Useful Atari Programs

Here are some of the software I found useful


    • They are either Freeware or Shareware.

    • Let me know if they needs to be deleted.

    • I do not support nor involved in development these files.

    • Use at your own risk! Don't call if you have problems uing them.

    • I will not be held resposible for any problems/trouble caused by these files.

con2Rsc Converts a bunch MS icon file to RSC format.

TOS 4.92 Falcon developer's TOS 4.92, Diskette version.

WinX 2.3h Enhance AES: more windows, realtime mouse movement, etc

GemRam 1.7A Needed by WinX program above.

Dirsort 1.1 Sorts files in any order & in any directory.

Mouse 2.5 Device driver for serial mouse - uses RS232 port.

Keyoff Stops repeating key clicks during boot up (by Marcer from Atari-Forum).

LDG Graphic Codec 060 68020-060 LDG graphics codecs for new PHSW software

LDG Garphic Codec 000 68000 LDG graphics codecs for new PHSW software

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