Lab Members

San Jose State Paleontology Lab

Current Lab Members

Derek is in profile holding a silver hand lens and a rock sample close to his face while wearing a pink button down and brown vest  in the field

Derek Godoy MS Geology

I am a graduate student studying paleontology, with a background in both vertebrates and invertebrates, as well as paleobotany. My project will broadly focus on the ecological transition during the End-Cretaceous mass extinction. I received my bachelors degree in biology from the University of California; Santa Barbara, and will be pursuing a career in education and science communication. My goal is to help other students from underprivileged backgrounds in the STEM field. 

Kendall Grajeda-Klingler BS Ecology and Evolution

Kendall is an undergrad biology minor working on the Cretaceous-Paleogene mass extinction project. Their focus is on a new KPg boundary section described in Malvern, AR. 

Frankie Gutierrez BS Geology

Frankie is an undergrad geology major and GEOPAths participant working on the Cretaceous-Paleogene mass extinction project

Aminah Manning BS Geology

Aminah is an undergrad geo minor and GEOPAths participant working on the Cretaceous-Paleogene mass extinction project

Robert has taken a selfie surrounded by desert sage. He is wearing a blue plaid shirt, sunglasses, and his brown hair is blowing in the wind! 

Robert Meyer MS Geology

I am a graduate student studying benthic marine organisms following the End-Permian mass extinction event. My work applies paleoecological niche modeling to species recovery in the Early Triassic in the changing environmental conditions recorded in sedimentary environments of Utah and Nevada.  We're working to differentiate intrinsic capabilities from extrinsic environmental factors in the invertebrate recovery.

I have a bachelors degree in Geology from SJSU, so I have a lot of experience in this department. 

Will is wearing a tan wide brimmed hat and white t-shirt sitting on a river bank collecting fossils in the field

Will Rizza MS Geology

I am a graduate student studying paleontology, with a background studying trilobites. I received my bachelors degree from Salem State. 

Natalia Segura-Valenzuela BS Biology

Natalia is an undergrad biology major working on the Cretaceous-Paleogene mass extinction project. 

Page is smiling and wearing a tan baseball cap while holding a small mammal jaw about 3cm long in front of a green notebook. The background is a tan badland with sporadic coniferous trees, 

Page Thibodeaux

I am a part time Geology student at SJSU with a lifelong passion for paleontology. I am currently supporting the K-Pg Mass Extinction Ecological Response and Recovery Project, preparing, identifying and documenting late Cretaceous mollusks from the Gulf Coast Plain in what is today Malvern, Arkansas. Understanding how life responds to both gradual and sudden environment change is important for sound environmental policy decisions. In addition, I also have great interest is the geochemistry of fossil preservation, Geology in general and the great outdoors.

Previous Lab Members

Gaby is taking a sample of sediment from a deep sea sediment core from Axial Seamount in the SJSU Sed Lab

Gaby (and Carlie) on SJSU graduation day in Dec 2022

Gabriela M. Diaz Santana MS Summer 2022

I earned my MS degree in summer 2022. I represent woman and Hispanic students in STEM. I am from Puerto Rico and I pursued my bachelor’s degree in Geology at the University of Puerto Rico at Mayaguez. My thesis studied changes in benthic and planktonic microorganisms (foraminifera, radiolarian, diatoms) diversity, abundance, size, and skeletal chemistry from sediment cores at Axial Seamount to test the effect of submarine volcanic eruptions on plankton communities. I am interested in continuing my studies as paleontologist and paleo-climatologist to combine my interest of climate change, oceanography and micro-organism behavior as a future PhD student. 

Gaby is now a GIS analyst for Apex Systems.

Ronan stands proudly in a purple puffy coat on a red rock outcrop dusted in snow

Ronan Beltracchi MS Spring 2022

I am a graduate student studying changes in benthic macroinvertabrate ecology in the aftermath of the end-Cretaceous mass extinction. My project focuses primarily on mollusk fossils from the Gulf Coastal Plain of North America, particularly the K/Pg boundary deposit in Brazos, Texas.  More broadly, I am interested in applying paleontological mass extinction research to addressing species conservation concerns in the modern world.  I have a Bachelor's degree in Earth Systems with a focus on Ocean Science from Stanford University, and spent several years as a K-12 science educator before coming to SJSU.

Ronan is now a science content writer for the Bay Area education company CK-12 

Nikka is sieving a sediment sample from Axial Seamount in the SJSU Sed Lab

Nikka (and Carlie) on SJSU graduation day in May 2022

Nikka Pacifico BS Spring 2022

Nikka earned her BS in Geology from SJSU in May 2022. In the SJSU Paleo lab, Nikka was an undergraduate student researcher supported by COAST to research the impact of submarine volcanism on foraminifera size and diversity. 

Nikka is now a physical science technician at the USGS in Menlo Park, CA. 

Ethan on a class trip to Point Lobos state park

Ethan Padalino BS Spring 2020

Ethan was an undergraduate geology student working on extreme parietal calluses in Cenozoic marine gastropods and is a co-author on a lab paper in Paleobiology

Ethan is now a scientific illustrator and artist in Northern California

Laura conducting paleo field work in the mountains of western Nevada

Laura (and Henry and Carlie) on SJSU graduation day in May 2019

Laura Mosqueda BS Spring 2019

Laura was an undergraduate geology student working on Middle Triassic marine deposits from Northwest Nevada. Our goal is to study the recovery after the End-Permian mass extinction and to learn more about the marine environment in this area of the Panthalassic ocean at the time these fossils and sediments were deposited. 

Laura is now a geoscience consultant at Farallon Consulting and still volunteers for geoscience programs at Henry Coe State Park with Dr. Ellen Metzger. 

Henry conducting paleo field work in the mountains of western Nevada

Henry (and Laura and Carlie) on SJSU graduation day in May 2019

Henry Wempe BS Spring 2019

Henry was an undergraduate geology student working on Middle Triassic marine deposits from Northwest Nevada. 

Henry is now a project engineer at Granite Construction in Carlsbad, CA. 

Header photo: Tafoni erosional patterns in the Vaqueros Sandstone at El Corte de Madera Creek Preserve, CA.