Publication List

Download list as .pdf - last updated June 2021

1) With Referee (200+ in all)

-206. Duane Rosenberg, Annick POUQUET and Raffaele Marino. Correlation between buoyancy flux, dissipation and potential vorticity in rotating stratified turbulence. Atmosphere 12, 157 (2021). 10.3390/at- mos12020157

-205. Annick POUQUET, Duane Rosenberg and Julia E. Stawarz. Interplay between turbulence and waves: large- scale helical transfer, and small-scale dissipation and mixing in fluid and Hall-MHD turbulence. Rendiconti Lincei, Scienze Fisiche e Naturali. Classical and Random Plasmas, 2020. DOI: 10.1007/s12210-020-00951-5

-204. R. E. Ergun, N. Ahmadi, L. Kromyda, S. J. Schwartz, A. Chasapis, S. Hoilijoki, F. D. Wilder, P. A. Cassak, J. E. Stawarz, K. A. Goodrich, D. L. Turner, F. Pucci, A. Pouquet, W. H. Matthaeus, J. F. Drake, M. Hesse, M. A. Shay, R. B. Torbert, and J. L. Burch. Particle Acceleration in Strong Turbulence. Astrophys. J., 898, 153, 2020.

-203. D. Buaria, A. Pumir, F. Feraco, R. Marino, A. POUQUET, D. Rosenberg and L. Primavera. Single-particle Lagrangian statistics from direct numerical simulations of rotating stratified turbulence. To appear, Phys. Rev. Fluids, 2020. See also ArXiv1909.12433.

-202. Annick POUQUET, Julia E. Stawarz and Duane Rosenberg. Coupling large eddies and waves in turbulence: Case study of magnetic helicity at the ion inertial scale Atmosphere 11(2), 203, 2020. doi:10.3390/atmos11020203

-201. Duane Rosenberg, Pablo D. Mininni, Raghu Reddy, and Annick POUQUET, GPU parallelization of a hybrid pseudo-spectral fluid turbulence framework using CUDA. Atmosphere, 11(2), 178, 2020.

-200. R. Lugones, P. Dmitruk, P.D. Mininni, A. POUQUET and W.H. Matthaeus. Spatio-temporal behavior of magnetohydrodynamic fluctuations with cross-helicity and background magnetic field. Phys. Plasmas 26, 122301, 2019. [Editor’s Pick].

-199. Annick POUQUET, Review of the monograph by Pierre Sagaut and Claude Cambon entitled Homogeneous Turbulence Dynamics. J. of Turbulence, February 2019, p. 1-4.

-198. Annick POUQUET, Duane Rosenberg, Julia Stawarz and Raffaele Marino, Helicity dynamics, inverse cascades and bi-directional cascades in fluid and MHD turbulence. Earth Space Science 6 (2019) DOI:10.1029/2018EA000432.

-197. Annick POUQUET, Duane Rosenberg and Raffaele Marino, “Linking dissipation, anisotropy and intermittency in rotating stratified turbulence.” Phys. Fluids 31, 105116, 2019. doi: 10.1063/1.5114633. [Editor’s pick.]

-196. Annick POUQUET: Part of Cover presentation for the book entitled “Energy Transfers in Fluid Flows. Multi- scale and Spectral Perspectives,” by Mahendra Verma, Cambridge University Press (2019). ISBN 978 1- 1070 17619-5. Longer text available on the web site of CUP.

-195. WH Matthaeus, R Bandyopadhyay, MR Brown, J Borovsky, V Carbone, D Caprioli, A Chasapis, R Chhiber, S Dasso, P Dmitruk, L Del Zanna, PA Dmitruk, Luca Franci, SP Gary, ML Goldstein, D Gomez, A Greco, TS Horbury, Hantao Ji, JC Kasper, KG Klein, S Landi, Hui Li, F Malara, BA Maruca, P Mininni, Sean Oughton, E Papini, TN Parashar, Arakel Petrosyan, Annick POUQUET, A Retino, Owen Roberts, David Ru↵olo, Sergio Servidio, Harlan Spence, CW Smith, JE Stawarz, Jason TenBarge, BJ Vasquez, Andris Vaivads, F Valentini, Marco Velli, A Verdini, Daniel Verscharen, Phyllis Whittlesey, Robert Wicks, R Bruno, G Zimbardo: “The essential role of multipoint measurements in turbulence investigations: the solar wind beyond single scale and beyond the Taylor Hypothesis.” White paper for the decadal survey “Plasma 2020.” 2019. arXiv:1903.06890. Submitted on March 16, 2019.

-194. F. Feraco, R. Marino, A. Pumir, L. Primavera, P.D. Mininni, A. POUQUET and D. Rosenberg. Vertical drafts and mixing in stratified turbulence: sharp transition with Froude number. Eur. J. Phys. Let., 123, 44002, 2018. doi: 10.1209/0295-5075/123/44002.

-193. N.E. Sujovolsky, P.D. Mininni and A. POUQUET, Generation of turbulence through frontogenesis in sheared stratified flows. Phys. Fluids 30, 086601 (2018).

-192. Lakhina, G. S., Tsurutani, B. T., Morales, G. J., POUQUET, A., Hoshino, M., Valdivia, J. A., Narita, Y., and Grimshaw, R.. Preface: Nonlinear waves and chaos, Nonlin. Proc. Geophys., 25, 477-479, 2018.

-191. A. POUQUET, Intermittent turbulence in a global ocean model. Physics, 11, 21 (2018). 10.1103/Physics.11.2

-190. A. POUQUET, D. Rosenberg, R. Marino and C. Herbert, Scaling laws for mixing and dissipation in unforced rotating stratified turbulence. J. Fluid Mech. 844, 519-545 (2018). F. Published in 2017

-189. A. POUQUET, D. Rosenberg, R. Marino and C. Herbert, Mixing and dissipation processes in rotating stratified turbulence. AmeriMech Symposium “Interfaces and Mixing – Non-Equilibrium Transport Across the Scales.” 18-19 November 2017; Denver, USA Edited by Snezhana I. Abarzhi, The Abdus Salam International Centre for Theoretical Physics, 2017.

-188. D. Oks, P.D. Mininni, R. Marino and A. POUQUET, Inverse cascades and resonant triads in rotating and stratified turbulence. Phys. Fluids 29, 111109 (2017). DOI: 10.1063/1.5001740

-187. A. POUQUET, R. Marino, P.D. Mininni and D. Rosenberg, Dual constant-flux energy cascades to both large scales and small scales. Phys. Fluids 29, 111108 (2017). DOI: 10.1063/1.5000730

-186. Tsurutani, B., G. Morales, and A. POUQUET (2017), Tackling chaos and nonlinearity with order. EOS 98, Published on 27 September 2017 G. Published in 2016

-185. J. E. Stawarz, S. Eriksson, F. Wilder, R. E. Ergun, S. Schwartz, A. POUQUET, J. Burch, B. Giles, Y. Khotyaint- sev, O. Le Contel, P.-A. Lindqvist, W. Magnes, C. Pollock, C. Russell, R. Strangeway, R. Torbert, K. Goodrich, D. Malaspina and A. Sturner, Observations of Turbulence in a Kelvin-Helmholtz Event on September 8, 2015 by the Magnetospheric Multiscale Mission. J. Geophys. Res. 121, 11021-11034 (2016).

* 188 A. POUQUET, D. Rosenberg, R. Marino and C. Herbert, Dissipation and mixing in unforced rotating stratified flows, to be Submitted (2017).

* 187 D. Oks, P.D. Mininni, R. Marino and A. POUQUET, Inverse cascades and resonant triads in rotating and strati ed turbulence Submitted to Phys. Fluids (2017), Special issue on two-dimensional turbulence.

-186. A. POUQUET, R. Marino, P.D. Mininni and D. Rosenberg, Dual constant-flux energy cascades to both large scales and small scales. Submitted to Phys. Fluids (2017), Special issue on two-dimensional turbulence.

* 185 J. E. Stawarz, S. Eriksson, F. Wilder, R. E. Ergun, S. Schwartz, A. POUQUET, J. Burch, B. Giles, Y. Khotyaint- sev, O. Le Contel, P.-A. Lindqvist, W. Magnes, C. Pollock, C. Russell, R. Strangeway, R. Torbert, K. Goodrich, D. Malaspina and A. Sturner, Observations of Turbulence in a Kelvin-Helmholtz Event on September 8, 2015 by the Magnetospheric Multiscale Mission. J. Geophys. Res. 121, 11021-11034 (2016).

* 184. D. Rosenberg, R. Marino, C. Herbert and A. POUQUET, Parametric study of time-scale variations in rotating stratified turbulence. Under review, submitted to Eur. J. Phys. E 39, 8, 1-12 (2016). Topical Issue: Multi-scale phenomena in complex flows and flowing matter (2016).

* 183. J. Gibbon, A. Gupta, G. Krstulovic, R. Pandit, H. Politano, Y. Ponty, A. POUQUET, G. Sahoo, and J. Stawarz, Depletion of Nonlinearity in Magnetohydrodynamic Turbulence: Insights from Analysis and Simulations. Phys. Rev. E 93, 043104 (2016). See also ArXiv:1508.03756.

* 182. C. Herbert, R. Marino, D. Rosenberg and A. POUQUET, Waves and vortices in the inverse cascade regime of stratified turbulence with or without rotation. J. Fluid Mech. 806, 165-204 (2016). See also

* 181. R. Marino, D. Rosenberg, C. Herbert and A. POUQUET, Interplay of waves and eddies in rotating stratified turbulence and the link with kinetic-potential energy partition. Eur. Phys. J. Lett. 112, 49001 (2015). EPL Editor’s choice

* 180. Kartik P. Iyer, Irene Mazzitelli, Fabio Bonocorsso, Annick POUQUET, and Luca Biferale, Rotating turbulence under precession-like perturbation. Eur. J. Phys. E 38 Issue 12, Article 128 (2015). Topical Issue: Multi-scale phenomena in complex flows and flowing matter.

* 179. Julia E. Stawarz and Annick POUQUET, Small-Scale Behavior of Hall Magnetohydrodynamic Turbulence, Phys. Rev. E 92, 063102 (2015).

* 178. Miesch, Mark S.; Matthaeus, William H.; Brandenburg, Axel; Petrosyan, Arakel; Pouquet, Annick; Cambon, Claude; Jenko, Frank; Uzdensky, Dmitri; Stone, James; Tobias, Steve; Toomre, Juri; Velli, Marco, “Large-Eddy Simulations of Magnetohydrodynamic Turbulence in Astrophysics and Space Physics,” Space Science Reviews 194, 97-137 (2015).

