. 96 (4), 420-437 (published in the issue honoring Ursula Franklin) https://doi.org/10.1139/cjp-2017-0030
"Graduate teaching assistants use different criteria when grading introductory physics vs. quantum mechanics problems" C. Henderson, E. Marshman, R. Sayer, C. Singh, and E. Yerushalmi, Proceedings of the 2016 Physics Education Research Conference, Sacramento, CA, 140-143, doi: 10.1119/perc.2016.pr030
Research on Equity and Inclusion in Physics/STEM
"Women in physics in the United States: Recruitment and retention", Abramzon et. al, Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Women in Physics, Waterloo, CA, AIP Conf. Proc. 1697, 060045 (3 pages) (2015). doi: 10.1063/1.4937692
"A longitudinal analysis of students’ motivational characteristics in introductory physics courses: Gender differences". E. Marshman, Z. Y. Kalender, C. Schunn, T. Nokes-Malach, and C. Singh, Can. J. Phys. 96 (4), 391-405 (15 pages) (2018) (published in the issue honoring Ursula Franklin). https://doi.org/10.1139/cjp-2017-0185
"Motivational characteristics of underrepresented ethnic and racial minority students in introductory physics courses", Z. Y. Kalender, E.Marshman, T. Nokes-Malach, C. Schunn, and C. Singh, 2017 Physics Education Research Conference Proceedings, 204-207 (2018) doi:10.1119/perc.2017.pr.046.
"Investigation of male and female students’ motivational characteristics throughout an introductory physics course sequence", T. Nokes-Malach, E. Marshman, Z. Y. Kalender, C. Schunn, and C. Singh, 2017 Physics Education Research Conference Proceedings, 276-279 (2018).
"The impact of stereotype threat on gender gap in introductory physics", A. Maries, N. I. Karim, and C. Singh, 2017 Physics Education Research Conference Proceedings, 256-259 (2018) http://dx.doi.org/10.1119/perc.2017.pr.059.
"Female students with A’s have similar physics self-efficacy as male students with C’s in introductory courses: A cause for alarm?", E. Marshman, Z. Y. Kalender, T. Nokes-Malach, C. Schunn, and C. Singh, Phys. Rev. Phys. Educ. Res. 14, 020123 (2018).
"Large gender differences in physics self-efficacy at equal performance levels: A warning sign?", Z. Y. Kalender, E. Marshman, C. D. Schunn,
T. J. Nokes-Malach, and C. Singh, 2018 Physics, Education Research Conference Proceedings, doi:10.1119/perc.2018.pr.Kalender
"Prior preparation and motivational characteristics mediate relations between gender and learning outcomes in introductory physics", T. J. Nokes-Malach, Z. Y. Kalender, E. Marshman, C. D. Schunn, and C. Singh, 2018 Physics Education Research
Conference Proceedings, doi:10.1119/perc.2018.pr.Nokes-Malach
"Impact of evidence-based flipped or active-engagement non-flipped courses on student performance in introductory physics", N. Karim, A. Maries and C. Singh, Can. J. Phys. 96 (4), 411-419 (9 pages) (2018) (published in the issue honoring Ursula Franklin) https://doi.org/10.1139/cjp-2017-0171
"The impact of stereotype threat on gender gap in introductory physics", A. Maries, N. I. Karim, and C. Singh, 2017 Physics Education Research Conference Proceedings, 256-259 (2018) http://dx.doi.org/10.1119/perc.2017.pr.059.
"Do evidence-based active-engagement courses reduce the gender gap in introductory physics?" N. Karim, A. Maries and C. Singh, Eur. J. Phys. 39, 025701(31 pages) (2018).
" Is agreeing with a gender stereotype correlated with the performance of female students in introductory physics?", A. Maries, N. Karim and C. Singh, Phys. Rev. Phys. Educ. Res. 14, 020119 (10 pages) (2018).
"New Development in graduate core courses: Supporting the transition to the graduate school through core courses", A. Maries, C. Porter and C. Singh, in 2017 Graduate Education Conference Report, pp. 8-9 (2018).
"Women in physics in the United States: Reaching toward equity and inclusion", Robin Bjorkquist et. al, Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Women in Physics, Birmingham, UK, AIP Conf. Proc. 2109, 050040 (2019).
"Workshop report: Intersecting identities-gender and intersectionality in physics", in Proc. of 6th International Conference on Women in Physics, E. Hennessey, J. Cole, P. Shastri, J. Esquivel, C. Singh, R. Johnson and S. Ghose, AIP Conf. Proc. 2109, 040001 (5 pages) (2019).
"Beliefs About Competence: The Story of Self-Efficacy, Gender, and Physics", Z. Y. Kalender, E. Marshman, T. Nokes-Malach, C. Schunn, and C. Singh, book chapter in Diversity Across Disciplines: Research on People, Policy, Process and Paradigm, Audrey Murrell and Jennifer Petrie editors, Information Age Publishing (2019)
"Does stereotype threat affect female students’ performance in introductory physics?", A. Maries, N. Karim and C. Singh, in Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Women in Physics, Birmingham, UK, AIP Conf. Proc. 2109, 120001 (2019).
K-12 Teaching and Learning
Please see everything in Introductory Physics section since they are all relevant for both college-level and high school physics teaching.
Increasing interest and awareness about teaching amongst undergraduates
"Increasing Interest and Awareness about Teaching in Science Undergraduates", C. Singh, L. Moin, C. Schunn, Proceedings of Phys. Ed. Res. Conference, AIP, Salt Lake City, (P. Heron, J. Marx, L. McCullough Eds.), AIP Conf. Proc., Melville New York 818, 7-10 (2006). .
"Helping science and engineering undergraduates reflect upon teaching and learning ", C. Singh, L. Moin and C. Schunn, J. Phys. Teach. Ed. Online 5 (3), 3-10 (2010) .
Connecting K-12 state standards and maps of conceptual growth to PER
"Connecting Three Pivotal Concepts in K-12 Science State Standards and Maps of Conceptual Growth to Research in Physics Education", C. Singh and C. Schunn, J. Phys. Teach. Educ. Online 5 (2),16-42 (2009).