Resources for families at home

Hello Families! I’m Ms. Bryant your School Counselor. This is my 6th year at Maple Hills, and there is no other place I would rather be than right here, supporting the social-emotional development of your children.

As the school counselor, I provide classroom lessons in all classes, facilitate groups and meet with your students one-on-one. I am also the case coordinator for any students who have or may benefit from 504 plans. Additionally I support all families who may qualify for McKinney Vento services, I am the point person for our VOICE mentor program, and for our school Power Packs.

These are some videos that I created last year! Feel free to check them out! This will give you a good idea about the types of lessons that I teach in the classrooms.

Week two:

This Week's Theme: Growth Mindset

Purpose: What is a growth mindset? A growth mindset is the belief that one is in control of their own ability to learn and improve and is believed to be the key to one's success. So why is it important? Instilling a growth mindset in children helps children develop a lasting impact on their learning outcomes. Doctors Carol Dweck and Ellen Leggett suggest that children who are interested in only the performance get discouraged by hardship, while children who are interested only in learning seek out challenging tasks in order to learn more. Therefore those with learning goals persist despite failure and continue to have faith in their abilities. This week, check out the articles and resources available to help you AND your child develop a sense of hope in ALL your child's learning abilities.

Parent Resource:

A growth mindset can simply be instilled in children just by the language we use with them. Check out this article to learn how to change simple phrases we say every day to our children into phrases that challenge them to keep growing.

In addition to being conscious of the words we use with children, there are other tools that families can use to help develop a growth mindset in their child. This article outline 7 tips and strategies we can use with children to foster a growth mindset.

Below is a link to free Growth mindset activity printouts for your kids.

Student Activities:

    1. Watch Ms. Bryant's Videos on Growth Mindset😊

Video for grades K-2

Video for grades 3-5

    1. Practice using your growth mindset with these STEM challenges

Week one:

Theme: Structured Schedules and Goal Setting

Purpose: As remote learning becomes more defined, teachers will be sending out resources and links to help your child continue their learning experience. Therefore, it will be important for you AND your child to have a consistent schedule in place. Schedules are important because they influence a child's emotional, cognitive, and social development. They help children feel secure by developing a sense of predictability. In a time with so much unpredictability it's important to define with your child the important parts of their day. Holding to a schedule consistently will help your child/children understand your expectations of them. We encourage you to involve your children in the process of creating a structure for their days. There is a goal sheet that children can use daily or weekly that can help them be a part of the process.

Parent Resource: The Huffington Post put out an article with example schedules to consider when creating a consistent schedule with your child/children. The article includes tips that families should incorporate when setting up a routine.

Student Activities: In the file section below is a goal sheet that students can use on a weekly or daily basis. Having your children be a part of the planning can help them have more ownership. It can also take some responsibility off of you and on to your children.