* 177. Jielun Sun, Carmen. J. Nappo, Larry Mahrt, Danijel Belusi ́c, Branko Grisogono, David R. Stauffer, Manuel Pulido, Chantal Staquet, Qingfang Jiang, Annick Pouquet, Carlos Yagu ̈e, Boris Galperin, Ronald B. Smith, John J. Finnigan, Shane D. Mayor, Gunilla Svensson, Andrey A. Grachev, and William D. Neff, Review of wave turbulence interactions in the stable atmospheric boundary layer. Rev. Geophys., 53, 956-993 (2015). Fig. 4 is the cover page illustration for Issue 53, 3 of Rev. Geophys..

* 176. C. Rorai, P.D. Mininni and A. Pouquet Stably stratified turbulence in the presence of large-scale forcing and the role of helicity. Phys. Rev. E 92, 013003 (2015).

* 175. D. Rosenberg, A. POUQUET, R. Marino and P.D. Mininni, Evidence for Bolgiano-Obukhov scaling in rotating stratified turbulence using high-resolution direct numerical simulations. Phys. Fluids, 27, 055105, 2015. Physics of Fluids Featured article & cover page of Issue 27 with Figure 9b

* 174 Raffaele Marino, Annick POUQUET and Duane Rosenberg, 2014: Resolving the paradox of oceanic large-scale balance and small-scale mixing. Phys. Rev. Lett., 114, 114504, 2015

* 173. R. Marino, J. Baerenzung, P.D. Mininni, A. POUQUET, C. Rorai, D. Rosenberg and J. Stawarz, Helical turbulence in fluids and MHD, Springer Verlag (2015), pp. 549–559. ERCOFTAC Series 20, Direct and Large- Eddy Simulation IX, J. Fr ̈ohlich, H. Kuerten, B.J. Geurts and V. Armenio Eds.. 2014

* 172. P. Dmitruk, P. D. Mininni, A. POUQUET S. Servidio and W.H. Matthaeus, “Magnetic field reversals and long-time memory in conducting flows.” Phys. Rev. E 90, 043010 (2014).

* 171. C. Herbert, A. POUQUET and R. Marino, Restricted Equilibrium and the Energy Cascade in Rotating and Stratified Flows. J. Fluid Mech., 758, 374-406 (2014).

* 170. R. Marino, P.D. Mininni, D.L. Rosenberg and A. Pouquet, Large-scale anisotropy in stably stratified rotating flows, Phys. Rev. E 90, 023018 (2014).

* 169. Cecilia Rorai, Pablo Mininni and Annick POUQUET, Turbulence comes in bursts in stably stratified flows, Phys. Rev. E 89, 043002 (2014). And Fig. 7(a), see PRE ”Kaleidoscope” link:

* 168. Marc-Etienne Brachet, Giorgio Krstulovic and Annick POUQUET, “Forced dynamics of three-dimensional MHD flows implementing the Taylor-Green symmetries,” Phys. Rev. E, 89, 043017 (2014). And Fig. 8(c), see PRE ”Kaleidoscope” link:

* Cecilia Rorai, Pablo Mininni and Annick POUQUET, Turbulence comes in bursts in stably stratified flows, Phys. Rev. E 89, 043002 (2014).

* Marc-Etienne Brachet, Giorgio Krstulovic and Annick POUQUET, Forced dynamics of three-dimensional MHD flows implementing the Taylor-Green symmetries, Phys. Rev. E 89, 043017 (2014)

* A. POUQUET, R. Marino, J. Baerenzung, P.D. Mininni, C. Rorai, D. Rosenberg and J. Stawarz, Helical turbulence in fluids and MHD, Springer Verlag (2013), ERCOFTAC Workshop, Direct and Large-Eddy Simulation.

* A. POUQUET and R. Marino, Geophysical turbulence and the duality of the energy flow across scales, Phys.Rev. Lett. 111, 234501 (2013).

* R. Marino, P. Mininni, D. Rosenberg and A. POUQUET, Inverse cascades in rotating stratified turbulence: fast growth of large scales, EuroPhys. Lett. 102, 44006 (2013).

* Cecilia Rorai, Duane Rosenberg, Annick POUQUET and Pablo Mininni, Helicity dynamics in stratified turbulence in the absence of forcing, Phys. Rev. E 87, 063007 (2013).

* Raffaele Marino, Pablo Mininni, Duane Rosenberg and Annick POUQUET, Spontaneous emergence of helicity in rotating stratified turbulence, Phys. Rev. E (PRE) 87, 033016 (2013). Fig. 3(a), see PRE "Kaleidoscope" link:

* A. POUQUET, A. Sen, D. Rosenberg, P.D. Mininni and J. Baerenzung, Inverse cascades in turbulence and the case of rotating flows, Phys. Scr. T 155, 014032 (2013).

* P.D. Mininni and A. POUQUET, Inverse cascade behavior in freely decaying two-dimensional fluid turbulence, Phys. Rev. E 87, 033002 (2013).

* M-E. Brachet, M. Bustamante, G. Krstulovic, P.D. Mininni, A. POUQUET and D. Rosenberg, Ideal dynamics of three-dimensional MHD flows implementing the Taylor-Green symmetries, Phys. Rev. E 87, 013110 (2013). Figure 10 (middle), selected for the Kaleidoscope (

* A. Sen, D. Rosenberg, A. POUQUET and P.D. Mininni, ``Anisotropy and non-universality in scaling laws of the large scale energy spectrum in rotating turbulence,'' Phys. Rev. E, * 86, 036319 (2012).

* J. Stawarz, A. POUQUET and M-E. Brachet,``Long-time properties of MHD turbulence and the role of symmetries,'' Phys. Rev. E, * 86, 036307 (2012).

* A. POUQUET, A. Sen, D. Rosenberg, P.D. Mininni and J. Baerenzung,``Inverse cascades in turbulence and the case of rotating flows,'' Physica Scripta (2012); see also arXiv:1203.0337.

* P.D. Mininni, D. Rosenberg and A. POUQUET, ``Isotropization at small scales of rotating helically driven turbulence,''

J. Fluid Mech., 699, 263--279 (2012).

* J. Pietarila Graham, E. G. Blackman, P. D. Mininni and A. POUQUET, 2012:

``Scale separation and fractional helicity in large scale dynamos,'' Phys. Rev. E, * 85, 066406 (2012).

* P. Dmitruk, P. D. Mininni, A. POUQUET, S. Servidio and W.H. Matthaeus, 2011: ``On the emergence of very long time fluctuations and 1/f noise in ideal flows,'' Phys. Rev. E, * 83, 066318 (2011).

* J. Pietarila Graham, P.D. Mininni and A. POUQUET, 2011: ``High Reynolds number magnetohydrodynamic turbulence using a Lagrangian model,'' Phys. Rev. E, * 84, 016314 (2011).

* P. D. Mininni, D. Rosenberg, R. Reddy and A. POUQUET, 2011:``An hybrid MPI-OpenMP scheme for scalable parallel pseudospectral computations for fluid turbulence,'' Parallel Computing, 37, 316--326 (2011).

Award at the TeraGrid conference, 2010 for Best Paper, Technology Track', ``Investigation of Performance of a Hybrid MPI-OpenMP Turbulence Code.''

* G. Krstulovic, M.-E. Brachet and A. POUQUET, 2011:``Alfven waves and ideal two-dimensional Galerkin truncated magnetohydrodynamics,'' Phys. Rev. E, * 84, 016410 (2011). Fig. 9b selected for the Kaleidoscope of PRE (

* S. Thalabard, D. Rosenberg, A. POUQUET and P.D. Mininni, 2011: ``Conformal invariance in three-dimensional rotating turbulence,'' Phys. Rev. Lett. * 106, 204503 (2011).

* J. Baerenzung, P.D. Mininni, A. POUQUET and D. Rosenberg, ``Spectral Modeling of Turbulent Flows and the Role of Helicity in the Presence of Rotation,'' J. Atmos. Sci., * 68, 2757--2770 (2011). doi: 10.1175/2010JAS3445.1.

* P.D. Mininni, P. Dmitruk, W.H. Matthaeus and A. POUQUET:

``Large-scale behavior and statistical equilibria in rotating flows,'' Phys. Rev. E * 83, 016309 (2011).

* J. Pietarila Graham, D. Holm, P. Mininni, and A. POUQUET, The effect of subfilter-scale physics on regularization models. J. Scientific Computing * 41, 21--34 (2011). Springer -Verlag. DOI: 10.1007/s10915-010-9428-4. Conference on Quality and Reliability in LES.

* V. Uritsky, A. POUQUET, D. Rosenberg and P.D. Mininni, 2010: ``Structures in magnetohydrodynamics turbulence: detection and scaling,'' Phys. Rev. E * 82, 056326 (2010).

* Jonathan Pietarila Graham, Darryl Holm, Pablo Mininni, and Annick POUQUET, 2010: Subfilter-scale properties on regularization models. ``Quality and Reliability of Large-Eddy Simulations II,’’ Sept. 2009, Pisa, Italy. Two-page abstract.

* Pablo Mininni and Annick POUQUET, 2010: ``Rotating helical turbulence. Part I. Global evolution and spectral behavior.'' Phys. Fluids * 22, 035105 (2010).

* Pablo Mininni and Annick POUQUET, 2010: ``Rotating helical turbulence. Part II. Intermittency, scale invariance and structures.'' Phys. Fluids * 22, 035106 (2010).

* A. POUQUET and P.D. Mininni: The interplay between helicity and rotation in turbulence: implications for scaling laws and small-scale dynamics. Phil. Trans. Roy. Soc. * 368, 1635-1662 (2010).

* E. Lee, M.E. Brachet, A. POUQUET, P.D. Mininni, and D. Rosenberg,``On the lack of universality in decaying magnetohydrodynamic turbulence,'' Phys. Rev.E * 81, 016318 (2010).

* J. Baerenzung, P.D. Mininni, H. Politano, Y. Ponty and A. POUQUET,

``Spectral Modeling of Rotating Turbulent Flows,'' Phys. Fluids * 22, 025104 (2010).

* A. POUQUET, E. Lee, M.E. Brachet, P.D. Mininni and D. Rosenberg, 2010:``The dynamics of unforced turbulence at high Reynolds number for Taylor-Green vortices generalized to MHD,'' Geophys. Astrophys. Fluid Dyn., * 104, 115--134 (2010).

* P.D. Mininni and A. POUQUET, ``Finite dissipation and intermittency in MHD,'' Phys. Rev. E * 80, 025401 (2009).

* Jonathan Pietarila Graham, Pablo D. Mininni, and Annick POUQUET, 2009:``Lagrangian-averaged model for magnetohydrodynamics turbulence and the absence of bottleneck,'' Phys. Rev. E, * 80, 016313 (2009).

* Giorgio Krstulovic, Pablo D. Mininni, Marc-E. Brachet and Annick POUQUET, ``Cascades, thermalization and eddy viscosity in helical Galerkin truncated Euler flows,'' Phys. Rev. E * 79, 056304 (2009).

