
OO. Tequila is full OO; 100% of Tequila code and new code are objects

MVC. Tequila uses MVC pattern, plus a front controller, keeping your code clean

Patterns. Tequila uses but not abuses patterns. All patterns including MVC were implemented because they were needed or the best solution available, not just to use them.

Minimum Code. Tequila uses inheritance to minimize the amount of repetitive code you need.

Generators. Tequila has it's own built in generator that creates every file you need to run a task.

Code reuse. We are crazy about code reuse, apart of promoting MVC, packages, libraries, validation and view strategies, we also design Tequila so every piece of code you write can be reused in different formats,

example: You generate/code a user list,

This list is automatically available as:

  • - Complete page

  • - Block with empty headers (Load in iFrames)

  • - Block without headers (Load thorugh ajax)

  • - XML

  • - JSON

  • - Excel

Multiple database. Tequila uses a database layer that allow you to switch databases

Data objects. Tequila implements Data Access Objects, to further isolate DB's code.

Templates. Tequila uses templatePower, a template system that requires NO coding.

View strategies. Tequila implements custom classes to reduce the amount of coding in the view layer, create tables, repeating objects, repeating objects with grouping, view screens, edit screens, xml view, etc...

UTF8 Support. Tequila have been tested and used in Thai/Japanese/Vietnamese language environments, all code is UTF8 safe.

Class autoloading. Tequila uses c_square autoloading library to locate your classes anywhere.

Single Core. Tequila allows multiple applications to use a single Core to reduce the management and upgrading of applications.

Advanced Security. Powerful security with nearly unlimited capabilities, Tequila security is highly granular yet easy to set thanks to it's inheritance model, LDAP naming and profiles. Tequila allow you to use multiple layers of categories to target very specific use, example: Content available only to category-level, managers, category-country: UK, category-area: IT, category-project: Tequila

Lightweight: Core + Clean application, including generators, libraries and management screens is 667k on latest release

Documented. We continuously add manuals and tutorials and all code is documented, documentation is available for download.

Ajax Support. Tequila has specific methods and calls for ajax support as well as view_strategies to simplify XML simple and complex responses plus JS libraries to complete the circle.

Validation. Tequila includes JS libraries for validation and server side validation strategies that can be used. (Core integration is pending)

User authentication. Tequila includes Login package for this purpose.

JS Minimization. Tequila provides JS minimization/caching on server side, that can be activated in config.

Debugging support. Tequila includes debugging functions to enable alive systems to provide information for developers (Recommended on first release stages)

Security Manager. Tequila includes a rich interface security manager for permissions and a user manager.

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