Pinczakko's Guide to AMI BIOS Reverse Engineering
1. Foreword
Welcome back to another BIOS reverse engineering session with me, Pinczakko, your tour guide through the darkest side of BIOS code corners :-). This time around we will dig deeper into AMI BIOS, one of my favourite BIOS right now. In the mass market of mainboard that's ruled Taiwanese mainboard, perhaps AMI BIOS is quite rare these days. However, from reverser point of view, in terms of quality, its code is better than Award BIOS. It's just awesome to me, and I suspect we'll found some very interesting code trickery during the reverse-engineering session. So, welcome aboard my fellow BIOS reverser.
The purpose of this article is to be used as reference during our AMI BIOS reverse engineering journey. BIOS reverse engineering is not an easy task without a reference documentation since there are too much of complicated things need to be remembered at once.
2. Prerequisite
I have to admit that BIOS is somehow a state of the art code that requires lots of low level x86 knowledge that only matter to such a small audience such as operating system developer, BIOS developer, driver writer, possibly exploit and virus writer (yes exploit and virus writer! coz they are curious people). Due to this fact, there are couple of things that I won't explain here and it's your homework that you should do to comprehend this guide. They are :
The most important thing is you have to be able to program and understand x86 assembly language. If you don't know it, then you'd better start learning it. I'm using masm syntax throughout this article.
Protected mode programming. You have to learn how to switch the x86 machine from real mode to protected mode. This means you need to learn a preliminary x86 protected mode OS development. I've done it in the past, that's why I know it pretty good. You can go to and other x86 operating system developer site to get some tutorials to make yourself comfortable. The most important thing to master is how the protected mode data structures work. I mean how Global Descriptor Table (GDT), Interrupt Descriptor Table (IDT), also x86 control and segment registers work. BIOS, particularly award BIOS uses them to perform its "magic" as later explained in this article.
What x86 "Unreal-Mode" is. Some people also call these mode of operation "Voodoo-mode" or "Flat real-mode ". It's an x86 state that's between real-mode and protected-mode. This is partially explained below.
x86 "direct hardware programming". You need to know how to program the hardware directly, especially the chips in your motherboard. You can practice this from within windows by developing an application that directly access the hardware. This is not a must, but it's better if you master it first. You also have to know some x86 bus protocol, such as PCI and LPC. I'll explain a bit about the bus protocols below.
You have to be able to comprehend part (if not all) of the datasheets of your motherboard chip. Such as the northbridge and southbridge control registers.
In this article, we'll be dissecting Soltek SL865PE Mainboard with BIOS dated back to September 14th, 2004. This BIOS is based on AMIBIOS8 code base.
2.1. PCI Bus
We'll begin with the PCI bus. I've been working with this stuff for quite a while. The official standard for the PCI bus system is maintained by a board named PCISIG (PCI Special Interest Group). This board actually is some sort of cooperation between Intel and some other big corporation such as Microsoft. Anyway, in the near future PCI bus will be fully replaced by a much more faster bus system such as Arapahoe (PCI-Express a.k.a PCI-e) and Hypertransport. But PCI will still remain a standard for sometime I think. I've read some of the specification of the Hypertansport bus, it's backward compatible with PCI. This means that the addressing scheme will remains the same or at least only needs a minor modification. This also holds true for the Arapahoe. One thing I hate about this PCI stuff is that the standard is not an open standard. Thus, you gotta pay a lot to get the datasheets and whitepapers. This become my main reason providing you with this sort of tute.
First, PCI bus is a bus which is 32 bits wide. This imply that communicating using this bus should be in 32 bits addressing mode. Pretty logical isn't it? So, writing or reading to this bus will require 32 bits addresses. Note that eventhough there is a 64-bit PCI bus, it's not natively supported, since PCI uses a dual address cycle to implement it. So, we can say that PCI primarily a 32-bit bus system.
Second, this bus system is defined in the port CF8h - CFBh which acts as the configuration address port and port CFCh - CFFh which acts as the configuration data port. These ports are used to configure the corresponding PCI chip, i.e. reading/writing the PCI chip configuration register values.
Third, this bus system force us to communicate with PCI chips with the following algorithm (from host CPU point of view):
Write the target bus number, device number, function number and offset/register number to the Configuration Address Port and set the Enable bit in it to one. In plain english, write the address of the register you're willing to read/write into the PCI address port.
Perform a one-byte, two-byte, or four-byte I/O read from or a write to the Configuration Data Port. In plain english, write/read the data you're willing to read/write into the PCI data port.
As a note, as far as I know every bus/communication protocol implemented in chip design today uses similar algorithm to communicate with another chip which has a different bus protocol.
With the above definition, now I'll provide you with an x86 assembly code snippet that shows how to use those configuration ports.
I think the code above clear enough. In line one the current data in the processors general purpose registers were saved. Then comes the crucial part. As I said above, PCI is 32 bits bus system hence we have to use 32 bits chunk of data to communicate with them. We do this by sending the PCI chip a 32 bits address through eax register, and using port CF8h as the port to send this data. Here's an example of the PCI register (sometimes called offset) address format. In the routine above you saw :
.... mov eax,80000064h ....
the 80000064h is the address. The meaning of these bits are:
The 31st bit is an enable bit. If this bit sets, it means that we are granted to do a write/read transaction through the PCI bus, otherwise we're prohibited to do so, that's why we need an 8 in the leftmost hexdigit.
Bits 30 - 24 are reserved bits.
Bits 23 - 16 is the PCI Bus number.
Bits 15 - 11 is the PCI Device number.
Bits 10 - 8 is the PCI Function Number.
Bits 7 - 0 is the offset address.
Now, we'll examine the previous value that was sent. If you're curious, you'll find out that 80000064h means we're communicating with the device in bus 0, device 0 , function 0 and at offset 64. Actually this is the memory controller configuration register of VIA693A northbridge. In most circumstances the PCI device that occupy bus 0, device 0, function 0 is the hostbridge, but you'll need to consult your chipset datasheet to verify this. This stuff is pretty easy to be understood, isn't it ? The next routines are pretty easy to understand. But if you still feel confused you'd better learn assembly language a bit, since I'm not here to teach you assembly :( . But, in general they do the following jobs: reading the offset data then modifying it then writing it back to the device, if not better to say tweaking it :) .
2.3. Hub Interface Bus
The mainboard that's dissected in this article uses Intel 865PE and Intel ICH5 chipset. The communication between both of the chip occured through a propietary bus called Hub Interface Bus or HI for short. Eventhough this bus protocol is propietary, it doesn't stop us from being able to know its impact in configuration software such as the BIOS. Explanation about that issue is very clear in Intel 865PE datasheet as follows:
3.2 Overview of the Platform Configuration Structure
In some previous chipsets, the "MCH" and the "I/O Controller Hub (ICHx)" were physically connected by PCI bus 0. From a configuration standpoint, both components appeared to be on PCI bus 0 which was also the system’s primary PCI expansion bus. The MCH contained two PCI devices while the ICHx was considered one PCI device with multiple functions.
In the 865PE/865P chipset platform the configuration structure is significantly different. The MCH and the ICH5 are physically connected by the hub interface, so, from a configuration standpoint, the hub interface is logically PCI bus 0. As a result, all devices internal to the MCH and ICHx appear to be on PCI bus 0. The system's primary PCI expansion bus is physically attached to the ICH5 and, from a configuration perspective, appears to be a hierarchical PCI bus behind a PCI-to- PCI bridge; therefore, it has a programmable PCI Bus number. Note that the primary PCI bus is referred to as PCI_A in this document and is not PCI bus 0 from a configuration standpoint. The AGP appears to system software to be a real PCI bus behind PCI-to-PCI bridges resident as devices on PCI bus 0.
The MCH contains four PCI devices within a single physical component. The configuration registers for the four devices are mapped as devices residing on PCI bus 0.
Device 0: Host-HI Bridge/DRAM Controller. Logically this appears as a PCI device residing on PCI bus 0. Physically Device 0 contains the standard PCI registers, DRAM registers, the Graphics Aperture controller, configuration for HI, and other MCH specific registers.
Device 1: Host-AGP Bridge. Logically this appears as a “virtual” PCI-to-PCI bridge residing on PCI bus 0. Physically Device 1 contains the standard PCI-to-PCI bridge registers and the standard AGP/PCI configuration registers (including the AGP I/O and memory address mapping).
Device 3: CSA Port. Appears as a virtual PCI-CSA (PCI-to-PCI) bridge device.
Device 6: Function 0: Overflow Device. The purpose of this device is to provide additional configuration register space for Device 0.
Table 3 shows the Device # assignment for the various internal MCH devices.
Table 3. Internal MCH Device Assignment
MCH Function Bus 0, Device # DRAM Controller/8-bit HI Controller
Device 0 Host-to-AGP Bridge (virtual PCI-to-PCI)
Device 1 Intergrated GBE (CSA)
Device 3 Overflow
Device 6
Logically, the ICH5 appears as multiple PCI devices within a single physical component also residing on PCI bus 0. One of the ICH5 devices is a PCI-to-PCI bridge. Logically, the primary side of the bridge resides on PCI 0 while the secondary side is the standard PCI expansion bus. Note: A physical PCI bus 0 does not exist and the hub interface and the internal devices in the MCH and ICH5 logically constitute PCI Bus 0 to configuration software.
3.3 Routing Configuration Accesses
The MCH supports two bus interfaces: hub interface and AGP/PCI. PCI configuration cycles are selectively routed to one of these interfaces. The MCH is responsible for routing PCI configuration cycles to the proper interface. PCI configuration cycles to ICH5 internal devices and Primary PCI (including downstream devices) are routed to the ICH5 via HI. AGP/PCI_B configuration cycles are routed to AGP. The AGP/PCI_B interface is treated as a separate PCI bus from the configuration point of view. Routing of configuration AGP/PCI_B is controlled via the standard PCI-to-PCI bridge mechanism using information contained within the Primary Bus Number, the Secondary Bus Number, and the Subordinate Bus Number registers of the corresponding PCI-to- PCI bridge device.
After reading the specification above, we know that the BIOS won't be affected by the existence of HI. This is due to the fact that the mechanism used to configure the devices is still PCI configuration mechanism as explained in the previous section. This fact leads me to believe that even SiS' MuTIOL and VIA's V-LINK chipset interconnection technology also employs the same approach as this Intel's HI bus.
2.3. Low Pin Count (LPC) Bus
The LPC bus is a replacement for ISA Bus in modern systems. However, this bus doesn't affect the way BIOS being developed. LPC will be transparent to BIOS routines as is it was an ISA bus. This is very clear from LPC specification as follows:
Goals of the LPC I/F ....
Software transparency: do not require special drivers or configuration for this interface. The motherboard BIOS should be able to configure all devices at boot.
3. Some Hardware Peculiarities
Due to its history, the x86 platform contains lots of hacks, especially its BIOS. This is due to the backward compatiblity that should be maintained by any x86 system. In this section I'll try to explain couple of stuff that I found during my BIOS disassembly journey that reveal these peculiarities.
3.1. BIOS Chip Addressing
The most important chips which responsible for the BIOS code handling are the southbridge and northbridge. In this respect, the northbridge is responsible for the system address space management, i.e. BIOS shadowing, handling accesses to RAM and forwarding transaction which uses BIOS ROM as its target to the southbridge which then eventually forwarded to BIOS ROM by southbridge. While the southbridge is responsible for enabling the ROM decode control, which will forward (or not) the memory addresses to be accessed to the BIOS ROM chip. The addresses shown below can reside either in the system DRAM or in BIOS ROM chip, depending on the southbridge and northbridge register setting at the time the BIOS code is executed.
The address ranges shown above contain the BIOS code and pretty much system specific. So, you have to consult your chipset datasheets to understand it. Also, note that the address above which will be occupied by the BIOS code during runtime (after BIOS code executes) is only F_seg i.e. F_0000h - F_FFFFh. However, certain operating system might "trash" this address and use it for their own purposes. The addresses written above only reflect the addressing of the BIOS ROM chip to the system address space when it's set to be accessed by the BIOS code or another code that accesses the BIOS ROM chip directly. The mainboard chipsets are responsible for the mapping of certain BIOS ROM chip area to the system address space. As we will see later, this mapping can be changed by programming certain chipset registers.
BIOS chip with capacity bigger than 1 Mbit, i.e. 2 Mbit and 4 Mbit chips has a quite different addressing for their lower bios area, i.e. C_seg, D_seg and other lower "segment(s)". In most cases, this area is mapped to near-4GB address range. This address range is handled by the norhtbridge analogous to the PCI address range. In this scheme the chipset behaves as follows:
The northbridge acts as the address forwarder, meaning: it responds to this "special" memory address in different fashion compared to "normal" memory address which is forwarded directly to RAM. On the contrary, this "special" memory address is forwarded by the northbridge to the southbridge to be decoded.
The southbridge acts as the address decoder, meaning: it decodes this "special" memory addresses into the right chip "beneath" it, such as the BIOS chip. In this respect, the southbridge will return "void" (bus address cycle termination) if the address range is not being enabled to be decoded in the southbridge configuration registers.
Below is an example:
The conclusion is: modern day chipsets performs an "emulation" for F_seg and E_seg handling. This is a proof that modern day x86 systems maintains backward compatibility. However, this "kludge" sometimes referred to as the thing of the past that vendors should've been removed from x86 systems.