* P.D. Mininni and A. POUQUET, ``Helicity cascades in rotating turbulence,'' Phys. Rev. E * 79, 026304/1-7 (2009).

* P.D. Mininni, A. Alexakis and A. POUQUET, ``Scale interactions and scaling laws in rotating flows at moderate Rossby numbers and large Reynolds numbers,'' Phys. Fluids * 21, 015108 (2009).

* C. Cartes, M. Bustamante, A. POUQUET, M.E. Brachet,``Capturing reconnection phenomena using generalized Eulerian--Lagrangian description in Navier--Stokes and resistive MHD,'' Fluid Dyn. Res., * 41, 011404 (2009), invited paper.

* P. Mininni, P. Sullivan and A. POUQUET, 2009: ``Two examples from geophysical and astrophysical turbulence on modeling disparate scale interactions,'' Summer school on mathematics in geophysics, Handbook of Numerical analysis, P. Ciarlet, Ed.; * XIV, 339-381, Roger Temam and Joe Tribbia Guest Eds., North-Holland (2009).

* Carbone, V. and POUQUET, A., 2009: ``An introduction to fluid and MHD turbulence for astrophysical flows: theory, observational and numerical data, and modeling'', Invited set of Lectures, EEC School on Astrophysical Plasmas,

Lecture Notes in Physics (LNP) * 778, 71--128, Springer Verlag, L. Vlahos and P. Cargill Eds. (2009).

* A. Fournier, D. Rosenberg and A. POUQUET, ``Dynamically adaptive spectral-element simulations of 2D incompressible Navier-Stokes vortex decays,'' Geophys. Astrophys. Fluid Dyn., * 103, 245-268 (2009).

* Annick POUQUET, Julien Baerenzung, Jonathan Pietarila Graham, Pablo Mininni, Hél\`ene Politano and Yannick Ponty, 2009: ``Modeling of turbulent flows in the presence of magnetic fields or rotation,'' TI2009 Conference (Ste Luce), to appear, Notes on Numerical Fluid Mechanics and Multidisciplinary Design, Springer Verlag, Michel Deville, Jean-Pierre Sagaut and Thien Hiep Eds. (2009). See also arXiv:0904.4860.

* E. Lee, M.E. Brachet, A. POUQUET, P.D. Mininni and D. Rosenberg,

``A paradigmatic flow for small-scale magnetohydrodynamics,'' Phys. Rev. E * 78, 066401 (2008).

and Fig. 3(a), PRE "Kaleidoscope" link:

* J. Baerenzung, H. Politano, Y. Ponty and A. POUQUET,``Spectral Modeling of Magnetohydrodynamic Turbulent Flows,'' Phys. Rev. E * 78, 026310 (2008).

* Jonathan Pietarila Graham, Darryl D. Holm, Pablo D. Mininni, and Annick POUQUET, ``Three regularization models of the Navier-Stokes equations,'' Phys. Fluids * 20, 035107 (2008).

* Y. Ponty, P. D. Mininni, J.P. Laval, A. Alexakis, J. Baerenzung, F. Daviaud, B. Dubrulle, J.F. Pinton, H. Politano and A. POUQUET, 2008: ``Linear and non linear features of the Taylor-Green Dynamos,'' Comptes Rendus Acad. Sci. (Paris), Physique, * 9, 749-756 (2008).

* Pablo Mininni, Alexandros Alexakis and Annick POUQUET, ``Scale interactions in hydrodynamic turbulence at large Reynolds numbers,'' IUTAM Symposium on Computational Physics and New Perspectives in Turbulence,

Y. Kaneda Editor, IUTAM Book Series (Springer -Verlag), * 4, 125--130 (2008).

* A. POUQUET, A., Pablo Mininni, David Montgomery and Alexandros Alexakis,``Dynamics of the Small Scales in Magnetohydrodynamic Turbulence,'' IUTAM Symposium on Computational Physics and New Perspectives in Turbulence,

Y. Kaneda Editor, IUTAM Book Series (Springer -Verlag), * 4, 305--312 (2008).

* C. S. Ng, D. Rosenberg, K. Germaschewski, A. POUQUET and A. Bhattacharjee,

``A comparison of spectral element and finite difference simulations with adaptive mesh refinement for the MHD island coalescence instability problem,'' Astrophys. J. Suppl. * 177, 613--625 (2008).

* W. H. Matthaeus, A. POUQUET, P. D. Mininni, P. Dmitruk, and B. Breech,``Rapid directional alignment of velocity and magnetic field in magnetohydrodynamic turbulence,'' Phys. Rev. Lett.* 100, 085003 (2008).

* P.D. Mininni, A. Alexakis and A. POUQUET, ``Non-local interactions in hydrodynamic turbulence at high Reynolds numbers: the slow emergence of scaling laws,'' Phys. Rev. E * 77, 036306 (2008).

* J. Baerenzung, H. Politano, Y. Ponty and A. POUQUET,

``Spectral Modeling of Turbulent Flows and the Role of Helicity,'' Phys. Rev. E * 77, 046303 (2008).

* P. Mininni and A. POUQUET, ``Energy spectra stemming from interactions of Alfven waves and turbulent eddies,'' Phys. Rev. Lett. * 99, 254502 (2007).

* Jonathan Pietarila Graham, Darryl D. Holm, Pablo D. Mininni, and Annick POUQUET, ``Highly turbulent solutions of LANS-$\alpha$ and their LES potential,'' Phys. Rev. E * 76, 056310 (2007).

* Cowley, S, J.-F. Pinton and A. POUQUET, "Focus on magnetohydrodynamics and the dynamo problem,'' New J. Phys., * 9, 304 (2007).

* Yannick Ponty, Pablo Mininni, Jean-Fran\c cois Pinton, Hél\`ene Politano and Annick POUQUET, `` Dynamo action at low magnetic Prandtl numbers: mean flow vs. fully turbulent process," New J. Phys., * 9, 296 (2007).

* A. Alexakis, P. Mininni, and A. POUQUET,``Turbulent cascades, transfer and scale interactions in MHD turbulence,'' New J. Phys., * 9, 298 (2007). Paper selected by IOP select.

* D. Rosenberg, A. POUQUET and P. Mininni.``Adaptive mesh refinement with spectral accuracy for magnetohydrodynamics in two space dimensions,'' New J. Phys., * 9, 304 (2007).

* Alex Alexakis, Pablo Mininni and Annick POUQUET, 2007: ``Energy transfer in Hall-MHD turbulence, cascades, backscatter and dynamo action,'' J. Plasma Phys. * 73 377-401 (2007).

* Pablo Mininni, Alex Alexakis, and Annick POUQUET, 2006: ``Large scale flow effects, energy transfer, and self-similarity in turbulence,'' Phys. Rev. E * 74, 016303 (2006).

* Pablo Mininni, Annick POUQUET and David Montgomery, 2006:``Small-scale structures in three-dimensional magnetohydrodynamic turbulence,'' Phys. Rev. Lett. * 97, 244503 (2006).

* Jonathan Graham, Darryl Holm , Pablo Mininni and Annick POUQUET, ``Inertial Range Scaling, K\'arm\'an-Howarth Theorem and Intermittency for Forced and Decaying Lagrangian Averaged MHD in 2D,'' Phys. Fluids * 18 045106 (2006).

* Alex Alexakis, Pablo Mininni and Annick POUQUET, ``On the inverse cascade of magnetic helicyity,'' ApJ * 640 335-343 (2006).

* Duane Rosenberg, Aime Fournier, Paul Fischer and Annick POUQUET, ``Geophysical-astrophysical spectral element adaptive refinement (GASpAR): Object-oriented h-adaptive code for geophysical fluid dynamics simulations,'' J. Comp. Phys. * 215 59--80 (2006).

* Alex Alexakis, Pablo Mininni and Annick POUQUET, ``Imprint of large-scale flows on Navier-Stokes turbulence,''

Phys. Rev. Lett. * 95, 264503 (2005).

* Jonathan Graham, Pablo Mininni and Annick POUQUET, ``Cancellation exponent and multifractal structure in Lagrangian averaged magnetohydrodynamics,'' Phys. Rev. E * 72, 045301(R) (2005).

* Alex Alexakis, Pablo Mininni and Annick POUQUET, ``Shell to shell energy transfer in MHD. I. Steady-state turbulence.'' Phys. Rev. E * 72, 046301 (2005).

* Pablo Mininni, Alex Alexakis and Annick POUQUET, ``Shell to shell energy transfer in magnetohydrodynamic dynamo simulations,'' Phys. Rev. E * 72, 046302 (2005).

* Sébastien Galtier, POUQUET, A. and André Mangeney, ``On spectral scaling laws for incompressible anisotropic MHD turbulence,'' Phys. Plasmas * 12, 092310 (2005).

* Pablo Mininni, David Montgomery and POUQUET, A., ``Numerical solutions of the three-dimensional MHD alpha model," Phys.Rev. E * 71, 046304 (2005).

* Pablo Mininni, Yannick Ponty, David Montgomery, Jean-Fran\c cois Pinton, Hél\`ene Politano and Annick POUQUET, ``Oscillations in small magnetic Prandtl number dynamos,'' Astrophys. J. * 626, 853-863 (2005).

* Y. Ponty, P.D. Mininni, D. Montgomery, J.F. Pinton, H. Politano and A. POUQUET, ``Critical magnetic Reynolds number for dynamo action as a function of magnetic Prandtl number,'' Phys. Rev. Lett. * 94 164502 (2005). Paper highlighted in Physics Today * 59, 13, (2006).

* Pablo Mininni, David Montgomery and POUQUET, A., ``A numerical study of the alpha model for two-dimensional magnetohydrodynamic turbulent flows'', Phys. Fluids * 17, 035112 (2005).

* L. Sorriso-Valvo, V. Carbone, V. Abramenko, V. Yurchysshyn, A. Noullez, H. Politano, POUQUET, A. & P.L. Veltri, ``Topological changes of the photospheric magnetic field inside active regions: a prelude to flares'', Planetary and Space Sciences, * 52/10, 937--943 (2004).

* J. Saur, POUQUET, A. & W. Matthaeus, ``An acceleration mechanism for the generation of the main auroral oval on Jupiter'', Geophys. Res. Lett. * 30(5), 1260. Corrigendum * 30(13), 1686 (2003).

* H. Politano, T. Gomez & A. POUQUET, ``An exact relationship for magnetic helicity in MHD flows'', Phys. Rev. E * 68, 026315 1--9 (2003).

* POUQUET, A., D. Rosenberg & J. Clyne, ``Computational challenges for global dynamics of fully developed turbulence in the context of geophysical flows '', pp. 3-14; Springer-Verlag, Statistical Theories and Computational Approaches to Turbulence, Y. Kaneda and T. Gotoh Eds (2003). Also, Symposium on Computational Science and Engineering for Global Scale Flow Systems, Tokyo; Annual Report of JSPS-RFTF Computational Science & Engineering Projects.

