The National Center of the
Universal Archconfraternity of Saint Philomena
for the United States
Located at:
Holy Martyrs Catholic Church
120 Allison Road, Oreland, Pennsylvania 19075
First Fridays at the National Center
Mass at 8:30 am followed by Sacred Heart Devotions
and Benediction of the Blessed Sacrament
The Birthday of Saint Philomena will be celebrated at the National Center on Sunday, January 7th at the 9:00 am Mass
with Novena Devotions and the Blessing of Oil
A Variety of 3rd Class Prayer Cards are available Donation $5.00 each
There are also some 2nd Class Relic Cards for a Donation of $25.00
Send Request and Donation to :
Holy Martyrs Catholic Church
120 Allison Road
Oreland, PA 19075
Make checks payable to: St. Philomena USA
or Pay with Paypal using the Donate link below.
Contact the Office 215-884-8575 for more information.
3rd Class Prayer cards currently available:
3rd Class Relic Cards Currently Available. Others may be available, please ask.
Donation $5.00 each
St. Ambrose, St. Andre Bessette, St. Andrew the Apostle, St. Anthony of Padua, St. Benedict the Abbott, Blessed Virgin Mary, St. Bridget of Sweden, St. Charles Borromeo, St Clair of Assisi, The Manger (Birthplace) of Our Lord, The Cross of the Lord, St Katharine Drexel, St Francis of Assisi, St Francis Xavier, St Gerard Majella, St John the Apostle, St. John Baptist de La Salle, St John Neumann, St John Paul, St John Vianney, St Joseph, St Jude Thaddeus, St. Lawrence Martyr, St Maria Goretti, St Martin de Porres, Sts. Louie and Zelli Martin, Mother Teresa, St. Padre Pio, Saint Patrick, Ven. Pauline Jaricot, St. Philomena, St. Rita of Cassia, Ven. Archbishop Fulton Sheen, St. Teresa of Lisieux, St Valentine, St Vincent de Paul, St Vincent of Saragossa, St. Francis de Sales, Blessed Carlo Acutis, St. Josephine Bakhita, Ven. Matt Talbot, St Nicholas of Myra
Please call the office 215-884-8575 to inquire about additional Patron Saint Cards.
Make your donation through Paypal using the DONATE link below.
Please include which cards you are requesting
We regret that we cannot ship the Blessed Oil of Saint Philomena from the National Center as we are awaiting a shipment from the Sanctuary in Italy.
The Feast of St. Philomena at the United States National Center of the Archconfraternity
August 11, 2021
(Missa Cantata)
St. Philomena sacramentals are always available in the church.
Please watch your email for the St. Philomena Messenger which is being sent periodically.
(Check your spam/junk mailbox if you are not seeing it.)
If you would like to receive it send your email address to
Patron Saint Relic Prayer Cards
Cards contain a Third Class Relic consisting of a Blessed Cloth
touched to the First or Second Class Relic
Offering $5.oo
Relic Cards are available in the Church at the National Center
Prayer Cards from the U.S. National Center will be mailed to U.S Addresses only!
Thank you
You may mail your donation to St. Philomena USA, 120 Allison Road, Oreland, Pa. 19075
or use Paypal at the following link. Please include your mailing address, and indicate that you are requesting the St. Joseph Relic Card in the "special instructions" of the Paypal checkout page.
Outside the United States
To find your local Center of the Universal Archconfraternity of St. Philomena
Click on the link for interview of the National Director on Saint Philomena
with Drew Mariani on Relevant Radio
Statue of Saint Philomena
in the Office of the National Director of the Archconfraternity
gift of a devotee
Click on the picture for more information about the statue and the artist
To obtain the Blessed Oil , the Chaplet, and the Cord of St. Philomena
as well as other sacramentals
click the Religious Goods Tab at the top of this page
For more information contact the Parish Office -215-884-8575
Pilgrims visiting from Washington State.
may be scheduled at Holy Martyrs Roman Catholic Church
please contact the Church Office at 215-884-8575
You can make a donation and include your prayer request below
A Memorial Inscription will be placed on the candle for a period of one month for a minimum donation of $10.00
Please include desired inscription in the instructions section of the donation payment page.
The Statue of Saint Philomena at Holy Martyrs Church,the National Center of the Archconfraternity,
with the Second Class relic from her Shrine in Mugnano del Cardinale.
Statue of St. Philomena and Blessed Francis X. Seelos in the Church.
Blessed Francis Seelos worked at St. Philomena Church in Pittsburg, Pennsylvania
with Saint John N. Neumann, Fourth Bishop of Philadelphia.
First Class Relic of Saint Philomena at the National Center of the Universal Archconfraternity
Watch Sunday Night Prime on EWTN with Father Andrew Apostoli and Father Jason Kulczynski
The Saints Choose Us
Click on the picture above to watch Sunday Night Prime on EWTN with Father Andrew Apostoli and Father Jason Kulczynski, U.S. National Director of the Archconfraternity of St. Philomena, discussing Venerable Archbishop Fulton J. Sheen and St. Philomena.
Saint Philomena Accompanied by Angels
Original illustration by Matthew Alderman commissioned for the U.S. National Center of the
Universal Archconfraternity of Saint Philomena.
Click on the image above for more information on the print and the artist
Donations support the Shrine of Saint Philomena in Mugnano del Cardinale, Avellino Italy
and the efforts of the Archconfraternity in the United States.
Statue of Saint Philomena at the former location of the
U. S. National Center of the Universal Archconfraternity
“My children, St. Philomena has great power with God. Her virginity and generosity in embracing heroic martydom has rendered her so agreeable to God that He will never refuse anything that she asks for us.”
-St. John Vianney, the Curé of Ars
U.S. National Center of the Universal Archconfraternity of Saint Philomena
Holy Martyrs Catholic Church
120 Allison Road
Oreland, PA 19075
All Saints Day at the National Center
Nearly 200 Sacred Relics are Presented at the National Center
The Exposition is Open on scheduled days and by appointment.