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Addendum to Harbourne constants and conic configurations on the projective plane : at the end of page 892 we discuss (really sketch) positivity of K'. It is quite easy to see that K'  can be rewritten as an effective divisor using only the exceptional divisors and the strict transforms of irreducible components of our configuration. Indeed, if n=2 we can observe that K' is nef, especially for a configuration of 4 curves of bidegree (1, 1)  and 12 double points one has (K')^2 = 0 and e(Y) = 12. If now n >= 3, then using standard considerations we can show that K' is big and nef - in the paper we wrote that K' is ample. However, and fortunately, in this particular case this might be viewed as a typo since our idea was to emphasize only positivity of K' and the fact that our surface Y is of general type in order to apply the Bogomolov-Miyaoka-Yau inequality, and it does not interfere on the main result.