* Liu, H.-L., P. Charbonneau, A. POUQUET, T.J. Bogdan & S.W. McIntosh ``Continuum Analysis of an Avalanche Model for Solar Flares,'' Phys. Rev. E 66, 056111 1--10 (2002). Corrigendum: Phys. Rev. E * 69, 059004 (2004).

* S. Galtier, S. Nazarenko, A. Newell & A. POUQUET, ``Anisotropic turbulence of shear-Alfven waves'', APJ Lett. * 564, L49--L52 (2002).

* L. Sorriso--Valvo, V. Carbone, A. Noullez, H. Politano, POUQUET, A. & P.L. Veltri, ``Cancellation exponents in two--dimensional MHD'', Phys. Plasmas * 9, 89--95 (2002).

* Porter, D., POUQUET, A. & Woodward, P., ``Intermittency in compressible flows'',

Phys. Rev. E * 66, 026301-12 (2002).

* J. Saur, H. Politano, POUQUET, A. & W. Matthaeus,``Evidence for Weak MHD Turbulence in the Magnetosphere of Jupiter'', A & A, * 386, 699--708 (2002).

* Montgomery, D. & POUQUET, A., ``An alternative interpretation for the Holm ``alpha'' model,'' Phys. Fluids * 14, 3365--3366 (2002).

* POUQUET, A., Book review on ''Fundamental Problematic Issues in Turbulence'', Geophys. Astrophys. Fluid Dyn. * 96, 265--268 (2002) .

* T. Gomez, H. Politano, M. Larchev\^eque & POUQUET, A., ``The extension of the Lundgren transformation to the compressible case'', Phys. Fluids * 13, 2065--2075 (2001).

* Balsara, D., Crutcher, D. & POUQUET, A., ``Turbulent flows within self--gravitating magnetized molecular clouds'', Astrophys. J. * 557, 451-463, 2001

* T. Gomez, H. Politano & A. POUQUET, ``An exact relationship for third--order structure functions in helical flows'', Phys. Rev. E * 61, 5321-5325, 2000

* S. Galtier, S. Nazarenko, A. Newell & A. POUQUET, ``A weak turbulence theory for incompressible MHD,'' J. Plasma Phys. * 63, 447--488 (2000).

* L. Sorriso--Valvo, V. Carbone, P.L. Veltri, H. Politano & A. POUQUET, ``Non--gaussian probability distribution functions in two dimensional Magnetohydrodynamic turbulence'', Europhys. Lett. * 51, 520--526 (2000).

* Galtier, S., Politano, H. & POUQUET, A., ``A one--dimensional MHD model of solar flares: statistics or physics?'', in ``Developments in Geophysical Turbulence'', p. 283--292, Boulder,

Juin 1998, IUTAM Symposium, R. Kerr & Y. Kimura Eds., Kluwer, FMIA 58 (2000).

* Porter, D., POUQUET, A., Sytine, I. & Woodward, P. 1999:``Turbulence in compressible flows'', Invited Conference, Physica A, * 263, 263--270.

* Balsara, D., & POUQUET, A., 1999: ``The formation of large--scale magnetic structures in supersonic MHD flows '', Phys. Plasmas, * 6, 89--99.

* T. Gomez, H. Politano & A. POUQUET, 1999: ``On the validity of a non--local approach for MHD turbulence'', Phys. Fluids, * 11, 2298--2306 (1999).

* Galtier, S., E. Zienicke, Politano, H. & POUQUET, A., 1999: ``Parametric investigation of self--similar decay laws in MHD turbulent flows'', J. Plasmas Phys., * 61, 507--541.

* S. Galtier, H. Politano & POUQUET, A., 1999: ``What are some of the possible mechanisms of energy dissipation and redistribution among scales in the turbulent Interstellar Medium?'', in New Perspectives on the Interstellar Medium, Naramata conference, A. Taylor, T. Landecker & G. Joncas Eds., Pub. Astron. Soc. Pacific, Conf. Series, * 168, 417-426.

* E. Zienicke, Politano, H. & POUQUET, A., 1998:``Variable Intensity of Lagrangian Chaos in the Nonlinear Dynamo Problem,'' Phys. Rev. Lett., * 81, 4640--4643.

* H. Politano, A. POUQUET & V. Carbone, 1998:``Kolmogorov--like or wave--like turbulence in MHD: An investigation of the behavior of structure functions in the two--dimensional case'', EuroPhys. Lett. * 43, 516--521.

* H. Politano & A. POUQUET, 1998: ``Natural length scales for structure functions in magnetized flows'', Geophys. Res. Lett. * 25, 273--276.

* H. Politano & A. POUQUET, 1998: ``A von K\'arm\'an--Howarth equation for magnetohydrodynamic fluids and its consequences on third--order longitudinal structure and correlation functions'', Phys. Rev. E Rapid Comm. * 57, R21--R24.

* S. Galtier & POUQUET, A., 1998: `Solar flares statistics with a one--dimensional MHD model,'' Solar Phys. * 179, 141--165.

* D. Porter, P. Woodward & POUQUET, A. 1998: `` Inertial range structures in compressible turbulent flows'', Phys. Fluids * 10, 237--245.

* S. Galtier, Politano, H. & POUQUET, A., 1997: ``Self--similar decay laws for magnetohydrodynamics turbulence: a new model,’’ Phys. Rev. Lett. * 79, 2807--2810.

* F. Bacciotti, C. Chiuderi & POUQUET, A., 1997: ``Optical emission in the beam of stellar jets: a possible mechanism,’’ Astrophys. J., * 478, 594--602.

* C. Nore, M.E. Brachet, Politano, H. & POUQUET, A. 1997 Dynamo action in a Taylor--Green vortex near threshold, Phys. Plasmas Lett., * 4, 1-3.

* Vazquez--Semadeni, E., Passot, T. & POUQUET, A., 1996: ``Influence of cooling-induced compressibility on the structure of turbulent flows and gravitational collapse'', Astrophys. J., * 473, 881--893.

* Einaudi, G., Velli, M., Politano, H. & A. POUQUET, 1996: ``Energy release in a turbulent corona'', Astrophys. J. Lett. * 457, L113--L116.

* M. Meneguzzi, Politano, H., POUQUET, A. & M. Zolver, 1996: ``A Sparse Mode Spectral Method for the Simulation of Turbulent Flows'' J. Comp. Phys. * 123, 32 -- 44.

* Passot, T., Vazquez, E. & POUQUET, A., 1995: ``A Turbulent Model for the ISM: II. Magnetic Fields and Rotation'', Astrophys. J., * 455, 536 -- 555 .

* Politano, H. & POUQUET, A. 1995:``A model of intermittency in MHD'', Phys. Rev. E * 52, 636--641.

* Politano, H., POUQUET, A. & Sulem, P.L., 1995: Current and vorticity dynamics in three--dimensional turbulence'', Phys. Plasmas * 2, 2931--2939.

* Ponty, Y., POUQUET, A. & P.L. Sulem, 1995: ``Dynamos in nearly integrable two--dimensional flows'', Geophys. Astrophys. Fluid Dyn. * 79, 239--257.

* Vazquez, E., Passot, T. & POUQUET, A., 1995:`` A turbulent model for the interstellar medium:

I. Threshold star--formation and self--gravity'', Astrophys. J., * 441, 702--725.

* Vazquez, E., Passot, T. & POUQUET, A., 1995: ``A turbulent model for the interstellar medium:

I. Threshold star--formation and self-gravity'', Astrophys. J., * 441, videotape seg. 2 (19:01 to 23:19).

* Meneguzzi, M., POUQUET, A. & Sulem, P.L., 1995: * Small-scale structures in three--dimensional hydro and MHD turbulence, Nice, January 1995; Lecture Notes in Physics * 462, 421 pp., Springer--Verlag.

* E. Falgarone, D.C. Lis, T.G. Philips, D. Porter, POUQUET, A. & P. Woodward,

1994: ``Synthesized spectra of turbulent clouds'', Astrophys. J., * 436, 728--740.

* D. Porter, A. POUQUET, & P.R. Woodward, 1994: Kolmogorov-like Spectra in Supersonic Turbulence, Phys. Fluids * 6, 2133--2142.

* Podvigina O. & POUQUET A., 1994: ``On the Nonlinear Stability of the 1:1:1 ABC Flow'', Physica D * 75, 475 -- 508.

* Zhelikovsky O. & POUQUET A., 1993: ``Hydrodynamic Stability of the ABC Flow'' pp. 347--354, NATO Advanced Study Institute: Theory of Solar and Planetary Dynamos, Cambridge, September 1992, M.R.E. Proctor, P. Mattheus & A. Rucklidge Ed., Cambridge U. Press.

* Ponty, Y., POUQUET, A., Rom-Kedar, V. & P.L. Sulem, 1993: ``Dynamo in a Nearly Integrable Chaotic Flow'', pp. 241--248, NATO Advanced Study Institute: Theory of Solar and Planetary Dynamos, Cambridge, September 1992, M.R.E. Proctor, P. Mattheus & A. Rucklidge Ed., Cambridge U. Press.

* Galanti, B., POUQUET, A. & P.L. Sulem 1993:``Influence of the Period of an ABC Flow on its Dynamo Action'' pp. 99--103, NATO Advanced Study Institute: Theory of Solar and Planetary Dynamos, Cambridge, September 1992, M.R.E. Proctor, P. Mattheus & A. Rucklidge Ed., Cambridge University Press.

* Galanti, B., P.L. Sulem & POUQUET, A., 1992: Linear and Non--linear dynamos associated with ABC Flows, Geophys. Astrophys. Fluid Dyn. 66 183-208.

* Porter, D., POUQUET, A. & Woodward, P. , 1992: A Numerical Study of Supersonic Turbulence, Theoretical Computational Fluid Dynamics * 4, 13-49.

* Porter, D., POUQUET, A. & Woodward, P. , 1992: Three--Dimensional Supersonic Homogeneous Turbulence : A Numerical Study; Phys. Rev. Lett. * 68, 3156-3159

* Passot, T. & POUQUET, A., 1991: Numerical Simulations of Three--dimensional Supersonic Flows, Eur. J. Mech. B/Fluids * 10, 377-394.

* POUQUET, A., Passot T. & Léorat J. 1991: Turbulence and Gravitation, Advances in Turbulence, * 3, 343--350, Stockholm, Eds. A.V. Johansson & P.H. Alfredsson, Springer--Verlag.

* Léorat, J., T. Passot, & A. POUQUET, 1990: The formation of proto-stars in turbulent molecular clouds, Monthly Not. R.A.S. * 243, 293--311.

