+ Condensed Matter Publications

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"Finite temperature effects in conjugated polymer systems", D. Hone, P. Pincus, C. Singh and G. Rossi, Synthetic Metals, 43, 3419-3424 (1991).

"Strong disorder and the nonlinear susceptibility of conjugated polymers", D. Hone and C. Singh, Phys. Rev. B., 45 (7), 3455-3460 (1992).

"Quantum Monte Carlo study of spin correlations in the one-dimensional Hubbard model" A. Sandwik, D. Scalapino and C. Singh, Phys. Rev. B., 48, 2112-2117 (1993).

"Fluctuations in self-organizing systems" J. Carlson, E. Grannan, C. Singh and G. H. Swindle, Phys. Rev. E., 48, 688-698 (1993).

"Random disorder and nonlinear susceptibility of conjugated polymers", C. Singh and D. Hone, Synthetic Metals, 59, 43-57 (1993).

"Phase behavior of semi-flexible diblock copolymers" C. Singh, M. Goulian, A. J. Liu and Glen H. Fredrickson, Macromolecules, 27(11), 2974-2986 (1994).

"Temperature-dependent behavior of conjugated polymers in solution", C. Singh and D. Hone, Synthetic Metals, 62, 61-70 (1994)

"Fluctuation phenomena in structurally symmetric polymer blends" C. Singh, K. S. Schweizer and A. Yethiraj, J. Chem. Phys., 102 (5), 2187-2208, (1995).

"Microscopic solubility-parameter theory of polymer blends: General Predictions" K. S. Schweizer and C. Singh, Macromolecules, 28, 2063-2080, (1995).

"Structure-property correlations of atomistic and coarse-grained models of polymer melts" K. S. Schweizer, E F. David, C. Singh, J. G. Curro and J. J. Rajasekaran, Macromolecules, 28, 1528-1540 (1995).

"Athermal stiffness blends: A comparison of Monte Carlo simulations and integral equation theory" J. D. Weinhold, S. K. Kumar, C. Singh and K. S. Schweizer, J. Chem. Phys., 103 (21), 9460-9474 (1995).

"Correlation effects and entropy-driven phase separation in athermal polymer blends" C. Singh and K. S. Schweizer, J. Chem. Phys., 103(13), 5814-5832 (1995).

"Molecular theory of the miscibility of hydrocarbon blends" C. Singh and K. S. Schweizer, Macromolecules, 28(25), 8692-8695 (l995).

"Solvation, water permeation, and ionic selectivity of a putative model for the pore region of the voltage-gated Sodium channel" C. Singh, R. Sankararamakrishnan, S. Subraraaniam, and E. Jakobsson, Bio-physical Journal, 71, 2276-2288 (1996).

"Compression of two polymer-coated surfaces in poor solvents" C. Singh and A. Balazs, J. Chem. Phys., 105 (2), 706-713 (1996).

"Interaction between polymer-coated surfaces in poor solvents I: Surfaces grafted with A and B homopolymers" C. Singh, G. Pickett and A. Balazs Macromolecules, 29, 7559-7570 (1996).

"Forming patterned films with tethered diblock copolymers" E. Zhulina, C. Singh and A. Balazs, Macromolecules, 29, 6338-6348 (1996)

"A jumping micelle phase transition" C. Singh, E. Zhulina, D. Gersappe, G. Pickett and A. Balazs, Macromolecules, 29, 7637-7640 (1996).

"Self-Assembly of tethered diblocks in selective solvents" E. Zhulina, C. Singh and A. Balazs, Macromolecules, 29, 8254-8259 (1996).

"Interaction between polymer-coated surfaces in poor solvents II: Surfaces coated with AB diblock copolymers" C. Singh and A. C. Balazs, Macromolecules, 29, 8904-8911 (1996).

"Determining the morphology and interaction between terminally-anchored polymer layers", A.C. Balazs and C. Singh in Morphological Control of Polymer mixtures, R Briber and D. Peiffer, Eds, Materials Research Society, Pittsburgh, Vol. 461, 115-120 (1997).

"Attraction and novel phase behavior between like-charged polymer layers", C. Singh, E. Zhulina and A. Balazs, Macromolecules, 30, 7004-7008 (1997).

