Permanent staff

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IRD Montpellier

911, avenue Agropolis

BP 64501

34394 Montpellier cedex 5


Email : philippe.cubry [at]

Personal webpage

Researchgate profil

Research interests

My main research interests cover the whole range of population genetics and molecular evolution on plant species, as well as applied quantitative genetics. I’m particularly interested in how wild and cultivated populations of plants are established and maintained.

After developing research on the understanding of local adaptation to heterogeneous landscape through simulated and empirical datasets, I’m now interested in understanding the domestication process of african crops. In particular I use computer modelisation and spatialy-explicit genetic simulations to try infer the area of domestication.

Formation and research experience


Post-Doctoral fellow at IRD-DIADE, Montpellier, France

Spatial modelisation and population genetics of african crops domestication, part of the Africrop ANR project


Post-Doctoral fellow at INRA-URFM (Ecologie of Mediterranean Forests), Avignon, France

Investigate the effect of fragmented local environment on adaptive selection, trees as a case-study


Post-doctoral Research Associate at National Botanic Gardens of Ireland, Dublin, Ireland

Research subject: Assess genetic diversity and phylogeography of Irish Forest trees species


Post-doctoral position for Michelin

CIRAD (Centre for International Cooperation in Development), UMR DAP

Research subject: Development and testing of molecular markers for candidate genes implicated in the field resistance of Hevea brasiliensis to Microcyclus ulei


PhD in population genetics, selection, evolution - Université Montpellier 2

CIRAD (Centre for International Cooperation in Development), UMR DAP

Research subject: Genetic diversity structure and linkage disequilibrium analysis of the species Coffea canephora Pierre


MSc 2 in Phytogenetic Resources and Biologic Interactions - Université Montpellier 2

CIRAD (Centre for International Cooperation in Development), UMR DAP

Research subject: Diversity and preliminary study of linkage disequilibrium in some populations of Coffea canephora coffee trees


MSc 1 in Populations and Ecosystems Biology - Université Montpellier 2

CIRAD (Centre for International Cooperation in Development)

Research subject: Microsatellites genotyping of 48 banana trees accessions from the Musa genus

Main publications

Cubry P, Muratorio S, Scotti I, Lefevre F (in prep) Polygenic adaptation in a hierarchical population structure.

Cubry P, Lefevre F (Submitted to Genetics) Generalized framework for the study of adaptive differentiation in hierarchically structured populations.

Cubry P, Gallagher E, O’Connor E, Kelleher CT (2015) Phylogeography and population genetics of black alder (Alnus glutinosa (L.) Gaertn.) in Ireland: putting it in a European context. Tree Genetics and Genomes 11:99

Leroy T, De Bellis F, Legnate H, Musoli P, Kalonji A, Loor Solòrzano RG, Cubry P (2014) Developing core collections to optimize the management and the exploitation of diversity of the coffee Coffea canephora. Genetica 142(3):185-199

Cubry P, Pujade-Renaud V, Garcia D, Espeout S, Le Guen V, Granet F, Seguin M (2014) Development and characterization of a new set of 164 polymorphic EST-SSR markers for rubber tree (Hevea spp.). Plant Breeding 133(3):416-426

Cubry P, De Bellis F, Avia K, Bouchet S, Pot D, Dufour M, Legnate H, Leroy T (2013) An initial assessment of linkage disequilibrium (LD) in coffee trees: LD patterns in groups of Coffea canephora Pierre using microsatellite analysis. BMC Genomics 14:10

Cubry P, De Bellis F, Pot D, Musoli P, Leroy T (2013) Global analysis of Coffea canephora Pierre ex Froehner (Rubiaceae) from the Guineo-Congolese region reveals impacts from climatic refuges and migration effects. Genetic Resources and crop evolution 60(2):483-501

Cubry P, Musoli P, Legnate H, Pot D, de Bellis F, Poncet V, Anthony F, Dufour M, Leroy T (2008) Diversity in coffee assessed with SSR markers: Structure of the genus Coffea and perspectives for breeding. Genome 51(1):50-63

Montagnon C, Cubry P, Leroy T (2012) Amélioration génétique du caféier Coffea canephora Pierre : connaissances acquises, stratégies et perspectives. Cahiers Agriculture 21(2-3):143-153

Musoli P, Cubry P, Aluka P, Billot C, Dufour M, De Bellis F, Pot D, Kyetere D, Ochugo J, Bieysse D, Charrier A, Leroy T (2009) Genetic differentiation of wild and cultivated populations: diversity of Coffea canephora in Uganda. Genome 52:634-646

Chair A, Duroy PO, Cubry P, Sinsin B, Pham JL (2011) Impact of past climatic and recent anthropogenic factors on wild yam genetic diversity. Molecular Ecology 20(8):1612-1623

Leroy T, De Bellis F, Legnate H, Kananura E, Gonzales G, Pereira L, Andrade A, Charmetant P, Montagnon C, Cubry P, Marraccini P, Pot D, de Kochko A (2011) Improving the quality of African robustas: QTLs for yield- and quality-related traits in Coffea canephora. Tree Genetics & Genomes 7(4):781-798

Hippolyte I, Jenny C, Gardes L, Bakry F, Rivallan R, Pomies V, Cubry P, Tomekpe K, Risterucci AM, Roux N, Rouard M, Arnaud E, Kolesnikova-Allen M, Perrier X (2012) Foundation characteristics of edible Musa triploids revealed from allelic distribution of SSR markers. Annals of Botany 109(5):937-951