* Politano, H., Sulem, P.L. & POUQUET, A., 1990: Small--scale Structures of Two--Dimensional MHD Turbulence. "Topological Fluid Mechanics", Cambridge University Press, H.K. Moffatt & A. Tsinober, Eds., pp. 315--324

* Léorat, J., T. Passot, & A. POUQUET, 1990: Structure formation in Self--Gravitating Flows , ``Topological Fluid Mechanics'', Cambridge University Press, H.K. Moffatt & A. Tsinober, Eds., pp. 777--781

* Passot, T., POUQUET, A. & Sulem, P.L., 1990: Role of conservation laws in small Reynolds number closures : application to large scale dynamics of compressible flows Physica D 43, 37--43.

* Passot, T., Politano, H., POUQUET, A. & Sulem, P.L., 1990: ``Comparative study of dissipation modeling in two-dimensional MHD turbulence,'' Theor. Comp. Fluid Dyn., 2, 47--60.

* Politano, H., POUQUET, A. & Sulem, P.L., 1989: Inertial ranges and resistive instabilities in two--dimensional MHD turbulence, Physics Fluids B 1, 2330--2339.

* Meneguzzi, M., & A. POUQUET, 1989: The convective dynamo, a numerical experiment, J. Fluid Mech. * 205, 297--318.

* P.L. Sulem, A. POUQUET & M. Meneguzzi, 1988: Sensitivity of small--scale MHD turbulence to velocity—magnetic field correlations. Current Trends in Turbulent Research, H. Branover, M. Mond & Y. Unger eds., Progress in Astronautics and Aeronautics, * 112, 437--442, (1988).

* Gilbert, A. & A. POUQUET, 1988: Large--scale instabilities in MHD flows. Proceedings Fifth Beer-Sheva International Seminar on MHD flows and turbulence, Current Trends in Turbulent Research, H. Branover, M. Mond & Y. Unger eds., Progress in Astronautics and Aeronautics, 112, 270-277 (1988).

* Gilbert, A., U. Frisch, & A. POUQUET, 1988: Helicity is unnecessary for dynamo action but it helps. Geophys. Astrophys. Fluid Dynamics 42, 151-161.

* Passot, T., A. POUQUET, & P. Woodward, 1988: On the plausibility of Kolmogorov--type spectra in molecular clouds. Astron. Astrophys. 197, 228-234.

* POUQUET, A., P. L. Sulem, & M. Meneguzzi, 1988: Influence of velocity-magnetic field correlations on decaying magnetohydrodynamic turbulence with neutral X-points Phys. Fluids 31, 2635-2643

* Passot, T., & A. POUQUET, 1988: Hyperviscosity methods in pseudo--spectral calculations for compressible flows. J. Comput. Phys. 75, 300-313.

*Siregar, E., J. Léorat, J. P. Poyet, & A. POUQUET, 1987: Turbulent accretion discs, a numerical experiment. J. Geophys. Astrophys. Fluid Dyn. 38, 69-104

* Passot, T., & A. POUQUET, 1987: Compressible Turbulence with a perfect gas law: A numerical approach. J. Fluid Mech. 181, 441-466

* Passot, T., & A. POUQUET, 1986: The Painleve Analysis on the Burgers' MHD Equation. Phys. Lett. * 118, 121--123.

* Grappin, R., J. Léorat & A. POUQUET, 1986: Computation of the Dimension of a Model of Fully Developed Turbulence. J. Phys. * 47, 1127-- 1136.

* POUQUET, A., M. Meneguzzi & U. Frisch 1986: The Growth of Correlations in MHD Turbulence. Phys. Rev. A * 33, 4266--4276.

* Gloaguen, C., J. Léorat, A. POUQUET & R. Grappin, 1985: A Scalar Model for MHD Turbulence. Physica D * 17, 154--182.

* Sulem, P.L., U. Frisch, A. POUQUET, & M. Meneguzzi, 1985: On the exponential Flattening of current sheets near Neutral X-points in 2D Ideal MHD Flows J. Plasma Phys. * 33, 191-198.

* Frisch, U., A. POUQUET, P.L. Sulem & M. Meneguzzi, 1983: The Dynamics of Two--dimensional Ideal MHD. J. Mecanique Theor. Appl., Special issue, * 2, 191--216.

* POUQUET, A., U. Frisch, & J.P. Chollet, 1983: Turbulence with Spectral Gap. Phys. Fluids Lett. * 26, 877--880.

* R. Grappin, A. POUQUET, & J. Léorat, 1983: Dependence on Correlation of MHD Turbulence Spectra. Astron. Astrophys. * 126, 51--56.

* Léorat, J., R. Grappin, A. POUQUET, & U. Frisch, 1982: Turbulence and Magnetic Fields. J. Geophys. Astrophys. * 2, 69--79.

* Fournier, J. D., P. L. Sulem, & A. POUQUET, 1982: Infrared properties of forced magnetohydrodynamic turbulence. J. Phys. A., * 15, 1393--1420.

* Grappin, R., U. Frisch, J. Léorat, & A. POUQUET, 1982: Alfvenic fluctuations as asymptotic states of MHD turbulence. Astron. Astrophys. 105, 6-14.

* Meneguzzi, M., U. Frisch, & A. POUQUET, 1981: Helical and non—helical turbulent dynamos. Phys. Rev. Lett., * 47, 1060--1064.

* Garnier, M., A. Alemany, P. L. Sulem, & A. POUQUET, 1981: Influence of an external magnetic field on large scale low magnetic Reynolds number MHD turbulence. J. de Mecanique, * 20, 233--251.

* Léorat, J., A. POUQUET, & U. Frisch, 1981: Fully developed MHD turbulence near critical magnetic Reynolds number. J. Fluid Mech., * 104, 419--443.

* Léorat, J., A. POUQUET, & U. Frisch, 1980: Turbulence MHD développée et génération de champ magnétique. J. de Physique (Paris) 41, C3, 359-369.

* Sulem, P. L., J. D. Fournier, & A. POUQUET, 1979: Fully developed turbulence and renormalization group. Lecture notes in Physics, C.P. Enz., ed., Springer--Verlag, * 104, 321--335.

* POUQUET, A., 1979: Fully developed magnetohydrodynamic turbulence: Numerical simulation and closure techniques. International Journal of Fusion Energy, * 2, 39--87.

* Léorat, J., U. Frisch, & A. POUQUET, 1978: Generation of magnetic fields at high magnetic Reynolds number in a turbulent conducting fluid. MHD Flows and Turbulence, * 11, eds., H. Branover & A. Yakhot, IUP, 319--322.

* POUQUET, A., J.D. Fournier, & P. L. Sulem, 1978: Is helicity relevant for large scale steady state three--dimensional turbulence? J. Phys. Lettres (Paris) 39, L 199-203.

* POUQUET, A., 1978: On two--dimensional magnetohydrodynamic turbulence. J. Fluid Mech., * 88, 1--16.

* POUQUET, A., & G. S. Patterson, 1978: Numerical simulation of helical magnetohydrodynamic turbulence. J. Fluid Mech., * 85, 305--323.

* POUQUET, A., U. Frisch, & J. Léorat, 1976: Strong MHD helical turbulence and the non--linear dynamo effect. J. Fluid Mech., * 77, 321--354.

* Léorat, J., U. Frisch, & A. POUQUET, 1975: Helical magnetohydrodynamic turbulence and the non-linear dynamo theory. Ann. New York Acad. Sci. 257, 173-176.

* Frisch, U., A. POUQUET, J. Léorat, & A. Mazure, 1975: On the possibility of an inverse cascade in MHD helical turbulence. J. Fluid Mech. 68, 769-778.

* POUQUET A., M. Lesieur, J. C. André & C. Basdevant, 1975: Evolution of high Reynolds number 2D turbulence. J. Fluid Mech. 72, 305-319

* Brissaud, A., U. Frisch, J. Léorat, M. Lesieur, A. Mazure, A. POUQUET, R. Sadourny, & P. L. Sulem, 1973: Catastrophe energetique et nature de

la turbulence. Ann. Geophys., * 29, 539--546.

* Auvergne, M., H. Frisch, U. Frisch, C. Froeschlé, & A. POUQUET, 1973: Spectral line formation in a turbulent atmosphere, a unified theory.

Astron. Astrophys., * 29, 93--102.

* Auvergne, M., & A. POUQUET, 1973: Two--state atomic system with stochastic coupling. Physica, * 66, 409--415.

* Bourret, R. C., U. Frisch, & A. POUQUET, 1973: Brownian motion of harmonic oscillator with stochastic frequency. Physica * 65, 303--320.

2) A sample of recent reviewed proceedings

* A. POUQUET, ``On the possible role of constraints in MHD turbulence.'' Festival de Theorie, Aix-en-Provence, Ph. Ghendrih & P. Diamond Eds. (2015).

* A. POUQUET, J.~Baerenzung, P.D.~Mininni, D.~Rosenberg and S.~Thalabard: Rotating helical turbulence: three-dimensionalization or self-similarity in the small scales? ETC13, Advances in Turbulence, J. Phys., Conference series * 318, 042015 (2011), K. Bajer, Editor. doi:10.1088/1742-6596/318/4/042015

* A. POUQUET, M.E. Brachet, E. Lee, P.D. Mininni, D. Rosenberg and V. Uritsky: Lack of universality in MHD turbulence, and the emergence of a new paradigm? Astrophysical Dynamics: From Stars to Galaxies, Proceedings IAU Symposium * 271, Nice 2010; Brummell N.H., Brun A.S. & Miesch M. Eds. (2010)

3) International Schools, Editing or Review of books, recent white papers and administrative reports

* 12: NSF Ad-Hoc Subcommittee on Funding and Governance of Future Major Multi-user Facilities,

Business and Operations Advisory Committee: meeting in DC, and report submitted on December 30, 2010. I was responsible in particular for the section on proposing large-scale cross-discipline science projects, and for the open-data policy and the minority participation to projects (report available at

* 11: A. Bhattacharjee et al., ``Waves and Turbulence in Space and Astrophysical Plasmas,'' WOPA sub-group report on theoretical issues in MHD (2010);

see And E. Zweibel et al., ``Astrophysical Dynamos,'' WOPA sub-group report on dynamo processes (2010); see

* 10: POUQUET, A., 2005: Book review on ``Turbulence: An introduction for scientists and engineers'', Geophys. Astrophys. Fluid Dyn., * 99, 95--97 (2005); erratum, * 99, 353.

* 9: POUQUET, A., T. Passot & E. Vezquez--Semadeni, 1997: ``Dynamical evolution of the turbulent interstellar medium at the kiloparsec scale'', School on Numerical methods for astro /geophysical flows, Les Houches Spring School, J. Ferziger & O. Metais, Eds., Editions de Physique, Springer, 291-298.

* 8: POUQUET, A., 1996: Turbulence, Statistics and Structures: an Introduction, San Miniato, C. Chiuderi & G. Einaudi Eds., * $V^th$ European School in Astrophysics; Springer--Verlag, Lecture Notes in Physics ``Plasma Astrophysics'' * 468, 163--212.