"Forming patterned films with tethered polymers" A. Balazs, C. Singh, E. Zhulina, D. Gersappe and G. Pickett, Progress in Colloid and Polymer science 103, 234-242 (1997).

"Patterned polymer films" A. Balazs, C. Singh, E. Zhulina, D. Gersappe and G. Pickett, MRS Bulletin 22 (1), 16-21 (1997).

"Modeling the interactions between polymer-coated surfaces", C. Singh, G. Pickett, E. Zhulina, and A. Balazs, J. Phys. Chem., B, 101 (50), 10614-10624 (1997).

"Theory of polymer chains tethered at interfaces", A. Balazs, C. Singh, E. Zhulina, G. Pickett, S. Chern, and Y. Lyatskaya, Prog. in Surf. Sci., 55 (3), 181-269 (1997).

"Behavior of tethered polyelectrolytes in poor solvents", E. Zhulina, C. Singh, and A. Balazs, J. Chem. Phys. 108, 1175-1183 (1998).

"Stabilizing properties of copolymers absorbed on heterogeneous surfaces: A model for the interactions between a polymer-coated influenza virus and a cell ", A. Balazs, C. Singh, and E. Zhulina, Macromolecules 31, 6369-6379 (1998).

"Modeling the interactions between polymers and clay surfaces through self-consistent field theory" A C. Balazs, C. Singh, and E. Zhulina, Macromolecules, 31(23), 8370-8381 (1998).

Interactions between tethered polymer layers in poor solvents", C. Singh, and A. Balazs, in Polymer-Solid Interfaces: From Model to Real Systems. Proceedings of the Second International Conference, Namur, Belgium, August, 1996, J. Pireaux, J. Delhalle arid P. Rudolf, Eds., Presses Universitaires de Namur, 421-438 (1998).

"Model of Inhibitor-virus interactions developed", A. C. Balazs, E. Zhulina, and C. Singh, C&E News, Science/Technology Concentrates, 56, Sept, (1998).

"Attraction between surfaces in a polymer melt containing telechelic chains: Guidelines for controlling the surface separation in intercalated polymer-clay composites", E. Zhulina, C. Singh, and A. Balazs, Langmuir, 15, 3935-3943 (1999).

"Modeling the phase behavior of polymer/clay nanocomposites", A. Balazs, C. Singh, E. Zhulina, and Y. Lyatskaya, Acc. of Chem. Res., 32 (8), 651-657 (1999).

"Interactions of tethered polyelectrolytes in poor solvents", E. Zhulina, C. Singh, and A. Balazs, in Polymer Surfaces and Interfaces III, R. Richards, Ed., John Wiley, 191-195, (1999).

"Calculating phase diagrams of polymer-clay mixtures by combining density functional and self-consistent field theories", V. Ginzburg, C. Singh, and A. Balazs, Hybrid Organic and Inorganic Materials, Materials Research Society, Pittsburgh 143-148 (1999).

"Modeling the Interactions between polymers and clay surfaces through self-consistent field theory", A. Balazs, C. Singh, and E. Zhulina, in Microstructure and Tribology of Polymer Surfaces, K. J. Wahl and V. Tsukruk Eds., Plenum Press, 741, 369-374, Chapt. 23, (2000).

"Effect of polymer architecture on the miscibility of polymer/clay mixtures", C. Singh, and A. Balazs, Polymer International. 49 (5), 469-471, (2000).

"Theoretical phase diagrams of polymer/clay composites: The role of grafted organic modifiers", V. Ginzburg, C. Singh, and A. Balazs, Macromolecule 33 (3), 1089-1099 (2000).

"Theoretical modeling of the phase behavior of polymer-clay nanocomposites", A. C. Balazs, V. Ginzburg, C. Singh, E. Zhulina and Y. Lyatskaya, Polymer-Clay Nanocomposites, T.J. Pinnavaia and G. Beall, Eds, John Wiley, Chapter 14, 281-313 (2000).

"Tailoring interfaces through confinement", A. Balazs, C. Singh, E. Zhulina, and G. T. Pickett, in Polymer Surfaces, Interfaces and Thin Films, S. Kumar, and A. Karim, Eds., World Scientific Publishing, 51-80, (2000).