Academic journals

SSCI-listed journals marked with (*):

(*) Manzoni, A. and M. Gebel (2024). Young adults’ labour market transitions and intergenerational support in Germany.  European Sociological Review, 40(1), 99–115. DOI: 10.1093/esr/jcad006 Download (open access!)

(*) Gebel M. and S. Gundert (2023). Changes in income poverty risks at the transition from unemployment to employment: Comparing the short-term and medium-term effects of fixed-term and permanent jobs. Social Indicators Research, 167(1-3), 507–533.  Download (open access!)

(*) Kleinert, C. and M. Gebel (2023). Editorial: Consequences of the corona crisis for social inequalities in Germany. Soziale Welt, 74(1), 3-13. Download

(*) Kleinert, C. and M. Gebel (eds.) (2023). Consequences of the corona crisis for social inequalities in Germany. Soziale Welt. 74(1) .  Download

(*) Fauser, S. and M. Gebel (2023). Labour market dualism and the heterogeneous wage gap for temporary employment: A multilevel study across 30 countries. Socio-Economic Review, 21(4), 2069–2091.  (*)  Download (open access!)

(*)  Goldan, J., L. Nusser and M. Gebel (2022). School-related subjective well-being of children with and without special educational needs in inclusive classrooms. Child Indicators Research, 15, 1313–1337. Download (open access!)

(*) Lin, W.H. and M. Gebel (2021). Education tracking and adolescent smoking: A counterfactual and prospective cohort study. Addiction, 116(7), 1871-1881. Download (open access!)

(*) Gebel, M. (2020). Young women’s transition from education to work in the Caucasus and Central Asia. The ANNALS of the American Academy of Political and Social Science, 688(1), 137-154. Download

(*) Högberg, B., J. Voßemer, M. Gebel and M. Strandh (2019). Unemployment, wellbeing and the moderating role of education policies - A multilevel study. International Journal of Comparative Sociology, 60(4), 269 –291. Download

Unt, M., M. Gebel and S. Bertolini (eds.) (2018). Social exclusion of youth in Europe: Consequences of labour market insecurity. Journal of Transition States and Societies, 10(3). Download (open access!)

Unt, M., M. Gebel and S. Bertolini (2018). Editorial: Social exclusion of youth in Europe: Consequences of labour market insecurity. Journal of Transition States and Societies, 10(3), 1-8. Download (open access!)

(*) Voßemer, J., M. Gebel, O. Nizalova and O. Nikolaieva (2018). The effect of an early-career involuntary job loss on later life health in Europe. Advances in Life Course Studies, 35, 69-76. Download (Open access!)

(*) Voßemer, J., M. Gebel, K. Täht, M. Unt, B. Högberg and M. Strandh (2018). The effects of unemployment and insecure jobs on well-being and health: the moderating role of labor market policies. Social Indicators Research, 138(3), 1229-1257. Download (Open access!)

Gallie, D., M. Gebel, J. Giesecke, K. Halldén, P. van der Meer and R. Wielers (2016). Quality of work and job satisfaction: Comparing female part-time work in four European countries. International Review of Sociology, 26(3), 457-481. Download

(*) Heyne, S. and M. Gebel (2016). Education effects on the school-to-work transition in Egypt: A cohort comparison of labor market entrants 1970-2012. Research in Social Stratification and Mobility, 46(A), 37-49. Download

(*) Gebel, M. and S. Heyne (2016). Delayed transitions in times of increasing uncertainty: School-to-work transition and the delay of first marriage in Jordan. Research in Social Stratification and Mobility, 46(A), 61-72.  Download

Gebel, M. (2016). Education, employment dynamics and the middle class in Germany. Sociological Problems, 48(Special Issue), 23-45. Download

(*) Gebel, M. and J. Giesecke (2016). Does deregulation help? The impact of employment protection reforms on youths’ unemployment and temporary employment risks in Europe. European Sociological Review, 32(4), 486–500. Download (Open Access!)

