Expectations In Photography Room A101

  • A positive attitude is a must.
  • This will not be an "easy A" class.
  • I will have high expectations of you.
  • Integrity is a must, as I will not stand for disrespecting, lying, cheating, stealing, negativity...
  • You will have fun, most of the time.
  • The class moves quickly, so make sure that you are on time, in your seat, and prepared to learn.
  • If you need an exception, come talk to me ASAP. I am understanding, but not so much if you put it off.
  • You will be required to read about, write about, and present art.
  • There are many critiques throughout the year, this is where you will have the opportunity to present and talk about your work.
  • Projects may only be turned in at critiques. If you are absent, get your work to me for the critique, or wait until the next one to turn it in. If you choose this option, you will have a 0 until it is turned in at the next critique.
  • Good attendance and punctuality is a must, as work cannot be done at home.
  • Tutorial/ Flex is a great time to take advantage of getting work taken care of.
  • If you miss class, it is your responsibility to come see me during tutorial/flex, to find out what you missed.