Batool Ossareh-Nazari, CNRS IR1, HDR.

Background: I did my PhD thesis in Dr C. Dargemont’s lab under her guidance at Institut Curie and Institut Jacques Monod. My thesis focused on the molecular mechanisms of the nuclear export of proteins and RNAs. I then focused on the role of ubiquitine proteasome system in the regulation of the nuclear export of mRNAs and in the autophagy, using Saccharomyces cerevisiae as model organism.

My current work: I joined Dr. L. Pintard’s lab in February 2014. The general goal of my research concerns the role of the ubiquitin proteasome system in the regulation of cell cycle during early development using C.elegans as model organism.


17-RNAi-Based Suppressor Screens Reveal Genetic Interactions Between the CRL2LRR-1 E3-Ligase and the DNA Replication Machinery in Caenorhabditis elegans.

Ossareh-Nazari B, Katsiarimpa A, Merlet J, Pintard L.

G3 (Bethesda). 2016 Aug 19. pii: g3.116.033043. doi: 10.1534/g3.116.033043.

16-Ubiquitylation by the Ltn1 E3 ligase protects 60S ribosomes from starvation-induced selective autophagy.

Ossareh-Nazari B, Nino CA, Bengtson MH, Lee JW, Joazeiro CA, Dargemont C.

J Cell Biol. 2014 Mar 17; 204 (6):909-17.

15-Cdc48/p97, a key actor in the interplay between autophagy and ubiquitin/proteasome catabolic pathways.

Dargemont C*, Ossareh-Nazari B*.

Biochim Biophys Acta, 2012 Jan; 1823(1):138-44 (Review). *Co-corresponding author

14-The Rsp5 ubiquitin ligase and the AAA-ATPase Cdc48 control the ubiquitin-mediated degradation of the COPII component Sec23.

Ossareh-Nazari B, Cohen M, Dargemont C.

Exp Cell Res. 2010 Dec 10; 316(20):3351-7.

13-Cdc48 and Ufd3, novel partners of the ubiquitin protease Ubp3, are required for ribophagy.

Ossareh-Nazari B, Bonizec M, Cohen M, Dokudovskaya S, Delalande F, Schaeffer C, Van Dorsselaer A, Dargemont C.

EMBO Rep. 2010 Jul; 11(7):548-54.

12-Molecular basis for bre5 cofactor recognition by the ubp3 deubiquitylating enzyme.

Li K, Ossareh-Nazari B, Liu X, Dargement C, Marmorstein R.

J Mol Biol, 2007 Sep 7; 372(1):194-204.

11-Ubiquitin-associated domain of Mex6 synchronizes recruitment of the mRNA export machinery with transcription.

Gwizdek C, Iglesias N, Rodriguez MS, Ossareh-Nazari B, Hobeika M, Divita G, Stutz F, and Dargemont C.

Proc Natl Acad Sci USA. 2006 Oct 31; 103(44):16376-81.

10-Structural basis for interaction between the Ubp3 deubiquitinating enzyme and its Bre5 cofactor.

Li K, Zhao K, Ossareh-Nazari B, Da G, Dargemont C, and Marmorstein R.

J. Biol. Chem. 2005; 280(32):29176-85.

9-The mRNA nuclear export factor Hpr1 is regulated by Rsp5-mediated ubiquitylation.

Gwizdek C, Hobeika M, Kus B, Ossareh-Nazari B, Dargemont C, Rodriguez MS.

J Biol Chem. 2005 Apr 8; 280(14):13401-5.

8-Minihelix-containing RNAs mediate exportin-5 dependent nuclear export of the double-stranded RNA-binding protein ILF3.

Gwizdek C*, Ossareh-Nazari B*, Brownawell AM, Evers S, Macara IG, Dargemont C.

J Biol Chem. 2004 Jan 9; 279(2):884-91. *Co-first author

7-Exportin-5 mediates nuclear export of minihelix-containing RNAs.

Gwizdek C, Ossareh-Nazari B, Brownawell AM, Doglio A, Bertrand E, Macara IG, Dargemont C.

J Biol Chem. 2003 Feb 21; 278(8):5505-8.

6-Protein export from the nucleus.

Ossareh-Nazari B, Gwizdek C, Dargemont C.

Traffic. 2001 Oct;2(10):684-9 (Review).

5-NXT1 is necessary for the terminal step of Crm1-mediated nuclear export.

Black BE, Holaska JM, Levesque L, Ossareh-Nazari B, Gwizdek C, Dargemont C, Paschal BM.

J Cell Biol. 2001 Jan 8; 152(1):141-55.

4-RanGTP-binding protein NXT1 facilitates nuclear export of different classes of RNA in vitro.

Ossareh-Nazari B, Maison C, Black BE, Levesque L, Paschal BM, Dargemont C.

Mol Cell Biol. 2000 Jul; 20(13):4562-71.

3-Domains of Crm1 involved in the formation of the Crm1, RanGTP, and leucine-rich nuclear export sequences trimeric complex.

Ossareh-Nazari B, Dargemont C.

Exp Cell Res. 1999 Oct 10; 252(1):236-41.

2-Nuclear transport and transcriptional regulation.

Turpin P, Ossareh-Nazari B, Dargemont C.

FEBS Lett. 1999 Jun 4; 452(1-2):82-6 (Review).

1-Evidence for a role of CRM1 in signal-mediated nuclear protein export.

Ossareh-Nazari B, Bachelerie F, Dargemont C.

Science. 1997 Oct 3; 278:141-4.