Setup a NULL modem network
Quick & Easy way to Transfer Large File from Atari to a PC
Quick & Easy way to Transfer Large File from Atari to a PC
Large files here means files that don't fit into a diskette.
You need
Atari - Zmodem software & HSMODEM v7.
Windows - Zmodem software ( I use the one which came with Win95, HyperTerminal).
A NULL-modem Serial cable.
Optional: A TV set ( to relieve some boredom while waiting for the file transfer)
8 Easy steps to follow:
Misc settings
Configure RS-232 port to 110 on Atari for 115200 bps when using HSMODEM.
On Zmodem, you may need to
disable carrier detect ( -D).
increase receive & file buffer size (-b 16384 -F 5M).
disable multitasking on Atari to maximize response.
Last notes
On my system, Falcon ( 16MHz, 14MB ), I can achieve a transfer rate of over 10K bytes/seconds.
This makes it possible to transfer one Megabyte of data in about 1.5 minutes.