Below is the Intel 865PE (northbridge) and ICH5 addressing status just after system power-up as written in its datasheet.
Intel 865PE (MCH/northbridge). Power-up status for BIOS related registers: Note: Address range in the table above is the address range which is controlled by the corresponding register, meaning: read and write access to address within that address range is controlled by the corresponding register value.
Intel ICH5 (southbridge). Power-up status for BIOS related registers: Note: Address range in the table above is the address range which is decoded by the corresponding register, meaning: the address range that will be decoded (or not) when memory read/write request from the hub interface reaches ICH5.
The most important thing to take into account here is the address aliasing, as you can see the FFFE_0000h - FFFF_FFFFh address range is an alias into E_0000 - F_FFFFh address range. This is where the BIOS ROM chip address mapped. But, we also have to consider that this only applies at the very beginning of boot stage (just after reset). After the chipset reprogrammed by the BIOS, this address range will be mapped into system DRAM chips. We can consider this as the Power-On default values. As a note, the majority of x86 chipsets use this address aliasing scheme, at least for the F_seg address range.
Another fact that we have to take into account: most chipset only provides default addressing scheme for F_seg just after power-up in its configuration registers, other "BIOS ROM segment(s)" remains inaccessible. The addressing scheme for these segments will be configured later by the bootblock code by altering the related chipset registers (in most cases the southbridge registers).
3.2. Obscure Hardware Port
Some "obscure" hardware port which sometimes not documented in the chipset datasheets described below. Note that these info's were found from Intel ICH5, VIA 586B and VIA596B datasheet.
I/O Port address Purpose
92h Fast A20 and Init Register
4D0h Master PIC Edge/Level Triggered (R/W)
4D1h Slave PIC Edge/Level Triggered (R/W)
Table 146. RTC I/O Registers (LPC I/F—D31:F0)
I/O Port Locations If U128E bit = 0 Function
70h and 74h Also alias to 72h and 76h Real-Time Clock (Standard RAM) Index Register
71h and 75h Also alias to 73h and 77h Real-Time Clock (Standard RAM) Target Register
72h and 76h Extended RAM Index Register (if enabled)
73h and 77h Extended RAM Target Register (if enabled)
1. I/O locations 70h and 71h are the standard ISA location for the real-time clock. The map for this bank is
shown in Table 147. Locations 72h and 73h are for accessing the extended RAM. The extended RAM bank is
also accessed using an indexed scheme. I/O address 72h is used as the address pointer and I/O address
73h is used as the data register. Index addresses above 127h are not valid. If the extended RAM is not
needed, it may be disabled.
2. Software must preserve the value of bit 7 at I/O addresses 70h. When writing to this address, software
must first read the value, and then write the same value for bit 7 during the sequential address write.
Note that port 70h is not directly readable. The only way to read this register is through Alt Access
mode. If the NMI# enable is not changed during normal operation, software can alternatively read this bit
once and then retain the value for all subsequent writes to port 70h.
The RTC contains two sets of indexed registers that are accessed using the two separate Index and Target registers (70/71h or 72/73h), as shown in Table 147.
Table 147. RTC (Standard) RAM Bank (LPC I/F—D31:F0)
Index Name
00h Seconds
01h Seconds Alarm
02h Minutes
03h Minutes Alarm
04h Hours
05h Hours Alarm
06h Day of Week
07h Day of Month
08h Month
09h Year
0Ah Register A
0Bh Register B
0Ch Register C
0Dh Register D
0Eh–7Fh 114 Bytes of User RAM
3.3. "Relocatable" Hardware Port
There are several kinds of hardware port that is relocatable in the system I/O address space. In this BIOS, those ports include SMBus-related ports and Power-Management-Related ports. These ports has certain base address. This so called base address is controlled via programmable base address register. SMBus has SMBus base address register and Power-Management has Power-Management I/O base address register. Since these ports are programmable, the bootblock routine initializes the value of the base address registers in the very beginning of BIOS routine execution. Due to the programmable nature of these ports, one must start reverse engineering of BIOS in the bootblock to find out which port address(es) used by these programmable hardware ports. Otherwise one will be confused by the occurence of "weird" ports later during the reverse engineering process.
Certainly, there are more relocatable hardware ports than those described here, but at least you've been given the hints about it. So that, once you found code in the BIOS that seems to be accessing "weird" ports, you'll know where to go.
3.4. Expansion ROM Handling
There are couples of more things to take into account, such as the Video BIOS and other expansion ROM handling. I'll try to cover that stuff later when I've done dissecting BIOS code that handle it. But here's the basic run-down of PCI Expansion ROM handling in BIOS:
System BIOS detect all PCI chip in the system and initialize its BARs(Base Address Registers). Once initialization completes, the system will have a usable system-wide addressing scheme.
By using the system-wide addressing scheme, system BIOS then copies the implemented PCI Expansion ROM into RAM one by one in the expansion ROM area (C000:0000h - D000:FFFFh) and execute it there until all of the PCI expansion ROM have been executed/initialized.
4. Bootblock Reverse Engineering
AMI BIOS bootblock is more complicated compared to Award BIOS bootblock. However, as with other x86 BIOS, this BIOS also starts execution at address 0xFFFF_FFF0 ( 0xF000:0xFFF0 in real-mode). We will start to disassemble Soltek SL865PE BIOS in that address. I won't go in detail on how to setup the disassembling environment in IDA Pro as it's a trivial task. OK, let's get busy ;-).
4.1. The Bootblock Jump-Table
AMI BIOS bootblock contains a jump to execute a jump-table in the very beginning of its execution.
F000:FFF0 jmp far ptr bootblock_start
F000:FFAA bootblock_start: ; CODE XREF: _F0000:FFF0
F000:FFAA jmp exec_jmp_table
F000:A040 exec_jmp_table: ;
F000:A040 jmp _CPU_early_init
F000:A043 ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
F000:A043 _j2: ;
F000:A043 jmp _goto_j3
......... ; other jump table entries
F000:A08B _j26: ; CODE XREF: _F0000:goto__j26
F000:A08B jmp setup_stack
F000:A08E ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
F000:A08E _j27: ; CODE XREF: _F0000:A218
F000:A08E call near ptr copy_decomp_block
F000:A091 call sub_F000_A440
F000:A094 call sub_F000_A273
F000:A097 call sub_F000_A2EE
F000:A09A retn
As shown above, the jump-table contains many entries. We won't delve into them one by one, we will only take a peek into entries that affect the execution flow of the bootblock code. The entries in the jump-table above prepares the system (CPU, motherboard, RAM) to execute the code in RAM. To accomplish that, it tests the RAM subsystem and carry out preliminary DRAM initialization as needed. The interesting entry of the jump-table is the stack space initialization with a call to setup_stack function. setup_stack is defined as follows:
F000:A1E7 setup_stack: ; _F0000:_j26
F000:A1E7 mov al, 0D4h ; 'L'
F000:A1E9 out 80h, al ; manufacture's diagnostic checkpoint
F000:A1EB mov si, 0A1F1h
F000:A1EE jmp near ptr Init_Descriptor_Cache
F000:A1F1 ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
F000:A1F1 mov ax, cs
F000:A1F3 mov ss, ax
F000:A1F5 mov si, 0A1FBh
F000:A1F8 jmp zero_init_low_mem
F000:A1FB ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
F000:A1FB nop
F000:A1FC mov sp, 0A202h
F000:A1FF jmp j_j_nullsub_1
F000:A202 ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
F000:A202 add al, 0A2h ; 'a'
F000:A204 mov di, 0A20Ah
F000:A207 jmp init_cache
F000:A20A ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
F000:A20A xor ax, ax
F000:A20C mov es, ax
F000:A20E mov ds, ax
F000:A210 mov ax, 53h ; 'S' ; stack segment
F000:A213 mov ss, ax
F000:A215 assume ss:nothing
F000:A215 mov sp, 4000h ; setup 16KB stack F000:A218 jmp _j27
setup_stack function initializes the space to be used as stack at segment 53h. This function also initializes the ds and es segment register to enter flat-real-mode/voodoo mode. In the end of of the function, execution is directed to the decompression block handler.
4.2. Decompression Block Relocation
The decompression block handler copies the decompression block from BIOS ROM to RAM and continue the execution in RAM as shown below.
F000:A08E _j27: ; _F0000:A218
F000:A08E call near ptr copy_decomp_block
F000:A091 call sub_F000_A440
F000:A21B copy_decomp_block proc far ; _F0000:_j27
F000:A21B mov al, 0D5h ; '-' ; Bootblock code is copied from ROM to lower system memory and control is
F000:A21B ; given to it. BIOS now executes out of RAM. Copies compressed boot block
F000:A21B ; code to memory in right segments. Copies BIOS from ROM to RAM for faster
F000:A21B ; access. Performs main BIOS checksum and updates recovery status
F000:A21B ; accordingly.
F000:A21D out 80h, al ; send POST code D5h to diagnostic port
F000:A21F push es
F000:A220 call get_decomp_block_size ; on ret: ecx = decomp_block_size, esi = decomp_block_phy_addr
F000:A220 ; at this point, ecx = 0x6000 and esi = 0xFFFFA000
F000:A223 mov ebx, esi
F000:A226 push ebx
F000:A228 shr ecx, 2 ; decomp_block_size / 4 -- 6000h/4
F000:A22C push 8000h F000:A22F pop es
F000:A230 assume es:decomp_block
F000:A230 movzx edi, si
F000:A234 cld
F000:A235 rep movs dword ptr es:[edi], dword ptr [esi]
F000:A239 push es
F000:A23A push offset decomp_block_start ; jmp to 8000:A23Eh
F000:A23D retf F000:A23D copy_decomp_block endp ; sp = -0Ah
F000:A492 get_decomp_block_size proc near ;
F000:A492 mov ecx, cs:decomp_block_size
F000:A498 mov esi, ecx
F000:A49B neg esi
F000:A49E retn
F000:A49E get_decomp_block_size endp
F000:FFD7 decomp_block_size dd 6000h ; get_decomp_block_size .........
copy_decomp_block above copies 24KB of bootblock code (0xFFFF_A000 - 0xFFFF_FFFF) to RAM at segment 0x8000 and continue the code execution there. From the code snippet above, we realize that the mapping of the offsets in the F000h segment and the copy of the last 24KB of F000h segment in RAM at segment 8000h are identical.
Now, we will delve into the code execution in RAM.
8000:A23E decomp_block_start proc near ; copy_decomp_block+1
8000:A23E push 51h ; 'Q'
8000:A241 pop fs ; fs = 51h
8000:A243 assume fs:nothing
8000:A243 mov dword ptr fs:0, 0
8000:A24D pop eax ; eax = ebx (back in Fseg)
8000:A24F mov cs:src_addr?, eax
8000:A254 pop es ; es = es_back_in_Fseg
8000:A255 retn ; jmp to offset A091
8000:A255 decomp_block_start endp ; sp = -2
The execution of code highlighted in red at address 0x8000:0xA255 above is rather enigmatic. Thus, I will explain it in detail. We will start with the stack values right before the retf instruction takes place in copy_decomp_block. Mind you that before copy_decomp_block being executed at address 0xF000:0xA08E, the address of the next instruction (the return address), i.e. 0xA091 is pushed to stack. Thus, we have the following stack right before the retf instruction takes place in copy_decomp_block.
value of es
decomp_block_start offset --> TOP OF STACK (LOWER ADDRESS)
Now, as we arrive in the decomp_block_start function, right before the ret instruction, the stack values shown above already popped, except the first value, i.e. 0xA091. Thus, when the ret instruction executes, the code will jump to offset 0xA091. This offset contains the code shown below.
8000:A091 decomp_block_entry proc near
8000:A091 call init_decomp_ngine ; on ret, ds = 0
8000:A094 call copy_decomp_result
8000:A097 call call_F000_0000
8000:A09A retn
8000:A09A decomp_block_entry endp
4.3. Decompression Engine Initialization
The decompression engine initialization is rather complex. We will pay attention to its execution.
8000:A440 init_decomp_ngine proc near ; decomp_block_entry
8000:A440 xor ax, ax
8000:A442 mov es, ax
8000:A444 assume es:_12000
8000:A444 mov si, 0F349h
8000:A447 mov ax, cs
8000:A449 mov ds, ax ; ds = cs
8000:A44B assume ds:decomp_block
8000:A44B mov ax, [si+2] ; ax = header length
8000:A44E mov edi, [si+4] ; edi = destination addr
8000:A452 mov ecx, [si+8] ; ecx = decompression engine byte count
8000:A456 add si, ax ; point to decompression engine
8000:A458 movzx esi, si
8000:A45C rep movs byte ptr es:[edi], byte ptr [esi] ; copy decompression engine
8000:A45C ; to segment 1352h
8000:A45F xor eax, eax
8000:A462 mov ds, ax
8000:A464 assume ds:_12000
8000:A464 mov ax, cs
8000:A466 shl eax, 4 ; eax = cs << 4
8000:A46A mov si, 0F98Ch
8000:A46D movzx esi, si
8000:A471 add esi, eax ; esi = src_addr
8000:A474 mov edi, 120000h ; edi = dest_addr
8000:A47A mov cs:decomp_dest_addr, edi
8000:A480 call decomp_ngine_start
8000:A485 retn
8000:A485 init_decomp_ngine endp
8000:F349 db 1
8000:F34A db 0
8000:F34B dw 0Ch ; header length
8000:F34D dd 13520h ; decompression engine destination addr (physical)
8000:F351 dd 637h ; decompression engine size in bytes
8000:F355 db 66h ; f ; 1st byte of decompression engine
8000:F356 db 57h ; W
1352:0000 decomp_ngine_start proc far ; sub_F000_A440+40
1352:0000 push edi ; dest_addr
1352:0002 push esi ; src_addr
1352:0004 call expand
1352:0007 add sp, 8 ; trash parameters in stack
1352:000A retf 1352:000A decomp_ngine_start endp
The decompression engine used in AMIBIOS8 is LHA decompressor. It's similar to the one used in AR archiver in the DOS era and the one used in AWARD BIOS. However, the header of the compressed code has been modified. Thus the code that handles the header of the compressed components is different from the ordinary LHA/LZH code. The decompression engine code is pretty long, as shown below.