* 7: POUQUET, A. 1996: ``Hydrodynamic and MHD turbulence: a rapid overview''; \sl Solar and Astrophysical Magnetohydrodynamics Flows,

K. Tsinganos Ed., Kluwer Acad. Press (Dordretch), * 481, 195--214, NATO Advanced Study Institute Series C. Heraklion (Crete) Conference.

* 6: POUQUET, A., 1996: MHD Turbulence, intermittency and the solar wind, Ecole NORDITA (Kittila, February 1996), organised by A. Brandenburg & A. Nordlund, unpublished.

* 5: POUQUET, A., 1993: Magnetohydrodynamic Turbulence, Les Houches Summer School on Astrophysical Fluid Dynamics, Juillet 1987; Session XLVII, 139-227; Eds. J. P. Zahn & J. Zinn--Justin, Elsevier. Also Preprint High Altitude Observatory, December 1987.

* 4: POUQUET, A., 1990: Closure Methods in Turbulence, NASA--Langley, unpublished.

* 3: Meneguzzi, M., POUQUET, A. & Sulem, P.L., Editors,1989: Nonlinear Phenomena in MHD Turbulence. Cargese Workshop, July 4--9, 1988, 279 pages, North--Holland.

* 2: POUQUET, A., 1987: Numerical simulations of fluid flows. 32nd Summer School in Physics. Scottish University of St. Andrews, Ed., T. Bowler, 211-246

* 1: POUQUET, A., 1984: Simulation numerique directe et hydrodynamique. Cours de Goutelas , Ed. A. Baglin, 39-64.

4) Sectional Lectures and invited conferences from 1979 to 2001

* 28: POUQUET, A. 2001: ``Issues in weak MHD turbulence'', Bull. American Phys. Soc. * 46, 107; APS, Long Beach. Session organised by W. Matthaeus.

* 27: POUQUET, A. 2001: ISSS-6, Copernicus Gesellschaft, ''A Brief Overview of Some New Results in Turbulence.’’ pp. 124--127, Eds J. Buchner, C. Dum & M. Sch\"oler, Copernicus Gesellschaft.

* 26: S. Galtier, S. Nazarenko, A. Newell & POUQUET, A., 2000:

``A weak turbulence theory for incompressible magnetohydrodynamics'', EGS 2000 Abstracts, Nice, SESSION ST17,

* 25: POUQUET, A., S. Galtier, H. Politano & E. Zienicke, 2000:

``Self--similar decay laws in MHD turbulent flows'', EGS 2000 Abstracts, Nice, SESSION ST17.

* 24: S. Galtier, H. Politano, A. POUQUET & E. Zienicke, 1998:``ON THE VALIDITY OF A NON--LOCAL APPROACH FOR MHD TURBULENCE'', Turbulence: Challenges for the 21st Century, Los Alamos, B. Chen Eds..

* 23: POUQUET, A. 1998: ``MHD turbulence in the interstellar medium'', Puebla, Janvier 1998, Cambridge University Press Series on Contemporary Astrophysics, pp. 87--94, J. Franco & A. Carraminama Eds.

* 22: H. Politano, E. Zienicke & A. POUQUET, 1998: Dynamo, chaos and intermittency: The case of conducting flows'', Freiburg, M. Schussler Ed.

* 21: S. Galtier, S. Nazarenko, A. Newell & A. POUQUET, 1998: A weak turbulence theory in MHD'', CECAM Workshop ``Nonlinear plasmas'', Lyon, F. Pegoraro & O. Pozzoli Eds.

* 20: POUQUET, A. 1997: ``Kolmogorov--like behavior and inertial range vortex dynamics in turbulent compressible flows '', Sectional Lecture, XIX--ICTAM Conference, Kyoto,

Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, 395--410, T. Tatsumi, E. Watanabe & T. Kambe Ed., Elsevier.

* 19: POUQUET, A. 1997: ``Reality and numerical simulations in Astrophysics'', Workshop on Numerical Modeling and Physical Reality, NCAR, Boulder, 1997. NCAR/TN--438+PROC, p. 5.

* 18: POUQUET, A. 1996: ``Hydrodynamique et astrophysique: du soleil aux etoiles, et des etoiles aux nuages, la dynamique du milieu interstellaire'', Union des Physiciens, Nice, Octobre 1996.

* 16: POUQUET, A. 1994: ``Three--dimensional structures in MHD turbulence and the competition between small and large scales.’’ Research Trends in Plasma Astrophysics, International conference, San Diego, Nov. 1993, to appear in Research Trends in Physics, Institute for Advanced Physics Studies, American Institute of Physics, V. Stefan Ed., Springer-Verlag.

* 15: POUQUET, A. 1994: ``Turbulence and the Interstellar Medium'' Workshop ``Numerical Methods in Astrophysics: The dynamics of the Universe'', Mexico City, July 1993; pp. 237--245. J. Franco, S. Lizano, L. Aguilar & E. Daltabuit Eds., Cambridge University Press.

* 14: POUQUET, A. 1993: ``Possible Structures in Complex MHD Flows'', START--ESA Conference, Aussois, ESA--SP * 358, 5-10, ESA WPP--047 Proceedings, A. Roux & D. Lequeau Eds.

* 13: POUQUET, A., Porter, D. & Woodward, P., 1992: Numerical Simulations of Supersonic Turbulence in \sl Computing Methods in Applied Sciences and Engineering, Dixi\`eme Colloque International sur les Méthodes de Calcul Scientifique et Technique; INRIA, February 1992, Le Vésinet;133--147, M. Glowinski Ed., Nova Science, New--York.

* 12: Porter, D., POUQUET, A. & Woodward, P. , 1991: Supersonic Homogeneous Turbulence; Proceedings, "Large Scale Structures in Nonlinear Physics", Villefranche --sur --Mer; J.D. Fournier & P.L. Sulem Eds, Lecture Notes in Physics * 392, 105 -- 125; Springer--Verlag.

* 11: POUQUET, A., Passot, T. & Léorat, J. 1991: Numerical Simulations of Turbulent Supersonic Flows; Symposium IAU 147, pp. 101--118; F. Boulanger, G. Duvert & E. Falgarone Eds., Kluwer Dordretch.

* 10: POUQUET, A. & Passot, T., 1988: Numerical Simulations of Turbulent Supersonic Flows, Princeton Workshop on Advances in Compressible Turbulent Mixing, 543--552. W.P. Dannevik, A.C. Buckingham & C.E. Leith eds. Published, January 1, 1992 (US Government Printing Office).

* 9: POUQUET, A., 1988: Numerical simulations of MHD turbulence. Computer Physics Communications, * 49, 97--102.

* 8: POUQUET, A., 1987: The dynamo problem, an overview: Theory and numerics. Cargese School on Extra--galactic Magnetic Fields, ed. E. Asseo,

Editions de Physique, 57--74.

* 7: POUQUET, A., 1985: Is turbulence a solar observable? Solar Orbital Telescope Meeting, Max Planck Institut fur Astrophysik, Munich, ed. H. U. Schmidt, MPA * 212, 34--47.

* 6: POUQUET, A., 1985: Variable spectral laws in magnetohydrodynamic turbulence.

Gordon Conference on Astrophysical Plasmas. New London, June 1985 (unpublished).

* 5: POUQUET, A., 1985: Magnetohydrodynamic turbulence. European Physical Society, Prague, 6th General Conf., eds. J. Janta & J. Pantoflice, 136-143.

* 4: POUQUET, A., 1984: Statistical methods in turbulence. Langley Research Workshop, Springer--Verlag, Applied Math, Sci., Vol. 58, 209--230.

* 3: Léorat, J., A. POUQUET, & J. P. Poyet, 1984: Turbulent gravitational instability: A numerical approach. Colloque de Toulouse. November 1983. Problems of Collapse and Numerical Relativity, eds. Bancel & Signore, Reidel (Dordretch), 267--312.

* 2: POUQUET, A., C. Gloaguen, J. Léorat, & R. Grappin, 1983: A scalar model of MHD turbulence. 6th KSI Conference, Kyoto, September 1983, 206--210, ed. Kuramoto, Springer--Verlag.

* 1: POUQUET, A., 1979: Small--scale high Reynolds number turbulence. Kiepenheuer Colloquium. No. 179, 63--68, Freiburg, RFA.

5) Other Publications

This portion of the list is complete until 2005.

* 97: D. Rosenberg, A. POUQUET, K. Germaschewski, C. S. Ng, and A. Bhattacharjee, Spectral-element adaptive refinement magnetohydrodynamic simulations of the island coalescence instability, Bulletin American Physical Society, * 51, No. 7, p. 167, Abstract no. JP1 113, October 2006.

* 96: D. Rosenberg, A. POUQUET, K. Germaschewski, C. S. Ng, and A. Bhattacharjee, Bull. Am. Phys. Soc. * 51 (7) 167 (2006).

* 95: POUQUET, A., 2005: A. Norton, P. Mininni, J. Clyne and A. POUQUET:

``Analysis and Visualization of small-scale structures occuring in high-resolution MHD simulations,'' AGU poster, Fall 2006.

* 94: A. Fournier, D. Rosenberg and A. POUQUET, 2005: Dynamically multi-scale adaptive geophysical fluid dynamics simulations using GASpAR,'' Toulouse Workshop on Coherent vortices, August 2005, D. Dritschel el al. Eds.

* 93: A. Alexakis, P. Mininni and A. POUQUET, 2005: ``Locality of transfer in Navier-Stokes and MHD turbulence,'' Santa Fe Workshop on Turbulence, July 2005, J.P. Ecke et al. Eds.

* 92: Ponty, Y., Mininni P., Montgomery, D., Pinton, J.F., Politano H. & POUQUET, A., 2005:

``Effet dynamo e faible nombre de Prandtl magnetique pour un for\c cage non-helicitaire,'' Meeting of the Dynamo GDR (CNRS).

* 91: J. Saur, POUQUET, A. and W. Matthaeus, 2004: ``Spatially and chemically segregated energization of Jupiter's magnetosphere'', AGU meeting, December.

* 90: P. Mininni, D. Montgomery and POUQUET, A., 2004: A comparison between direct numerical simulations and the alpha model for two-dimensional MHD turbulence'', American Physical Society, Division of Fluid Dynamics.

* 89: P. Mininni, D. Montgomery and POUQUET, A., 2004: ``Dynamo at low magnetic Prandtl number: a numerical study using a combination of direct numerical simulations, the alpha model and large-eddy simulations'', American Physical Society, Division of Fluid Dynamics.

* 88: P. Mininni, D. Montgomery and POUQUET, A., 2004: A comparison between direct numerical simulations and the alpha model for two-dimensional MHD turbulence'', poster, American Physical Society, Division of Plasma Physics.

