Special issue of DMTCS

A special issue of Discrete Mathematics and Theoretical Computer Science (DMTCS) is to be published to mark the conference. Full papers in any topic of permutation patterns, broadly interpreted and not restricted to results presented at the conference, are welcome to be submitted for consideration.

Papers will be refereed in accordance with the usual standards expected of DMTCS.


31st October 2015.

Important note: In order to submit on 31st October 2015, you will need to upload your paper to ArXiv, HAL, or CWI before this date, in order to have the document ID.

How to submit

Submission to DMTCS is now available, using the episcience platform. Here's how:

  1. First, ensure you have uploaded your article to one of the following open access repositories: ArXiv, HAL, CWI. Make a note of the document identifier.
  2. Log on to (or create an account at) http://dmtcs.episciences.org/
    1. Select "Submit new article", and follow the instructions.
    2. Ensure you select both the volume and the section to be "Permutation Patterns 2015".

Guest editors

Jonathan Bloom

Mathilde Bouvel

Robert Brignall