1352:000B expand proc near ; ...
1352:000B src_addr= dword ptr 4
1352:000B dest_addr= dword ptr 8
1352:000B push bp
1352:000C mov bp, sp
1352:000E pushad
1352:0010 mov eax, [bp+src_addr]
1352:0014 mov ebx, [bp+dest_addr]
1352:0018 mov cx, sp
1352:001A mov dx, ss 1352:001C mov sp, 453h 1352:001F mov ss, sp ; ss = 453h 1352:0021 mov sp, 0EFF0h ; ss:sp = 453:EFF0h 1352:0024 push ebx 1352:0026 push eax 1352:0028 push cx 1352:0029 push dx 1352:002A mov bp, sp 1352:002C pusha 1352:002D push ds 1352:002E push 453h 1352:0031 pop ds ; ds = 453h -- scratch_pad segment 1352:0032 push es 1352:0033 xor cx, cx 1352:0035 mov match_length, cx 1352:0039 mov bit_position, cx 1352:003D mov bit_buf, cx 1352:0041 mov _byte_buf, cx 1352:0045 mov word_453_8, cx 1352:0049 mov blocksize, cx 1352:004D mov match_pos, cx 1352:0051 mov esi, [bp+src_addr] 1352:0055 push 0 1352:0057 pop es ; es = 0 1352:0058 assume es:_12000 1352:0058 mov ecx, es:[esi] 1352:005D mov hdr_len?, ecx 1352:0062 mov ecx, es:[esi+4] 1352:0068 mov cmprssd_src_size, ecx 1352:006D add esi, 8 1352:0071 mov src_byte_ptr, esi 1352:0076 sub hdr_len?, 8 1352:007C mov cl, 10h ; read 16 bits 1352:007E call fill_bit_buf 1352:0081 cmp cmprssd_src_size, 0 1352:0087 jz short exit 1352:0089 1352:0089 next_window: ; ... 1352:0089 mov edi, cmprssd_src_size 1352:008E cmp edi, 8192 ; 8KB window size 1352:0095 jbe short cmprssd_size_lte_wndow_size 1352:0097 mov di, 8192 1352:009A 1352:009A cmprssd_size_lte_wndow_size: ; ... 1352:009A push di ; sliding window size 1352:009B call decode 1352:009E add sp, 2 ; discard pushed-di above 1352:00A1 movzx ecx, di ; ecx = number of decoded bytes 1352:00A5 mov ebx, ecx 1352:00A8 jcxz short no_decoded_byte 1352:00AA mov edi, [bp+dest_addr] 1352:00AE add [bp+dest_addr], ecx 1352:00B2 mov esi, offset window ; ds:16 = window_buffer_start 1352:00B8 rep movs byte ptr es:[edi], byte ptr [esi] ; copy window 1352:00BB 1352:00BB no_decoded_byte: ; ... 1352:00BB sub cmprssd_src_size, ebx 1352:00C0 ja short next_window 1352:00C2 1352:00C2 exit: ; ... 1352:00C2 pop es 1352:00C3 assume es:nothing 1352:00C3 pop ds 1352:00C4 popa 1352:00C5 pop dx 1352:00C6 pop cx 1352:00C7 mov ss, dx 1352:00C9 mov sp, cx 1352:00CB popad 1352:00CD pop bp 1352:00CE retn 1352:00CE expand endp ; sp = -8 1352:00CE 1352:00CF 1352:00CF ; --------------- S U B R O U T I N E --------------------------------------- 1352:00CF 1352:00CF ; Attributes: bp-based frame 1352:00CF 1352:00CF decode proc near ; ... 1352:00CF 1352:00CF window_size= word ptr 4 1352:00CF 1352:00CF push bp 1352:00D0 mov bp, sp 1352:00D2 push di 1352:00D3 push si 1352:00D4 xor si, si 1352:00D6 mov dx, [bp+window_size] 1352:00D9 1352:00D9 copy_match_byte: ; ... 1352:00D9 dec match_length 1352:00DD js short no_match_byte 1352:00DF mov bx, match_pos 1352:00E3 mov al, window[bx] ; copy matched dictionary entries 1352:00E7 mov window[si], al ; window at ds:[16h] - ds:[2016h] 1352:00EB lea ax, [bx+1] 1352:00EE and ah, 1Fh ; byte_match_pos % window_size (mod 8KB) 1352:00F1 mov match_pos, ax 1352:00F4 inc si ; point to next byte in window 1352:00F5 cmp si, dx ; window size reached? 1352:00F7 jnz short copy_match_byte 1352:00F9 pop si 1352:00FA pop di 1352:00FB leave 1352:00FC retn 1352:00FD ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1352:00FD 1352:00FD no_match_byte: ; ... 1352:00FD cmp blocksize, 0 1352:0102 jnz short no_tables_init 1352:0104 mov dx, bit_buf 1352:0108 mov cl, 10h ; fetch 16-bit from src 1352:010A call fill_bit_buf 1352:010D mov ax, dx 1352:010F mov blocksize, ax 1352:0112 push 3 ; treshold? 1352:0114 push 5 ; TBIT 1352:0116 push 13h ; NT 1352:0118 call read_match_pos_len 1352:011B call read_code_len 1352:011E push 0FFFFh ; -1 -- threshold? 1352:0120 push 4 ; PBIT 1352:0122 push 0Eh ; NP (min_intrnl_node in match_byte_ptr_tbl index) 1352:0124 call read_match_pos_len 1352:0127 add sp, 0Ch ; discard pushed parameters above 1352:012A 1352:012A no_tables_init: ; ... 1352:012A mov bx, bit_buf 1352:012E shr bx, 3 ; bx /= 8 (index_to_internal_node_in_tree). 1352:012E ; max(bx) = 1FFFh/8191d (8KB) 1352:0131 and bl, 0FEh ; round to even 1352:0134 dec blocksize 1352:0138 mov bx, leaf_tbl[bx] 1352:013C mov ax, 8 ; ax = bitmask 1352:013F 1352:013F next_bit: ; ... 1352:013F cmp bx, 1FEh ; internal/parent node? 1352:0143 jb short is_leaf_node 1352:0145 add bx, bx ; bx *= 2 (internal node index) 1352:0147 test bit_buf, ax 1352:014B jz short go_left ; (assuming 0 is left) 1352:014D mov bx, child_1[bx] ; move right in tree table 1352:0151 shr ax, 1 1352:0153 jmp short next_bit 1352:0155 ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1352:0155 1352:0155 go_left: ; ... 1352:0155 mov bx, child_0[bx] ; move left in tree table 1352:0159 shr ax, 1 1352:015B jmp short next_bit 1352:015D ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1352:015D 1352:015D is_leaf_node: ; ... 1352:015D mov cl, leaf_bitlen_tbl[bx] ; cl = bitlen 1352:0161 mov dx, bx ; dx = leaf_index 1352:0163 call fill_bit_buf 1352:0166 cmp dx, 0FFh ; true_byte_val or match? 1352:016A ja short is_match_length 1352:016C mov window[si], dl ; buffer[si] = dl --> leaf_idx(dl_val) = code 1352:0170 inc si 1352:0171 cmp si, [bp+window_size] 1352:0174 jnz short no_match_byte 1352:0176 pop si 1352:0177 pop di 1352:0178 leave 1352:0179 retn 1352:017A ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1352:017A 1352:017A is_match_length: ; ... 1352:017A sub dx, 0FDh ; '¤' 1352:017E mov match_length, dx 1352:0182 call decode_match_pos ; ret_val in ax (ax = curr_idx - match_pos) 1352:0185 mov bx, si ; bx = current_pos_in_window 1352:0187 sub bx, ax 1352:0189 dec bx ; bx = match_pos 1352:018A and bh, 1Fh ; bx %= window_size (mod 8KB) 1352:018D mov dx, [bp+window_size] 1352:0190 1352:0190 copy_next_match_byte: ; ... 1352:0190 dec match_length 1352:0194 js no_match_byte 1352:0198 mov al, window[bx] 1352:019C inc bx 1352:019D mov window[si], al 1352:01A1 inc si 1352:01A2 and bh, 1Fh ; bx %= window_size (mod 8KB) 1352:01A5 cmp si, dx ; end of window reached? 1352:01A7 jnz short copy_next_match_byte 1352:01A9 mov match_pos, bx 1352:01AD pop si 1352:01AE pop di 1352:01AF leave 1352:01B0 retn 1352:01B0 decode endp 1352:01B0 1352:01B1 1352:01B1 ; --------------- S U B R O U T I N E --------------------------------------- 1352:01B1 1352:01B1 ; out: ax = (current_position - match_position) 1352:01B1 1352:01B1 decode_match_pos proc near ; ... 1352:01B1 push si 1352:01B2 movzx bx, byte ptr bit_buf+1 ; bx = hi_byte(bit_buf) 1352:01B7 add bx, bx ; bx *= 2 (bx = position in symbol table) 1352:01B9 mov si, match_pos_tbl[bx] 1352:01BD mov ax, 80h ; 'A' ; ax = bit_mask 1352:01C0 1352:01C0 next_bit: ; ... 1352:01C0 cmp si, 0Eh 1352:01C3 jb short leaf_pos_found ; leaf index (bit_len) is in si 1352:01C5 add si, si ; si *= 2 1352:01C7 test bit_buf, ax 1352:01CB jz short bit_is_0 1352:01CD mov si, child_1[si] ; si = right[si] 1352:01D1 shr ax, 1 1352:01D3 jmp short next_bit 1352:01D5 ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1352:01D5 1352:01D5 bit_is_0: ; ... 1352:01D5 mov si, child_0[si] ; si = left[si] 1352:01D9 shr ax, 1 1352:01DB jmp short next_bit 1352:01DD ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1352:01DD 1352:01DD leaf_pos_found: ; ... 1352:01DD mov cl, match_pos_len_tbl[si] 1352:01E1 call fill_bit_buf 1352:01E4 or si, si 1352:01E6 mov ax, si 1352:01E8 jz short exit 1352:01EA lea cx, [si-1] 1352:01ED mov si, 1 1352:01F0 shl si, cl 1352:01F2 mov al, cl 1352:01F4 mov cl, 10h 1352:01F6 sub cl, al 1352:01F8 mov dx, bit_buf 1352:01FC shr dx, cl 1352:01FE mov cl, al ; cl = code_bit_len 1352:0200 call fill_bit_buf 1352:0203 mov ax, dx 1352:0205 add ax, si 1352:0207 1352:0207 exit: ; ... 1352:0207 pop si 1352:0208 retn 1352:0208 decode_match_pos endp 1352:0208 1352:0209 1352:0209 ; --------------- S U B R O U T I N E --------------------------------------- 1352:0209 1352:0209 ; Attributes: bp-based frame 1352:0209 1352:0209 read_match_pos_len proc near ; ... 1352:0209 1352:0209 table_size= word ptr -8 1352:0209 matchpos_len_idx= word ptr -6 1352:0209 dfault_symbol_ptr_len= word ptr -2 1352:0209 symbol_bitlen= word ptr 4 1352:0209 symbol_ptr_len= byte ptr 6 1352:0209 threshold= word ptr 8 1352:0209 1352:0209 enter 8, 0 ; 8 bytes local variables 1352:020D push di 1352:020E push si 1352:020F mov al, [bp+symbol_ptr_len] ; al = amount of bits to read 1352:0212 call get_bits 1352:0215 mov [bp+table_size], ax 1352:0218 or ax, ax 1352:021A jnz short table_size_not_0 1352:021C mov al, [bp+symbol_ptr_len] 1352:021F call get_bits 1352:0222 mov [bp+dfault_symbol_ptr_len], ax 1352:0225 push ds 1352:0226 pop es ; es = ds 1352:0227 assume es:scratch_pad_seg 1352:0227 mov cx, [bp+symbol_bitlen] 1352:022A jcxz short min_intrnl_node_idx_is_0 1352:022C mov di, offset match_pos_len_tbl ; match_pos_len[symbol_bitlen] 1352:022F xor ax, ax 1352:0231 shr cx, 1 1352:0233 rep stosw ; zero init the table (bitlens = 0) 1352:0235 jnb short min_intrnl_node_idx_is_0 1352:0237 stosb 1352:0238 1352:0238 min_intrnl_node_idx_is_0: ; ... 1352:0238 mov ax, [bp+dfault_symbol_ptr_len] 1352:023B mov cx, 256 ; 256 words table size (for all bytes) 1352:023E mov di, offset match_pos_tbl ; bytes symbol table 1352:0241 rep stosw 1352:0243 pop si 1352:0244 pop di 1352:0245 leave 1352:0246 retn 1352:0247 ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1352:0247 1352:0247 table_size_not_0: ; ... 