

The staff of the Politecnico of Milan unit belongs to the Department ofChemistry, Materials and Chemical Engineering "Giulio Natta" Politecnico di Milano and is part of the MIDAr laboratory for the study of materials and surfaces of cultural heritage.

The research activity of the PoliMi Research Unit in this project focuses on the following points:

  • Use of chemical and electrochemical methods for the preparation of artificial patinas with compositions simulating the natural ones, formed on bronzes exposed to the atmosphere. The definition of patination methodologies (which also include the use of accelerated ageing in outdoor conditions by UniBO) is a fundamental prerequisite for the activities of the staff of UniFe RU in the selection of protective treatments to be used on actual artworks (always covered by natural patinas) and for the development of galvanic sensors.

    • Development of galvanic sensors. This kind of device are designed to measure the galvanic coupling currents generated at the short-circuit between patinated bronzes and gold coating. Galvanic sensors are used in many applications in the course of this research project: monitoring the effects of environmental parameters (temperature, humidity, concentration of pollutants, etc..) on the corrosion of gilded bronzes exposed outdoors or indoor; verification of the effectiveness of surface treatments (in collaboration with UniFe and UniBo); evaluation of the effectiveness of preventive conservation methods (in collaboration with IFAC).

    • Definition of strategies for the conservation of gilded bronzes. Both preventive and active approach are considered (microclimate control and surface treatments respectively). The strategies developed during the project and the data collected have helped to provide important answers to the problem of exposure of the “Porta del Paradiso” by Lorenzo Ghiberti. For this purpose galvanic sensors with the same composition and stratigraphy of the “Porta del Paradiso” have been used.

Scientific Person in Charge: Sara Goidanich

Staff: Ruben Beltrami, Laura Brambilla, Davide Gulotta