

Non les braves gens n'aiment pas que

L'on suive une autre route qu'eux.

Georges Brassens


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Prof. Pere Riera

The aim of this part of the subject is to learn the topics of environmental valuation and evaluation with a hands-on approach involving actual case studies, empirical data, and computer practice.


Environmental Evaluation Case Studies

1. Social Cost-Benefit Analysis (CBA) applied to water projects

2. Multi Criteria Decision Analysis (MCDA) applied to public transportation projects

3. Equivalency Analyses in Natural Resource Damage Assessment (NRDA) applied to forest fire remediation

Environmental Valuation Case Studies

4. Revealed Preference Methods

4.1. Hedonic Pricing (HP) applied to pollution abatement

4.2. Travel Cost Method (TCM) applied to environmental amenities

5. Stated Preference Methods

5.1. Contingent Valuation Method (CVM) applied to landscape improvements

5.2. Choice Modelling (CM) applied to climate change mitigation policies.

Environmental Equity Analysis

6. Equity measurement and indicators

7. Integrating equity into environmental evaluation

8. Equity analysis case studies

General References

-- Boardman, Anthony E., David H. Greenberg, Aidan R. Vining, and David L. Weimer (2011) Cost-Benefit Analysis: Concepts and Practice. Third Edition, Pearson (Prentice Hall), Upper Saddle River, NJ.

-- Hanemann, W. Michael (2006) The Economic Conception of Water, In P. P. Roges, M. R. Llamas, and L. Martinez-Cortina (eds.) Water Crisis: Myth or Reality? Taylor & Francis plc., London.

-- Riera, Pere (2015) Class notes. (To be distributed during the course.)

-- Riera, Pere and Giovanni Signorello (eds.) (2012) Good practice guidelines for the non-market valuation of forest goods and services. University of Catania, Catania, Italy: DiGeSA.

Additional specific references for each topic can be found following the links above

- (gift)

Contact address for Pere Riera: prieram@gmail.com

Since Summer 2015