1352:0247 mov [bp+matchpos_len_idx], 0 1352:024C 1352:024C nxt_matchpos_len_idx: ; ... 1352:024C mov ax, [bp+matchpos_len_idx] 1352:024F cmp [bp+table_size], ax 1352:0252 jle short matchpos_bitlen_tbl_done 1352:0254 mov si, bit_buf 1352:0258 shr si, 13 ; c = bitbuf >> (BITBUFSIZ - 3) 1352:025B cmp si, 7 1352:025E jnz short not_max_index 1352:0260 mov di, 1000h ; mask = 1U << (BITBUFSIZ - 1 - 3) 1352:0263 test byte ptr bit_buf+1, 10h ; hi_byte(bit_buf) & 0x10 1352:0268 jz short not_max_index 1352:026A 1352:026A inc_index: ; ... 1352:026A inc si 1352:026B shr di, 1 1352:026D test bit_buf, di 1352:0271 jnz short inc_index 1352:0273 1352:0273 not_max_index: ; ... 1352:0273 mov cl, 3 1352:0275 cmp si, 7 1352:0278 jl short get_src_bits 1352:027A lea cx, [si-3] ; cl = bitlen (bit count to be read) 1352:027D 1352:027D get_src_bits: ; ... 1352:027D call fill_bit_buf 1352:0280 mov bx, [bp+matchpos_len_idx] 1352:0283 inc [bp+matchpos_len_idx] 1352:0286 mov ax, si 1352:0288 mov match_pos_len_tbl[bx], al 1352:028C mov ax, [bp+threshold] 1352:028F cmp [bp+matchpos_len_idx], ax 1352:0292 jnz short nxt_matchpos_len_idx 1352:0294 mov al, 2 1352:0296 call get_bits 1352:0299 mov bx, [bp+matchpos_len_idx] 1352:029C mov di, ax 1352:029E 1352:029E nxt_matchpos_len_tbl_idx: ; ... 1352:029E dec di 1352:029F jns short index_is_positive 1352:02A1 mov [bp+matchpos_len_idx], bx 1352:02A4 jmp short nxt_matchpos_len_idx 1352:02A6 ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1352:02A6 1352:02A6 index_is_positive: ; ... 1352:02A6 mov match_pos_len_tbl[bx], 0 1352:02AB inc bx 1352:02AC jmp short nxt_matchpos_len_tbl_idx 1352:02AE ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1352:02AE 1352:02AE matchpos_bitlen_tbl_done: ; ... 1352:02AE mov bx, ax 1352:02B0 cmp [bp+symbol_bitlen], ax 1352:02B3 jle short init_tree 1352:02B5 xor ax, ax 1352:02B7 mov cx, [bp+symbol_bitlen] 1352:02BA sub cx, bx 1352:02BC lea di, match_pos_len_tbl[bx] ; lea di, [match_pos_len_tbl + bx] 1352:02C0 push ds 1352:02C1 pop es ; es = ds 1352:02C2 shr cx, 1 ; cx/2 1352:02C4 rep stosw ; zero init matchpos_bitlen_tbl[] 1352:02C6 jnb short init_tree 1352:02C8 stosb 1352:02C9 1352:02C9 init_tree: ; ... 1352:02C9 push ds 1352:02CA push offset match_pos_tbl 1352:02CD push 8 ; tablebits 1352:02CF push ds 1352:02D0 push offset match_pos_len_tbl 1352:02D3 push [bp+symbol_bitlen] 1352:02D6 call make_table 1352:02D9 add sp, 12 ; trash the pushed parameters above 1352:02DC pop si 1352:02DD pop di 1352:02DE leave 1352:02DF retn 1352:02DF read_match_pos_len endp 1352:02DF 1352:02E0 1352:02E0 ; --------------- S U B R O U T I N E --------------------------------------- 1352:02E0 1352:02E0 ; Attributes: bp-based frame 1352:02E0 1352:02E0 read_code_len proc near ; ... 1352:02E0 1352:02E0 min_intrnl_node_idx= word ptr -6 1352:02E0 tbl_index= word ptr -4 1352:02E0 1352:02E0 enter 6, 0 1352:02E4 push di 1352:02E5 push si 1352:02E6 mov al, 9 ; al = CODE_BITS 1352:02E8 call get_bits ; get 9 bits 1352:02EB mov [bp+min_intrnl_node_idx], ax 1352:02EE or ax, ax 1352:02F0 jnz short code_len_not_zero 1352:02F2 push ds 1352:02F3 pop es ; es = scratchpad_seg 1352:02F4 xor ax, ax 1352:02F6 mov cx, 1FEh 1352:02F9 mov di, offset leaf_bitlen_tbl 1352:02FC rep stosw ; zero init leaf_bitlen_table[] (@scpad_seg:3006h) 1352:02FE mov al, 9 1352:0300 call get_bits 1352:0303 push ds 1352:0304 pop es 1352:0305 mov cx, 4096 1352:0308 mov di, offset leaf_tbl 1352:030B rep stosw ; zero init internal_node_tbl (8KB @ scpad_seg:3A0Dh) 1352:030D pop si 1352:030E pop di 1352:030F leave 1352:0310 retn 1352:0311 ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1352:0311 1352:0311 code_len_not_zero: ; ... 1352:0311 xor bx, bx 1352:0313 1352:0313 next_table_index: ; ... 1352:0313 mov [bp+tbl_index], bx 1352:0316 cmp [bp+min_intrnl_node_idx], bx 1352:0319 jle short init_leaf_bitlen_tbl 1352:031B movzx si, byte ptr bit_buf+1 1352:0320 add si, si ; si *= 2 1352:0322 mov si, match_pos_tbl[si] ; mov si, [match_pos_tbl+si] 1352:0326 mov ax, 80h ; 'A' ; ax = bit_mask 1352:0329 1352:0329 next_bit: ; ... 1352:0329 cmp si, 13h 1352:032C jl short bit_exhausted 1352:032E shl si, 1 ; si *= 2 1352:0330 test bit_buf, ax 1352:0334 jz short go_left 1352:0336 mov si, child_1[si] ; mov si, [child_1 + si] 1352:033A shr ax, 1 1352:033C jmp short next_bit 1352:033E ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1352:033E 1352:033E go_left: ; ... 1352:033E mov si, child_0[si] ; mov si, [child_0 + si] 1352:0342 shr ax, 1 1352:0344 jmp short next_bit 1352:0346 ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1352:0346 1352:0346 bit_exhausted: ; ... 1352:0346 mov cl, match_pos_len_tbl[si] 1352:034A call fill_bit_buf 1352:034D cmp si, 2 1352:0350 jg short node_idx_gt_2 1352:0352 mov ax, 1 1352:0355 or si, si 1352:0357 jz short node_idx_is_0 1352:0359 cmp si, 1 1352:035C jnz short node_idx_is_1 1352:035E mov al, 4 1352:0360 call get_bits 1352:0363 add ax, 3 1352:0366 jmp short node_idx_is_0 1352:0368 ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1352:0368 1352:0368 node_idx_is_1: ; ... 1352:0368 mov al, 9 1352:036A call get_bits 1352:036D add ax, 14h 1352:0370 1352:0370 node_idx_is_0: ; ... 1352:0370 mov bx, [bp+tbl_index] 1352:0373 1352:0373 next_leaf: ; ... 1352:0373 dec ax 1352:0374 js short next_table_index 1352:0376 mov leaf_bitlen_tbl[bx], 0 1352:037B inc bx 1352:037C jmp short next_leaf 1352:037E ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1352:037E 1352:037E node_idx_gt_2: ; ... 1352:037E mov bx, [bp+tbl_index] 1352:0381 mov ax, si 1352:0383 sub ax, 2 1352:0386 mov leaf_bitlen_tbl[bx], al 1352:038A inc bx 1352:038B jmp short next_table_index 1352:038D ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1352:038D 1352:038D init_leaf_bitlen_tbl: ; ... 1352:038D mov cx, 1FEh 1352:0390 sub cx, bx 1352:0392 jle short init_tree 1352:0394 lea di, leaf_bitlen_tbl[bx] 1352:0398 push ds 1352:0399 pop es 1352:039A xor ax, ax 1352:039C shr cx, 1 1352:039E rep stosw 1352:03A0 jnb short init_tree 1352:03A2 stosb 1352:03A3 1352:03A3 init_tree: ; ... 1352:03A3 push ds 1352:03A4 push offset leaf_tbl 1352:03A7 push 0Ch 1352:03A9 push ds 1352:03AA push offset leaf_bitlen_tbl 1352:03AD push 1FEh 1352:03B0 call make_table 1352:03B3 add sp, 0Ch 1352:03B6 pop si 1352:03B7 pop di 1352:03B8 leave 1352:03B9 retn 1352:03B9 read_code_len endp 1352:03B9 1352:03BA 1352:03BA ; --------------- S U B R O U T I N E --------------------------------------- 1352:03BA 1352:03BA ; Attributes: bp-based frame 1352:03BA 1352:03BA make_table proc near ; ... 1352:03BA 1352:03BA __start_0= word ptr -80h 1352:03BA __start_1= word ptr -7Eh 1352:03BA __start_2= word ptr -7Ch 1352:03BA __weight_0= word ptr -5Ch 1352:03BA __weight_1= word ptr -5Ah 1352:03BA __end_of_weight?= word ptr -3Ch 1352:03BA __count_0= word ptr -3Ah 1352:03BA __count_1= word ptr -38h 1352:03BA __end_of_count= word ptr -1Ah 1352:03BA __jutbits= word ptr -18h 1352:03BA __mask= word ptr -16h 1352:03BA __p= word ptr -14h 1352:03BA __ch= word ptr -10h 1352:03BA __current_pos= word ptr -0Eh 1352:03BA __i= word ptr -0Ch 1352:03BA __k= word ptr -0Ah 1352:03BA __child_0_idx= word ptr -8 1352:03BA __child_1_idx= word ptr -6 1352:03BA tbl_idx= dword ptr -4 1352:03BA leaf_count= word ptr 4 1352:03BA leaf_bitlen_tbl= dword ptr 6 1352:03BA tbl_bitcount= word ptr 0Ah 1352:03BA table= dword ptr 0Ch 1352:03BA 1352:03BA enter 128, 0 1352:03BE push di 1352:03BF push si 1352:03C0 xor ax, ax ; zero init 16 words ([bp-38h] - [bp-18h]) 1352:03C2 mov cx, 16 1352:03C5 lea di, [bp+__count_1] ; count @ scratch_pad segment 1352:03C5 ; note: scratch_pad_seg equ stack_seg 1352:03C8 push ds 1352:03C9 pop es ; es = ds 1352:03CA rep stosw 1352:03CC xor si, si 1352:03CE mov cx, [bp+leaf_count] 1352:03D1 or cx, cx 1352:03D3 jz short leaf_count_is_0 1352:03D5 mov di, word ptr [bp+leaf_bitlen_tbl] 1352:03D8 mov ds, word ptr [bp+leaf_bitlen_tbl+2] 1352:03DB 1352:03DB nxt_leaf_bitlen_tbl_entry: ; ... 1352:03DB mov bx, di 1352:03DD add bx, si 1352:03DF mov bl, [bx] ; bl = [si+di] 1352:03E1 sub bh, bh ; bh = 0 1352:03E3 add bx, bx ; bx = bl*2 1352:03E5 lea ax, [bp+__count_0] 1352:03E8 add bx, ax 1352:03EA inc word ptr ss:[bx] ; count[bx]++ ;count in stack segment 1352:03EA ; is the same as the count in the data_seg 1352:03EA ; coz ds and ss points to the same seg 1352:03ED inc si 1352:03EE cmp si, cx 1352:03F0 jb short nxt_leaf_bitlen_tbl_entry 1352:03F2 push es 1352:03F3 pop ds ; restore ds to point to scratchpad_seg 1352:03F4 1352:03F4 leaf_count_is_0: ; ... 1352:03F4 mov [bp+__start_1], 0 1352:03F9 mov dx, 1 ; dx = bit_length 1352:03FC lea bx, [bp+__start_2] 1352:03FF lea di, [bp+__count_1] 1352:0402 1352:0402 next_start_tbl_entry: ; ... 1352:0402 mov cl, 16 1352:0404 sub cl, dl 1352:0406 mov ax, [di] 1352:0408 shl ax, cl 1352:040A add ax, [bx-2] 1352:040D mov [bx], ax 1352:040F add bx, 2 ; point to next word in start_tbl[] 1352:0412 inc dx 1352:0413 add di, 2 ; point to next word in count[] 1352:0416 lea ax, [bp+__end_of_count] 1352:0419 cmp di, ax ; is count[] limit reached? 1352:041B jbe short next_start_tbl_entry 1352:041D mov dx, [bp+tbl_bitcount] 1352:0420 mov ax, 16 1352:0423 sub ax, dx ; jutbits, i.e. ax = 16 - tbl_bitcount 1352:0425 mov [bp+__jutbits], ax 1352:0428 mov si, 1 1352:042B cmp dx, si ; tbl_bitcount == 1 1352:042D jb short tbl_bitcount_lt_1 1352:042F lea ax, [bp+__weight_1] 1352:0432 mov word ptr [bp+tbl_idx+2], ax 1352:0435 lea di, [bp+__start_1] 1352:0438 1352:0438 nxt_weight_entry: ; ... 