(*) Gebel, M. (2015). Book review: D. Gallie (ed.): Economic crisis, quality of work, and social integration: The European experience. European Sociological Review, 31(1), 131-133. Download

(*) Gebel, M. and J. Voßemer (2014). The impact of employment transitions on health in Germany. A difference-indifferences propensity score matching approach. Social Science & Medicine, 108, 128–136. Download

(*) Kogan, I., T. Matković and M. Gebel (2013). Helpful friends? Personal contacts and job entry among youths in transformation societies. International Journal of Comparative Sociology, 54(4), 277-297.  Download

Gebel, M. (2013). Is a temporary job better than unemployment? A cross-country comparison based on British, German, and Swiss panel data. Journal of Contextual Economics (Schmollers Jahrbuch), 133(2), 143-156. Download

(*) Gebel, M. (2013). Book review: D. Vaughan-Whitehead (ed.): Work inequalities in the crisis: evidence from Europe. Work, Employment and Society, 27(4), 735-737. Download

(*) Gebel, M. (2013). Book review: P. Emmenegger, S. Häusermann, B. Palier and M. Seeleib-Kaiser (eds.): The age of dualization. The changing face of inequality in deindustrializing societies. West European Politics, 36(3), 673-675. Download

(*) Noelke, C., M. Gebel and I. Kogan (2012). Uniform inequalities: Institutional differentiation and the transition from higher education to work in post-socialist Central and Eastern Europe. European Sociological Review, 28(6), 704-716. Download

(*) Gebel, M. and A. Baranowska-Rataj (2012). New inequalities through privatization and marketization? An analysis of labour market entry of higher education graduates in Poland and Ukraine. European Sociological Review, 28(6), 729-741. Download

Kogan, I., M. Gebel and C. Noelke (2012). Educational systems and inequalities in educational attainment in Central and Eastern European countries. Studies of Transition States and Societies, 4(1), 69-83. Download

(*) Baranowska, A., M. Gebel and I. Kotowska (2011). The role of fixed term contracts at labour market entry in Poland: stepping stones, screening devices, traps or search subsidies? Work, Employment and Society, 25(4), 777-793. Download

(*) Gebel, M. and J. Giesecke (2011). Labor market flexibility and inequality: the changing skill-based temporary employment and unemployment risks in Europe. Social Forces, 90(1), 17-40. Download

Kogan, I., M. Gebel and C. Noelke (2010). Образователна експанзия и социално неравенство в страните от Централна и Източна Европа (Educational expansion and social inequality in Central and Eastern European countries). Социологически проблеми (Sociological Problems), 42(1–2), 94-117. Download

(*) Gebel, M. (2010). Early career consequences of temporary employment in Germany and the United Kingdom. Work, Employment and Society, 24(4), 641–60. Download

(*) Baranowska, A. and M. Gebel (2010). The determinants of youth temporary employment in the enlarged Europe: do labour market institutions matter? European Societies, 12(3), 367–390. Download

Gebel, M. and F. Pfeiffer (2010). Educational expansion and its heterogeneous returns for wage workers. Journal of Contextual Economics (Schmollers Jahrbuch), 130(1), 19–42. Download

(*) Gebel, M. (2009). Fixed-term contracts at labour market entry in West Germany: implications for job search and first job quality. European Sociological Review, 25(6), 661–675. Download

Gebel, M. and J. Giesecke (2009). Labour market flexibility and inequality: the changing risk patterns of temporary employment in Germany. Journal for Labour Market Research (Zeitschrift für Arbeitsmarktforschung), 42(3), 234–251. Download

(*) Gebel, M. and J. Giesecke (2009). Ökonomische Unsicherheit und Fertilität. Die Wirkung von Beschäftigungsunsicherheit und Arbeitslosigkeit auf die Familiengründung in Ost- und Westdeutschland.  Zeitschrift für Soziologie, 38(5), 399–417. Download