* 87: P. Mininni, D. Montgomery and POUQUET, A., 2004: ``Dynamo at low magnetic Prandtl number: a numerical study using a combination of direct numerical simulations, the alpha model and large-eddy simulations'', American Physical Society, Division of Plasma Physics.

* 86: D. Rosenberg, A. Fournier and A. POUQUET, 2004:``Dynamically adaptive geophysical fluid dynamics simulations using the Geophysical Astrophysical Spectral elements Adaptive Refinement (GASpAR) code'', Brown Conference, June.

* 85: D. Rosenberg, A. Fournier and A. POUQUET, 2004:``The Geophysical Astrophysical Spectral elements Adaptive Refinement (GASpAR) code for geophysical turbulent flows'', Copper Mountain Conference, April.

* 84: L. Sorriso-Valvo, V. Abramenko, V. Carbone, A. Noullez, A. POUQUET, P. Veltri and V. Yurchyshyn, 2003: "Cancellations and structures in the solar photosphere: signature of flares", Proceedings Solar Wind X, June 16 – 21 2002, Pisa, Italy, Edt.: M. Velli.

* 83: S. Galtier, S.V. Nazarenko, A.C. Newell & A. POUQUET, 2002: A weak turbulence theory for incompressible MHD waves in an open magnetic

region'', Alfven 2002 Workshop, Solar Wind X (Pisa), Ed. M. Velli.

* 82 R. Camassa, C. Jones, L. Kellog, I. Mezic, A. POUQUET & B. Turkington, 2001: A Rational Approach to "Earth Management'', SIAM News * 34 Nb. 6, p.1.

* 81: Zienicke, E., Politano, H. & POUQUET, A., 2001: ``Parallel Computation of the Saturation Process in a Nonlinear Dynamo Model'', Numerical Flow Simulation II, CNRS-DFG Collaborative Research Programme, Results 1998-2000, ed. E. H. Hirschel,

Notes on numerical fluid dynamics, * 75, 127--141, Springer (2001).

* 80: T. Gomez, H. Politano & POUQUET, A. & M. Larchev\^eque, 2001: ``Spiral small--scale structures in compressible turbulent flows'', IUTAM Symposium and NATO Advanced Research Workshop ``Tubes, Sheets and Singularities in Fluid Dynamics '', Zakopane, Konrad Bajer & Keith Moffatt Eds., Kluwer, 1--6.

* 79: C. Nore, M.E. Brachet, H. Politano & A. POUQUET, 2001:``Etude numerique de l'effet dynamo dans la geometrie du tourbillon de Taylor-Green'', Atelier de turbulence du GDR 1112, Toulouse, Decembre 2000, pp. 17--18, F. Anselmet Editeur,

* 78: Liu, H.-L., P. Charbonneau, T.J. Bogdan, A. POUQUET, S.W. McIntosh & J.P. Norman, 2001:

``An avalanche system for MHD'', AGU session on solar flares SP51C--03, Boston.

* 77: POUQUET, A., 2001: ``The role of intermittency in geophysical and astrophysical

turbulent fluids: the case of coupling to a magnetic field'', AGU Session U01, S. Meacham, R. Reichlin, P. Stephens, T. Fogwell Eds, Boston, May 2001.

* 76: L. Sorriso, V. Carbone, H. Politano, POUQUET, A. & P.L. Veltri, 2001:

``Intermittency and analysis of cancellation exponents in MHD turbulence'', EGS, session ST12 organisee par W. Krasnoselskikh.

* 75: J. Saur, H. Politano & POUQUET, A., 2001: On the relevance of a turbulence approach for the jovian magnetosphere''

Jupiter Conference, Boulder, June 2001, Conference organised by Fran Bagenal.

* 74: C. Nore, M.E. Brachet, H. Politano & A. POUQUET, 2000: Dynamo action in a forced Taylor-Green vortex'', Cargese Workshop, 2000.

* 73: L. Sorriso, V. Carbone, P.L. Veltri, H. Politano & POUQUET, A., 2000:``The scaling laws for PdFs in MHD turbulence'', EGS, session ST18/NP ``Nonlinear dynamics and fractals in space'', Organized byW. Macek.

* 72: T. Gomez, H. Politano & POUQUET, A. & M. Larcheveque, 2000:

``A Lundgren spiral vortex model for compressible turbulence'', ICTAM 2000, Chicago, R. Pullin Ed..

* 71: T. Gomez, H. Politano & POUQUET, A., 1999: ``On the validity of a nonlocal approach for MHD turbulence'', EGS 2000, Nice, session ST18/NP ``Nonlinear dynamics and fractals in space'', organized by W. Macek.

* 70: T. Gomez, H. Politano, POUQUET, A. & M. Larchev\^eque, 1999: ``Spiral vortices in compressible flows'', EGS 2000, Nice, session NP8 ``Vortices, waves and their interactions in geophysical flows'' organized by D.G. Dritschel.

* 69: C. Nore, M.E. Brachet, Politano, H. & POUQUET, A. 1999:`` Etude numérique de l'effet dynamo dans la géometrie du tourbillon de Taylor--Green'', Conférence AUM--AFM, Quatorzième Congrès franc ais de Mécanique.

* 68: S. Galtier, S. Nazarenko, A. Newell & A. POUQUET, 1999:``Weak MHD turbulence and anisotropy'', sous presse, T. Passot & P.L. Sulem Eds., Lecture Notes in Physics * 536, Springer--Verlag.

* 67: Balsara, D., POUQUET, A., D. Ward--Thompson & R. Crutcher, 1998: Numerical Magnetohydrodynamic studies of turbulence and star formation'' Mexico Conference on Interstellar Turbulence, Cambridge University Press Astrophysical Series, pp. 261--266, J. Franco & A. Carraminama Eds.

* 66: Porter, D., POUQUET, A. & Woodward, P., 1998: ``Intermittency in compressible flows'', in ETC7, Advances in Turbulence VII, p. 255--258, Fluid Mechanics and its applications, U. Frisch Ed., Kluwer (Dordretch).

* 65: H. Politano & POUQUET, A., 1998: ``Exact scaling laws for turbulent MHD flows'', 23rd General Assembly of the European Geophysical Society in Nice, 20-24 April 1998, Annales Geophysicae, Supplement of Volume 16 (1998).

* 64: S. Galtier, T. Gomez, Politano, H. & POUQUET, A., 1998: ``Intermittency in MHD flows and the heating of the solar corona'', in ETC7, Advances in Turbulence VII, p. 453--456, Fluid Mechanics and its applications, U. Frisch Ed., Kluwer (1998).

* 63: S. Galtier & POUQUET, A., 1997: ``Heating of the solar corona with MHD turbulence: a model in slab geometry'', Forum Themis, Publication de l'Observatoire de Paris, November 1996, 171--175, N. Mein & S. Sahal Eds.

* 62: E.C. V\'azquez-Semadeni, T. Passot & A. POUQUET, 1997:``Highly Compressible MHD Turbulence and Gravitational Collapse'', 7th Annual Maryland Conference on Astrophysics. Star Formation, Near and Far, S. S. Holt and L. G. Mundy, Eds. (New York: AIP Press), 85--88 (1997).

* 61: Balsara, D., Crutcher, D. & POUQUET, A., 1996:``Numerical Simulations of MHD Turbulence and Gravitational Collapse'', Extended Abstract, AAS Fall Meeting, Maryland.

* 60: POUQUET, A., Politano, H. & Carbone V., 1996:``Intermittency in MHD flows'', 19th International Congress of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, Kyoto, Magnetohydrodynamics Session, p. 747, 19th congress IUTAM, Colloque ``Magnetohydrodynamics'', Kyoto, Aout 1996.

* 59: P. Caillol, H. Politano & A. POUQUET, 1995:``Intermittency and the inverse cascade of magnetic potential in two--dimensional MHD'', International Workshop, MFGA, Paris, November 1995, p. 8, Book of Abstracts, D. Schertzer & E. Falgarone Eds.

* 58: Boratav, O. & POUQUET, A., 1995: ``Numerical experiments on compressible turbulence'', Preprint, Observatoire de la C\^ote d'Azur.

* 57: Chiuderi, C., Einaudi, G., Velli, M. & A. POUQUET, 1995 ``Long time statistics of magnetically driven MHD turbulence, solar flares and coronal heating'', IAU Colloquium ``Magnetohydrodynamic Phenomena in the solar atmosphere'', Uchida Y. & Kosugi T. Eds, * 153, 24. Tokyo, mai 1995.

* 56: E. Vazquez--Semadeni, T. Passot & A. POUQUET, 1995: "MHD turbulence, cloud formation and star formation in the ISM", Rev. Mex. Astr. y Astrof. * 3, 61--68.

* 55: H. Politano, A. POUQUET & P.L. Sulem, 1995: Current and vorticity structures in three--dimensional MHD flows, in ``Small--scale structures in fluids and MHD'', pp 281-288, International Workshop, Nice, Janvier 1995, M. Meneguzzi, A. POUQUET & P.L. Sulem, Editors, Lecture Notes in Physics * 462, Springer--Verlag.

* 54: Zurbuchen, Th., P. Bochsler, H. Politano, and A. POUQUET, Minor ions in solar wind turbulence: A numerical study, EOS Trans., Fall Meet. Suppl., F479, 1995.

* 53: D. Porter, A. POUQUET, & P.R. Woodward, 1995: Vorticity filaments as the building blocks of the inertial range dynamics of turbulent flows, in ``Small--scale structures in fluids and MHD'', 51-58, International Workshop, Nice, Janvier 1995, M. Meneguzzi, A. POUQUET & P.L. Sulem, Editors, Lecture Notes in Physics * 462, Springer--Verlag.

* 52: Zurbuchen, Th., P. Bochsler, H. Politano, and A. POUQUET, Test particle study of minor ions in the solar wind, Proc. Solar Wind Eight, AIP Conf. Proc., * 382, 371, 1996.

* 51: Porter, D., Woodward, P. & POUQUET, A., 1994:`` Kolmogorov--Like Spectra in Decaying Three--Dimensional Supersonic Flows'', International Workshop on Large Eddy Simulations of turbulent flows engineering and the environment, September 1993, CERCA, Université de Montreal, Proceedings p. 193, M. Lesieur, B. Rabi Baliga and M. Meneguzzi Eds.

* 50: Vazquez, E., Passot, T. & POUQUET, A., 1994: ``Turbulence, rotation and magnetic fields in the interstellar medium'', poster, Meeting in honor of Georges Field, Elba, June 1994 ``The Physics of the Interstellar Medium and Intergalactic Medium'', A. Ferrara, C. McKee, C. Heiles & P. Shapiro Eds, ASP Conf. Series * 80.

* 49: Porter, D., POUQUET, A. & Woodward, P. 1994: American Astronomical Society Meeting, Minneapolis, June 1994 video poster, ``Effects of Fluid Turbulence on Turbulent Convection''.