1352:0438 mov cl, byte ptr [bp+__jutbits] 1352:043B shr word ptr [di], cl 1352:043D mov cl, byte ptr [bp+tbl_bitcount] 1352:0440 mov ax, si 1352:0442 sub cl, al 1352:0444 mov ax, 1 ; ax = 1U 1352:0447 shl ax, cl 1352:0449 mov bx, word ptr [bp+tbl_idx+2] 1352:044C add word ptr [bp+tbl_idx+2], 2 1352:0450 mov [bx], ax 1352:0452 add di, 2 ; point to next start_tbl[] entry 1352:0455 inc si 1352:0456 cmp si, [bp+tbl_bitcount] 1352:0459 jbe short nxt_weight_entry 1352:045B 1352:045B tbl_bitcount_lt_1: ; ... 1352:045B cmp si, 16 1352:045E ja short dont_init_weight 1352:0460 mov di, si 1352:0462 add di, si 1352:0464 lea bx, [bp+di+__weight_0] 1352:0467 1352:0467 next_weight_entry: ; ... 1352:0467 mov cl, 10h 1352:0469 mov ax, si 1352:046B sub cl, al 1352:046D mov ax, 1 ; ax = 1U 1352:0470 shl ax, cl 1352:0472 mov [bx], ax ; ds:[bx] = bitmask 1352:0474 add bx, 2 ; move to next weight[] entry 1352:0477 inc si 1352:0478 lea ax, [bp+__end_of_weight?] 1352:047B cmp bx, ax 1352:047D jbe short next_weight_entry 1352:047F 1352:047F dont_init_weight: ; ... 1352:047F mov si, [bp+tbl_bitcount] 1352:0482 add si, si 1352:0484 mov bx, [bp+si+__start_1] 1352:0487 mov cl, byte ptr [bp+__jutbits] 1352:048A shr bx, cl 1352:048C or bx, bx 1352:048E jz short not_zro_init 1352:0490 mov cl, byte ptr [bp+tbl_bitcount] 1352:0493 mov ax, 1 ; ax = 1U 1352:0496 shl ax, cl 1352:0498 mov [bp+__k], ax 1352:049B cmp ax, bx 1352:049D jz short not_zro_init 1352:049F mov cx, ax 1352:04A1 sub cx, bx 1352:04A3 add bx, bx ; bx *= 2 1352:04A5 les si, [bp+table] 1352:04A8 assume es:nothing 1352:04A8 xor ax, ax 1352:04AA lea di, [bx+si] 1352:04AC rep stosw ; zero init intrnl_node_tbl[] 1352:04AE 1352:04AE not_zro_init: ; ... 1352:04AE mov ax, [bp+leaf_count] 1352:04B1 mov [bp+__current_pos], ax 1352:04B4 mov cl, 15 1352:04B6 sub cl, byte ptr [bp+tbl_bitcount] 1352:04B9 mov dx, 1 1352:04BC shl dx, cl 1352:04BE mov [bp+__mask], dx 1352:04C1 mov [bp+__ch], 0 1352:04C6 or ax, ax ; leaf_count == 0 1352:04C8 jnz short init_intrnal_nodes 1352:04CA jmp exit 1352:04CD ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1352:04CD 1352:04CD init_intrnal_nodes: ; ... 1352:04CD les bx, [bp+leaf_bitlen_tbl] 1352:04D0 add bx, [bp+__ch] 1352:04D3 mov bl, es:[bx] ; bl = leaf_bitlen_tbl[__ch] 1352:04D6 sub bh, bh ; bh = 0 1352:04D8 or bx, bx 1352:04DA jnz short init_intrnl_node_code 1352:04DC jmp next___ch 1352:04DF ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1352:04DF 1352:04DF init_intrnl_node_code: ; ... 1352:04DF mov si, bx 1352:04E1 add si, bx ; si *= 2 1352:04E3 mov dx, [bp+si+__start_0] 1352:04E6 add dx, [bp+si+__weight_0] ; dx = nextcode 1352:04E9 cmp [bp+tbl_bitcount], bx 1352:04EC jb short tbl_bitcount_lt_len 1352:04EE mov si, bx 1352:04F0 add si, bx 1352:04F2 mov ax, [bp+si+__start_0] 1352:04F5 mov [bp+__i], ax 1352:04F8 cmp ax, dx 1352:04FA jb short fill_intrnl_node_tbl 1352:04FC jmp fetch_nextcode 1352:04FF ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1352:04FF 1352:04FF fill_intrnl_node_tbl: ; ... 1352:04FF mov di, ax 1352:0501 add di, di 1352:0503 add di, word ptr [bp+table] 1352:0506 mov es, word ptr [bp+table+2] 1352:0509 mov cx, dx 1352:050B sub cx, ax 1352:050D mov ax, [bp+__ch] 1352:0510 rep stosw 1352:0512 jmp fetch_nextcode 1352:0515 ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1352:0515 1352:0515 tbl_bitcount_lt_len: ; ... 1352:0515 mov si, bx 1352:0517 add si, bx 1352:0519 mov ax, [bp+si+__start_0] 1352:051C mov [bp+__k], ax 1352:051F mov cl, byte ptr [bp+__jutbits] 1352:0522 shr ax, cl 1352:0524 add ax, ax 1352:0526 add ax, word ptr [bp+table] 1352:0529 mov word ptr [bp+tbl_idx], ax 1352:052C mov ax, word ptr [bp+table+2] 1352:052F mov word ptr [bp+tbl_idx+2], ax 1352:0532 mov di, bx 1352:0534 sub di, [bp+tbl_bitcount] ; di = i = len - tablebits 1352:0537 jz short __i_equ_0 1352:0539 mov [bp+__i], di 1352:053C mov [bp+__p], bx 1352:053F mov ax, [bp+__current_pos] 1352:0542 add ax, ax ; ax *= 2 1352:0544 mov cx, ax 1352:0546 add ax, offset child_1 ; ax += right[] table 1352:0549 mov [bp+__child_1_idx], ax 1352:054C add cx, offset child_0 ; cx += left[] table 1352:0550 mov [bp+__child_0_idx], cx 1352:0553 mov si, word ptr [bp+tbl_idx] 1352:0556 mov di, [bp+__k] 1352:0559 mov es, word ptr [bp+table+2] ; es = seg(table[]) 1352:055C 1352:055C next___i: ; ... 1352:055C cmp word ptr es:[si], 0 1352:0560 jnz short move_in_tree 1352:0562 mov bx, [bp+__child_0_idx] 1352:0565 xor ax, ax 1352:0567 mov [bx], ax ; left_child = 0 1352:0569 mov bx, [bp+__child_1_idx] 1352:056C mov [bx], ax ; right_child = 0 1352:056E mov ax, [bp+__current_pos] 1352:0571 inc [bp+__current_pos] 1352:0574 mov es:[si], ax 1352:0577 add [bp+__child_1_idx], 2 ; move to higher node 1352:057B add [bp+__child_0_idx], 2 ; move to higher node 1352:057F 1352:057F move_in_tree: ; ... 1352:057F test [bp+__mask], di 1352:0582 jz short go_left 1352:0584 mov ax, es:[si] 1352:0587 add ax, ax 1352:0589 add ax, offset child_1 ; ax += right[] table 1352:058C jmp short move_in_tree_done 1352:058E ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1352:058E 1352:058E go_left: ; ... 1352:058E mov ax, es:[si] 1352:0591 add ax, ax 1352:0593 add ax, offset child_0 ; ax += left[] table 1352:0596 1352:0596 move_in_tree_done: ; ... 1352:0596 mov cx, ds 1352:0598 mov si, ax 1352:059A mov es, cx 1352:059C assume es:scratch_pad_seg 1352:059C add di, di ; n <<= 1 1352:059E dec [bp+__i] 1352:05A1 jnz short next___i 1352:05A3 mov word ptr [bp+tbl_idx+2], es 1352:05A6 mov word ptr [bp+tbl_idx], ax 1352:05A9 mov bx, [bp+__p] 1352:05AC 1352:05AC __i_equ_0: ; ... 1352:05AC mov ax, [bp+__ch] 1352:05AF les si, [bp+tbl_idx] 1352:05B2 assume es:nothing 1352:05B2 mov es:[si], ax 1352:05B5 1352:05B5 fetch_nextcode: ; ... 1352:05B5 mov si, bx 1352:05B7 add si, bx 1352:05B9 mov [bp+si+__start_0], dx 1352:05BC 1352:05BC next___ch: ; ... 1352:05BC mov ax, [bp+leaf_count] 1352:05BF inc [bp+__ch] 1352:05C2 cmp [bp+__ch], ax 1352:05C5 jnb short exit 1352:05C7 jmp init_intrnal_nodes 1352:05CA ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1352:05CA 1352:05CA exit: ; ... 1352:05CA pop si 1352:05CB pop di 1352:05CC leave 1352:05CD retn 1352:05CD make_table endp 1352:05CD 1352:05CE 1352:05CE ; --------------- S U B R O U T I N E --------------------------------------- 1352:05CE 1352:05CE ; in: al = amount of bit to read 1352:05CE ; out: ax = bits read 1352:05CE 1352:05CE get_bits proc near ; ... 1352:05CE mov cl, 10h 1352:05D0 sub cl, al 1352:05D2 mov dx, bit_buf 1352:05D6 shr dx, cl 1352:05D8 mov cl, al 1352:05DA call fill_bit_buf 1352:05DD mov ax, dx 1352:05DF retn 1352:05DF get_bits endp 1352:05DF 1352:05E0 1352:05E0 ; --------------- S U B R O U T I N E --------------------------------------- 1352:05E0 1352:05E0 ; in: cl = amount of bit to read 1352:05E0 1352:05E0 fill_bit_buf proc near ; ... 1352:05E0 shl bit_buf, cl 1352:05E4 mov ch, byte ptr bit_position 1352:05E8 cmp ch, cl 1352:05EA jge short bitpos_gt_req_bitcount 1352:05EC mov ebx, src_byte_ptr 1352:05F1 push 0 1352:05F3 pop es 1352:05F4 assume es:_12000 1352:05F4 mov ax, _byte_buf 1352:05F7 sub cl, ch ; cl = number of bit to read 1352:05F9 cmp cl, 8 1352:05FC jle short bit2read_lte_8 1352:05FE shl ax, cl 1352:0600 or bit_buf, ax 1352:0604 movzx ax, byte ptr es:[ebx] ; fetch one byte from compressed src 1352:0609 inc ebx ; point to next src byte 1352:060B sub cl, 8 1352:060E 1352:060E bit2read_lte_8: ; ... 1352:060E shl ax, cl 1352:0610 or bit_buf, ax 1352:0614 movzx ax, byte ptr es:[ebx] ; fetch one byte from compressed src 1352:0619 inc ebx 1352:061B mov src_byte_ptr, ebx ; point to next src byte 1352:0620 mov _byte_buf, ax 1352:0623 mov ch, 8 ; set bit position to 8 1352:0625 1352:0625 bitpos_gt_req_bitcount: ; ... 1352:0625 sub ch, cl ; ch = number of bit read 1352:0627 mov byte ptr bit_position, ch 1352:062B xchg ch, cl 1352:062D mov ax, _byte_buf 1352:0630 shr ax, cl 1352:0632 or bit_buf, ax 1352:0636 retn 1352:0636 fill_bit_buf endp
The first call to this decompression engine passes 8F98Ch as the source-address parameter and 120000h as the destination-address parameter for the decompression. I made an IDA Pro plugin to simulate the decompression process. It's a quite trivial but time consuming process. After the compressed part decompressed to memory at 120000h, the execution then continues to copy_decomp_result.
4.4. BIOS Binary Relocation into RAM
8000:A091 decomp_block_entry proc near
8000:A091 call init_decomp_ngine ; on ret, ds = 0
8000:A094 call copy_decomp_result
8000:A097 call call_F000_0000
8000:A09A retn
8000:A09A decomp_block_entry endp
8000:A273 copy_decomp_result proc near ; ...
8000:A273 pushad
8000:A275 call _init_regs
8000:A278 mov esi, cs:decomp_dest_addr
8000:A27E push es
8000:A27F push ds
8000:A280 mov bp, sp
8000:A282 movzx ecx, word ptr [esi+2] ; ecx = hdr_length
8000:A288 mov edx, ecx ; edx = hdr_length
8000:A28B sub sp, cx ; provide big stack section
8000:A28D mov bx, sp
8000:A28F push ss
8000:A290 pop es
8000:A291 movzx edi, sp
8000:A295 push esi
8000:A297 cld
8000:A298 rep movs byte ptr es:[edi], byte ptr [esi] ; fill stack with decompressed bootblock part
8000:A29B pop esi
8000:A29D push ds
8000:A29E pop es ; es = ds ( 0000h ? )
8000:A29F movzx ecx, word ptr ss:[bx+0] ; ecx number of components to copy
8000:A2A4 add esi, edx ; esi points to right after header
8000:A2A7 next_dword: ; ...
