
Vanima has never met her Elven father. She only knows that he lives in Highfolk, and that his last name is Wethrin. She was raised in Crockport, by her human mother.

Vanima’s mother was ashamed of Vanima’s heritage, and did everything she could to keep her elven ancestry a secret, she even went as far as to crop her pointed ears. Vanima is ashamed of the scars, and never wears her hair up or short. Growing up, Vanima’s identity was based on a lie. So, lying became easy for her.

At a young age, Vanima noticed that she can easily read people. In school, she teased out her classmates’ desires, cajoling them into doing her homework, giving her their food or even fighting her battles for her.

When Vanima was a teenager, she fell in love with a local (human) ship captain’s daughter, Ella. Vanima learned all that she could about the girl, and manipulated her own personality to be someone that Ella would want to be friends with. It worked. They became inseparable. One day, Ella braided Vanima’s hair - and noticed her cropped, scarred ears. Vanima was honest with Ella, confessing not only her Elven heritage, but her true feelings for Ella.

That night, Ella’s father, three brothers, and some of their friends lit Vanima's home on fire. Vanima heard the commotion and escaped, but her mother was badly burned, and died soon after.

Since then, Vanima has been alone. She has learned to live off of the wilderness, and to fire a bow with enough proficiency to feed herself. For the few instances that she needs to venture into more populated areas, she has honed her abilities to hide her appearance. She has a plethora of identities that she changes like clothes.

When Vanima wants to appear human, she goes by the name Millicent Bogstromm. For a few years in her twenties, she stayed in Littleberg as Millicent, and worked as a barmaid. It is there that she first met Osman Spare.

Vanima looks to be in her late twenties, but she is much older than she looks. However, she will not reveal her true age.