About me

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Welcome to my home page.

I am an Assistant Professor at the Federal Institute of Alagoas, Campus Arapiraca. 

I am a Ph.D. candidate at the University of Coimbra (CISUC-DEI-FCTUC). I am working under the guidance of Professor Marco Vieira. 

I received my M.Sc in Computer Science from the Federal University of Pernambuco. My advisor was Prof. Paulo Maciel. My dissertation is about availability models for cloud computing environments with VM Live Migration technique as support for software rejuvenation. 

I received my B.Sc in Computer Science from the Federal University of Alagoas, under the guidance of Prof. Marcelo Oliveira. At that time, I worked on building and managing an OpenNebula private cloud to host medical imaging-related applications.

Recent topics:

2024/04/29: Matheus Torquato's co-authored paper "Event-Based Moving Target Defense in Cloud Computing with VM Migration: A Performance Modeling Approach" with Lucas Santos, Carlos Brito, Iure Fé, Juliana Carvalho, Eunmi Choi, Dugki Min, Jae-Woo Lee, Tuan Anh Nguyen, Francisco Airton Silva has been accepted for IEEE Access. 

2024/03/26: Carlos André successfully completed his undergraduate thesis with a score of 9 out of 10. Congratulations Carlos!

"Pois que se uniu a mim, eu o livrarei; e o protegerei, pois conhece o meu nome.

Quando me invocar, eu o atenderei; na tribulação estarei com ele. Hei de livrá-lo e o cobrirei de glória." Sl 90, 14-15.