8000:A2A7 add bx, 4
8000:A2AA push ecx
8000:A2AC mov edi, ss:[bx+0] ; edi = destination addr
8000:A2B0 add bx, 4
8000:A2B3 mov ecx, ss:[bx+0]
8000:A2B7 mov edx, ecx ; edx = byte count
8000:A2BA shr ecx, 2 ; ecx / 4
8000:A2BE jz short copy_remaining_bytes
8000:A2C0 rep movs dword ptr es:[edi], dword ptr [esi]
8000:A2C4 copy_remaining_bytes: ; ...
8000:A2C4 mov ecx, edx
8000:A2C7 and ecx, 3
8000:A2CB jz short no_more_bytes2copy
8000:A2CD rep movs byte ptr es:[edi], byte ptr [esi]
8000:A2D0 no_more_bytes2copy: ; ...
8000:A2D0 pop ecx
8000:A2D2 loop next_dword
8000:A2D4 mov edi, 120000h ; decompression destination addr
8000:A2DA call far ptr esi_equ_FFFC_0000h ; decompression source address
8000:A2DF push 0F000h
8000:A2E2 pop ds
8000:A2E3 assume ds:_F0000
8000:A2E3 mov word_F000_B1, cx
8000:A2E7 mov sp, bp
8000:A2E9 pop ds
8000:A2EA assume ds:nothing
8000:A2EA pop es
8000:A2EB popad
8000:A2ED retn
8000:A2ED copy_decomp_result endp ; sp = -4 .........
copy_decomp_result copies the decompression result from address 120000h to segment F000h. The destination and the source of the this operation are provided in the header portion of the decompressed code at address 120000h. This header format is somehow very similar to the header format used by the decompression engine module that we encounter previously.
0000:120000 dw 1 ; number of components
0000:120002 dw 0Ch ; header length of this component
0000:120004 dd 0F0000h ; destination addr
0000:120008 dd 485h ; byte count
Then, the execution continues with a call to the procedure at the overwritten part of segment F000h.
8000:A094 call copy_decomp_result
8000:A097 call call_F000_0000
8000:A2EE call_F000_0000 proc near ; ...
8000:A2EE call prepare_sys_BIOS ; jump table in system BIOS?
8000:A2F3 8000:A2F3 halt: ; ...
8000:A2F3 cli
8000:A2F4 hlt
8000:A2F5 jmp short halt
8000:A2F5 call_F000_0000 endp
F000:0000 prepare_sys_BIOS proc far ; ...
F000:0000 call Relocate_BIOS_Binary
F000:0005 call Calc_Module_Sum
F000:000A call far ptr Bootblock_POST_D7h
F000:000F retf
F000:000F prepare_sys_BIOS endp
prepare_sys_BIOS function accomplishes several tasks.
First, prepare_sys_BIOS copies the BIOS binary from high BIOS address (near 4GB address range) to to RAM at segment 16_0000h - 19_FFFFh by calling Relocate_BIOS_Binary function. Relocate_BIOS_Binary function also also copies the pure code of the BIOS binary (non-padding bytes) to segment 12_0000h - 15_FFFFh.
F000:00EA Relocate_BIOS_Binary proc far ; ...
F000:00EA push es
F000:00EB push ds
F000:00EC pushad
F000:00EE mov edi, 120000h F000:00F4 call _get_sysbios_param ; on-ret: cx = 4 ; esi = FFFC_0000h F000:00F4 ; carry_flag = 0 F000:00F9 jnb short no_carry ; jmp taken F000:00FB mov esi, 0FE000h F000:0101 mov cx, 2 F000:0104 F000:0104 no_carry: ; ... F000:0104 movzx eax, cx ; eax = 4 F000:0108 shl eax, 0Eh ; eax = 1_0000h F000:010C mov cs:BIOS_size_in_dword?, eax F000:0111 mov ecx, eax ; ecx = 1_0000h F000:0114 shl eax, 2 ; eax = 4_0000h F000:0118 mov cs:BIOS_size_in_byte?, eax F000:011D xor eax, eax ; eax = 0 F000:0120 mov ds, ax ; ds = 0 F000:0122 assume ds:sys_bios F000:0122 mov es, ax ; es = 0 F000:0124 push ecx ; ecx is 1_0000h at this point F000:0126 dec eax ; eax = -1 = 0xFFFF_FFFF F000:0128 rep stos dword ptr es:[edi] ; init 120000h-15FFFFh with FFh F000:012C push ds F000:012D push 51h F000:0130 pop ds F000:0131 assume ds:_51h F000:0131 mov BIOS_bin_start_addr, edi F000:0136 pop ds F000:0137 assume ds:nothing F000:0137 pop ecx F000:0139 push edi F000:013B rep movs dword ptr es:[edi], dword ptr [esi] ; copy 256KB from FFFC_0000h-FFFF_FFFFh to F000:013B ; 16_0000h-19_FFFFh F000:013F pop esi ; esi = edi = 16_0000h F000:0141 mov cx, cs:BIOS_seg_count? ; cx = 4 F000:0146 call get_sysbios_start_addr ; 1st pass: edi = 19_8000h F000:0149 jz short chk_sysbios_hdr ; 1st pass jmp taken F000:014B push ds F000:014C push 8000h F000:014F pop ds F000:0150 assume ds:decomp_block F000:0150 or byte_8000_FFCE, 40h F000:0155 pop ds F000:0156 assume ds:nothing F000:0156 jmp exit F000:0159 ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- F000:0159 F000:0159 chk_sysbios_hdr: ; ... F000:0159 mov esi, edi ; 1st pass: edi = 19_8000h F000:015C sub edi, cs:BIOS_size_in_byte? F000:0162 mov ebx, 20h ; ' ' F000:0168 sub edi, ebx F000:016B sub esi, ebx F000:016E mov ecx, ebx F000:0171 rep movs byte ptr es:[edi], byte ptr [esi] ; copy last 20 bytes (header) of sys_bios F000:0171 ; (19_7FE0h-19_8000h) to (15_7FE0h - 15_8000h) F000:0174 xor ebx, ebx ; ebx = 0 F000:0177 F000:0177 next_compressed_component?: ; ... F000:0177 mov esi, edx F000:017A mov ax, [esi+2] F000:017E shl eax, 10h F000:0182 mov ax, [esi] F000:0185 sub esi, 8 F000:0189 mov edi, esi F000:018C sub edi, cs:BIOS_size_in_byte? F000:0192 mov ecx, [esi] F000:0196 test byte ptr [esi+0Fh], 20h F000:019B jz short bit_not_set F000:019D add ebx, ecx F000:01A0 jmp short test_lower_bit F000:01A2 ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- F000:01A2 F000:01A2 bit_not_set: ; ... F000:01A2 sub ecx, ebx F000:01A5 xor ebx, ebx F000:01A8 F000:01A8 test_lower_bit: ; ... F000:01A8 test byte ptr [esi+0Fh], 40h F000:01AD jz short copy_bytes F000:01AF xor ecx, ecx F000:01B2 F000:01B2 copy_bytes: ; ... F000:01B2 add ecx, 14h F000:01B6 cmp ecx, cs:BIOS_size_in_byte? F000:01BC ja short padding_bytes_reached? F000:01BE rep movs byte ptr es:[edi], byte ptr [esi] ; copy compressed component bytes? F000:01C1 cmp eax, 0FFFFFFFFh F000:01C5 jz short padding_bytes_reached? F000:01C7 push ds F000:01C8 push 51h ; 'Q' F000:01CB pop ds F000:01CC assume ds:_51h F000:01CC mov esi, BIOS_bin_start_addr F000:01D1 pop ds F000:01D2 assume ds:nothing F000:01D2 mov cx, cs:BIOS_seg_count? F000:01D7 call get_component_start_addr F000:01DA jmp short next_compressed_component? F000:01DC ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- F000:01DC F000:01DC padding_bytes_reached?: ; ... F000:01DC mov esi, 120000h F000:01E2 push esi F000:01E4 mov ecx, cs:BIOS_size_in_dword? F000:01EA xor ebx, ebx F000:01ED F000:01ED next_dword: ; ... F000:01ED lods dword ptr [esi] F000:01F0 add ebx, eax F000:01F3 loopd next_dword F000:01F6 pop edi F000:01F8 mov [edi-4], ebx F000:01FD F000:01FD exit: ; ... F000:01FD push 8000h F000:0200 pop es F000:0201 assume es:decomp_block F000:0201 mov al, es:byte_8000_FFCE F000:0205 push 51h ; 'Q' F000:0208 pop ds F000:0209 assume ds:_51h F000:0209 mov byte ptr unk_51_4, al F000:020C mov eax, es:decompression_block_size F000:0211 mov dword ptr _decompression_block_size, eax F000:0215 mov eax, es:padding_byte_size F000:021A mov dword ptr _padding_byte_size, eax F000:021E popad F000:0220 pop ds F000:0221 assume es:nothing, ds:nothing F000:0221 pop es F000:0222 retf F000:0222 Relocate_BIOS_Binary endp
Second, prepare_sys_BIOS checks the checksum of the BIOS binary that's copied to segment 12_0000h - 15_FFFFh by calling Calc_Module_Sum function. This is actually an 8-bit checksum calculation for the whole BIOS image. Note that the aforementioned address range is previously initialized with FFh values in Relocate_BIOS_Binary function prior to being filled by the copy of the BIOS binary.
F000:02CA Calc_Module_Sum proc far ; ... F000:02CA push ds F000:02CB pushad F000:02CD push 0 F000:02CF pop ds F000:02D0 assume ds:sys_bios F000:02D0 mov esi, 120000h F000:02D6 mov cx, cs:BIOS_seg_count? F000:02DB call get_sysbios_start_addr F000:02DE jnz short AMIBIOSC_not_found F000:02E0 mov cx, [edi-0Ah] F000:02E4 xor eax, eax F000:02E7 F000:02E7 next_lower_dword: ; ... F000:02E7 add eax, [edi-4] F000:02EC sub edi, 8 F000:02F0 add eax, [edi] F000:02F4 loop next_lower_dword F000:02F6 jz short exit F000:02F8 F000:02F8 AMIBIOSC_not_found: ; ... F000:02F8 mov ax, 8000h F000:02FB mov ds, ax F000:02FD assume ds:decomp_block F000:02FD or byte_8000_FFCE, 40h F000:0302 F000:0302 exit: ; ... F000:0302 popad F000:0304 pop ds F000:0305 assume ds:nothing F000:0305 retf F000:0305 Calc_Module_Sum endp
Third, prepare_sys_BIOS validates the compressed AMI System BIOS at 12_0000h -xx_xxxxh and then decompresses the compressed AMI System BIOS into RAM at segment 1A_0000h - xx_xxxxh by calling Bootblock_POST_D7h.
F000:0010 Bootblock_POST_D7h proc near ; ... F000:0010 mov al, 0D7h ; '+' F000:0012 out 80h, al ; Restore CPUID value back into register. F000:0012 ; The Bootblock-Runtime interface F000:0012 ; module is moved to system memory F000:0012 ; and control is given to it. Determine F000:0012 ; whether to execute serial flash. F000:0014 mov esi, 120000h F000:001A mov cx, cs:BIOS_seg_count? F000:001F mov bl, 8 F000:0021 call Chk_SysBIOS_CRC F000:0024 jz short chk_sum_ok F000:0026 jmp far ptr halt_@_PostCode_D7h F000:002B ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- F000:002B F000:002B chk_sum_ok: ; ... F000:002B mov esi, ebx F000:002E xor edi, edi F000:0031 xor ax, ax F000:0033 mov ds, ax F000:0035 assume ds:sys_bios F000:0035 mov es, ax F000:0037 assume es:sys_bios F000:0037 mov edi, esi F000:003A cld F000:003B lods word ptr [esi] F000:003D lods word ptr [esi] F000:003F movzx eax, ax F000:0043 add edi, eax F000:0046 push edi F000:0048 lods dword ptr [esi] F000:004B mov edi, eax F000:004E lods dword ptr [esi] F000:0051 mov ecx, eax F000:0054 pop esi F000:0056 push edi F000:0058 shr ecx, 2 F000:005C inc ecx F000:005E rep movs dword ptr es:[edi], dword ptr [esi] F000:0062 pop edi F000:0064 shr edi, 4 ; edi = segment addr F000:0068 mov cs:interface_seg, di F000:006D mov bl, 1Bh F000:006F call Chk_sysbios_CRC_indirect F000:0072 jz short dont_halt_2 F000:0074 jmp far ptr halt_@_PostCode_D7h F000:0079 ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- F000:0079 F000:0079 dont_halt_2: ; ... F000:0079 mov esi, ebx ; esi = compressed bios modules start address F000:007C mov edi, 120000h F000:0082 push ds F000:0083 push 0F000h F000:0086 pop ds F000:0087 assume ds:_F0000 F000:0087 movzx ecx, BIOS_seg_count? F000:008D pop ds F000:008E assume ds:nothing F000:008E shl ecx, 11h F000:0092 add edi, ecx ; edi = bios modules decompression destination start address F000:0092 ; edi = 120000h + (4 << 11h) = 1A0000h F000:0095 push ax F000:0096 call Read_CMOS_B5_B6h F000:0099 pop ax F000:009A mov bx, cs F000:009C call dword ptr cs:interface_module F000:00A1 jmp far ptr halt_@_PostCode_D7h F000:00A6 ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- F000:00A6 retf F000:00A6 ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- F000:00A7 interface_module: ; ... F000:00A7 dw 0 F000:00A9 interface_seg dw 1352h ; ... F000:00A9 ; goto 1352:0000h -- POST preparation module (contains LHA decompression engine) F000:00AB ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- F000:00AB F000:00AB halt_@_PostCode_D7h: ; ... F000:00AB mov al, 0D7h ; '+' F000:00AD out 80h, al ; manufacture's diagnostic checkpoint F000:00AF F000:00AF halt: ; ... F000:00AF jmp short halt F000:00AF Bootblock_POST_D7h endp
In normal condition, Bootblock_POST_D7h function shouldn't return. It will continue its execution in the Bootblock Runtime Interface (BBRI) module at segment 1352h. The code in BBRI will decompress the system BIOS and other compressed component and then jump into the decompressed system BIOS to execute POST. I made a custom IDA Pro plugin in order to find the value of the BBRI segment. The BBRI segment, among all contains the decompression engine. Mind you that the "new" decompression engine is just the same as the old decompression engine which was over written during Bootblock_POST_D7h execution. However, this new decompression engine is located in higher address in the same segment as the old one to accommodate space for the POST preparation functions.
