Some Figures

Blow-up of a two-dimensional cut of the vorticity in a run of rotating stratified turbulence on a grid of 4096^3 points

N/f=5, Re=54000, Fr-0.024. Note the large vortices separated by strong localized activity.

This flow also displays a Bolgiano-Obukhov energy spectrum: E_V(k)~ k^{-11/5}, E_P(k)~ k^{-7/5}

Rosenberg et al., Evidence for Bolgiano-Obukhov scaling in rotating stratified turbulence using high-resolution direct numerical simulations. Phys. Fluids 27, 055105, 2015

Scalability of pseudo-spectral community GHOST code (Geophysical High-Order Suite for Turbulence); in blue, is 4096^3 grid.

P.D. Mininni, D. Rosenberg, R. Reddy & A. Pouquet, ``Hybrid MPI-OpenMP scheme for scalable parallel pseudospectral computations for fluid turbulence,'' Parallel Computing, 37, 316, 2011.

Two-dimensional cut of the roll-up of current sheets in three-dimensional MHD, showing theformation of islands.

NSF Tera-grid allocation.

Beltrami core vortices in rotating turbulence with helical forcing

Rendering of helicity (velocity-vorticity correlations) using VAPOR freeware available at NCAR. Full computational box.

A strong helical column (with a pink core) is clearly visible.

Direct numerical simulation of rotating turbulence, pseudo-spectral method, 1536^3 grid points, Reynolds number ~ 5000, Rossby number ~ 0.06.

J. Baerenzung, P.D. Mininni, A. Pouquet and D. Rosenberg,

Spectral Modeling of Turbulent Flows and the Role of Helicity in the Presence of Rotation, J. Atmos. Sci., 68, 2757 (2011).

Zoom on a helical vortex column surrounded by a tangle of vortex filaments; rotating turbulence, same run as above.

P.D. Mininni & A. Pouquet, Phys. Fluids 22, 035105 & 06 (2010).

NCAR computer allocation.

Two-dimensional cut of vorticity, flow with the same Reynolds and Rossby numbers as above, but with the scale at which isotropy recovers being well resolved; grid of 3072^3 points. NSF Tera-grid allocation of computer time.

P.D. Mininni, D. Rosenberg & A. Pouquet, ``Isotropization at small scales of rotating helically driven turbulence,'' J. Fluid Mech., 699, 263, 2012.

A. Pouquet, A. Sen, D. Rosenberg, P.D. Mininni & J. Baerenzung, ``Inverse cascades in turbulence and the case of rotating flows,'' to appear, Phys. Scripta, 2012.

Ratio of large-scale energy flux to small-scale energy flux as a function of the product of the Froude and Rossby numbers.

Marino et al., Resolving the paradox of oceanic large-scale balance and small-scale mixing.

Phys. Rev. Lett. 114, 114504, 2015

Three-dimensional zoom on a rolled-up current sheet.

P.D. Mininni and A. Pouquet, ``Finite dissipation and intermittency in MHD,'' Phys. Rev. E 80, 025401, 2009.

A. Pouquet, M.E. Brachet, E. Lee, P.D. Mininni, D. Rosenberg and V. Uritsky, Proceedings IAU Symposium 271, Nice 2010; Brummell N.H., Brun A.S. & Miesch M. Eds., 2010.