
Deep Time Marine Biology

When people learn that I am a paleontologist, they conjure images of dinosaurs so I'll often introduce myself as a deep time marine biologist. My work combines geologic principles with marine ecology and evolution to interpret the history of life on Earth with a focus on mollusks and extreme climate events.

Mass Extinction Ecological Response and Recovery in the Cretaceous-Paleogene Gulf Coastal Plain

The Cretaceous-Paleogene mass extinction is a pop-culture phenomenon replete with imagery of the last roars of T. rex as an fiery asteroid whizzes by. Meanwhile, the ocean was full of exquisite vertebrate and invertebrate life that suffered a 70% species loss and almost unprecedented ecological reshuffling. Our project is part of an interdisciplinary and multi-institution team striving to document survivorship and radiation of shallow marine invertebrates following the end-Cretaceous mass extinction in the U.S Gulf Coastal Plain.

  • We will reconstruct ancient U.S. Gulf Coast environments using sedimentological and geochemical proxies.

  • We will use the novel approach of Paleoecological Niche Modeling to investigate how suitable habitat and niche stability influenced survivorship across the boundary.

  • This work will contribute to our understanding of species-environment interactions in extreme climate change events.

Learn more about our ongoing research here:

This work is funded by NSF EAR 1924749

Life in the Deadzone: Examining the impact of caldera formation on planktonic and benthic ecology

A collaboration with SJSU sedimentologist and volcanologist Dr. Ryan Portner to determine the extent to which a massive caldera-forming submarine volcanic interval at Axial Caldera (1300 to 800 years before present) impacted marine invertebrate species through physical and chemical changes to the overlying sediment and water column.

Learn more about Axial Caldera here:

This work is supported by a CSU COAST Award to D. Pietsch and R. Portner

Extreme conditions at the end-Permian mass extinction

252 million years ago approximately 95% of all life on the planet went extinct. I study the aftermath, the ecological recovery of the surviving marine fauna. The Earth was a diverse place in the Permian, directly before the extinction with unique animals and plants living on land and in the ocean. Imagine almost every mammal, reptile, flower, insect, and snail species you know today all dying in a geologic instant. That is what the transition from the Permian to the Triassic time period was like. The most likely cause was the eruption of volcanic material in present day Siberian Russia. The greenhouse and toxic gasses that erupted warmed the Earth and the oceans, changing circulation patterns and oxygen content, much like modern climate change is altering Earth today!

To study the recovery I collect the fossilized remains of animals that lived on the seafloor; clams and snails (bivalves and gastropods), echinoderms (like modern day sea urchins), and ammonoids (an extinct cousin of squid). My field sites have spanned from the deserts of the Southwest United States to the Dolomite Mountains of Northern Italy. (See the field excursions tab for more scenic images!)

I have found that extremely high ocean temperatures and low oxygen environments directly following the mass extinction may have lead to the development of "alternative ecological state" communities. These assemblages of microbialites, opportunistic bivalves, short-lived foraminifera, and microconchids are unique to the stressful environments in the immediate aftermath of the extinction. As conditions improved, diverse mollusc faunas replaced the disaster community. However, an additional volcanic eruption, leading to a second extreme temperature event, about 2 million years after the end-Permian extinction event led to another paleoecological change. Along with high temperatures, sediment weathering from the continent re-set the recovery trajectory. Diversity was lost in many regions and replaced by gastropods (snails) which were able to diversify in the these hot oceans but remained very small, smaller than your fingernail in most cases (<1cm in length) as well as infaunal (burrowing) bivalves.

Specifically, extreme temperature environments limited the diversification and abundance of echinoderms like sea urchins and crinoids. In low oxygen environments, echinoderms fared better and were abundant, but the overall diversity of clams, snails, and echinoderms was low. The waxing and waning of environmental perturbations led to rebounds and resets in the recovery from the extinction event.

Swimming ammonoids (a cousin of squid) which lived in the water column show booms in taxonomic diversity followed by decreases in taxonomic diversity throughout the Early Triassic.

Cenozoic climate change

The Paleocene-Eocene Thermal Maximum represents one of the most rapid influxes of carbon into the atmosphere in the history of the Earth. This event lead to a temperature spike that is associated with turnover or migrations in planktonic taxa and coral extinctions. However, the impact on other marine groups is poorly understood. Our recent study (in Science Advances) of mollusks from the Gulf Coastal Plain found no taxonomic turnover, no preferential change in mollusk physiology, and no clear trend in life history traits.

Gastropod Ecology, Growth, and Biominerlization

I favor gastropods as a study organism. They preserve a record of their growth in their spiral shell which can be used to interpret their life history through multiple proxies. Evidence for interactions with predators include the cannibalistic drillholes of other snails, octopus predation drillholes, and scars left behind on snail shells from the attacks of crabs or fish. On going work uses changes in predation frequency provide clues to how the marine trophic structure changes through time.

Gastropods employ various life history strategies which can be inferred from adult shell size and growth rate. Ongoing work uses changes in gastropod growth rates and size through time and space to test evolutionary processes.

The microstructure of gastropod shells viewed through scanning electron microscopy (SEM) allows me to understand how mollusks control shell growth and how new species evolve novel shell structures through modification over time. Ongoing work examines the evolution of gastropod shell callus that appears in multiple lineages.

“The reconstruction of communities seems like the right thing to do… but where does it all lead, and why is it being done? […] At the end, we decide that ancient communities worked much like modern ones. Did we ever doubt it (and if we did doubt it, would this be the way to nurture suspicion?)”

–S.J. Gould

Header photo: Overlooking the Augusta Mountains in Nevada