4.5. POST (Power-On Self-Test) Preparation
The BBRI module is placed at segment 1352h. The preparation for POST is carried out as follows:
1352:0000 prepare_for_POST: ; ... 1352:0000 jmp short decompress_sys_bios ......... 1352:0011 decompress_sys_bios: ; ... 1352:0011 push edx 1352:0013 push ax 1352:0014 mov al, 0D8h ; '+' 1352:0016 out 80h, al ; POST D8h: 1352:0016 ; The Runtime module is uncompressed 1352:0016 ; into memory. CPUID information is 1352:0016 ; stored in memory. 1352:0018 pop ax 1352:0019 call decompress_component ; decompress system BIOS 1352:0019 ; 1st pass @in: edi(dest) = 1A_0000h 1352:0019 ; esi(src) = 12_F690h 1352:0019 ; 1352:0019 ; 1st pass @out: esi = 1A_0000h 1352:0019 ; ZF = 1 1352:001C pop edx 1352:001E jnz short exit_error 1352:0020 push edx 1352:0022 mov al, 0D9h ; '-' 1352:0024 out 80h, al ; POST D9h: 1352:0024 ; Store the Uncompressed pointer 1352:0024 ; for future use in PMM. 1352:0024 ; Copying Main BIOS into memory. 1352:0024 ; Leaves all RAM below 1352:0024 ; 1MB Read-Write including 1352:0024 ; E000 and F000 shadow areas 1352:0024 ; but closing SMRAM. 1352:0026 mov cs:ea_sys_bios_start, esi ; 1st pass: 1A_0000h 1352:002C call FFh_init_Aseg_Bseg_Eseg 1352:002F call relocate_bios_modules 1352:0032 call init_PCI_config_regs ; prepare some PCI config regs 1352:0037 mov al, 0DAh ; '-' 1352:0039 out 80h, al ; POST DAh: 1352:0039 ; Restore CPUID value back into register. 1352:0039 ; Give control to BIOS POST 1352:0039 ; (ExecutePOSTKernel). 1352:0039 ; See POST Code Checkpoints 1352:0039 ; section of document for 1352:0039 ; more information. 1352:003B pop edx 1352:003D mov ax, 0F000h 1352:0040 mov ds, ax 1352:0042 assume ds:_F0000 1352:0042 mov gs, ax 1352:0044 assume gs:_F0000 1352:0044 mov sp, 4000h 1352:0047 jmp far ptr Execute_POST ; exec POST 1352:004C ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1352:004C exit_error: ; ... 1352:004C retf ......... 1352:0084 ; in: esi = src start addr 1352:0084 ; edi = dest start addr 1352:0084 ; al = decompression 'flag' 1352:0084 ; 1352:0084 ; out: esi = dest start addr 1352:0084 ; ZF = set if success otherwise not 1352:0084 ; ds = 0 1352:0084 1352:0084 decompress_component proc near ; ... 1352:0084 test al, 80h 1352:0086 jz short decompress 1352:0088 push 0 1352:008A pop ds 1352:008B assume ds:sys_bios 1352:008B jmp short exit 1352:008D ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1352:008D 1352:008D decompress: ; ... 1352:008D push edi ; save decompression dest addr 1352:008F push edi ; dest addr 1352:0091 push esi ; src addr 1352:0093 call expand 1352:0096 add sp, 8 1352:0099 pop esi ; return decompression dest addr 1352:009B push 0 1352:009D pop ds 1352:009E 1352:009E exit: ; ... 1352:009E cmp al, al 1352:00A0 retn 1352:00A0 decompress_component endp 1352:00A1 1352:00A1 ; relocates relevant decompressed BIOS components 1352:00A1 relocate_bios_modules proc near ; ... 1352:00A1 pushad 1352:00A3 push es 1352:00A4 push ds 1352:00A5 mov bp, sp 1352:00A7 mov ax, ds 1352:00A9 movzx eax, ax 1352:00AD shl eax, 4 1352:00B1 add esi, eax ; esi = 1A_0000h ;since ds = 0 1352:00B4 push 0 1352:00B6 pop ds ; ds = 0 1352:00B7 movzx ecx, word ptr [esi+2] ; ecx = 2B4h 1352:00BD mov edx, ecx 1352:00C0 sub sp, cx ; reserve stack for "header" 1352:00C2 mov bx, sp 1352:00C4 push ss 1352:00C5 pop es ; es = ss 1352:00C6 movzx edi, sp 1352:00CA push esi 1352:00CC cld 1352:00CD rep movs byte ptr es:[edi], byte ptr [esi] ; move "header" to stack 1352:00D0 pop esi 1352:00D2 push ds 1352:00D3 pop es ; es = 0 1352:00D4 assume es:sys_bios 1352:00D4 movzx ecx, word ptr ss:[bx+0] ; ecx = 1Eh 1352:00D9 add esi, edx ; esi = 1A_02B4h 1352:00DC 1352:00DC next_module: ; ... 1352:00DC add bx, 4 1352:00DF push ecx 1352:00E1 mov edi, ss:[bx+0] ; edi = ea_dest_seg --> F_0000h 1352:00E5 cmp edi, 0E0000h 1352:00EC jb short dest_below_Eseg ; 1st pass: not taken 1352:00EE cmp edi, cs:ea_dest_seg 1352:00F4 jnb short dest_below_Eseg ; 1st pass: not taken 1352:00F6 mov cs:ea_dest_seg, edi ; ea_dest_seg = F_0000h 1352:00FC 1352:00FC dest_below_Eseg: ; ... 1352:00FC add bx, 4 1352:00FF mov ecx, ss:[bx+0] ; ecx = 8001_0000h 1352:0103 test ecx, 80000000h 1352:010A jz short no_relocation ; 1st pass: not taken 1352:010C and ecx, 7FFFFFFFh ; 1st pass: ecx = 1_0000h 1352:0113 mov edx, ecx ; 1st pass: edx = 1_0000h 1352:0116 shr ecx, 2 ; ecx / 4 1352:011A jz short size_is_zero ; 1st pass: jmp not taken 1352:011C rep movs dword ptr es:[edi], dword ptr [esi] ; 1st pass copy 64KB 1352:011C ; from (1A_02B4h-1B_02B3h) to F_seg 1352:0120 1352:0120 size_is_zero: ; ... 1352:0120 mov ecx, edx 1352:0123 and ecx, 3 1352:0127 jz short no_relocation ; 1st pass: jmp taken 1352:0129 rep movs byte ptr es:[edi], byte ptr [esi] 1352:012C 1352:012C no_relocation: ; ... 1352:012C pop ecx 1352:012E loop next_module 1352:0130 push 0F000h 1352:0133 pop ds 1352:0134 assume ds:_F0000 1352:0134 mov eax, cs:ea_dest_seg 1352:0139 mov dword_F000_8020, eax 1352:013D push 2EF6h 1352:0140 pop ds ; ds = 2EF6h 1352:0141 assume ds:nothing 1352:0141 mov ds:77Ch, eax 1352:0145 sub eax, 100000h 1352:014B neg eax 1352:014E mov ds:780h, eax 1352:0152 mov sp, bp 1352:0154 pop ds 1352:0155 assume ds:scratch_pad_seg 1352:0155 pop es 1352:0156 assume es:nothing 1352:0156 popad 1352:0158 retn 1352:0158 relocate_bios_modules endp 1352:0158 1352:0158 ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1352:0159 ea_dest_seg dd 0F0000h ; ... 1352:0159 ; patched at relocate_bios_modules 1352:0159 ; original value = F_FFFFh 1352:015D expand proc near ; ... 1352:015D 1352:015D src_addr= dword ptr 4 1352:015D dest_addr= dword ptr 8 1352:015D 1352:015D push bp ......... 1352:021D popad 1352:021F pop bp 1352:0220 retn 1352:0220 expand endp ; sp = -8 .........
expand function decompresses the compressed module within the BIOS. relocate_bios_modules function relocates the decompressed module into their respective address ranges. These address ranges are contained in the beginning of the decompressed BIOS modules and are used by relocate_bios_modules to do the relocation. In this particular case, the starting address of the decompressed BIOS module at this point is 1A_0000h. Thus, the address ranges for the bios modules are provided there as shown in the code snippet below.
0000:001A0000 dw 1Eh ; number of "component info" present in this header
0000:001A0002 dw 2B4h ; header size (The first component/RUN_CSEG immediately follows the header)
0000:001A0004 dd 0F0000h ; dest seg = F000h; size = 10000h (present in this module [1B])
0000:001A0008 dd 80010000h
0000:001A000C dd 27710h ; dest seg = 2771h; size = 7846h (present in this module [1B])
0000:001A0010 dd 80007846h
0000:001A0014 dd 13CB0h ; dest seg = 13CBh; size = 6C2Fh (present in this module [1B])
0000:001A0018 dd 80006C2Fh
0000:001A001C dd 0E0000h ; dest seg = E000h; size = 5AC8h (present in this module [1B])
0000:001A0020 dd 80005AC8h
0000:001A0024 dd 223B0h ; dest seg = 223Bh; size = 3E10h (present in this module [1B])
0000:001A0028 dd 80003E10h
0000:001A002C dd 0E5AD0h ; dest seg = E5ADh; size = Dh (present in this module [1B])
0000:001A0030 dd 8000000Dh
0000:001A0034 dd 13520h ; dest seg = 1352h; size = 789h (NOT present in this module [1B])
0000:001A0038 dd 789h
0000:001A003C dd 261C0h ; dest seg = 261Ch; size = 528h (present in this module [1B]) 0000:001A0040 dd 80000528h 0000:001A0044 dd 40000h ; dest seg = 4000h; size = 5D56h (present in this module [1B]) 0000:001A0048 dd 80005D56h 0000:001A004C dd 0A8530h ; dest seg = A853h; size = 82FCh (present in this module [1B]) 0000:001A0050 dd 800082FCh 0000:001A0054 dd 49A90h ; dest seg = 49A9h; size = A29h (present in this module [1B]) 0000:001A0058 dd 80000A29h 0000:001A005C dd 45D60h ; dest seg = 45D6h; size = 3D28h (present in this module [1B]) 0000:001A0060 dd 80003D28h 0000:001A0064 dd 0A0000h ; dest seg = A000h; size = 55h (present in this module [1B]) 0000:001A0068 dd 80000055h 0000:001A006C dd 0A0300h ; dest seg = A030h; size = 50h (present in this module [1B]) 0000:001A0070 dd 80000050h 0000:001A0074 dd 400h ; dest seg = 40h; size = 110h (NOT present in this module [1B]) 0000:001A0078 dd 110h 0000:001A007C dd 510h ; dest seg = 51h; size = 13h (NOT present in this module [1B]) 0000:001A0080 dd 13h 0000:001A0084 dd 1A8E0h ; dest seg = 1A8Eh; size = 7AD0h (present in this module [1B]) 0000:001A0088 dd 80007AD0h 0000:001A008C dd 0 ; dest seg = 0h; size = 400h (NOT present in this module [1B]) 0000:001A0090 dd 400h 0000:001A0094 dd 266F0h ; dest seg = 266Fh; size = 101Fh (present in this module [1B]) 0000:001A0098 dd 8000101Fh 0000:001A009C dd 2EF60h ; dest seg = 2EF6h; size = C18h (present in this module [1B]) 0000:001A00A0 dd 80000C18h 0000:001A00A4 dd 30000h ; dest seg = 3000h; size = 10000h (NOT present in this module [1B]) 0000:001A00A8 dd 10000h 0000:001A00AC dd 4530h ; dest seg = 453h; size = EFF0h (NOT present in this module [1B]) 0000:001A00B0 dd 0EFF0h 0000:001A00B4 dd 0A8300h ; dest seg = A830h; size = 230h (present in this module [1B]) 0000:001A00B8 dd 80000230h 0000:001A00BC dd 0E8000h ; dest seg = E800h; size = 8000h (NOT present in this module [1B]) 0000:001A00C0 dd 8000h 0000:001A00C4 dd 0A7D00h ; dest seg = A7D0h; size = 200h (NOT present in this module [1B]) 0000:001A00C8 dd 200h 0000:001A00CC dd 0B0830h ; dest seg = B083h; size = F0h (present in this module [1B]) 0000:001A00D0 dd 800000F0h 0000:001A00D4 dd 0A8000h ; dest seg = A800h; size = 200h (NOT present in this module [1B]) 0000:001A00D8 dd 200h 0000:001A00DC dd 530h ; dest seg = 53h; size = 4000h (NOT present in this module [1B]) 0000:001A00E0 dd 4000h 0000:001A00E4 dd 0A7500h ; dest seg = A750h; size = 800h (NOT present in this module [1B]) 0000:001A00E8 dd 800h 0000:001A00EC dd 0C0000h ; dest seg = C000h; size = 20000h (NOT present in this module [1B]) 0000:001A00F0 dd 20000h
As shown in the code snippet above, the size of the address ranges that will be occupied by the bios modules are encoded. The most significant bit in the size of the module (the 31st bit in the second double-word of every entry) is the indicator wheter the respective module is present in the current system BIOS (1B module) or not. Note that the current segment where the code executes (1352h) is also contained in the address ranges shown in the header above. However, that doesn't mean that the current code that is being executed will be prematurely overwritten because this component (interface module) is not present in the 1B module.
