JMIS Special issue on the Metaverse

Announcing an exciting new special issue entitled, "Fostering the Design and Governance of the Metaverse" 

at the Journal of Management Information Systems 

Submissions will be handled by at the following submission link set up specifically for the Metaverse SI: <click here> .

The submission system will open 31-May-2023 and will close 30-June-2023.

Guest Editors: Prof. Paul Benjamin Lowry, Virginia Tech; Prof. Waifong Boh, Nanyang Technological University; Prof. Stacie Petter, Wake Forest University; Prof. Jan Marco Leimeister, University of St. Gallen and University of Kassel

JMIS, a top-tier scholarly journal, invites the best papers addressing the components of the potential emergence of the Metaverse as a complement to and a potential replacement for the current Web.

For the latest full details on the call for papers, please see the following document:

JMIS SI metaverse CFP long III 20-May-2023.pdf