
Download the full schedule in PDF form.

At-a-glance schedule

Monday 15th: 08:30-09:15 registration. 09:15-17:15 talks. Lunch will be provided.

Tuesday 16th: 09:15-17:15 talks, including Bruce Sagan.

Wednesday 17th: 09:15-12:15 talks. 12:15-12:30 conference photograph. Afternoon free for non-excursion.

Thursday 18th: 09:15-16:15 talks, including Peter Cameron. 16:15-17:15 problem session. 19:00 Banquet.

Friday 19th: 09:15-12:15 morning of talks.


The following are included in your registration:

Mon-Fri, morning break: Tea/Coffee and pastries

Mon only: Lunch

Mon, Tue, Thur afternoon break: Tea/Coffee and biscuits

Thur evening: Banquet

A note about the non-excursion

As has become traditional, Wednesday afternoon is reserved for an excursion. However, we do not intend to organise an excursion, since London is teeming with tourist attractions and different people may have different preferences.