To carry out the BIOS modules relocation in this particular AMI BIOS binary, I'm using the follwing IDA Pro script:
/* relocate_bios_modules.idc Simulation of relocate_bios_module procedure at 1352h:00A1h - 1352h:0158h */ #include <idc.idc> static main(void) { auto bin_base, hdr_size, src_ptr, hdr_ptr, ea_module; auto module_cnt, EA_DEST_SEG, module_size, dest_ptr; auto str, _eax; EA_DEST_SEG = [0x1352, 0x159]; bin_base = 0x1A0000; hdr_size = Word(bin_base+2); hdr_ptr = bin_base; /* hdr_ptr = ss:[bx] */ module_cnt = Word(hdr_ptr); /* ecx = ss:[bx]*/ src_ptr = bin_base + hdr_size; /* esi += edx */ /* next_module */ while( module_cnt > 0) { hdr_ptr = hdr_ptr + 4; ea_module = Dword(hdr_ptr); if( ea_module >= 0xE0000 ) { if( ea_module < Dword(EA_DEST_SEG)) { PatchDword(EA_DEST_SEG, ea_module); } } /* dest_below_Eseg */ hdr_ptr = hdr_ptr + 4; module_size = Dword(hdr_ptr); if(module_size & 0x80000000) { module_size = module_size & 0x7FFFFFFF; str = form("relocating module: %Xh ; ", ea_module >> 4); str = str + form("size = %Xh\n", module_size); Message(str); SegCreate(ea_module, ea_module + module_size, ea_module >> 4, 0, 0, 0); dest_ptr = ea_module; while( module_size > 0 ) { PatchByte(dest_ptr, Byte(src_ptr)); src_ptr = src_ptr + 1; dest_ptr = dest_ptr + 1; module_size = module_size - 1; } } /* no_relocation */ module_cnt = module_cnt - 1; } /* push 0F000h; pop ds */ _eax = Dword(EA_DEST_SEG); PatchDword([0xF000, 0x8020], _eax); PatchDword([0x2EF6, 0x77C], _eax); str = form("2EF6h:77Ch = %Xh \n", Dword([0x2EF6, 0x77C])); Message(str); _eax = 0x100000 - _eax; PatchDword([0x2EF6, 0x780], _eax); str = form("2EF6h:780h = %Xh \n", Dword([0x2EF6, 0x780])); Message(str); return 0; }
The output in the message pane of IDA Pro as follows:
relocating module: F000h ; size = 10000h Deleting segment (00000000000F0000-0000000000100000) ... ... OK 15. Creating a new segment (00000000000F0000-0000000000100000) ... ... OK relocating module: 2771h ; size = 7846h Deleting segment (0000000000027710-000000000002EF56) ... ... OK 15. Creating a new segment (0000000000027710-000000000002EF56) ... ... OK relocating module: 13CBh ; size = 6C2Fh 16. Creating a new segment (0000000000013CB0-000000000001A8DF) ... ... OK relocating module: E000h ; size = 5AC8h 17. Creating a new segment (00000000000E0000-00000000000E5AC8) ... ... OK relocating module: 223Bh ; size = 3E10h 18. Creating a new segment (00000000000223B0-00000000000261C0) ... ... OK relocating module: E5ADh ; size = Dh 19. Creating a new segment (00000000000E5AD0-00000000000E5ADD) ... ... OK relocating module: 261Ch ; size = 528h 20. Creating a new segment (00000000000261C0-00000000000266E8) ... ... OK relocating module: 4000h ; size = 5D56h 21. Creating a new segment (0000000000040000-0000000000045D56) ... ... OK relocating module: A853h ; size = 82FCh 22. Creating a new segment (00000000000A8530-00000000000B082C) ... ... OK relocating module: 49A9h ; size = A29h 23. Creating a new segment (0000000000049A90-000000000004A4B9) ... ... OK relocating module: 45D6h ; size = 3D28h 24. Creating a new segment (0000000000045D60-0000000000049A88) ... ... OK relocating module: A000h ; size = 55h 25. Creating a new segment (00000000000A0000-00000000000A0055) ... ... OK relocating module: A030h ; size = 50h 26. Creating a new segment (00000000000A0300-00000000000A0350) ... ... OK relocating module: 1A8Eh ; size = 7AD0h 27. Creating a new segment (000000000001A8E0-00000000000223B0) ... ... OK relocating module: 266Fh ; size = 101Fh 28. Creating a new segment (00000000000266F0-000000000002770F) ... ... OK relocating module: 2EF6h ; size = C18h 29. Creating a new segment (000000000002EF60-000000000002FB78) ... ... OK relocating module: A830h ; size = 230h 30. Creating a new segment (00000000000A8300-00000000000A8530) ... ... OK relocating module: B083h ; size = F0h 31. Creating a new segment (00000000000B0830-00000000000B0920) ... ... OK 2EF6h:77Ch = E0000h 2EF6h:780h = 20000h
After the BIOS modules relocation takes place, the execution is then advance to some PCI configuration register initialization. The routine initializes the chipset registers that controls the BIOS shadowing matter to prepare for the POST execution. The bootblock execution ends here and the system BIOS execution starts at the jump into the Execute_POST
5. System BIOS Reverse Engineering
The system BIOS reverse engineering for this particular AMIBIOS is carried out by analysing its POST Jump Table execution. The execution of the POST Jump Table starts with a far jump to segment 2771h (a.k.a POST segment) from the BBRI module, as shown below:
1352:0044 assume gs:seg021 1352:0044 mov sp, 4000h 1352:0047 jmp far ptr Execute_POST ; exec POST ......... 2771:3731 Execute_POST: 2771:3731 cli 2771:3732 cld 2771:3733 call init_ds_es_fs_gs 2771:3736 call init_interrupt_vector 2771:3739 mov si, offset POST_jump_table 2771:373C 2771:373C next_POST_routine: ; ... 2771:373C push eax 2771:373E mov eax, cs:[si+2] 2771:3743 mov fs:POST_routine_addr, eax 2771:3748 mov ax, cs:[si] 2771:374B mov fs:_POST_code, ax 2771:374F cmp ax, 0FFFFh 2771:3752 jz short no_POST_code_processing 2771:3754 mov fs:POST_code, ax 2771:3758 call process_POST_code 2771:375D 2771:375D no_POST_code_processing: ; ... 2771:375D pop eax 2771:375F xchg si, cs:tmp 2771:3764 call _exec_POST_routine 2771:3769 xchg si, cs:tmp 2771:376E add si, 6 2771:3771 cmp si, 342h ; do we reach the end of POST jump table ? 2771:3775 jb short next_POST_routine 2771:3777 hlt ; halt the machine in case of POST failure .........
Prior to POST jump table execution, the routine at segment 2771h initializes all of the segment registers that will be used and it also initializes the preliminary interrupt routine.
2771:293F init_ds_es_fs_gs proc near ; ... 2771:293F push 40h ; '@' 2771:2942 pop ds 2771:2943 push 0 2771:2945 pop es 2771:2946 push 2EF6h 2771:2949 pop fs 2771:294B push 0F000h 2771:294E pop gs 2771:2950 retn 2771:2950 init_ds_es_fs_gs endp
The POST Jump Table is located in the very beginning of segment 2771h, as shown below:
2771:0000 POST_jump_table dw 3 ; ... 2771:0000 ; POST code : 3h 2771:0002 dd 2771377Eh ; POST routine at 2771:377Eh 2771:0006 dw 4003h ; POST code : 4003h 2771:0008 dd 27715513h ; POST routine at 2771:5513h (dummy) 2771:000C dw 4103h ; POST code : 4103h 2771:000E dd 27715B75h ; POST routine at 2771:5B75h (dummy) 2771:0012 dw 4203h ; POST code : 4203h 2771:0014 dd 2771551Ah ; POST routine at 2771:551Ah (dummy) 2771:0018 dw 5003h ; POST code : 5003h 2771:001A dd 27716510h ; POST routine at 2771:6510h (dummy) 2771:001E dw 4 ; POST code : 4h 2771:0020 dd 27712A3Fh ; POST routine at 2771:2A3Fh 2771:0024 dw ? ; POST code : FFFFh 2771:0026 dd 27712AFEh ; POST routine at 2771:2AFEh 2771:002A dw ? ; POST code : FFFFh 2771:002C dd 27714530h ; POST routine at 2771:4530h 2771:0030 dw 5 ; POST code : 5h 2771:0032 dd 277138B4h ; POST routine at 2771:38B4h 2771:0036 dw 6 ; POST code : 6h 2771:0038 dd 27714540h ; POST routine at 2771:4540h 2771:003C dw ? ; POST code : FFFFh 2771:003E dd 277145D5h ; POST routine at 2771:45D5h 2771:0042 dw 7 ; POST code : 7h 2771:0044 dd 27710A10h ; POST routine at 2771:0A10h 2771:0048 dw 7 ; POST code : 7h 2771:004A dd 27711CD6h ; POST routine at 2771:1CD6h .........
Note that I'm not showing the entire POST Jump Table above. In order to carry-out semi-automatic analysis in the POST Jump Table entries, we can use the following script.
/* parse_POST_jump_table.idc Simulation POST execution at 2771h:3731h - 2771h:3775h */ #include <idc.idc> static main(void) { auto ea, func_addr, str, POST_JMP_TABLE_START, POST_JMP_TABLE_END; POST_JMP_TABLE_START = [0x2771, 0]; POST_JMP_TABLE_END = [0x2771, 0x342]; ea = POST_JMP_TABLE_START; while(ea < POST_JMP_TABLE_END) { /* Make some comments */ MakeWord(ea); str = form("POST code : %Xh", Word(ea)); MakeComm(ea, str); MakeDword(ea+2); str = form("POST routine at %04X:%04Xh", Word(ea+4), Word(ea+2)); MakeComm(ea+2, str); str = form("processing POST entry @ 2771:%04Xh\n", ea - 0x27710 ); Message(str); /* Parse POST entries */ func_addr = (Word(ea+4) << 4) + Word(ea+2); AutoMark(func_addr,AU_CODE); AutoMark(func_addr,AU_PROC); Wait(); /* modify comment for dummy POST entries */ if( Byte(func_addr) == 0xCB) { str = form("POST routine at %04X:%04Xh (dummy)", Word(ea+4), Word(ea+2)); MakeComm(ea+2, str); } ea = ea + 6; } }
Anyway, newer AMI BIOS binaries uses segment 4000h as the "POST segment"; that is the segment which stores the POST jump table and starts the execution of POST routines.
Now, let me show you the structure of the AMI system BIOS (1B module) in pseudo C language. The structure of the 1B module (from beginning to end) as follows:
| struct header { |
| u16 component_info_count; |
| u16 header_size; |
| struct component_info components[component_info_count]; |
| char header_version[5]; |
| ...(variable byte size) |
| char component_name[]; |
| }; |
| first component bytes |
| second component bytes |
| ... |
| n-th component bytes |
with component_info is a structure as follows:
struct component_info { u32 component_physical_address_start; u32 component_size; };
These are some notes about the header:
The size of the header may vary, depending on the AMI BIOS binary. However, the structure remains the same.
The component_name are strings of characters which are the names of the components. The length of each string varies, but it always ends with a zero.
In the BIOS sample that we dissect here, you can see the beginning of the header at address 1A_0000h above. In that disassembly, you can see the array of component_info structure parsed and commented.
Immediately following the array in the 1B binary is header_version string (which also ends with zero in its fifth byte). The distance in bytes between the header_version string and the first component_name string varies among different AMI BIOS. However, the start of the component_name can be detected by checking for the "RUN_" string because the first component string is always "RUN_CSEG".
From this point on, carrying out the system BIOS reverse engineering is quite trivial since we have already marked and done some preliminary analysis on those POST jump table entries.
copyright © Darmawan M S a.k.a Pinczakko