* 48: Einaudi, G., Politano, H., POUQUET, & Velli, M. 1993: ``Chauffage turbulent de la couronne solaire par les courants magnétiques'', poster, réunion du GdR Magnétisme, Paris, Novembre 1993.

* 47: Vazquez, E., Passot, T. & POUQUET, A., 1994: ``A self--sustained energetic cycle in the interstellar medium at the kiloparsec scale'', Poster, 183rd AAS (American Astronomical Society) Meeting, Washington, January 1994.

* 46: Passot, T., Vazquez, E. & POUQUET, A., 1994:``A turbulent model for the interstellar medium'' in Workshop Numerical Simulations in Astrophysics: Modelling the dynamics of the Universe'', Mexico City, July 1993; pp. 246--250. J. Franco, S. Lizano, L. Aguilar & E. Daltabuit Eds., Cambridge University Press.

* 45: Porter, D., Zeitlin V. & POUQUET, A. , 1993:``On shock -- vortex interactions'',

Abstract, 19th International Symposium on Shocks Waves, Marseille, July 1993.

* 44: Porter, D., POUQUET, A. & Woodward, P. , 1993: ``Supersonic Turbulence and the Interstellar Medium'' Second International Workshop on Collisionless Shocks, Paris, October 1992, 101--108; B. Lembège Ed., CNET (Paris).

* 43: Politano H., POUQUET A. & Sulem P.L., 1993: Tearing Instability in Two--dimensional MHD Turbulence; American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics "Advances in Turbulence Research", H. Branover & Y. Unger eds.; Proceedings Sixth Beer-Sheva International Seminar on MHD flows and turbulence AIAA Progress Series * 149 81 - 86.

* 42: POUQUET, A. & Lembège, B., 1991: "Non--linéarités dans les plasmas : approches analytiques et numériques"; Proposition de création de GdR, CNRS.

* 41: Porter, D., POUQUET, A. & Woodward, P., 1991: "Mixing Rates in Supersonic Homogeneous Turbulence.’’ Workshop on the Physics of Compressible Turbulent Mixing, Abbaye de Royaumont, France, 17-21 June.

* 40: POUQUET, A., 1991: Rapport de synthèse "Simulation numérique de turbulence compressible developpée", contrat DRET 500-276, opération 88-189.

* 39: POUQUET, A. & Passot, T., 1990 : "Turbulence compressible homogène: résultats de simulations numériques directes", Vingt--septième Colloque d'Aérodynamique Appliquée, AAAF, Marseille.

* 38: POUQUET, A., 1990 : "Irisez--vous"; Formule 4 vol. * 9, Septembre, Bulletin de liaison de l'Observatoire de la C\^ote d'Azur.

* 37: Politano, H., POUQUET, A. & Sulem, P.L., 1990: Resistive Instabilities in a two--dimensional MHD turbulent flow. * IAU Symposium 140 on Galactic and Intergalactic Magnetic Fields, p. 357-358; Heildelberg, R. Beck, P.P. Kronberg & R. Wielebinski eds., Kluwer Academic Publishers.

* 36: POUQUET, A., 1989 : Direct Numerical Simulations of MHD Turbulence and Large--Scale Computing at the National Center for Atmospheric Research, NCAR Report on Large-scale Computing.

* 35: Meneguzzi, M., POUQUET, A., & Sulem, P.L., 1989: Compte--Rendu de Colloque tenu \`a Cargèse; Société de Mathématiques Appliquées et Industrielles, Bulletin de Liaison, * 18, 43--44.

* 34: Politano, H., POUQUET, A. & Sulem, P.L., 1989: Inertial ranges and

resistive instabilities in two-dimensional MHD turbulence, Euromech Meeting, Lyon.

* 33: Meneguzzi, M. & POUQUET, A., 1989: Convective turbulent dynamos without rotation; Cargèse Workshop on MHD flows, July 1988; M. Meneguzzi, A. POUQUET & P.L. Sulem Eds, pp. 41-48, North-Holland.

* 32: Politano, H., POUQUET, A., & Sulem, P.L., 1989: Small--scale dynamics of an incompressible MHD flow; Cargese Workshop on MHD flows, July 1988. M. Meneguzzi, A. POUQUET & P.L. Sulem Eds, pp. 233-240, North--Holland.

* 31: POUQUET, A., Politano, H. & Sulem, P.L., 1988: Possible Inertial

Ranges in MHD Turbulence. Abstract, AGU Meeting, San Francisco, December 1988.

* 30: POUQUET, A., 1988: Projet de recherche sur la turbulence compressible tri-dimensionnelle: Simulations numériques \`a haute résolution et problèmes de graphique 3D en temps réel. DRET.

* 29: POUQUET, A., 1987: Review on ``The alpha-dynamo parameter.’’ Matthaeus et al.; Math. Review, * 327, p. 138.

* 28: Gilbert, A., U. Frisch, & A. POUQUET, 1987: Non--helical dynamos. Ber--Sheva Abstract.

* 27: POUQUET, A., & T. Passot, 1987: Écoulements astrophysiques, le cas MHD ou le cas compressible. Colloque de l'ATP ``Dynamique des fluides géophysiques et astrophysiques, Septembre, 1987; ed. M. Lesieur.

* 26: Léorat, J., A. POUQUET, T. Passot, & R. Grappin, 1987: Simulation de la turbulence homogène compressible par une méthode spectrale. Colloque CNRS, Méthodes Numériques Performante, Mars 1987, Nice.

* 25: POUQUET, A., 1987: Revue de `` Theory of hydromagnetic stability" par B. Shivamoggi; La Recherche, No. 167, 494.

* 24: Sulem, P. L., M. Meneguzzi, & A. POUQUET, 1986: Simulation numérique de

la turbulence MHD bi-dimensionnelle. Rapport CCVR, 281--284.

* 23: Sulem, P. L., A. POUQUET, & M. Meneguzzi, 1986: Sensitivity of two--dimensional MHD turbulence to Alfvén waves and correlations. Preprints in Proc. in Phys., ed., G. Comte--Bellot & J. Mathieu, Springer--Verlag.

* 22: Passot T. & A. POUQUET, 1986: Simulation numérique de la turbulence supersonique \`a deux dimensions. Colloque DRET--ONERA. Poitiers, Mars 1986, 101--110.

* 21: POUQUET, A., 1985: Fluides astrophysiques: Quel ordinateur? Rapport, Observatoire de Nice.

* 20: POUQUET, A., 1985: Rapport sur les simulations numériques et le traitement des images. CNRS, Section 18.

* 19: Grappin, R., A. POUQUET, & J. Léorat, 1985: Computation of the dimension for a model of fully--developed turbulence. INRIA--NSF Meeting on Macroscopic Modelling of Turbulent Flows. Sophia--Antipolis.

* 18: Léorat, J., A. POUQUET, J. P. Poyet, & T. Passot, 1985: Spectral simulations of two--dimensional compressible flows. 9th Conference on Numerical Fluid Dynamics, Saclay. Lecture notes in Physics, Vol. 218, 369-374 Springer-Verlag.

* 17: Meneguzzi, M., & A. POUQUET, 1984: Magnetoconvection: A numerical experiment. 9th Conference in Numerical Fluid Dynamics, Saclay. Lecture notes in Physics, vol. 218, 151--155, Springer--Verlag.

* 16: POUQUET, A., M. Meneguzzi, U. Frisch, & P. L. Sulem, 1984: Numerical simulations of magnetohydrodynamic turbulence. In Turbulence and Chaotic Phenomena in Fluids, Kyoto, ed., Tatsumi, North--Holland, 501--503.

* 15: Léorat, J., A. POUQUET, & J. P. Poyet, 1983: Les fluides compressibles en astrophysique. Dossier RCP, Observatoire de Nice.

* 14: Frisch, U., A. POUQUET, & M. Meneguzzi, 1983: Helical and non-helical dynamics. IAU Symposium on Solar Magnetic Fields: Origins and Coronal Effects, Ed. J. O. Stenflo, 271.

* 13: POUQUET, A., 1982: Inverse cascade in spin hydrodynamics: A closure approach. Rapport, Observatoire de Nice.

* 12: Frisch, U., M. Meneguzzi, A. POUQUET, & P. L. Sulem, 1981: Simulations numériques \`a très haute résolution des écoulements MHD bi-dimensionnels. 5ème Congrès de Mécanique, Marseille.

* 11: Grappin, R., A. POUQUET, & J. Léorat, 1981: Turbulence MHD et corrélation champ magnétique -- champ de vitesses. Colloque S.F.P., Clermont--Ferrand, 252.

* 10: Frisch, U., J. Léorat, M. Meneguzzi, A. POUQUET, & P. L. Sulem, 1980: Turbulence et champ magnétique. Images de la Physique, Éditions du CNRS.

* 9: POUQUET, A., & J. D. Fournier, 1977: The Dyson--Schwinger formalism for hydrodynamical turbulence. Rapport Observatoire de Nice.

* 8: U. Frisch & A. POUQUET, 1977: Intermittence et Phénomènes \`a petite échelle en turbulence fluide et MHD \`a grand nombre de Reynolds, Demande DRET, Décision 3264, 1--4.

* 7: POUQUET, A., 1976: Note sur la manipulation des données en simulation numérique directe de la turbulence. Rapport Observatoire de Nice.

* 6: Frisch U. & POUQUET, A., 1972 : "Mouvement Brownien d'un oscillateur harmonique modulé aléatoirement en fréquence; introduction \`a

une méthode de bootstrap", Turbulence, * 4, Janvier 1972, 12 pp., Observatoire de Nice.

* 5: POUQUET, A. 1971 : ``Détection du radical hydroxyl OH dans W3'', Stage de DEA, Université de Paris VII.

* 4: POUQUET, A. 1970 : ``Seconde quantification et les postulats de Feyman'', Exposé de DEA, Université de Paris VII.

* 3: POUQUET, A., 1969 : "Les courbes de croissance", Rapport de Maîtrise en Astrophysique, 12 pp., Université de Nice.

* 2: POUQUET, A., Décembre 1976: ``Étude de la turbulence magnétohydrodynamique par simulation numérique directe et techniques de fermeture.''

Thèse d'État, Université de Nice (PhD equivalent).

Jury: E. Schatzman, Président; U. Frisch, F. Guérin, G. Laval, H.K. Moffatt, R. Moreau & F. Roddier, Examinateurs.

* 1: POUQUET, A., Décembre 1972: ``Étude de quelques problèmes faisant intervenir des moments d'ordre deux de la solution d'une équation différentielle stochastique." Thèse de Troisième Cycle, Université de Paris VII (Master's Thesis equivalent).

Jury: E. Schatzman, Président; U. Frisch, A. Omont & H. van Regemorter, Examinateurs.