B Roles and Responsibilities of School Counselors

School counselors haven't always been such an integral part of student learning. In fact the school counselors you see in schools today are a product of history in the making. Please click below to learn more about school counselors historically.

On this page you will learn what a comprehensive school counselor does at each grade level. The functionality of a school counselor today is in part a product of both the ASCA National Model and WAC standards (Washington Administrative Code).

Elementary school- The six most

common functions are

1 .Prevention- working with families and students to develop the fundamental skills for successful learning.

Example Activity: Have a kindergarten readiness meeting before school begins.

2. Consultation- Working with teachers, administration and outside agencies to promote learning for the individual student, the classroom and the school as a whole.

Example Activity: Using an outside agency to train teachers and staff on a behavior support program.

3. Parental involvement- Working and consulting with parents and guardians to ensure active engagement with their students learning in the classroom, and at home. Often school counselors will promote parent/guardian involvement in other areas they may be useful in the school.

Example Activity: Invite parents to have breakfast with their students at school once a month.

4. Identification and referral- Identifying the supports that may need to be put in place for students and referring them to best people/places that can provide the support needed.

Example activity: Helping a student who may need glasses get their vision checked.

5. Individual and group counseling- Meeting with students individually to address barriers to healthy learning and using group counseling when more than one student is faced with the same barrier.

Example activity: Starting a grief group for students who have lost a family member.

6. Classroom guidance- working in the classroom with the teacher to assist in specific aspects learning. such as social/emotional and career. A comprehensive program will allow for a lot of classroom guidance.

Example activity: Facilitate an anger management program in the classrooms.